v8  3.25.30(node0.11.13)
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Data Structures

class  CustomArguments
struct  SmiTagging
struct  SmiTagging< 4 >
struct  SmiTagging< 8 >
class  Internals
class  FrameFunctionIterator
class  Accessors
class  AllocationSiteContext
class  AllocationSiteCreationContext
class  AllocationSiteUsageContext
class  AllocationTraceNode
class  AllocationTraceTree
class  AddressToTraceMap
class  AllocationTracker
class  Malloced
class  AllStatic
class  FreeStoreAllocationPolicy
class  StringTracker
class  DeferredHandles
class  HandleScopeImplementer
class  Testing
class  CustomArgumentsBase
class  PropertyCallbackArguments
class  FunctionCallbackArguments
class  CpuFeatures
struct  Register
struct  SwVfpRegister
struct  DwVfpRegister
struct  LowDwVfpRegister
struct  QwNeonRegister
struct  CRegister
struct  VmovIndex
class  Assembler
class  StoreBufferOverflowStub
class  StringHelper
class  SubStringStub
class  StringCompareStub
class  WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub
class  RecordWriteStub
class  DirectCEntryStub
class  NameDictionaryLookupStub
struct  PlatformCallInterfaceDescriptor
class  StringCharLoadGenerator
class  MathExpGenerator
class  Instruction
class  Registers
class  VFPRegisters
class  EntryFrameConstants
class  ExitFrameConstants
class  JavaScriptFrameConstants
class  ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants
class  ConstructFrameConstants
class  InternalFrameConstants
class  LInstruction
class  LTemplateResultInstruction
class  LTemplateInstruction
class  LGap
class  V8_FINAL
class  LControlInstruction
class  LCodeGen
class  LDeferredCode
class  MacroAssembler
class  CodePatcher
class  FrameAndConstantPoolScope
class  ConstantPoolUnavailableScope
class  RegExpMacroAssemblerARM
class  SimulatorStack
struct  OperandInitializer
struct  OperandInitializer< Smi * >
struct  OperandInitializer< ExternalReference >
struct  CPURegister
struct  FPRegister
class  CPURegList
class  Operand
class  MemOperand
class  PatchingAssembler
class  StoreRegistersStateStub
class  RestoreRegistersStateStub
class  DecoderVisitor
class  DispatchingDecoderVisitor
class  Decoder
class  Disassembler
class  PrintDisassembler
class  InstructionSequence
struct  CounterDescriptor
class  Counter
class  Instrument
class  LLoadKeyed
class  LLoadKeyedExternal
class  LLoadKeyedFixed
class  LLoadKeyedFixedDouble
class  LUnaryMathOperation
class  LMathAbsTagged
class  LStoreKeyed
class  LSubS
class  BranchOnCondition
class  CompareAndBranch
class  TestAndBranch
class  BranchIfNonZeroNumber
class  BranchIfHeapNumber
class  BranchIfRoot
class  UseScratchRegisterScope
class  InlineSmiCheckInfo
class  RegExpMacroAssemblerARM64
class  AssemblerBase
class  PredictableCodeSizeScope
class  RelocIterator
struct  PositionState
class  CallWrapper
class  NullCallWrapper
class  MultiplierAndShift
class  PerThreadAssertData
class  PerThreadAssertScopeBase
class  PerThreadAssertScope
class  PerIsolateAssertBase
class  PerIsolateAssertScope
class  PerThreadAssertScopeDebugOnly
class  PerIsolateAssertScopeDebugOnly
class  AstNodeFactory
class  AstNode
class  Statement
class  Expression
class  BreakableStatement
class  Declaration
class  Module
class  IterationStatement
class  ForEachStatement
class  JumpStatement
class  TryStatement
class  MaterializedLiteral
class  RegExpTree
struct  AtomicOps_x86CPUFeatureStruct
class  Bignum
class  NoTrackDoubleFieldsForSerializerScope
class  Bootstrapper
class  NativesExternalStringResource
struct  BuiltinDesc
class  BuiltinFunctionTable
class  Builtins
struct  CachedPower
class  PowersOfTenCache
struct  IdentifierStart
struct  IdentifierPart
struct  WhiteSpace
struct  WhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator
class  SamplingCircularQueue
class  CodeStubGraphBuilderBase
class  CodeStubGraphBuilder
class  PlatformCodeStub
struct  CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor
struct  CallInterfaceDescriptor
class  HydrogenCodeStub
class  RuntimeCallHelper
class  StubRuntimeCallHelper
class  NopRuntimeCallHelper
class  ToNumberStub
class  FastNewClosureStub
class  FastCloneShallowArrayStub
class  FastCloneShallowObjectStub
class  CreateAllocationSiteStub
class  InstanceofStub
class  ArrayConstructorStub
class  InternalArrayConstructorStub
class  MathPowStub
class  ICStub
class  FunctionPrototypeStub
class  StoreICStub
class  HICStub
class  HandlerStub
class  LoadFieldStub
class  StringLengthStub
class  KeyedStringLengthStub
class  StoreGlobalStub
class  CallApiFunctionStub
class  CallApiGetterStub
class  KeyedLoadFieldStub
class  BinaryOpICStub
class  ArrayPushStub
class  ICCompareStub
class  CompareNilICStub
class  CEntryStub
class  JSEntryStub
class  JSConstructEntryStub
class  ArgumentsAccessStub
class  RegExpExecStub
class  CallFunctionStub
class  CallConstructStub
class  StringCharCodeAtGenerator
class  StringCharFromCodeGenerator
class  StringCharAtGenerator
class  KeyedLoadDictionaryElementStub
class  KeyedLoadDictionaryElementPlatformStub
class  DoubleToIStub
class  KeyedLoadFastElementStub
class  KeyedStoreFastElementStub
class  TransitionElementsKindStub
class  ArrayConstructorStubBase
class  ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub
class  ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub
class  ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub
class  InternalArrayConstructorStubBase
class  InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub
class  InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub
class  InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub
class  KeyedStoreElementStub
class  ToBooleanStub
class  ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub
class  StoreArrayLiteralElementStub
class  StubFailureTrampolineStub
class  ProfileEntryHookStub
class  CallDescriptors
class  CodeGenerator
class  ElementsTransitionGenerator
class  CompilationSubCache
class  CompilationCacheScript
class  CompilationCacheEval
class  CompilationCacheRegExp
class  CompilationCache
class  CompilerIntrinsics
class  HOptimizedGraphBuilderWithPositions
struct  OffsetRange
class  CompilationInfo
class  CompilationInfoWithZone
class  OptimizedCompileJob
class  Compiler
class  Context
class  StatsTable
class  StatsCounter
class  Histogram
class  HistogramTimer
class  CodeEventRecord
class  CodeCreateEventRecord
class  CodeMoveEventRecord
class  SharedFunctionInfoMoveEventRecord
class  ReportBuiltinEventRecord
class  TickSampleEventRecord
class  CodeEventsContainer
class  ProfilerEventsProcessor
class  CpuProfiler
class  BitVector
class  DateCache
class  DateParser
class  Deoptimizer
class  FrameDescription
class  DeoptimizerData
class  MaterializedObjectStore
class  DiyFp
class  Double
struct  Effect
class  EffectsMixin
class  Effects
class  NestedEffectsBase
class  EffectsBase
class  NestedEffects
struct  InitializeFastElementsKindSequence
class  ElementsKindTraits
class  ElementsAccessorBase
class  FastElementsAccessor
class  FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor
class  FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor
class  FastHoleySmiElementsAccessor
class  FastPackedObjectElementsAccessor
class  FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor
class  FastDoubleElementsAccessor
class  FastPackedDoubleElementsAccessor
class  FastHoleyDoubleElementsAccessor
class  TypedElementsAccessor
class  DictionaryElementsAccessor
class  SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
class  ElementsAccessor
class  Execution
class  StackGuard
class  SimpleStringResource
class  ExternalizeStringExtension
class  FreeBufferExtension
class  GCExtension
class  StatisticsExtension
class  TriggerFailureExtension
class  Factory
class  FeedbackSlotInterface
class  DeferredFeedbackSlotProcessor
class  UInt128
struct  JSArguments
struct  MaybeBoolFlag
struct  JSCallerSavedCodeData
class  InnerPointerToCodeCache
class  StackHandlerConstants
class  StandardFrameConstants
class  EntryFrame
class  EntryConstructFrame
class  ExitFrame
class  StandardFrame
class  JavaScriptFrame
class  StubFrame
class  OptimizedFrame
class  ArgumentsAdaptorFrame
class  InternalFrame
class  StubFailureTrampolineFrame
class  ConstructFrame
class  StackFrameIterator
class  StackTraceFrameIterator
class  SafeStackFrameIterator
class  BreakableStatementChecker
class  FullCodeGenerator
class  AccessorTable
class  BackEdgeTable
class  FuncNameInferrer
struct  ObjectGroup
struct  ImplicitRefGroup
struct  ObjectGroupConnection
struct  ObjectGroupRetainerInfo
class  GlobalHandles
class  EternalHandles
class  List
class  Handle
class  HandleScope
class  DeferredHandleScope
struct  HandleScopeData
class  TemplateHashMapImpl
class  TemplateHashMap
class  HeapProfiler
class  FindEntryById
class  SnapshotFiller
class  GcSubrootsEnumerator
class  IndexedReferencesExtractor
class  JSArrayBufferDataEntryAllocator
class  RootsReferencesExtractor
class  GlobalObjectsEnumerator
class  GlobalHandlesExtractor
class  BasicHeapEntriesAllocator
class  NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo
struct  MaxDecimalDigitsIn
struct  MaxDecimalDigitsIn< 4 >
struct  MaxDecimalDigitsIn< 8 >
class  OutputStreamWriter
class  HeapSnapshot
class  HeapObjectsMap
class  HeapEntriesAllocator
class  HeapEntriesMap
class  HeapObjectsSet
class  SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface
class  V8HeapExplorer
class  NativeObjectsExplorer
class  HeapSnapshotGenerator
class  HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer
class  ScavengeVisitor
class  ScavengeWeakObjectRetainer
struct  WeakListVisitor
struct  WeakListVisitor< JSFunction >
struct  WeakListVisitor< Code >
struct  WeakListVisitor< Context >
struct  WeakListVisitor< JSArrayBufferView >
struct  WeakListVisitor< JSArrayBuffer >
struct  WeakListVisitor< AllocationSite >
class  NewSpaceScavenger
class  ScavengingVisitor
class  HeapObjectsFilter
class  UnreachableObjectsFilter
class  StoreBufferRebuilder
class  PromotionQueue
class  ExternalStringTable
class  Heap
class  HeapStats
class  AlwaysAllocateScope
class  GCCallbacksScope
class  VerifyPointersVisitor
class  VerifySmisVisitor
class  SpaceIterator
class  KeyedLookupCache
class  DescriptorLookupCache
class  RegExpResultsCache
class  WeakObjectRetainer
class  IntrusiveMarking
class  HAliasAnalyzer
class  BoundsCheckKey
class  BoundsCheckBbData
class  HBoundsCheckEliminationState
class  BoundsCheckTable
class  HBoundsCheckEliminationPhase
class  HBoundsCheckHoistingPhase
class  HCanonicalizePhase
struct  HCheckTableEntry
class  HCheckTable
class  HCheckMapsEffects
class  HCheckEliminationPhase
class  HDeadCodeEliminationPhase
class  HDehoistIndexComputationsPhase
class  HEnvironmentLivenessAnalysisPhase
class  HEscapeAnalysisPhase
class  NoEffects
class  NoState
class  HFlowEngine
class  GvnBasicBlockState
class  HInferRepresentationPhase
class  HInferTypesPhase
class  HUseListNode
class  HSourcePosition
class  HValue
class  HPositionInfo
class  HInstruction
class  HTemplateInstruction
class  HControlInstruction
class  HTemplateControlInstruction
class  HUnaryControlInstruction
class  HUnaryOperation
class  HCall
class  HUnaryCall
class  HBinaryCall
struct  InductionVariableLimitUpdate
class  HDematerializedObject
class  HBinaryOperation
class  HBitwiseBinaryOperation
class  HArithmeticBinaryOperation
class  HCompareNumericAndBranch
class  HCompareObjectEqAndBranch
class  HStringCompareAndBranch
class  HIsConstructCallAndBranch
class  ArrayInstructionInterface
class  HMaterializedLiteral
class  HFieldApproximation
class  HLoadEliminationTable
class  HLoadEliminationEffects
class  HLoadEliminationPhase
class  HMarkDeoptimizeOnUndefinedPhase
class  HComputeChangeUndefinedToNaN
class  HMarkUnreachableBlocksPhase
class  HOsrBuilder
class  Pending
class  HRangeAnalysisPhase
class  HRedundantPhiEliminationPhase
class  HMergeRemovableSimulatesPhase
class  HRepresentationChangesPhase
class  HStackCheckEliminationPhase
class  HStoreEliminationPhase
class  HUint32AnalysisPhase
class  PostorderProcessor
class  AstContext
class  HGraphBuilder
class  HOptimizedGraphBuilder
class  HPhase
class  I18N
class  DateFormat
class  NumberFormat
class  Collator
class  BreakIterator
struct  IntelDoubleRegister
struct  XMMRegister
struct  X87Register
class  RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32
class  IC
class  IC_Utility
class  LoadIC
class  KeyedLoadIC
class  StoreIC
class  KeyedStoreIC
class  BinaryOpIC
class  CompareIC
class  CompareNilIC
class  ToBooleanIC
class  IncrementalMarkingMarkingVisitor
class  IncrementalMarkingRootMarkingVisitor
class  IncrementalMarking
class  Interface
class  BacktrackStack
class  IrregexpInterpreter
struct  StaticInitializer
class  VMState
class  ThreadId
class  Isolate
class  FrequencyCollator
class  RegExpCompiler
class  RecursionCheck
class  VisitMarker
class  AlternativeGeneration
class  AlternativeGenerationList
class  RegExpExpansionLimiter
class  CharacterRangeSplitter
class  AddDispatchRange
class  RegExpImpl
class  CharacterRange
class  OutSet
class  DispatchTable
struct  NodeInfo
class  QuickCheckDetails
class  RegExpNode
class  Interval
class  SeqRegExpNode
class  ActionNode
class  TextNode
class  AssertionNode
class  BackReferenceNode
class  EndNode
class  NegativeSubmatchSuccess
class  Guard
class  GuardedAlternative
class  ChoiceNode
class  NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode
class  LoopChoiceNode
class  BoyerMoorePositionInfo
class  BoyerMooreLookahead
class  Trace
class  NodeVisitor
class  DispatchTableConstructor
class  Analysis
struct  RegExpCompileData
class  RegExpEngine
struct  LeakyInstanceTrait
struct  StaticallyAllocatedInstanceTrait
struct  DynamicallyAllocatedInstanceTrait
struct  DefaultConstructTrait
struct  DefaultCreateTrait
struct  ThreadSafeInitOnceTrait
struct  SingleThreadInitOnceTrait
struct  LazyInstanceImpl
struct  LazyStaticInstance
struct  LazyInstance
struct  LazyDynamicInstance
class  DefaultPlatform
class  TaskQueue
class  WorkerThread
class  ElementCmp
class  TypeImpl
class  LifetimePosition
class  UseInterval
class  UsePosition
class  LiveRange
class  LAllocatorPhase
class  LOperand
class  LUnallocated
class  LChunk
class  LPhase
class  LiveEditFunctionTracker
class  Log
class  PerfBasicLogger
class  PerfJitLogger
class  LowLevelLogger
class  JitLogger
class  Profiler
class  Ticker
class  EnumerateOptimizedFunctionsVisitor
class  Logger
class  CodeEventListener
class  CodeEventLogger
class  FrameScope
class  AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC
class  NoCurrentFrameScope
class  Comment
class  AllocationUtils
class  MarkCompactMarkingVisitor
class  CodeMarkingVisitor
class  SharedFunctionInfoMarkingVisitor
class  RootMarkingVisitor
class  StringTableCleaner
class  MarkCompactWeakObjectRetainer
class  PointersUpdatingVisitor
class  EvacuationWeakObjectRetainer
class  Marking
class  MarkingDeque
class  SlotsBufferAllocator
class  SlotsBuffer
class  CodeFlusher
class  MarkCompactCollector
class  MessageLocation
class  MessageHandler
struct  FPURegister
struct  FPUControlRegister
class  FPURegisters
class  RegExpMacroAssemblerMIPS
class  NativesCollection
class  SequentialStringKey
class  OneByteStringKey
class  SubStringKey
class  TwoByteStringKey
class  Utf8StringKey
class  ConsStringCaptureOp
class  StaticVisitorBase
class  VisitorDispatchTable
class  BodyVisitorBase
class  FlexibleBodyVisitor
class  FixedBodyVisitor
class  StaticNewSpaceVisitor
class  StaticMarkingVisitor
struct  DescriptorArrayAppender
struct  FixedArrayAppender
class  JSObjectWalkVisitor
class  IntrusiveMapTransitionIterator
class  IntrusivePrototypeTransitionIterator
class  TraversableMap
class  CodeCacheHashTableKey
class  PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTableKey
class  RawStringComparator
class  RawStringComparator< uint16_t, uint16_t >
class  RawStringComparator< uint8_t, uint8_t >
class  StringComparator
class  IteratingStringHasher
class  StringKey
class  StringSharedKey
class  RegExpKey
class  InternalizedStringKey
class  TwoCharHashTableKey
class  StringsKey
struct  EnumIndexComparator
class  Object
class  Smi
class  Failure
class  HeapObject
class  FixedBodyDescriptor
class  FlexibleBodyDescriptor
class  HeapNumber
class  JSReceiver
class  JSObject
class  FixedArrayBase
class  FixedArray
class  FixedDoubleArray
class  ConstantPoolArray
class  DescriptorArray
class  BaseShape
class  HashTable
class  HashTableKey
class  StringTableShape
class  StringTable
class  MapCacheShape
class  MapCache
class  Dictionary
class  NameDictionaryShape
class  NameDictionary
class  NumberDictionaryShape
class  SeededNumberDictionaryShape
class  UnseededNumberDictionaryShape
class  SeededNumberDictionary
class  UnseededNumberDictionary
class  ObjectHashTableShape
class  ObjectHashSet
class  ObjectHashTable
class  WeakHashTableShape
class  WeakHashTable
class  JSFunctionResultCache
class  ScopeInfo
class  NormalizedMapCache
class  ByteArray
class  FreeSpace
class  ExternalArray
class  ExternalUint8ClampedArray
class  ExternalInt8Array
class  ExternalUint8Array
class  ExternalInt16Array
class  ExternalUint16Array
class  ExternalInt32Array
class  ExternalUint32Array
class  ExternalFloat32Array
class  ExternalFloat64Array
class  FixedTypedArrayBase
class  FixedTypedArray
class  DeoptimizationInputData
class  DeoptimizationOutputData
class  Code
class  DependentCode
class  Map
class  Struct
class  Box
class  Script
class  SharedFunctionInfo
class  JSGeneratorObject
class  JSModule
class  JSFunction
class  JSGlobalProxy
class  GlobalObject
class  JSGlobalObject
class  JSBuiltinsObject
class  JSValue
class  JSDate
class  JSMessageObject
class  JSRegExp
class  CompilationCacheShape
class  CompilationCacheTable
class  CodeCache
class  CodeCacheHashTableShape
class  CodeCacheHashTable
class  PolymorphicCodeCache
class  PolymorphicCodeCacheHashTable
class  TypeFeedbackInfo
class  AllocationSite
class  AllocationMemento
class  AliasedArgumentsEntry
class  StringHasher
class  Name
class  Symbol
class  String
class  SeqString
class  SeqOneByteString
class  SeqTwoByteString
class  ConsString
class  SlicedString
class  ExternalString
class  ExternalAsciiString
class  ExternalTwoByteString
class  FlatStringReader
class  ConsStringNullOp
class  ConsStringIteratorOp
class  StringCharacterStream
class  VectorIterator
class  Oddball
class  Cell
class  PropertyCell
class  JSProxy
class  JSFunctionProxy
class  JSSet
class  JSMap
class  JSWeakCollection
class  JSWeakMap
class  JSWeakSet
class  JSArrayBuffer
class  JSArrayBufferView
class  JSTypedArray
class  JSDataView
class  Foreign
class  JSArray
class  JSRegExpResult
class  AccessorInfo
struct  BitmaskCompareDescriptor
struct  PointerCompareDescriptor
struct  PrimitiveValueDescriptor
struct  ObjectDerefenceDescriptor
struct  PointerShiftDescriptor
struct  DeclaredAccessorDescriptorData
class  DeclaredAccessorDescriptorIterator
class  DeclaredAccessorDescriptor
class  DeclaredAccessorInfo
class  ExecutableAccessorInfo
class  AccessorPair
class  AccessCheckInfo
class  InterceptorInfo
class  CallHandlerInfo
class  TemplateInfo
class  FunctionTemplateInfo
class  ObjectTemplateInfo
class  SignatureInfo
class  TypeSwitchInfo
class  VisitorSynchronization
class  StructBodyDescriptor
class  BooleanBit
struct  OneArgFunction
class  OptimizingCompilerThread
class  ZoneListWrapper
class  ScriptDataImpl
class  PreParserApi
class  BufferedZoneList
class  RegExpBuilder
class  ParserTraits
class  Parser
class  CompileTimeValue
struct  CreateSemaphoreTrait
struct  LazySemaphore
class  PosixMemoryMappedFile
class  TimezoneCache
class  Thread
struct  StackWalker
class  Win32Time
class  Win32MemoryMappedFile
class  OS
class  VirtualMemory
struct  PreparseDataConstants
class  ParserRecorder
class  SingletonLogger
class  CompleteParserRecorder
class  ParserBase
class  PreParserIdentifier
class  PreParserExpression
class  PreParserExpressionList
class  PreParserScope
class  PreParserFactory
class  PreParserTraits
class  PreParser
class  DeleteNodesCallback
struct  NodesPair
class  Position
class  StringsStorage
class  CodeEntry
class  ProfileNode
class  ProfileTree
class  CpuProfile
class  CodeMap
class  CpuProfilesCollection
class  ProfileGenerator
class  Representation
class  FieldDescriptor
class  ConstantDescriptor
class  CallbacksDescriptor
class  PropertyIndex
class  PrintablePrinter
class  RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer
struct  DisjunctDecisionRow
class  RegExpMacroAssembler
class  NativeRegExpMacroAssembler
class  RegExpStackScope
class  RegExpStack
class  Processor
class  Rewriter
class  RuntimeProfiler
class  FixedArrayBuilder
class  ReplacementStringBuilder
class  CompiledReplacement
class  ActivationsFinder
class  ArrayConcatVisitor
class  RuntimeState
class  Runtime
class  AllocateDoubleAlignFlag
class  AllocateTargetSpace
class  DeclareGlobalsEvalFlag
class  DeclareGlobalsNativeFlag
class  DeclareGlobalsStrictMode
class  SamplerThread
struct  RegisterState
struct  TickSample
class  Sampler
class  BufferedUtf16CharacterStream
class  GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream
class  Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream
class  ExternalTwoByteStringUtf16CharacterStream
class  Utf16CharacterStream
class  UnicodeCache
class  DuplicateFinder
class  LiteralBuffer
class  Scanner
class  ContextSlotCache
class  ModuleInfo
class  VarAndOrder
class  VariableMap
class  DynamicScopePart
class  Scope
class  CodeAddressMap
class  ExternalReferenceTable
class  ExternalReferenceEncoder
class  ExternalReferenceDecoder
class  SnapshotByteSource
class  SerializerDeserializer
class  Deserializer
class  SnapshotByteSink
class  SerializationAddressMapper
class  Serializer
class  PartialSerializer
class  StartupSerializer
class  SmallPointerList
class  SmartPointerBase
struct  ArrayDeallocator
class  SmartArrayPointer
struct  ObjectDeallocator
class  SmartPointer
class  Snapshot
class  MarkBit
class  Bitmap
class  MemoryChunk
class  Page
class  LargePage
class  Space
class  CodeRange
class  SkipList
class  MemoryAllocator
class  ObjectIterator
class  HeapObjectIterator
class  AllocationInfo
class  FreeListNode
class  FreeListCategory
class  FreeList
class  PagedSpace
class  HistogramInfo
class  NewSpacePage
class  SemiSpace
class  SemiSpaceIterator
class  NewSpace
class  OldSpace
class  MapSpace
class  CellSpace
class  PropertyCellSpace
class  LargeObjectSpace
class  LargeObjectIterator
class  SplayTree
class  StoreBuffer
class  StoreBufferRebuildScope
class  DontMoveStoreBufferEntriesScope
class  StringSearchBase
class  StringSearch
class  StringAllocator
class  HeapStringAllocator
class  NoAllocationStringAllocator
class  FmtElm
class  StringStream
class  SimpleListPrinter
class  SCTableReference
class  StubCache
class  BaseLoadStoreStubCompiler
class  LoadStubCompiler
class  KeyedLoadStubCompiler
class  StoreStubCompiler
class  KeyedStoreStubCompiler
class  SweeperThread
class  Token
class  TransitionArray
class  TrigonometricLookupTable
class  TypeFeedbackOracle
struct  TypeImplIteratorAux
struct  TypeImplIteratorAux< Config, i::Map >
struct  TypeImplIteratorAux< Config, i::Object >
struct  ZoneTypeConfig
struct  HeapTypeConfig
struct  BoundsImpl
class  AstTyper
class  UniqueSet
class  URIUnescape
class  URIEscape
class  BitFieldBase
class  BitField
class  BitField64
class  StaticResource
class  Access
class  Vector
class  SetOncePointer
class  EmbeddedVector
class  ScopedVector
class  Collector
class  SequenceCollector
struct  BitCastHelper
struct  BitCastHelper< Dest, Source * >
class  EmbeddedContainer
class  EmbeddedContainer< ElementType, 0 >
class  SimpleStringBuilder
class  EnumSet
class  TypeFeedbackId
class  BailoutId
class  ContainerPointerWrapper
class  Counters
class  V8
struct  CodeDesc
union  DoubleRepresentation
union  IeeeDoubleLittleEndianArchType
union  IeeeDoubleBigEndianArchType
struct  AccessorDescriptor
class  Memory
class  ThreadState
class  ThreadVisitor
class  ThreadManager
class  AsciiStringAdapter
class  StringBuilder
class  Variable
class  Version
class  SmiOperationExecutionMode
struct  SmiIndex
class  RegExpMacroAssemblerX64
class  zone_allocator
class  Segment
class  Zone
class  ZoneObject
struct  ZoneScope
struct  ZoneAllocationPolicy
class  ZoneList
class  ZoneSplayTree
struct  PrecomputedFixed
struct  PrecomputedPrecision
struct  PrecomputedShortest
class  PrintExtension
class  ProfilerExtension
struct  CompleteParserRecorderFriend
class  TestMemoryAllocatorScope
class  TestCodeRangeScope
class  TraceExtension


typedef SmiTagging
< kApiPointerSize
typedef DwVfpRegister DoubleRegister
typedef QwNeonRegister QuadRegister
typedef int32_t Instr
typedef uint32_t SRegisterFieldMask
typedef ObjectJSCallerSavedBuffer [kNumJSCallerSaved]
typedef int(* arm_regexp_matcher )(String *, int, const byte *, const byte *, void *, int *, int, Address, int, Isolate *)
typedef int(* arm64_regexp_matcher )(String *input, int64_t start_offset, const byte *input_start, const byte *input_end, int *output, int64_t output_size, Address stack_base, int64_t direct_call, void *return_address, Isolate *isolate)
typedef PerIsolateAssertScope
typedef PerIsolateAssertScope
typedef PerIsolateAssertScope
typedef PerIsolateAssertScope
typedef ZoneList< Handle
< String > > 
typedef ZoneList< Handle
< Object > > 
typedef int32_t Atomic32
typedef intptr_t AtomicWord
typedef char __tsan_atomic8
typedef short __tsan_atomic16
typedef int __tsan_atomic32
typedef long __tsan_atomic64
typedef char __tsan_atomic128
typedef double(* UnaryMathFunction )(double x)
typedef SimpleStringResource
< char,
typedef SimpleStringResource
< uc16,
typedef uint32_t RegList
typedef uint8_t byte
typedef byteAddress
typedef uint16_t uc16
typedef int32_t uc32
typedef TemplateHashMapImpl
< FreeStoreAllocationPolicy
typedef void * HeapThing
typedef String *(* ExternalStringTableUpdaterCallback )(Heap *heap, Object **pointer)
typedef void(* ScavengingCallback )(Map *map, HeapObject **slot, HeapObject *object)
typedef UniqueSet< Map > * MapSet
typedef EnumSet< GVNFlag, int32_t > GVNFlagSet
typedef Operand MemOperand
typedef int(* regexp_matcher )(String *, int, const byte *, const byte *, int *, int, Address, int, Isolate *)
typedef unibrow::Mapping
< unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize
typedef void * ExternalReferenceRedirectorPointer ()
typedef List< HeapObject * > DebugObjectCache
typedef bool EmitCharacterFunction (Isolate *isolate, RegExpCompiler *compiler, uc16 c, Label *on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check, bool preloaded)
typedef TypeImpl< HeapTypeConfigHeapType
typedef List< Map * > MapList
typedef List< Code * > CodeList
typedef List< Handle< Map > > MapHandleList
typedef List< Handle< HeapType > > TypeHandleList
typedef List< Handle< Code > > CodeHandleList
typedef StringTableCleaner< falseInternalizedStringTableCleaner
typedef StringTableCleaner< trueExternalStringTableCleaner
typedef bool(* IsAliveFunction )(HeapObject *obj, int *size, int *offset)
typedef FPURegister FloatRegister
typedef int(* mips_regexp_matcher )(String *, int, const byte *, const byte *, void *, int *, int, Address, int, Isolate *)
typedef bool(* NativeSourceCallback )(Vector< const char > name, Vector< const char > source, int index)
typedef NativesCollection< CORENatives
typedef NativesCollection
typedef int ExtraICState
typedef AtomicWord OnceType
typedef void(* NoArgFunction )()
typedef void(* PointerArgFunction )(void *arg)
typedef LazyStaticInstance
< ConditionVariable,
< ConditionVariable >
, ThreadSafeInitOnceTrait >
typedef LazyStaticInstance
< Mutex, DefaultConstructTrait
< Mutex >
, ThreadSafeInitOnceTrait >
typedef LazyStaticInstance
< RecursiveMutex,
< RecursiveMutex >
, ThreadSafeInitOnceTrait >
typedef IN PSTR UserSearchPath
typedef IN PSTR IN BOOL fInvadeProcess
typedef OUT PSTR SearchPath
typedef OUT PSTR IN DWORD SearchPathLength
typedef IN HANDLE hFile
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR ImageName
typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR ModuleName
typedef HANDLE hProcess
typedef HANDLE HANDLE hThread
typedef IN DWORD64 qwAddr
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD64 pdwDisplacement
typedef IN DWORD64 OUT
typedef DWORD64 AddrBase
typedef DWORD th32ProcessID
typedef LPMODULEENTRY32W lpme
typedef TypeImpl< ZoneTypeConfigType
typedef BitField< int,
0, kStringBuilderConcatHelperLengthBits
typedef BitField< int,
typedef uint64_t ObjectPair
typedef void(* ObjectSlotCallback )(HeapObject **from, HeapObject *to)
typedef void(StoreBuffer::* RegionCallback )(Address start, Address end, ObjectSlotCallback slot_callback, bool clear_maps)
typedef BoundsImpl
< ZoneTypeConfig
typedef bool(* WeakSlotCallback )(Object **pointer)
typedef bool(* WeakSlotCallbackWithHeap )(Heap *heap, Object **pointer)
typedef int(* HeapObjectCallback )(HeapObject *obj)
typedef bool(* ConstraintCallback )(Address new_addr, Address old_addr)
typedef void(* InlineCacheCallback )(Code *code, Address ic)
typedef void(* StoreBufferCallback )(Heap *heap, MemoryChunk *page, StoreBufferEvent event)
typedef zone_allocator< int > ZoneIntAllocator
typedef std::vector< int,
typedef IntVector::iterator IntVectorIter
typedef IntVector::reverse_iterator IntVectorRIter
typedef TemplateHashMapImpl
< ZoneAllocationPolicy


enum  Coprocessor {
  p0 = 0, p1 = 1, p2 = 2, p3 = 3,
  p4 = 4, p5 = 5, p6 = 6, p7 = 7,
  p8 = 8, p9 = 9, p10 = 10, p11 = 11,
  p12 = 12, p13 = 13, p14 = 14, p15 = 15
enum  TypeofState {
enum  Condition {
  kNoCondition = -1, eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28,
  vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28,
  lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28,
  kSpecialCondition = 15 << 28, kNumberOfConditions = 16, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28,
  hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28,
  gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, nv = 15,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, kNoCondition = -1,
  overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, Uless = 2, Ugreater_equal = 3,
  equal = 4, not_equal = 5, Uless_equal = 6, Ugreater = 7,
  negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11,
  less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15,
  ueq = 16, nue = 17, cc_always = 18, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, eq = 0 << 28, not_zero = not_equal,
  ne = 1 << 28, nz = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  hs = cs, lo = cc, al = 14 << 28, cc_default = kNoCondition,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, always = 16, never = 17, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative,
  not_sign = positive, last_condition = greater
enum  Opcode {
  AND = 0 << 21, EOR = 1 << 21, SUB = 2 << 21, RSB = 3 << 21,
  ADD = 4 << 21, ADC = 5 << 21, SBC = 6 << 21, RSC = 7 << 21,
  TST = 8 << 21, TEQ = 9 << 21, CMP = 10 << 21, CMN = 11 << 21,
  ORR = 12 << 21, MOV = 13 << 21, BIC = 14 << 21, MVN = 15 << 21,
  SPECIAL = 0 << kOpcodeShift, REGIMM = 1 << kOpcodeShift, J = ((0 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, JAL = ((0 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift,
  BEQ = ((0 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, BNE = ((0 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, BLEZ = ((0 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, BGTZ = ((0 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift,
  ADDI = ((1 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift, ADDIU = ((1 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, SLTI = ((1 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, SLTIU = ((1 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift,
  ANDI = ((1 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, ORI = ((1 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, XORI = ((1 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, LUI = ((1 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift,
  COP1 = ((2 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, BEQL = ((2 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, BNEL = ((2 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, BLEZL = ((2 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift,
  BGTZL = ((2 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift, SPECIAL2 = ((3 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, SPECIAL3 = ((3 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift, LB = ((4 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift,
  LH = ((4 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, LWL = ((4 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, LW = ((4 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, LBU = ((4 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift,
  LHU = ((4 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, LWR = ((4 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, SB = ((5 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift, SH = ((5 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift,
  SWL = ((5 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, SW = ((5 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, SWR = ((5 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, LWC1 = ((6 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift,
  LDC1 = ((6 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, PREF = ((6 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, SWC1 = ((7 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, SDC1 = ((7 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift,
  COP1X = ((1 << 4) + 3) << kOpcodeShift
enum  MiscInstructionsBits74 {
  BX = 1 << 4, BXJ = 2 << 4, BLX = 3 << 4, BKPT = 7 << 4,
  CLZ = 1 << 4
enum  {
  H = 1 << 5, S6 = 1 << 6, L = 1 << 20, S = 1 << 20,
  W = 1 << 21, A = 1 << 21, B = 1 << 22, N = 1 << 22,
  U = 1 << 23, P = 1 << 24, I = 1 << 25, B4 = 1 << 4,
  B5 = 1 << 5, B6 = 1 << 6, B7 = 1 << 7, B8 = 1 << 8,
  B9 = 1 << 9, B12 = 1 << 12, B16 = 1 << 16, B18 = 1 << 18,
  B19 = 1 << 19, B20 = 1 << 20, B21 = 1 << 21, B22 = 1 << 22,
  B23 = 1 << 23, B24 = 1 << 24, B25 = 1 << 25, B26 = 1 << 26,
  B27 = 1 << 27, B28 = 1 << 28, kCondMask = 15 << 28, kALUMask = 0x6f << 21,
  kRdMask = 15 << 12, kCoprocessorMask = 15 << 8, kOpCodeMask = 15 << 21, kImm24Mask = (1 << 24) - 1,
  kImm16Mask = (1 << 16) - 1, kImm8Mask = (1 << 8) - 1, kOff12Mask = (1 << 12) - 1, kOff8Mask = (1 << 8) - 1
enum  SBit { SetCC = 1 << 20, LeaveCC = 0 << 20 }
enum  SRegister { CPSR = 0 << 22, SPSR = 1 << 22 }
enum  ShiftOp {
  LSL = 0 << 5, LSR = 1 << 5, ASR = 2 << 5, ROR = 3 << 5,
  RRX = -1, kNumberOfShifts = 4
enum  SRegisterField {
  CPSR_c = CPSR | 1 << 16, CPSR_x = CPSR | 1 << 17, CPSR_s = CPSR | 1 << 18, CPSR_f = CPSR | 1 << 19,
  SPSR_c = SPSR | 1 << 16, SPSR_x = SPSR | 1 << 17, SPSR_s = SPSR | 1 << 18, SPSR_f = SPSR | 1 << 19
enum  AddrMode {
  Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21, PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21, NegOffset = (8|0|0) << 21,
  NegPreIndex = (8|0|1) << 21, NegPostIndex = (0|0|0) << 21, Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21,
  PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21
enum  BlockAddrMode {
  da = (0|0|0) << 21, ia = (0|4|0) << 21, db = (8|0|0) << 21, ib = (8|4|0) << 21,
  da_w = (0|0|1) << 21, ia_w = (0|4|1) << 21, db_w = (8|0|1) << 21, ib_w = (8|4|1) << 21,
  da_x = (0|0|0) << 21, ia_x = (0|4|0) << 21, db_x = (8|0|0) << 21, ib_x = (8|4|0) << 21,
  kBlockAddrModeMask = (8|4|1) << 21
enum  LFlag { Long = 1 << 22, Short = 0 << 22 }
enum  NeonDataType {
  NeonS8 = 0x1, NeonS16 = 0x2, NeonS32 = 0x4, NeonU8 = 1 << 24 | 0x1,
  NeonU16 = 1 << 24 | 0x2, NeonU32 = 1 << 24 | 0x4, NeonDataTypeSizeMask = 0x7, NeonDataTypeUMask = 1 << 24
enum  NeonListType { nlt_1 = 0x7, nlt_2 = 0xA, nlt_3 = 0x6, nlt_4 = 0x2 }
enum  NeonSize { Neon8 = 0x0, Neon16 = 0x1, Neon32 = 0x2, Neon64 = 0x3 }
enum  SoftwareInterruptCodes { kCallRtRedirected = 0x10, kBreakpoint = 0x20, kStopCode = 1 << 23, call_rt_redirected = 0xfffff }
enum  VFPRegPrecision { kSinglePrecision = 0, kDoublePrecision = 1 }
enum  VFPConversionMode { kFPSCRRounding = 0, kDefaultRoundToZero = 1 }
enum  VFPRoundingMode {
  RN = 0 << 22, RP = 1 << 22, RM = 2 << 22, RZ = 3 << 22,
  kRoundToNearest = RN, kRoundToPlusInf = RP, kRoundToMinusInf = RM, kRoundToZero = RZ
enum  CheckForInexactConversion { kCheckForInexactConversion, kDontCheckForInexactConversion, kCheckForInexactConversion, kDontCheckForInexactConversion }
enum  Hint { no_hint = 0, no_hint = 0 }
enum  RememberedSetAction {
enum  SmiCheck {
enum  LinkRegisterStatus { kLRHasNotBeenSaved, kLRHasBeenSaved, kLRHasNotBeenSaved, kLRHasBeenSaved }
enum  Condition {
  kNoCondition = -1, eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28,
  vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28,
  lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28,
  kSpecialCondition = 15 << 28, kNumberOfConditions = 16, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28,
  hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28,
  gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, nv = 15,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, kNoCondition = -1,
  overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, Uless = 2, Ugreater_equal = 3,
  equal = 4, not_equal = 5, Uless_equal = 6, Ugreater = 7,
  negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11,
  less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15,
  ueq = 16, nue = 17, cc_always = 18, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, eq = 0 << 28, not_zero = not_equal,
  ne = 1 << 28, nz = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  hs = cs, lo = cc, al = 14 << 28, cc_default = kNoCondition,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, always = 16, never = 17, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative,
  not_sign = positive, last_condition = greater
enum  FlagsUpdate { SetFlags = 1, LeaveFlags = 0 }
enum  StatusFlags {
  NoFlag = 0, NFlag = N_mask, ZFlag = Z_mask, CFlag = C_mask,
  VFlag = V_mask, NZFlag = NFlag | ZFlag, NCFlag = NFlag | CFlag, NVFlag = NFlag | VFlag,
  ZCFlag = ZFlag | CFlag, ZVFlag = ZFlag | VFlag, CVFlag = CFlag | VFlag, NZCFlag = NFlag | ZFlag | CFlag,
  NZVFlag = NFlag | ZFlag | VFlag, NCVFlag = NFlag | CFlag | VFlag, ZCVFlag = ZFlag | CFlag | VFlag, NZCVFlag = NFlag | ZFlag | CFlag | VFlag,
  FPEqualFlag = ZCFlag, FPLessThanFlag = NFlag, FPGreaterThanFlag = CFlag, FPUnorderedFlag = CVFlag
enum  Shift {
  NO_SHIFT = -1, LSL = 0 << 5, LSR = 1 << 5, ASR = 2 << 5,
  ROR = 3 << 5
enum  Extend {
  NO_EXTEND = -1, UXTB = 0, UXTH = 1, UXTW = 2,
  UXTX = 3, SXTB = 4, SXTH = 5, SXTW = 6,
  SXTX = 7
enum  SystemHint {
  NOP = 0, YIELD = 1, WFE = 2, WFI = 3,
  SEV = 4, SEVL = 5
enum  BarrierDomain { OuterShareable = 0, NonShareable = 1, InnerShareable = 2, FullSystem = 3 }
enum  BarrierType { BarrierOther = 0, BarrierReads = 1, BarrierWrites = 2, BarrierAll = 3 }
enum  SystemRegister { NZCV, FPCR }
enum  GenericInstrField { SixtyFourBits = 0x80000000, ThirtyTwoBits = 0x00000000, FP32 = 0x00000000, FP64 = 0x00400000 }
enum  PCRelAddressingOp {
  PCRelAddressingFixed = 0x10000000, PCRelAddressingFMask = 0x1F000000, PCRelAddressingMask = 0x9F000000, ADR = PCRelAddressingFixed | 0x00000000,
  ADRP = PCRelAddressingFixed | 0x80000000
enum  AddSubOp {
  AddSubOpMask = 0x60000000, AddSubSetFlagsBit = 0x20000000, ADD = 4 << 21, ADDS = ADD | AddSubSetFlagsBit,
  SUB = 2 << 21, SUBS = SUB | AddSubSetFlagsBit
enum  AddSubImmediateOp { AddSubImmediateFixed = 0x11000000, AddSubImmediateFMask = 0x1F000000, AddSubImmediateMask = 0xFF000000 }
enum  AddSubShiftedOp { AddSubShiftedFixed = 0x0B000000, AddSubShiftedFMask = 0x1F200000, AddSubShiftedMask = 0xFF200000 }
enum  AddSubExtendedOp { AddSubExtendedFixed = 0x0B200000, AddSubExtendedFMask = 0x1F200000, AddSubExtendedMask = 0xFFE00000 }
enum  AddSubWithCarryOp {
  AddSubWithCarryFixed = 0x1A000000, AddSubWithCarryFMask = 0x1FE00000, AddSubWithCarryMask = 0xFFE0FC00, ADC_w = AddSubWithCarryFixed | ADD,
  ADC_x = AddSubWithCarryFixed | ADD | SixtyFourBits, ADC = 5 << 21, ADCS_w = AddSubWithCarryFixed | ADDS, ADCS_x = AddSubWithCarryFixed | ADDS | SixtyFourBits,
  SBC_w = AddSubWithCarryFixed | SUB, SBC_x = AddSubWithCarryFixed | SUB | SixtyFourBits, SBC = 6 << 21, SBCS_w = AddSubWithCarryFixed | SUBS,
  SBCS_x = AddSubWithCarryFixed | SUBS | SixtyFourBits
enum  LogicalOp {
  LogicalOpMask = 0x60200000, NOT = 0x00200000, AND = 0 << 21, BIC = 14 << 21,
  ORR = 12 << 21, ORN = ORR | NOT, EOR = 1 << 21, EON = EOR | NOT,
  ANDS = 0x60000000, BICS = ANDS | NOT
enum  LogicalImmediateOp {
  LogicalImmediateFixed = 0x12000000, LogicalImmediateFMask = 0x1F800000, LogicalImmediateMask = 0xFF800000, AND_w_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | AND,
  AND_x_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | AND | SixtyFourBits, ORR_w_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | ORR, ORR_x_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | ORR | SixtyFourBits, EOR_w_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | EOR,
  EOR_x_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | EOR | SixtyFourBits, ANDS_w_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | ANDS, ANDS_x_imm = LogicalImmediateFixed | ANDS | SixtyFourBits
enum  LogicalShiftedOp {
  LogicalShiftedFixed = 0x0A000000, LogicalShiftedFMask = 0x1F000000, LogicalShiftedMask = 0xFF200000, AND_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | AND,
  AND_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | AND | SixtyFourBits, AND_shift = AND_w, BIC_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | BIC, BIC_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | BIC | SixtyFourBits,
  BIC_shift = BIC_w, ORR_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | ORR, ORR_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | ORR | SixtyFourBits, ORR_shift = ORR_w,
  ORN_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | ORN, ORN_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | ORN | SixtyFourBits, ORN_shift = ORN_w, EOR_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | EOR,
  EOR_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | EOR | SixtyFourBits, EOR_shift = EOR_w, EON_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | EON, EON_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | EON | SixtyFourBits,
  EON_shift = EON_w, ANDS_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | ANDS, ANDS_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | ANDS | SixtyFourBits, ANDS_shift = ANDS_w,
  BICS_w = LogicalShiftedFixed | BICS, BICS_x = LogicalShiftedFixed | BICS | SixtyFourBits, BICS_shift = BICS_w
enum  MoveWideImmediateOp {
  MoveWideImmediateFixed = 0x12800000, MoveWideImmediateFMask = 0x1F800000, MoveWideImmediateMask = 0xFF800000, MOVN = 0x00000000,
  MOVZ = 0x40000000, MOVK = 0x60000000, MOVN_w = MoveWideImmediateFixed | MOVN, MOVN_x = MoveWideImmediateFixed | MOVN | SixtyFourBits,
  MOVZ_w = MoveWideImmediateFixed | MOVZ, MOVZ_x = MoveWideImmediateFixed | MOVZ | SixtyFourBits, MOVK_w = MoveWideImmediateFixed | MOVK, MOVK_x = MoveWideImmediateFixed | MOVK | SixtyFourBits
enum  BitfieldOp {
  BitfieldFixed = 0x13000000, BitfieldFMask = 0x1F800000, BitfieldMask = 0xFF800000, SBFM_w = BitfieldFixed | 0x00000000,
  SBFM_x = BitfieldFixed | 0x80000000, SBFM = SBFM_w, BFM_w = BitfieldFixed | 0x20000000, BFM_x = BitfieldFixed | 0xA0000000,
  BFM = BFM_w, UBFM_w = BitfieldFixed | 0x40000000, UBFM_x = BitfieldFixed | 0xC0000000, UBFM = UBFM_w
enum  ExtractOp {
  ExtractFixed = 0x13800000, ExtractFMask = 0x1F800000, ExtractMask = 0xFFA00000, EXTR_w = ExtractFixed | 0x00000000,
  EXTR_x = ExtractFixed | 0x80000000, EXTR = EXTR_w
enum  UnconditionalBranchOp {
  UnconditionalBranchFixed = 0x14000000, UnconditionalBranchFMask = 0x7C000000, UnconditionalBranchMask = 0xFC000000, B = 1 << 22,
  BL = UnconditionalBranchFixed | 0x80000000
enum  UnconditionalBranchToRegisterOp {
  UnconditionalBranchToRegisterFixed = 0xD6000000, UnconditionalBranchToRegisterFMask = 0xFE000000, UnconditionalBranchToRegisterMask = 0xFFFFFC1F, BR = UnconditionalBranchToRegisterFixed | 0x001F0000,
  BLR = UnconditionalBranchToRegisterFixed | 0x003F0000, RET = UnconditionalBranchToRegisterFixed | 0x005F0000
enum  CompareBranchOp {
  CompareBranchFixed = 0x34000000, CompareBranchFMask = 0x7E000000, CompareBranchMask = 0xFF000000, CBZ_w = CompareBranchFixed | 0x00000000,
  CBZ_x = CompareBranchFixed | 0x80000000, CBZ = CBZ_w, CBNZ_w = CompareBranchFixed | 0x01000000, CBNZ_x = CompareBranchFixed | 0x81000000,
enum  TestBranchOp {
  TestBranchFixed = 0x36000000, TestBranchFMask = 0x7E000000, TestBranchMask = 0x7F000000, TBZ = TestBranchFixed | 0x00000000,
  TBNZ = TestBranchFixed | 0x01000000
enum  ConditionalBranchOp { ConditionalBranchFixed = 0x54000000, ConditionalBranchFMask = 0xFE000000, ConditionalBranchMask = 0xFF000010, B_cond = ConditionalBranchFixed | 0x00000000 }
enum  SystemOp { SystemFixed = 0xD5000000, SystemFMask = 0xFFC00000 }
enum  SystemSysRegOp {
  SystemSysRegFixed = 0xD5100000, SystemSysRegFMask = 0xFFD00000, SystemSysRegMask = 0xFFF00000, MRS = SystemSysRegFixed | 0x00200000,
  MSR = SystemSysRegFixed | 0x00000000
enum  SystemHintOp { SystemHintFixed = 0xD503201F, SystemHintFMask = 0xFFFFF01F, SystemHintMask = 0xFFFFF01F, HINT = SystemHintFixed | 0x00000000 }
enum  ExceptionOp {
  ExceptionFixed = 0xD4000000, ExceptionFMask = 0xFF000000, ExceptionMask = 0xFFE0001F, HLT = ExceptionFixed | 0x00400000,
  BRK = ExceptionFixed | 0x00200000, SVC = ExceptionFixed | 0x00000001, HVC = ExceptionFixed | 0x00000002, SMC = ExceptionFixed | 0x00000003,
  DCPS1 = ExceptionFixed | 0x00A00001, DCPS2 = ExceptionFixed | 0x00A00002, DCPS3 = ExceptionFixed | 0x00A00003
enum  MemBarrierOp {
  MemBarrierFixed = 0xD503309F, MemBarrierFMask = 0xFFFFF09F, MemBarrierMask = 0xFFFFF0FF, DSB = MemBarrierFixed | 0x00000000,
  DMB = MemBarrierFixed | 0x00000020, ISB = MemBarrierFixed | 0x00000040
enum  LoadStoreAnyOp { LoadStoreAnyFMask = 0x0a000000, LoadStoreAnyFixed = 0x08000000 }
enum  LoadStorePairAnyOp { LoadStorePairAnyFMask = 0x3a000000, LoadStorePairAnyFixed = 0x28000000 }
enum  LoadStorePairOp { LoadStorePairMask = 0xC4400000, LoadStorePairLBit = 1 << 22 }
enum  LoadStorePairPostIndexOp { LoadStorePairPostIndexFixed = 0x28800000, LoadStorePairPostIndexFMask = 0x3B800000, LoadStorePairPostIndexMask = 0xFFC00000 }
enum  LoadStorePairPreIndexOp { LoadStorePairPreIndexFixed = 0x29800000, LoadStorePairPreIndexFMask = 0x3B800000, LoadStorePairPreIndexMask = 0xFFC00000 }
enum  LoadStorePairOffsetOp { LoadStorePairOffsetFixed = 0x29000000, LoadStorePairOffsetFMask = 0x3B800000, LoadStorePairOffsetMask = 0xFFC00000 }
enum  LoadStorePairNonTemporalOp {
  LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed = 0x28000000, LoadStorePairNonTemporalFMask = 0x3B800000, LoadStorePairNonTemporalMask = 0xFFC00000, STNP_w = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | STP_w,
  LDNP_w = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | LDP_w, STNP_x = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | STP_x, LDNP_x = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | LDP_x, STNP_s = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | STP_s,
  LDNP_s = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | LDP_s, STNP_d = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | STP_d, LDNP_d = LoadStorePairNonTemporalFixed | LDP_d
enum  LoadLiteralOp {
  LoadLiteralFixed = 0x18000000, LoadLiteralFMask = 0x3B000000, LoadLiteralMask = 0xFF000000, LDR_w_lit = LoadLiteralFixed | 0x00000000,
  LDR_x_lit = LoadLiteralFixed | 0x40000000, LDRSW_x_lit = LoadLiteralFixed | 0x80000000, PRFM_lit = LoadLiteralFixed | 0xC0000000, LDR_s_lit = LoadLiteralFixed | 0x04000000,
  LDR_d_lit = LoadLiteralFixed | 0x44000000
enum  LoadStoreUnscaledOffsetOp { LoadStoreUnscaledOffsetFixed = 0x38000000, LoadStoreUnscaledOffsetFMask = 0x3B200C00, LoadStoreUnscaledOffsetMask = 0xFFE00C00 }
enum  LoadStoreOp { LoadStoreOpMask = 0xC4C00000, LOAD_STORE_OP_LIST =(LOAD_STORE), PRFM = 0xC0800000 }
enum  LoadStorePostIndex { LoadStorePostIndexFixed = 0x38000400, LoadStorePostIndexFMask = 0x3B200C00, LoadStorePostIndexMask = 0xFFE00C00 }
enum  LoadStorePreIndex { LoadStorePreIndexFixed = 0x38000C00, LoadStorePreIndexFMask = 0x3B200C00, LoadStorePreIndexMask = 0xFFE00C00 }
enum  LoadStoreUnsignedOffset { LoadStoreUnsignedOffsetFixed = 0x39000000, LoadStoreUnsignedOffsetFMask = 0x3B000000, LoadStoreUnsignedOffsetMask = 0xFFC00000, PRFM_unsigned = LoadStoreUnsignedOffsetFixed | PRFM }
enum  LoadStoreRegisterOffset { LoadStoreRegisterOffsetFixed = 0x38200800, LoadStoreRegisterOffsetFMask = 0x3B200C00, LoadStoreRegisterOffsetMask = 0xFFE00C00, PRFM_reg = LoadStoreRegisterOffsetFixed | PRFM }
enum  ConditionalCompareOp { ConditionalCompareMask = 0x60000000, CCMN = 0x20000000, CCMP = 0x60000000 }
enum  ConditionalCompareRegisterOp {
  ConditionalCompareRegisterFixed = 0x1A400000, ConditionalCompareRegisterFMask = 0x1FE00800, ConditionalCompareRegisterMask = 0xFFE00C10, CCMN_w = ConditionalCompareRegisterFixed | CCMN,
  CCMN_x = ConditionalCompareRegisterFixed | SixtyFourBits | CCMN, CCMP_w = ConditionalCompareRegisterFixed | CCMP, CCMP_x = ConditionalCompareRegisterFixed | SixtyFourBits | CCMP
enum  ConditionalCompareImmediateOp {
  ConditionalCompareImmediateFixed = 0x1A400800, ConditionalCompareImmediateFMask = 0x1FE00800, ConditionalCompareImmediateMask = 0xFFE00C10, CCMN_w_imm = ConditionalCompareImmediateFixed | CCMN,
  CCMN_x_imm = ConditionalCompareImmediateFixed | SixtyFourBits | CCMN, CCMP_w_imm = ConditionalCompareImmediateFixed | CCMP, CCMP_x_imm = ConditionalCompareImmediateFixed | SixtyFourBits | CCMP
enum  ConditionalSelectOp {
  ConditionalSelectFixed = 0x1A800000, ConditionalSelectFMask = 0x1FE00000, ConditionalSelectMask = 0xFFE00C00, CSEL_w = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0x00000000,
  CSEL_x = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0x80000000, CSEL = CSEL_w, CSINC_w = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0x00000400, CSINC_x = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0x80000400,
  CSINC = CSINC_w, CSINV_w = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0x40000000, CSINV_x = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0xC0000000, CSINV = CSINV_w,
  CSNEG_w = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0x40000400, CSNEG_x = ConditionalSelectFixed | 0xC0000400, CSNEG = CSNEG_w
enum  DataProcessing1SourceOp {
  DataProcessing1SourceFixed = 0x5AC00000, DataProcessing1SourceFMask = 0x5FE00000, DataProcessing1SourceMask = 0xFFFFFC00, RBIT = DataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00000000,
  RBIT_w = RBIT, RBIT_x = RBIT | SixtyFourBits, REV16 = DataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00000400, REV16_w = REV16,
  REV16_x = REV16 | SixtyFourBits, REV = DataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00000800, REV_w = REV, REV32_x = REV | SixtyFourBits,
  REV_x = DataProcessing1SourceFixed | SixtyFourBits | 0x00000C00, CLZ = 1 << 4, CLZ_w = CLZ, CLZ_x = CLZ | SixtyFourBits,
  CLS = DataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00001400, CLS_w = CLS, CLS_x = CLS | SixtyFourBits
enum  DataProcessing2SourceOp {
  DataProcessing2SourceFixed = 0x1AC00000, DataProcessing2SourceFMask = 0x5FE00000, DataProcessing2SourceMask = 0xFFE0FC00, UDIV_w = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00000800,
  UDIV_x = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x80000800, UDIV = UDIV_w, SDIV_w = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00000C00, SDIV_x = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x80000C00,
  SDIV = SDIV_w, LSLV_w = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00002000, LSLV_x = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x80002000, LSLV = LSLV_w,
  LSRV_w = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00002400, LSRV_x = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x80002400, LSRV = LSRV_w, ASRV_w = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00002800,
  ASRV_x = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x80002800, ASRV = ASRV_w, RORV_w = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00002C00, RORV_x = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x80002C00,
  RORV = RORV_w, CRC32B = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00004000, CRC32H = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00004400, CRC32W = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00004800,
  CRC32X = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | SixtyFourBits | 0x00004C00, CRC32CB = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00005000, CRC32CH = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00005400, CRC32CW = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00005800,
  CRC32CX = DataProcessing2SourceFixed | SixtyFourBits | 0x00005C00
enum  DataProcessing3SourceOp {
  DataProcessing3SourceFixed = 0x1B000000, DataProcessing3SourceFMask = 0x1F000000, DataProcessing3SourceMask = 0xFFE08000, MADD_w = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00000000,
  MADD_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80000000, MADD = MADD_w, MSUB_w = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00008000, MSUB_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80008000,
  MSUB = MSUB_w, SMADDL_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80200000, SMSUBL_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80208000, SMULH_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80400000,
  UMADDL_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80A00000, UMSUBL_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80A08000, UMULH_x = DataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x80C00000
enum  FPCompareOp {
  FPCompareFixed = 0x1E202000, FPCompareFMask = 0x5F203C00, FPCompareMask = 0xFFE0FC1F, FCMP_s = FPCompareFixed | 0x00000000,
  FCMP_d = FPCompareFixed | FP64 | 0x00000000, FCMP = FCMP_s, FCMP_s_zero = FPCompareFixed | 0x00000008, FCMP_d_zero = FPCompareFixed | FP64 | 0x00000008,
  FCMP_zero = FCMP_s_zero, FCMPE_s = FPCompareFixed | 0x00000010, FCMPE_d = FPCompareFixed | FP64 | 0x00000010, FCMPE_s_zero = FPCompareFixed | 0x00000018,
  FCMPE_d_zero = FPCompareFixed | FP64 | 0x00000018
enum  FPConditionalCompareOp {
  FPConditionalCompareFixed = 0x1E200400, FPConditionalCompareFMask = 0x5F200C00, FPConditionalCompareMask = 0xFFE00C10, FCCMP_s = FPConditionalCompareFixed | 0x00000000,
  FCCMP_d = FPConditionalCompareFixed | FP64 | 0x00000000, FCCMP = FCCMP_s, FCCMPE_s = FPConditionalCompareFixed | 0x00000010, FCCMPE_d = FPConditionalCompareFixed | FP64 | 0x00000010,
enum  FPConditionalSelectOp {
  FPConditionalSelectFixed = 0x1E200C00, FPConditionalSelectFMask = 0x5F200C00, FPConditionalSelectMask = 0xFFE00C00, FCSEL_s = FPConditionalSelectFixed | 0x00000000,
  FCSEL_d = FPConditionalSelectFixed | FP64 | 0x00000000, FCSEL = FCSEL_s
enum  FPImmediateOp {
  FPImmediateFixed = 0x1E201000, FPImmediateFMask = 0x5F201C00, FPImmediateMask = 0xFFE01C00, FMOV_s_imm = FPImmediateFixed | 0x00000000,
  FMOV_d_imm = FPImmediateFixed | FP64 | 0x00000000
enum  FPDataProcessing1SourceOp {
  FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed = 0x1E204000, FPDataProcessing1SourceFMask = 0x5F207C00, FPDataProcessing1SourceMask = 0xFFFFFC00, FMOV_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00000000,
  FMOV_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00000000, FMOV = FMOV_s, FABS_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00008000, FABS_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00008000,
  FABS = FABS_s, FNEG_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00010000, FNEG_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00010000, FNEG = FNEG_s,
  FSQRT_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00018000, FSQRT_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00018000, FSQRT = FSQRT_s, FCVT_ds = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00028000,
  FCVT_sd = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00020000, FRINTN_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00040000, FRINTN_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00040000, FRINTN = FRINTN_s,
  FRINTP_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00048000, FRINTP_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00048000, FRINTP = FRINTP_s, FRINTM_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00050000,
  FRINTM_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00050000, FRINTM = FRINTM_s, FRINTZ_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00058000, FRINTZ_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00058000,
  FRINTZ = FRINTZ_s, FRINTA_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00060000, FRINTA_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00060000, FRINTA = FRINTA_s,
  FRINTX_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00070000, FRINTX_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00070000, FRINTX = FRINTX_s, FRINTI_s = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | 0x00078000,
  FRINTI_d = FPDataProcessing1SourceFixed | FP64 | 0x00078000, FRINTI = FRINTI_s
enum  FPDataProcessing2SourceOp {
  FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed = 0x1E200800, FPDataProcessing2SourceFMask = 0x5F200C00, FPDataProcessing2SourceMask = 0xFFE0FC00, FMUL = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00000000,
  FMUL_s = FMUL, FMUL_d = FMUL | FP64, FDIV = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00001000, FDIV_s = FDIV,
  FDIV_d = FDIV | FP64, FADD = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00002000, FADD_s = FADD, FADD_d = FADD | FP64,
  FSUB = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00003000, FSUB_s = FSUB, FSUB_d = FSUB | FP64, FMAX = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00004000,
  FMAX_s = FMAX, FMAX_d = FMAX | FP64, FMIN = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00005000, FMIN_s = FMIN,
  FMIN_d = FMIN | FP64, FMAXNM = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00006000, FMAXNM_s = FMAXNM, FMAXNM_d = FMAXNM | FP64,
  FMINNM = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00007000, FMINNM_s = FMINNM, FMINNM_d = FMINNM | FP64, FNMUL = FPDataProcessing2SourceFixed | 0x00008000,
enum  FPDataProcessing3SourceOp {
  FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed = 0x1F000000, FPDataProcessing3SourceFMask = 0x5F000000, FPDataProcessing3SourceMask = 0xFFE08000, FMADD_s = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00000000,
  FMSUB_s = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00008000, FNMADD_s = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00200000, FNMSUB_s = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00208000, FMADD_d = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00400000,
  FMSUB_d = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00408000, FNMADD_d = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00600000, FNMSUB_d = FPDataProcessing3SourceFixed | 0x00608000
enum  FPIntegerConvertOp {
  FPIntegerConvertFixed = 0x1E200000, FPIntegerConvertFMask = 0x5F20FC00, FPIntegerConvertMask = 0xFFFFFC00, FCVTNS = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00000000,
  FCVTNS_ws = FCVTNS, FCVTNS_xs = FCVTNS | SixtyFourBits, FCVTNS_wd = FCVTNS | FP64, FCVTNS_xd = FCVTNS | SixtyFourBits | FP64,
  FCVTNU = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00010000, FCVTNU_ws = FCVTNU, FCVTNU_xs = FCVTNU | SixtyFourBits, FCVTNU_wd = FCVTNU | FP64,
  FCVTNU_xd = FCVTNU | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTPS = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00080000, FCVTPS_ws = FCVTPS, FCVTPS_xs = FCVTPS | SixtyFourBits,
  FCVTPS_wd = FCVTPS | FP64, FCVTPS_xd = FCVTPS | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTPU = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00090000, FCVTPU_ws = FCVTPU,
  FCVTPU_xs = FCVTPU | SixtyFourBits, FCVTPU_wd = FCVTPU | FP64, FCVTPU_xd = FCVTPU | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTMS = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00100000,
  FCVTMS_ws = FCVTMS, FCVTMS_xs = FCVTMS | SixtyFourBits, FCVTMS_wd = FCVTMS | FP64, FCVTMS_xd = FCVTMS | SixtyFourBits | FP64,
  FCVTMU = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00110000, FCVTMU_ws = FCVTMU, FCVTMU_xs = FCVTMU | SixtyFourBits, FCVTMU_wd = FCVTMU | FP64,
  FCVTMU_xd = FCVTMU | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTZS = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00180000, FCVTZS_ws = FCVTZS, FCVTZS_xs = FCVTZS | SixtyFourBits,
  FCVTZS_wd = FCVTZS | FP64, FCVTZS_xd = FCVTZS | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTZU = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00190000, FCVTZU_ws = FCVTZU,
  FCVTZU_xs = FCVTZU | SixtyFourBits, FCVTZU_wd = FCVTZU | FP64, FCVTZU_xd = FCVTZU | SixtyFourBits | FP64, SCVTF = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00020000,
  SCVTF_sw = SCVTF, SCVTF_sx = SCVTF | SixtyFourBits, SCVTF_dw = SCVTF | FP64, SCVTF_dx = SCVTF | SixtyFourBits | FP64,
  UCVTF = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00030000, UCVTF_sw = UCVTF, UCVTF_sx = UCVTF | SixtyFourBits, UCVTF_dw = UCVTF | FP64,
  UCVTF_dx = UCVTF | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTAS = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00040000, FCVTAS_ws = FCVTAS, FCVTAS_xs = FCVTAS | SixtyFourBits,
  FCVTAS_wd = FCVTAS | FP64, FCVTAS_xd = FCVTAS | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FCVTAU = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00050000, FCVTAU_ws = FCVTAU,
  FCVTAU_xs = FCVTAU | SixtyFourBits, FCVTAU_wd = FCVTAU | FP64, FCVTAU_xd = FCVTAU | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FMOV_ws = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00060000,
  FMOV_sw = FPIntegerConvertFixed | 0x00070000, FMOV_xd = FMOV_ws | SixtyFourBits | FP64, FMOV_dx = FMOV_sw | SixtyFourBits | FP64
enum  FPFixedPointConvertOp {
  FPFixedPointConvertFixed = 0x1E000000, FPFixedPointConvertFMask = 0x5F200000, FPFixedPointConvertMask = 0xFFFF0000, FCVTZS_fixed = FPFixedPointConvertFixed | 0x00180000,
  FCVTZS_ws_fixed = FCVTZS_fixed, FCVTZS_xs_fixed = FCVTZS_fixed | SixtyFourBits, FCVTZS_wd_fixed = FCVTZS_fixed | FP64, FCVTZS_xd_fixed = FCVTZS_fixed | SixtyFourBits | FP64,
  FCVTZU_fixed = FPFixedPointConvertFixed | 0x00190000, FCVTZU_ws_fixed = FCVTZU_fixed, FCVTZU_xs_fixed = FCVTZU_fixed | SixtyFourBits, FCVTZU_wd_fixed = FCVTZU_fixed | FP64,
  FCVTZU_xd_fixed = FCVTZU_fixed | SixtyFourBits | FP64, SCVTF_fixed = FPFixedPointConvertFixed | 0x00020000, SCVTF_sw_fixed = SCVTF_fixed, SCVTF_sx_fixed = SCVTF_fixed | SixtyFourBits,
  SCVTF_dw_fixed = SCVTF_fixed | FP64, SCVTF_dx_fixed = SCVTF_fixed | SixtyFourBits | FP64, UCVTF_fixed = FPFixedPointConvertFixed | 0x00030000, UCVTF_sw_fixed = UCVTF_fixed,
  UCVTF_sx_fixed = UCVTF_fixed | SixtyFourBits, UCVTF_dw_fixed = UCVTF_fixed | FP64, UCVTF_dx_fixed = UCVTF_fixed | SixtyFourBits | FP64
enum  UnimplementedOp { UnimplementedFixed = 0x00000000, UnimplementedFMask = 0x00000000 }
enum  UnallocatedOp { UnallocatedFixed = 0x00000000, UnallocatedFMask = 0x00000000 }
enum  LSDataSize { LSByte = 0, LSHalfword = 1, LSWord = 2, LSDoubleWord = 3 }
enum  ImmBranchType {
  UnknownBranchType = 0, CondBranchType = 1, UncondBranchType = 2, CompareBranchType = 3,
  TestBranchType = 4
enum  AddrMode {
  Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21, PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21, NegOffset = (8|0|0) << 21,
  NegPreIndex = (8|0|1) << 21, NegPostIndex = (0|0|0) << 21, Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21,
  PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21
enum  FPRounding {
  FPTieEven = 0x0, FPPositiveInfinity = 0x1, FPNegativeInfinity = 0x2, FPZero = 0x3,
enum  Reg31Mode { Reg31IsStackPointer, Reg31IsZeroRegister }
enum  DebugParameters {
  NO_PARAM = 0, BREAK = 1 << 0, LOG_DISASM = 1 << 1, LOG_REGS = 1 << 2,
enum  InstrumentState { InstrumentStateDisable = 0, InstrumentStateEnable = 1 }
enum  CounterType { Gauge = 0, Cumulative = 1 }
enum  BranchType {
  integer_eq = eq, integer_ne = ne, integer_hs = hs, integer_lo = lo,
  integer_mi = mi, integer_pl = pl, integer_vs = vs, integer_vc = vc,
  integer_hi = hi, integer_ls = ls, integer_ge = ge, integer_lt = lt,
  integer_gt = gt, integer_le = le, integer_al = al, integer_nv = nv,
  always = 16, never = 17, reg_zero, reg_not_zero,
  reg_bit_clear, reg_bit_set, kBranchTypeFirstCondition = eq, kBranchTypeLastCondition = nv,
  kBranchTypeFirstUsingReg = reg_zero, kBranchTypeFirstUsingBit = reg_bit_clear
enum  RememberedSetAction {
enum  SmiCheck {
enum  LinkRegisterStatus { kLRHasNotBeenSaved, kLRHasBeenSaved, kLRHasNotBeenSaved, kLRHasBeenSaved }
enum  UntagMode { kNotSpeculativeUntag, kSpeculativeUntag }
enum  ArrayHasHoles { kArrayCantHaveHoles, kArrayCanHaveHoles }
enum  CopyHint { kCopyUnknown, kCopyShort, kCopyLong }
enum  DiscardMoveMode { kDontDiscardForSameWReg, kDiscardForSameWReg }
enum  SeqStringSetCharCheckIndexType { kIndexIsSmi, kIndexIsInteger32 }
enum  SaveFPRegsMode { kDontSaveFPRegs, kSaveFPRegs }
enum  PerThreadAssertType {
enum  AstPropertiesFlag { kDontInline, kDontSelfOptimize, kDontSoftInline, kDontCache }
enum  __tsan_memory_order {
  __tsan_memory_order_relaxed, __tsan_memory_order_consume, __tsan_memory_order_acquire, __tsan_memory_order_release,
  __tsan_memory_order_acq_rel, __tsan_memory_order_seq_cst
enum  BuiltinExtraArguments { NO_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = 0, NEEDS_CALLED_FUNCTION = 1 }
enum  HandlerArgumentsMode { DONT_PASS_ARGUMENTS, PASS_ARGUMENTS }
enum  BindingFlags {
enum  ConversionFlags {
enum  ElementsKind {
enum  InterruptFlag {
  INTERRUPT = 1 << 0, DEBUGBREAK = 1 << 1, DEBUGCOMMAND = 1 << 2, PREEMPT = 1 << 3,
  TERMINATE = 1 << 4, GC_REQUEST = 1 << 5, FULL_DEOPT = 1 << 6, INSTALL_CODE = 1 << 7,
enum  ComputablePhase { DURING_PARSE, AFTER_SCOPING }
enum  StrictMode { SLOPPY, STRICT }
enum  KeyCollectionType { LOCAL_ONLY, INCLUDE_PROTOS }
enum  MarksHandling { TRANSFER_MARKS, IGNORE_MARKS }
enum  HAliasing { kMustAlias, kMayAlias, kNoAlias }
enum  PropertyAccessType { LOAD, STORE }
enum  GVNFlag { kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects = 0 GVN_TRACKED_FLAG_LIST(COUNT_FLAG), kNumberOfUntrackedSideEffects = 0 GVN_UNTRACKED_FLAG_LIST(COUNT_FLAG), kNumberOfFlags = kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects + kNumberOfUntrackedSideEffects }
enum  FrameType {
enum  Condition {
  kNoCondition = -1, eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28,
  vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28,
  lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28,
  kSpecialCondition = 15 << 28, kNumberOfConditions = 16, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28,
  hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28,
  gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, nv = 15,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, kNoCondition = -1,
  overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, Uless = 2, Ugreater_equal = 3,
  equal = 4, not_equal = 5, Uless_equal = 6, Ugreater = 7,
  negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11,
  less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15,
  ueq = 16, nue = 17, cc_always = 18, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, eq = 0 << 28, not_zero = not_equal,
  ne = 1 << 28, nz = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  hs = cs, lo = cc, al = 14 << 28, cc_default = kNoCondition,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, always = 16, never = 17, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative,
  not_sign = positive, last_condition = greater
enum  ScaleFactor {
  times_1 = 0, times_2 = 1, times_4 = 2, times_8 = 3,
  times_int_size = times_4, times_half_pointer_size = times_2, times_pointer_size = times_4, times_twice_pointer_size = times_8,
  times_1 = 0, times_2 = 1, times_4 = 2, times_8 = 3,
  times_int_size = times_4, times_pointer_size = times_4
enum  RememberedSetAction {
enum  SmiCheck {
enum  KeyedStoreCheckMap { kDontCheckMap, kCheckMap }
enum  KeyedStoreIncrementLength { kDontIncrementLength, kIncrementLength }
enum  DefaultIsolateStatus { kDefaultIsolateUninitialized, kDefaultIsolateInitialized, kDefaultIsolateCrashIfInitialized }
enum  MayAccessDecision { YES, NO, UNKNOWN }
enum  ElementInSetsRelation { kInsideNone = 0, kInsideFirst = 1, kInsideSecond = 2, kInsideBoth = 3 }
enum  ContainedInLattice { kNotYet = 0, kLatticeIn = 1, kLatticeOut = 2, kLatticeUnknown = 3 }
enum  SkipListRebuildingMode { REBUILD_SKIP_LIST, IGNORE_SKIP_LIST }
enum  FreeSpaceTreatmentMode { IGNORE_FREE_SPACE, ZAP_FREE_SPACE }
enum  TypeofState {
enum  SoftwareInterruptCodes { kCallRtRedirected = 0x10, kBreakpoint = 0x20, kStopCode = 1 << 23, call_rt_redirected = 0xfffff }
enum  Opcode {
  AND = 0 << 21, EOR = 1 << 21, SUB = 2 << 21, RSB = 3 << 21,
  ADD = 4 << 21, ADC = 5 << 21, SBC = 6 << 21, RSC = 7 << 21,
  TST = 8 << 21, TEQ = 9 << 21, CMP = 10 << 21, CMN = 11 << 21,
  ORR = 12 << 21, MOV = 13 << 21, BIC = 14 << 21, MVN = 15 << 21,
  SPECIAL = 0 << kOpcodeShift, REGIMM = 1 << kOpcodeShift, J = ((0 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, JAL = ((0 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift,
  BEQ = ((0 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, BNE = ((0 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, BLEZ = ((0 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, BGTZ = ((0 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift,
  ADDI = ((1 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift, ADDIU = ((1 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, SLTI = ((1 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, SLTIU = ((1 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift,
  ANDI = ((1 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, ORI = ((1 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, XORI = ((1 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, LUI = ((1 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift,
  COP1 = ((2 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, BEQL = ((2 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, BNEL = ((2 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, BLEZL = ((2 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift,
  BGTZL = ((2 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift, SPECIAL2 = ((3 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, SPECIAL3 = ((3 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift, LB = ((4 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift,
  LH = ((4 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, LWL = ((4 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, LW = ((4 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, LBU = ((4 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift,
  LHU = ((4 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, LWR = ((4 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, SB = ((5 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift, SH = ((5 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift,
  SWL = ((5 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, SW = ((5 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, SWR = ((5 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, LWC1 = ((6 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift,
  LDC1 = ((6 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, PREF = ((6 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, SWC1 = ((7 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, SDC1 = ((7 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift,
  COP1X = ((1 << 4) + 3) << kOpcodeShift
enum  SecondaryField {
  SLL = ((0 << 3) + 0), MOVCI = ((0 << 3) + 1), SRL = ((0 << 3) + 2), SRA = ((0 << 3) + 3),
  SLLV = ((0 << 3) + 4), SRLV = ((0 << 3) + 6), SRAV = ((0 << 3) + 7), JR = ((1 << 3) + 0),
  JALR = ((1 << 3) + 1), MOVZ = 0x40000000, MOVN = 0x00000000, BREAK = 1 << 0,
  MFHI = ((2 << 3) + 0), MFLO = ((2 << 3) + 2), MULT = ((3 << 3) + 0), MULTU = ((3 << 3) + 1),
  DIV = ((3 << 3) + 2), DIVU = ((3 << 3) + 3), ADD = 4 << 21, ADDU = ((4 << 3) + 1),
  SUB = 2 << 21, SUBU = ((4 << 3) + 3), AND = 0 << 21, OR = ((4 << 3) + 5),
  XOR = ((4 << 3) + 6), NOR = ((4 << 3) + 7), SLT = ((5 << 3) + 2), SLTU = ((5 << 3) + 3),
  TGE = ((6 << 3) + 0), TGEU = ((6 << 3) + 1), TLT = ((6 << 3) + 2), TLTU = ((6 << 3) + 3),
  TEQ = 9 << 21, TNE = ((6 << 3) + 6), MUL = ((0 << 3) + 2), CLZ = 1 << 4,
  CLO = ((4 << 3) + 1), EXT = ((0 << 3) + 0), INS = ((0 << 3) + 4), BLTZ = ((0 << 3) + 0) << 16,
  BGEZ = ((0 << 3) + 1) << 16, BLTZAL = ((2 << 3) + 0) << 16, BGEZAL = ((2 << 3) + 1) << 16, MFC1 = ((0 << 3) + 0) << 21,
  CFC1 = ((0 << 3) + 2) << 21, MFHC1 = ((0 << 3) + 3) << 21, MTC1 = ((0 << 3) + 4) << 21, CTC1 = ((0 << 3) + 6) << 21,
  MTHC1 = ((0 << 3) + 7) << 21, BC1 = ((1 << 3) + 0) << 21, S = 1 << 20, D = ((2 << 3) + 1) << 21,
  W = 1 << 21, L = 1 << 20, PS = ((2 << 3) + 6) << 21, ROUND_L_S = ((1 << 3) + 0),
  TRUNC_L_S = ((1 << 3) + 1), CEIL_L_S = ((1 << 3) + 2), FLOOR_L_S = ((1 << 3) + 3), ROUND_W_S = ((1 << 3) + 4),
  TRUNC_W_S = ((1 << 3) + 5), CEIL_W_S = ((1 << 3) + 6), FLOOR_W_S = ((1 << 3) + 7), CVT_D_S = ((4 << 3) + 1),
  CVT_W_S = ((4 << 3) + 4), CVT_L_S = ((4 << 3) + 5), CVT_PS_S = ((4 << 3) + 6), ADD_D = ((0 << 3) + 0),
  SUB_D = ((0 << 3) + 1), MUL_D = ((0 << 3) + 2), DIV_D = ((0 << 3) + 3), SQRT_D = ((0 << 3) + 4),
  ABS_D = ((0 << 3) + 5), MOV_D = ((0 << 3) + 6), NEG_D = ((0 << 3) + 7), ROUND_L_D = ((1 << 3) + 0),
  TRUNC_L_D = ((1 << 3) + 1), CEIL_L_D = ((1 << 3) + 2), FLOOR_L_D = ((1 << 3) + 3), ROUND_W_D = ((1 << 3) + 4),
  TRUNC_W_D = ((1 << 3) + 5), CEIL_W_D = ((1 << 3) + 6), FLOOR_W_D = ((1 << 3) + 7), CVT_S_D = ((4 << 3) + 0),
  CVT_W_D = ((4 << 3) + 4), CVT_L_D = ((4 << 3) + 5), C_F_D = ((6 << 3) + 0), C_UN_D = ((6 << 3) + 1),
  C_EQ_D = ((6 << 3) + 2), C_UEQ_D = ((6 << 3) + 3), C_OLT_D = ((6 << 3) + 4), C_ULT_D = ((6 << 3) + 5),
  C_OLE_D = ((6 << 3) + 6), C_ULE_D = ((6 << 3) + 7), CVT_S_W = ((4 << 3) + 0), CVT_D_W = ((4 << 3) + 1),
  CVT_S_L = ((4 << 3) + 0), CVT_D_L = ((4 << 3) + 1), MADD_D = ((4 << 3) + 1), NULLSF = 0
enum  Condition {
  kNoCondition = -1, eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28,
  vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28,
  lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28,
  kSpecialCondition = 15 << 28, kNumberOfConditions = 16, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28,
  hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28,
  gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, nv = 15,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, kNoCondition = -1,
  overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, Uless = 2, Ugreater_equal = 3,
  equal = 4, not_equal = 5, Uless_equal = 6, Ugreater = 7,
  negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11,
  less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15,
  ueq = 16, nue = 17, cc_always = 18, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, eq = 0 << 28, not_zero = not_equal,
  ne = 1 << 28, nz = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  hs = cs, lo = cc, al = 14 << 28, cc_default = kNoCondition,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, always = 16, never = 17, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative,
  not_sign = positive, last_condition = greater
enum  FPUCondition {
  kNoFPUCondition = -1, F = 0, UN = 1, EQ = 2,
  UEQ = 3, OLT = 4, ULT = 5, OLE = 6,
  ULE = 7
enum  FPURoundingMode {
  RN = 0 << 22, RZ = 3 << 22, RP = 1 << 22, RM = 2 << 22,
  kRoundToNearest = RN, kRoundToZero = RZ, kRoundToPlusInf = RP, kRoundToMinusInf = RM
enum  CheckForInexactConversion { kCheckForInexactConversion, kDontCheckForInexactConversion, kCheckForInexactConversion, kDontCheckForInexactConversion }
enum  Hint { no_hint = 0, no_hint = 0 }
enum  LeaveExitFrameMode { EMIT_RETURN = true, NO_EMIT_RETURN = false }
enum  ObjectToDoubleFlags { NO_OBJECT_TO_DOUBLE_FLAGS = 0, OBJECT_NOT_SMI = 1 << 0, AVOID_NANS_AND_INFINITIES = 1 << 1 }
enum  BranchDelaySlot { USE_DELAY_SLOT, PROTECT }
enum  LiFlags { OPTIMIZE_SIZE = 0, CONSTANT_SIZE = 1 }
enum  RememberedSetAction {
enum  SmiCheck {
enum  RAStatus { kRAHasNotBeenSaved, kRAHasBeenSaved }
enum  NativeType { CORE, EXPERIMENTAL, D8, TEST }
enum  KeyedAccessStoreMode {
enum  ContextualMode { NOT_CONTEXTUAL, CONTEXTUAL }
enum  StringRepresentationTag { kSeqStringTag = 0x0, kConsStringTag = 0x1, kExternalStringTag = 0x2, kSlicedStringTag = 0x3 }
enum  InstanceType {
enum  CompareResult { LESS = -1, EQUAL = 0, GREATER = 1, NOT_EQUAL = GREATER }
enum  BailoutReason { kLastErrorMessage }
enum  AccessorComponent { ACCESSOR_GETTER, ACCESSOR_SETTER }
enum  BuiltinFunctionId { kArrayCode, kMathPowHalf, kMathClz32 }
enum  AllowNullsFlag { ALLOW_NULLS, DISALLOW_NULLS }
enum  AccessorDescriptorType {
  kDescriptorBitmaskCompare, kDescriptorPointerCompare, kDescriptorPrimitiveValue, kDescriptorObjectDereference,
  kDescriptorPointerDereference, kDescriptorPointerShift, kDescriptorReturnObject
enum  OutputMode { UNKNOWN, CONSOLE, ODS }
enum  PropertyType {
enum  PropertyDescriptorIndices {
enum  TypeCode {
enum  SemiSpaceId { kFromSpace = 0, kToSpace = 1 }
enum  PrototypeCheckType { CHECK_ALL_MAPS, SKIP_RECEIVER }
enum  IcCheckType { ELEMENT, PROPERTY }
enum  NilValue { kNullValue, kUndefinedValue }
enum  AllocationSpace {
enum  PretenureFlag { NOT_TENURED, TENURED }
enum  GarbageCollector { SCAVENGER, MARK_COMPACTOR }
enum  Executability { NOT_EXECUTABLE, EXECUTABLE }
enum  InlineCacheState {
enum  InlineCacheHolderFlag { OWN_MAP, PROTOTYPE_MAP }
enum  StoreBufferEvent { kStoreBufferFullEvent, kStoreBufferStartScanningPagesEvent, kStoreBufferScanningPageEvent }
enum  StateTag {
enum  CpuFeature {
  SSE4_1 = 32 + 19, SSE3 = 32 + 0, SSE2 = 26, CMOV = 15,
  VFP3 = 1, ARMv7 = 2, SUDIV = 3, UNALIGNED_ACCESSES = 4,
  FPU = 1
enum  SmiCheckType { DONT_DO_SMI_CHECK, DO_SMI_CHECK }
enum  ScopeType {
enum  VariableMode {
enum  InitializationFlag { kNeedsInitialization, kCreatedInitialized }
enum  ClearExceptionFlag { KEEP_EXCEPTION, CLEAR_EXCEPTION }
enum  Condition {
  kNoCondition = -1, eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28,
  vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28,
  lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28,
  kSpecialCondition = 15 << 28, kNumberOfConditions = 16, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28, vc = 7 << 28,
  hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28,
  gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28, nv = 15,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, kNoCondition = -1,
  overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, Uless = 2, Ugreater_equal = 3,
  equal = 4, not_equal = 5, Uless_equal = 6, Ugreater = 7,
  negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11,
  less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15,
  ueq = 16, nue = 17, cc_always = 18, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, eq = 0 << 28, not_zero = not_equal,
  ne = 1 << 28, nz = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive,
  mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28,
  ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28,
  hs = cs, lo = cc, al = 14 << 28, cc_default = kNoCondition,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, always = 16, never = 17, carry = below,
  not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal, not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative,
  not_sign = positive, last_condition = greater
enum  ScaleFactor {
  times_1 = 0, times_2 = 1, times_4 = 2, times_8 = 3,
  times_int_size = times_4, times_half_pointer_size = times_2, times_pointer_size = times_4, times_twice_pointer_size = times_8,
  times_1 = 0, times_2 = 1, times_4 = 2, times_8 = 3,
  times_int_size = times_4, times_pointer_size = times_4
enum  TypeofState {
enum  RememberedSetAction {
enum  SmiCheck {


template<int kSmiShiftSize>
V8_INLINE internal::ObjectIntToSmi (int value)
char * StrDup (const char *str)
char * StrNDup (const char *str, int n)
void * AlignedAlloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
void AlignedFree (void *ptr)
void FatalProcessOutOfMemory (const char *message)
template<typename T >
TNewArray (size_t size)
template<typename T >
void DeleteArray (T *array)
void InvokeAccessorGetterCallback (v8::Local< v8::String > property, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &info, v8::AccessorGetterCallback getter)
void InvokeFunctionCallback (const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &info, v8::FunctionCallback callback)
double ClobberDoubleRegisters (double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4)
void ArrayNativeCode (MacroAssembler *masm, Label *call_generic_code)
int EncodeConstantPoolLength (int length)
int DecodeConstantPoolLength (int instr)
Condition NegateCondition (Condition cond)
Condition ReverseCondition (Condition cond)
Hint NegateHint (Hint ignored)
int JSCallerSavedCode (int n)
MemOperand FieldMemOperand (Register object, int offset)
Register GetRegisterThatIsNotOneOf (Register reg1, Register reg2=no_reg, Register reg3=no_reg, Register reg4=no_reg, Register reg5=no_reg, Register reg6=no_reg)
MemOperand ContextOperand (Register context, int index)
MemOperand GlobalObjectOperand ()
 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(CPURegister)==sizeof(Register))
 INITIALIZE_REGISTER (Register, NoReg, 0, 0, CPURegister::kNoRegister)
 INITIALIZE_REGISTER (FPRegister, NoFPReg, 0, 0, CPURegister::kNoRegister)
 INITIALIZE_REGISTER (CPURegister, NoCPUReg, 0, 0, CPURegister::kNoRegister)
 INITIALIZE_REGISTER (Register, no_reg, 0, 0, CPURegister::kNoRegister)
 INITIALIZE_REGISTER (Register, wcsp, kSPRegInternalCode, kWRegSizeInBits, CPURegister::kRegister)
 INITIALIZE_REGISTER (Register, csp, kSPRegInternalCode, kXRegSizeInBits, CPURegister::kRegister)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, ip0, x16)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, ip1, x17)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, wip0, w16)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, wip1, w17)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, root, x26)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, rr, x26)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, cp, x27)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, jssp, x28)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, wjssp, w28)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, fp, x29)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, lr, x30)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, xzr, x31)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (Register, wzr, w31)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (FPRegister, fp_zero, d15)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (FPRegister, crankshaft_fp_scratch, d30)
 ALIAS_REGISTER (FPRegister, fp_scratch, d31)
Register GetAllocatableRegisterThatIsNotOneOf (Register reg1, Register reg2=NoReg, Register reg3=NoReg, Register reg4=NoReg)
bool AreAliased (const CPURegister &reg1, const CPURegister &reg2, const CPURegister &reg3=NoReg, const CPURegister &reg4=NoReg, const CPURegister &reg5=NoReg, const CPURegister &reg6=NoReg, const CPURegister &reg7=NoReg, const CPURegister &reg8=NoReg)
bool AreSameSizeAndType (const CPURegister &reg1, const CPURegister &reg2, const CPURegister &reg3=NoCPUReg, const CPURegister &reg4=NoCPUReg, const CPURegister &reg5=NoCPUReg, const CPURegister &reg6=NoCPUReg, const CPURegister &reg7=NoCPUReg, const CPURegister &reg8=NoCPUReg)
Condition InvertCondition (Condition cond)
Condition ReverseConditionForCmp (Condition cond)
 DEFINE_FLOAT (kFP32PositiveInfinity, 0x7f800000)
 DEFINE_FLOAT (kFP32NegativeInfinity, 0xff800000)
 DEFINE_DOUBLE (kFP64PositiveInfinity, 0x7ff0000000000000UL)
 DEFINE_DOUBLE (kFP64NegativeInfinity, 0xfff0000000000000UL)
 DEFINE_DOUBLE (kFP64SignallingNaN, 0x7ff000007f800001)
 DEFINE_FLOAT (kFP32SignallingNaN, 0x7f800001)
 DEFINE_DOUBLE (kFP64QuietNaN, 0x7ff800007fc00001)
 DEFINE_FLOAT (kFP32QuietNaN, 0x7fc00001)
 DEFINE_DOUBLE (kFP64DefaultNaN, 0x7ff8000000000000UL)
 DEFINE_FLOAT (kFP32DefaultNaN, 0x7fc00000)
LSDataSize CalcLSPairDataSize (LoadStorePairOp op)
MemOperand UntagSmiFieldMemOperand (Register object, int offset)
MemOperand UntagSmiMemOperand (Register object, int offset)
BranchType InvertBranchType (BranchType type)
MemOperand ContextMemOperand (Register context, int index)
MemOperand GlobalObjectMemOperand ()
 STATIC_ASSERT ((static_cast< int32_t >(-1) >> 1)==-1)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((static_cast< uint32_t >(-1) >> 1)==0x7FFFFFFF)
int CountLeadingZeros (uint64_t value, int width)
int CountLeadingSignBits (int64_t value, int width)
int CountTrailingZeros (uint64_t value, int width)
int CountSetBits (uint64_t value, int width)
int MaskToBit (uint64_t mask)
bool IsSignallingNaN (double num)
bool IsSignallingNaN (float num)
template<typename T >
bool IsQuietNaN (T num)
double ToQuietNaN (double num)
float ToQuietNaN (float num)
double FusedMultiplyAdd (double op1, double op2, double a)
float FusedMultiplyAdd (float op1, float op2, float a)
double power_helper (double x, double y)
double power_double_int (double x, int y)
double power_double_double (double x, double y)
bool EvalComparison (Token::Value op, double op1, double op2)
int NumberOfBitsSet (uint32_t x)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 increment)
Atomic32 Barrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 increment)
Atomic32 Acquire_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 Release_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 old_value, Atomic32 new_value)
void MemoryBarrier ()
void NoBarrier_Store (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 value)
void Acquire_Store (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 value)
void Release_Store (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 value)
Atomic32 NoBarrier_Load (volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Atomic32 Acquire_Load (volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Atomic32 Release_Load (volatile const Atomic32 *ptr)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 increment)
Atomic64 Barrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 increment)
Atomic64 Acquire_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 Release_CompareAndSwap (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 old_value, Atomic64 new_value)
void NoBarrier_Store (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 value)
void Acquire_Store (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 value)
void Release_Store (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 value)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_Load (volatile const Atomic64 *ptr)
Atomic64 Acquire_Load (volatile const Atomic64 *ptr)
Atomic64 Release_Load (volatile const Atomic64 *ptr)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_AtomicExchange (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord new_value)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord increment)
AtomicWord Barrier_AtomicIncrement (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord increment)
AtomicWord Acquire_CompareAndSwap (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
AtomicWord Release_CompareAndSwap (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord old_value, AtomicWord new_value)
void NoBarrier_Store (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
void Acquire_Store (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
void Release_Store (volatile AtomicWord *ptr, AtomicWord value)
AtomicWord NoBarrier_Load (volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
AtomicWord Acquire_Load (volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
AtomicWord Release_Load (volatile const AtomicWord *ptr)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_load (const volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_load (const volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_load (const volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_load (const volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_load (const volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_memory_order mo)
void __tsan_atomic8_store (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
void __tsan_atomic16_store (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
void __tsan_atomic32_store (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
void __tsan_atomic64_store (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
void __tsan_atomic128_store (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_exchange (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_exchange (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_exchange (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_exchange (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_exchange (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_fetch_add (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_fetch_add (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_fetch_add (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_fetch_add (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_fetch_add (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_fetch_and (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_fetch_and (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_fetch_and (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_fetch_and (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_fetch_and (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_fetch_or (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_fetch_or (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_fetch_or (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_fetch_or (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_fetch_or (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_fetch_xor (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_fetch_xor (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_fetch_xor (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_fetch_xor (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_fetch_xor (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_fetch_nand (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_fetch_nand (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_fetch_nand (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_fetch_nand (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_fetch_nand (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo)
int __tsan_atomic8_compare_exchange_weak (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 *c, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic16_compare_exchange_weak (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 *c, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic32_compare_exchange_weak (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 *c, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic64_compare_exchange_weak (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 *c, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic128_compare_exchange_weak (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 *c, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic8_compare_exchange_strong (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 *c, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic16_compare_exchange_strong (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 *c, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic32_compare_exchange_strong (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 *c, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic64_compare_exchange_strong (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 *c, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
int __tsan_atomic128_compare_exchange_strong (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 *c, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
__tsan_atomic8 __tsan_atomic8_compare_exchange_val (volatile __tsan_atomic8 *a, __tsan_atomic8 c, __tsan_atomic8 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
__tsan_atomic16 __tsan_atomic16_compare_exchange_val (volatile __tsan_atomic16 *a, __tsan_atomic16 c, __tsan_atomic16 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
__tsan_atomic32 __tsan_atomic32_compare_exchange_val (volatile __tsan_atomic32 *a, __tsan_atomic32 c, __tsan_atomic32 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
__tsan_atomic64 __tsan_atomic64_compare_exchange_val (volatile __tsan_atomic64 *a, __tsan_atomic64 c, __tsan_atomic64 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
__tsan_atomic128 __tsan_atomic128_compare_exchange_val (volatile __tsan_atomic128 *a, __tsan_atomic128 c, __tsan_atomic128 v, __tsan_memory_order mo, __tsan_memory_order fail_mo)
void __tsan_atomic_thread_fence (__tsan_memory_order mo)
void __tsan_atomic_signal_fence (__tsan_memory_order mo)
Atomic32 Acquire_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic32 Release_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic32 *ptr, Atomic32 new_value)
Atomic64 Acquire_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 new_value)
Atomic64 Release_AtomicExchange (volatile Atomic64 *ptr, Atomic64 new_value)
void BignumDtoa (double v, BignumDtoaMode mode, int requested_digits, Vector< char > buffer, int *length, int *decimal_point)
 BUILTIN (Illegal)
 BUILTIN (EmptyFunction)
 BUILTIN (ArrayPush)
 BUILTIN (ArrayPop)
 BUILTIN (ArrayShift)
 BUILTIN (ArrayUnshift)
 BUILTIN (ArraySlice)
 BUILTIN (ArraySplice)
 BUILTIN (ArrayConcat)
 BUILTIN (StrictModePoisonPill)
 BUILTIN (HandleApiCall)
 BUILTIN (HandleApiCallConstruct)
 BUILTIN (HandleApiCallAsFunction)
 BUILTIN (HandleApiCallAsConstructor)
int AsciiAlphaToLower (uc32 c)
bool IsCarriageReturn (uc32 c)
bool IsLineFeed (uc32 c)
bool IsInRange (int value, int lower_limit, int higher_limit)
bool IsDecimalDigit (uc32 c)
bool IsHexDigit (uc32 c)
bool IsOctalDigit (uc32 c)
bool IsBinaryDigit (uc32 c)
bool IsRegExpWord (uc16 c)
bool IsRegExpNewline (uc16 c)
bool IsRegExpWord (uc32 c)
bool IsRegExpNewline (uc32 c)
intptr_t HeapObjectTagMask ()
void DumpBacktrace ()
UnaryMathFunction CreateExpFunction ()
UnaryMathFunction CreateSqrtFunction ()
void SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate (Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared, int estimate)
double JunkStringValue ()
double SignedZero (bool negative)
unsigned int FastD2UI (double x)
double DoubleToInteger (double x)
int32_t DoubleToInt32 (double x)
template<class Iterator , class EndMark >
bool SubStringEquals (Iterator *current, EndMark end, const char *substring)
template<class Iterator , class EndMark >
bool AdvanceToNonspace (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, Iterator *current, EndMark end)
template<int radix_log_2, class Iterator , class EndMark >
double InternalStringToIntDouble (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, Iterator current, EndMark end, bool negative, bool allow_trailing_junk)
template<class Iterator , class EndMark >
double InternalStringToInt (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, Iterator current, EndMark end, int radix)
template<class Iterator , class EndMark >
double InternalStringToDouble (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, Iterator current, EndMark end, int flags, double empty_string_val)
double StringToDouble (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, const char *str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
double StringToDouble (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, Vector< const char > str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
double StringToDouble (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, Vector< const uc16 > str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
const char * DoubleToCString (double v, Vector< char > buffer)
const char * IntToCString (int n, Vector< char > buffer)
char * DoubleToFixedCString (double value, int f)
char * DoubleToExponentialCString (double value, int f)
char * DoubleToPrecisionCString (double value, int p)
char * DoubleToRadixCString (double value, int radix)
bool isDigit (int x, int radix)
bool isBinaryDigit (int x)
int FastD2IChecked (double x)
int FastD2I (double x)
double FastI2D (int x)
double FastUI2D (unsigned x)
uint32_t DoubleToUint32 (double x)
uint64_t double_to_uint64 (double d)
double uint64_to_double (uint64_t d64)
void DoubleToAscii (double v, DtoaMode mode, int requested_digits, Vector< char > buffer, int *sign, int *length, int *point)
int ElementsKindToShiftSize (ElementsKind elements_kind)
const char * ElementsKindToString (ElementsKind kind)
void PrintElementsKind (FILE *out, ElementsKind kind)
ElementsKind GetInitialFastElementsKind ()
ElementsKind GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex (int sequence_number)
int GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind (ElementsKind elements_kind)
ElementsKind GetNextTransitionElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
ElementsKind GetNextMoreGeneralFastElementsKind (ElementsKind elements_kind, bool allow_only_packed)
bool IsMoreGeneralElementsKindTransition (ElementsKind from_kind, ElementsKind to_kind)
bool IsDictionaryElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsExternalArrayElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsTerminalElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFixedTypedArrayElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsTransitionElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastDoubleElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsExternalFloatOrDoubleElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFixedFloatElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsDoubleOrFloatElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastSmiOrObjectElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastSmiElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastObjectElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastHoleyElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsHoleyElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
bool IsFastPackedElementsKind (ElementsKind kind)
ElementsKind GetPackedElementsKind (ElementsKind holey_kind)
ElementsKind GetHoleyElementsKind (ElementsKind packed_kind)
ElementsKind FastSmiToObjectElementsKind (ElementsKind from_kind)
bool IsSimpleMapChangeTransition (ElementsKind from_kind, ElementsKind to_kind)
bool IsTransitionableFastElementsKind (ElementsKind from_kind)
bool CanTransitionToMoreGeneralFastElementsKind (ElementsKind elements_kind, bool allow_only_packed)
void CheckArrayAbuse (JSObject *obj, const char *op, uint32_t key, bool allow_appending)
Handle< ObjectArrayConstructInitializeElements (Handle< JSArray > array, Arguments *args)
template<typename SinkChar , typename StringType >
Handle< StringConcatStringContent (Handle< StringType > result, Handle< String > first, Handle< String > second)
bool FastDtoa (double v, FastDtoaMode mode, int requested_digits, Vector< char > buffer, int *length, int *decimal_point)
bool FastFixedDtoa (double v, int fractional_count, Vector< char > buffer, int *length, int *decimal_point)
 DEFINE_bool (use_strict, false,"enforce strict mode") DEFINE_bool(es_staging
enable upcoming ES6 features DEFINE_bool (harmony_typeof, false,"enable harmony semantics for typeof") DEFINE_bool(harmony_scoping
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping 
DEFINE_bool (harmony_modules, false,"enable harmony modules (implies block scoping)") DEFINE_bool(harmony_symbols
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony 
symbols (a.k.a.private names)") DEFINE_bool(harmony_proxies
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
DEFINE_bool (harmony_collections, false,"enable harmony collections (sets, maps)") DEFINE_bool(harmony_generators
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
DEFINE_bool (harmony_iteration, false,"enable harmony iteration (for-of)") DEFINE_bool(harmony_numeric_literals
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
literals (0o77, 0b11)") DEFINE_bool(harmony_strings
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string 
DEFINE_bool (harmony_arrays, false,"enable harmony arrays") DEFINE_bool(harmony_maths
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions 
DEFINE_bool (harmony, false,"enable all harmony features (except typeof)") DEFINE_implication(harmony
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
DEFINE_implication (harmony, harmony_modules) DEFINE_implication(harmony
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
DEFINE_implication (harmony, harmony_proxies) DEFINE_implication(harmony
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
DEFINE_implication (harmony, harmony_generators) DEFINE_implication(harmony
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
DEFINE_implication (harmony, harmony_numeric_literals) DEFINE_implication(harmony
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
DEFINE_implication (harmony, harmony_arrays) DEFINE_implication(harmony_modules
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
DEFINE_implication (harmony, es_staging) DEFINE_implication(es_staging
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths 
DEFINE_bool (packed_arrays, true,"optimizes arrays that have no holes") DEFINE_bool(smi_only_arrays
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
DEFINE_bool (compiled_keyed_dictionary_loads, true,"use optimizing compiler to generate keyed dictionary load stubs") DEFINE_bool(clever_optimizations
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string 
DEFINE_bool (pretenuring, true,"allocate objects in old space") DEFINE_bool(pretenuring_call_new
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new 
DEFINE_bool (allocation_site_pretenuring, true,"pretenure with allocation sites") DEFINE_bool(trace_pretenuring
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions 
DEFINE_bool (trace_pretenuring_statistics, false,"trace allocation site pretenuring statistics") DEFINE_bool(track_fields
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values 
DEFINE_bool (track_double_fields, true,"track fields with double values") DEFINE_bool(track_heap_object_fields
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values 
DEFINE_bool (track_computed_fields, true,"track computed boilerplate fields") DEFINE_implication(track_double_fields
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
DEFINE_implication (track_heap_object_fields, track_fields) DEFINE_implication(track_computed_fields
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields 
DEFINE_bool (smi_binop, true,"support smi representation in binary operations") DEFINE_bool(optimize_for_size
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed 
DEFINE_bool (unbox_double_arrays, true,"automatically unbox arrays of doubles") DEFINE_bool(string_slices
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
DEFINE_bool (crankshaft, true,"use crankshaft") DEFINE_string(hydrogen_filter
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter 
DEFINE_bool (use_gvn, true,"use hydrogen global value numbering") DEFINE_int(gvn_iterations
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations 
DEFINE_bool (use_canonicalizing, true,"use hydrogen instruction canonicalizing") DEFINE_bool(use_inlining
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
DEFINE_bool (use_escape_analysis, true,"use hydrogen escape analysis") DEFINE_bool(use_allocation_folding
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
DEFINE_bool (use_local_allocation_folding, false,"only fold in basic blocks") DEFINE_bool(use_write_barrier_elimination
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code 
DEFINE_int (max_inlining_levels, 5,"maximum number of inlining levels") DEFINE_int(max_inlined_source_size
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
DEFINE_int (max_inlined_nodes, 196,"maximum number of AST nodes considered for a single inlining") DEFINE_int(max_inlined_nodes_cumulative
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining 
DEFINE_bool (loop_invariant_code_motion, true,"loop invariant code motion") DEFINE_bool(fast_math
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining 
faster (but maybe less accurate) math functions") DEFINE_bool(collect_megamorphic_maps_from_stub_cache
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache 
DEFINE_bool (hydrogen_stats, false,"print statistics for hydrogen") DEFINE_bool(trace_check_elimination
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase 
DEFINE_bool (trace_hydrogen, false,"trace generated hydrogen to file") DEFINE_string(trace_hydrogen_filter
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter 
DEFINE_bool (trace_hydrogen_stubs, false,"trace generated hydrogen for stubs") DEFINE_string(trace_hydrogen_file
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name 
DEFINE_string (trace_phase,"HLZ","trace generated IR for specified phases") DEFINE_bool(trace_inlining
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions 
DEFINE_bool (trace_load_elimination, false,"trace load elimination") DEFINE_bool(trace_store_elimination
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
DEFINE_bool (trace_alloc, false,"trace register allocator") DEFINE_bool(trace_all_uses
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
DEFINE_bool (trace_range, false,"trace range analysis") DEFINE_bool(trace_gvn
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
DEFINE_bool (trace_representation, false,"trace representation types") DEFINE_bool(trace_escape_analysis
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis 
DEFINE_bool (trace_allocation_folding, false,"trace allocation folding") DEFINE_bool(trace_track_allocation_sites
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites 
DEFINE_bool (trace_migration, false,"trace object migration") DEFINE_bool(trace_generalization
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization 
DEFINE_bool (stress_pointer_maps, false,"pointer map for every instruction") DEFINE_bool(stress_environments
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
DEFINE_int (deopt_every_n_times, 0,"deoptimize every n times a deopt point is passed") DEFINE_int(deopt_every_n_garbage_collections
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections 
DEFINE_bool (print_deopt_stress, false,"print number of possible deopt points") DEFINE_bool(trap_on_deopt
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
DEFINE_bool (trap_on_stub_deopt, false,"put a break point before deoptimizing a stub") DEFINE_bool(deoptimize_uncommon_cases
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases 
DEFINE_bool (polymorphic_inlining, true,"polymorphic inlining") DEFINE_bool(use_osr
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
DEFINE_bool (array_bounds_checks_elimination, true,"perform array bounds checks elimination") DEFINE_bool(trace_bce
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination 
DEFINE_bool (array_bounds_checks_hoisting, false,"perform array bounds checks hoisting") DEFINE_bool(array_index_dehoisting
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting 
DEFINE_bool (analyze_environment_liveness, true,"analyze liveness of environment slots and zap dead values") DEFINE_bool(load_elimination
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination 
DEFINE_bool (check_elimination, true,"use check elimination") DEFINE_bool(store_elimination
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
DEFINE_bool (dead_code_elimination, true,"use dead code elimination") DEFINE_bool(fold_constants
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
DEFINE_bool (trace_dead_code_elimination, false,"trace dead code elimination") DEFINE_bool(unreachable_code_elimination
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
DEFINE_bool (trace_osr, false,"trace on-stack replacement") DEFINE_int(stress_runs
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs 
DEFINE_bool (optimize_closures, true,"optimize closures") DEFINE_bool(lookup_sample_by_shared
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself 
DEFINE_bool (cache_optimized_code, true,"cache optimized code for closures") DEFINE_bool(flush_optimized_code_cache
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC 
DEFINE_bool (inline_construct, true,"inline constructor calls") DEFINE_bool(inline_arguments
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object 
DEFINE_bool (inline_accessors, true,"inline JavaScript accessors") DEFINE_int(escape_analysis_iterations
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations 
DEFINE_bool (optimize_for_in, true,"optimize functions containing for-in loops") DEFINE_bool(opt_safe_uint32_operations
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
DEFINE_bool (concurrent_recompilation, true,"optimizing hot functions asynchronously on a separate thread") DEFINE_bool(trace_concurrent_recompilation
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
DEFINE_int (concurrent_recompilation_queue_length, 8,"the length of the concurrent compilation queue") DEFINE_int(concurrent_recompilation_delay
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms 
DEFINE_bool (block_concurrent_recompilation, false,"block queued jobs until released") DEFINE_bool(concurrent_osr
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
DEFINE_implication (concurrent_osr, concurrent_recompilation) DEFINE_bool(omit_map_checks_for_leaf_maps
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes 
DEFINE_int (typed_array_max_size_in_heap, 64,"threshold for in-heap typed array") DEFINE_int(frame_count
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
DEFINE_int (interrupt_budget, 0x1800,"execution budget before interrupt is triggered") DEFINE_int(type_info_threshold
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization 
DEFINE_int (self_opt_count, 130,"call count before self-optimization") DEFINE_bool(trace_opt_verbose
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing 
DEFINE_implication (trace_opt_verbose, trace_opt) DEFINE_bool(debug_code
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra 
code (assertions) for debugging") DEFINE_bool(code_comments
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly 
DEFINE_bool (enable_sse2, true,"enable use of SSE2 instructions if available") DEFINE_bool(enable_sse3
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
DEFINE_bool (enable_sse4_1, true,"enable use of SSE4.1 instructions if available") DEFINE_bool(enable_cmov
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available 
DEFINE_bool (enable_sahf, true,"enable use of SAHF instruction if available (X64 only)") DEFINE_bool(enable_vfp3
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available 
DEFINE_bool (enable_armv7, ENABLE_ARMV7_DEFAULT,"enable use of ARMv7 instructions if available (ARM only)") DEFINE_bool(enable_neon
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if 
available (ARM only)") DEFINE_bool(enable_sudiv
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction 
pairs (ARM only)") DEFINE_bool(enable_unaligned_accesses
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for 
ARMv7 (ARM only)") DEFINE_bool(enable_32dregs
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
DEFINE_bool (enable_vldr_imm, false,"enable use of constant pools for double immediate (ARM only)") DEFINE_bool(force_long_branches
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long 
mode (MIPS only)") DEFINE_string(expose_natives_as
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object 
DEFINE_string (expose_debug_as, NULL,"expose debug in global object") DEFINE_bool(expose_free_buffer
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension 
DEFINE_bool (expose_gc, false,"expose gc extension") DEFINE_string(expose_gc_as
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name 
DEFINE_implication (expose_gc_as, expose_gc) DEFINE_bool(expose_externalize_string
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension 
DEFINE_bool (expose_trigger_failure, false,"expose trigger-failure extension") DEFINE_int(stack_trace_limit
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
DEFINE_bool (builtins_in_stack_traces, false,"show built-in functions in stack traces") DEFINE_bool(disable_native_files
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files 
DEFINE_bool (inline_new, true,"use fast inline allocation") DEFINE_bool(trace_codegen
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
DEFINE_bool (trace, false,"trace function calls") DEFINE_bool(mask_constants_with_cookie
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants 
DEFINE_bool (lazy, true,"use lazy compilation") DEFINE_bool(trace_opt
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization 
DEFINE_bool (trace_opt_stats, false,"trace lazy optimization statistics") DEFINE_bool(opt
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations 
DEFINE_bool (always_opt, false,"always try to optimize functions") DEFINE_bool(always_osr
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions 
DEFINE_bool (prepare_always_opt, false,"prepare for turning on always opt") DEFINE_bool(trace_deopt
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
DEFINE_bool (trace_stub_failures, false,"trace deoptimization of generated code stubs") DEFINE_int(min_preparse_length
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
DEFINE_bool (always_full_compiler, false,"try to use the dedicated run-once backend for all code") DEFINE_int(max_opt_count
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up 
DEFINE_bool (compilation_cache, true,"enable compilation cache") DEFINE_bool(cache_prototype_transitions
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
DEFINE_int (cpu_profiler_sampling_interval, 1000,"CPU profiler sampling interval in microseconds") DEFINE_bool(trace_debug_json
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response 
DEFINE_bool (trace_js_array_abuse, false,"trace out-of-bounds accesses to JS arrays") DEFINE_bool(trace_external_array_abuse
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays 
DEFINE_bool (trace_array_abuse, false,"trace out-of-bounds accesses to all arrays") DEFINE_implication(trace_array_abuse
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
DEFINE_implication (trace_array_abuse, trace_external_array_abuse) DEFINE_bool(debugger_auto_break
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue 
DEFINE_bool (enable_liveedit, true,"enable liveedit experimental feature") DEFINE_bool(hard_abort
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing 
DEFINE_int (stack_size, kPointerSize *123,"default size of stack region v8 is allowed to use (in kBytes)") DEFINE_int(max_stack_trace_source_length
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace 
DEFINE_bool (always_inline_smi_code, false,"always inline smi code in non-opt code") DEFINE_int(max_new_space_size
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new 
generation (in kBytes)") DEFINE_int(max_old_space_size
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable 
memory (in Mbytes)") DEFINE_bool(gc_global
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs 
DEFINE_int (gc_interval,-1,"garbage collect after <n> allocations") DEFINE_bool(trace_gc
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection 
DEFINE_bool (trace_gc_nvp, false,"print one detailed trace line in name=value format ""after each garbage collection") DEFINE_bool(trace_gc_ignore_scavenger
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection 
DEFINE_bool (print_cumulative_gc_stat, false,"print cumulative GC statistics in name=value format on exit") DEFINE_bool(print_max_heap_committed
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
DEFINE_bool (log_colour, true,"When logging, try to use coloured output.") DEFINE_bool(ignore_asm_unimplemented_break
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
DEFINE_bool (trace_sim_messages, false,"Trace simulator debug messages. Implied by --trace-sim.") DEFINE_bool(stack_trace_on_illegal
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown 
DEFINE_bool (abort_on_uncaught_exception, false,"abort program (dump core) when an uncaught exception is thrown") DEFINE_bool(randomize_hashes
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash 
collisions (with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in seed)") DEFINE_int(hash_seed
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property 
keys (0 means random)" "(with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in seed)") DEFINE_bool(profile_deserialization
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot 
DEFINE_bool (regexp_optimization, true,"generate optimized regexp code") DEFINE_bool(testing_bool_flag
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag 
DEFINE_maybe_bool (testing_maybe_bool_flag,"testing_maybe_bool_flag") DEFINE_int(testing_int_flag
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
DEFINE_float (testing_float_flag, 2.5,"float-flag") DEFINE_string(testing_string_flag
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag 
DEFINE_int (testing_prng_seed, 42,"Seed used for threading test randomness") DEFINE_string(testing_serialization_file
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
DEFINE_string (extra_code, NULL,"A filename with extra code to be included in"" the snapshot (mksnapshot only)") DEFINE_bool(profile_hydrogen_code_stub_compilation
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs 
DEFINE_bool (predictable, false,"enable predictable mode") DEFINE_neg_implication(predictable
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
DEFINE_neg_implication (predictable, concurrent_osr) DEFINE_neg_implication(predictable
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
DEFINE_neg_implication (predictable, parallel_sweeping) DEFINE_bool(help
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console 
DEFINE_bool (dump_counters, false,"Dump counters on exit") DEFINE_string(map_counters
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file 
DEFINE_args (js_arguments,"Pass all remaining arguments to the script. Alias for \"--\".") DEFINE_bool(debug_compile_events
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events 
DEFINE_bool (debug_script_collected_events, true,"Enable debugger script collected events") DEFINE_bool(gdbjit
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
interface (disables compacting GC)") DEFINE_bool(gdbjit_full
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects 
DEFINE_bool (gdbjit_dump, false,"dump elf objects with debug info to disk") DEFINE_string(gdbjit_dump_filter
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
DEFINE_bool (force_marking_deque_overflows, false,"force overflows of marking deque by reducing it's size ""to 64 words") DEFINE_bool(stress_compaction
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out 
bugs (implies" "--force_marking_deque_overflows)") DEFINE_bool(print_source
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code 
DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_source, false,"pretty print source code for builtins") DEFINE_bool(print_ast
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
DEFINE_bool (print_builtin_ast, false,"print source AST for builtins") DEFINE_string(stop_at
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint 
DEFINE_bool (trap_on_abort, false,"replace aborts by breakpoints") DEFINE_bool(print_builtin_scopes
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins 
DEFINE_bool (print_scopes, false,"print scopes") DEFINE_bool(trace_contexts
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations 
DEFINE_bool (gc_greedy, false,"perform GC prior to some allocations") DEFINE_bool(gc_verbose
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
DEFINE_bool (heap_stats, false,"report heap statistics before and after GC") DEFINE_bool(code_stats
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC 
DEFINE_bool (verify_native_context_separation, false,"verify that code holds on to at most one native context after GC") DEFINE_bool(print_handles
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC 
DEFINE_bool (print_global_handles, false,"report global handles after GC") DEFINE_bool(trace_ic
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions 
DEFINE_bool (print_interfaces, false,"print interfaces") DEFINE_bool(print_interface_details
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details 
DEFINE_int (print_interface_depth, 5,"depth for printing interfaces") DEFINE_bool(trace_normalization
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries 
DEFINE_bool (trace_lazy, false,"trace lazy compilation") DEFINE_bool(collect_heap_spill_statistics
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with 
heap_stats (requires heap_stats)") DEFINE_bool(trace_isolates
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes 
DEFINE_bool (regexp_possessive_quantifier, false,"enable possessive quantifier syntax for testing") DEFINE_bool(trace_regexp_bytecodes
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
DEFINE_bool (trace_regexp_assembler, false,"trace regexp macro assembler calls.") DEFINE_bool(log
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal 
logging (no API, code, GC, suspect, or handles samples).") DEFINE_bool(log_all
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file 
DEFINE_bool (log_runtime, false,"Activate runtime system %Log call.") DEFINE_bool(log_api
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file 
DEFINE_bool (log_code, false,"Log code events to the log file without profiling.") DEFINE_bool(log_gc
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool 
DEFINE_bool (log_handles, false,"Log global handle events.") DEFINE_bool(log_snapshot_positions
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions 
of (de) serialized objects in the snapshot.") DEFINE_bool(log_suspect
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
DEFINE_bool (prof, false,"Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code).") DEFINE_bool(prof_browser_mode
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
DEFINE_bool (log_regexp, false,"Log regular expression execution.") DEFINE_string(logfile
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file 
DEFINE_bool (logfile_per_isolate, true,"Separate log files for each isolate.") DEFINE_bool(ll_prof
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler 
DEFINE_bool (perf_basic_prof, false,"Enable perf linux profiler (basic support).") DEFINE_bool(perf_jit_prof
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux 
profiler (experimental annotate support).") DEFINE_string(gc_fake_mmap
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp Specify the
name of the file for fake gc
mmap used in ll_prof 
DEFINE_bool (log_internal_timer_events, false,"Time internal events.") DEFINE_bool(log_timer_events
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp Specify the
name of the file for fake gc
mmap used in ll_prof Time
events including external
DEFINE_implication (log_timer_events, log_internal_timer_events) DEFINE_implication(log_internal_timer_events
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp Specify the
name of the file for fake gc
mmap used in ll_prof Time
events including external
callbacks prof 
DEFINE_bool (log_instruction_stats, false,"Log AArch64 instruction statistics.") DEFINE_string(log_instruction_file
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp Specify the
name of the file for fake gc
mmap used in ll_prof Time
events including external
callbacks prof arm64_inst
AArch64 instruction statistics
log file 
DEFINE_int (log_instruction_period, 1<< 22,"AArch64 instruction statistics logging period.") DEFINE_bool(redirect_code_traces
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp Specify the
name of the file for fake gc
mmap used in ll_prof Time
events including external
callbacks prof arm64_inst
AArch64 instruction statistics
log file output deopt
information and disassembly
into file code< pid >
< isolateid > asm 
DEFINE_string (redirect_code_traces_to, NULL,"output deopt information and disassembly into the given file") DEFINE_bool(hydrogen_track_positions
 DEFINE_bool (trace_elements_transitions, false,"trace elements transitions") DEFINE_bool(trace_creation_allocation_sites
trace the creation of
allocation sites 
DEFINE_bool (print_code_stubs, false,"print code stubs") DEFINE_bool(test_secondary_stub_cache
trace the creation of
allocation sites test
secondary stub cache by
disabling the primary one 
DEFINE_bool (test_primary_stub_cache, false,"test primary stub cache by disabling the secondary one") DEFINE_bool(print_code
trace the creation of
allocation sites test
secondary stub cache by
disabling the primary one
print generated code 
DEFINE_bool (print_opt_code, false,"print optimized code") DEFINE_bool(print_unopt_code
trace the creation of
allocation sites test
secondary stub cache by
disabling the primary one
print generated code print
unoptimized code before
printing optimized code based
on it 
DEFINE_bool (print_code_verbose, false,"print more information for code") DEFINE_bool(print_builtin_code
 DEFINE_bool (enable_ool_constant_pool, V8_OOL_CONSTANT_POOL,"enable use of out-of-line constant pools (ARM only)") DEFINE_bool(use_strict
enforce strict mode DEFINE_bool (es_staging, false,"enable upcoming ES6+ features") DEFINE_bool(harmony_typeof
enforce strict mode enable
harmony semantics for typeof 
DEFINE_bool (harmony_scoping, false,"enable harmony block scoping") DEFINE_bool(harmony_modules
enforce strict mode enable
harmony semantics for typeof
enable harmony 
modules (implies block scoping)") DEFINE_bool(harmony_symbols
char NormalizeChar (char ch)
int NumRegs (RegList reglist)
void SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData ()
Vector< StackFrame * > CreateStackMap (Isolate *isolate, Zone *zone)
template<typename T >
void USE (T)
template<typename F >
F FUNCTION_CAST (Address addr)
Handle< FixedArrayAddKeysFromJSArray (Handle< FixedArray > content, Handle< JSArray > array)
Handle< FixedArrayUnionOfKeys (Handle< FixedArray > first, Handle< FixedArray > second)
Handle< JSGlobalProxyReinitializeJSGlobalProxy (Handle< JSFunction > constructor, Handle< JSGlobalProxy > global)
void FlattenString (Handle< String > string)
Handle< StringFlattenGetString (Handle< String > string)
Handle< ObjectForceSetProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< Object > key, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
Handle< ObjectDeleteProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< Object > key)
Handle< ObjectForceDeleteProperty (Handle< JSObject > object, Handle< Object > key)
Handle< ObjectHasProperty (Handle< JSReceiver > obj, Handle< Object > key)
Handle< ObjectGetProperty (Handle< JSReceiver > obj, const char *name)
Handle< ObjectGetProperty (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Object > obj, Handle< Object > key)
Handle< StringLookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode (Isolate *isolate, uint32_t index)
Handle< JSValueGetScriptWrapper (Handle< Script > script)
void InitScriptLineEnds (Handle< Script > script)
Handle< FixedArrayCalculateLineEnds (Handle< String > src, bool with_last_line)
int GetScriptLineNumber (Handle< Script > script, int code_pos)
int GetScriptColumnNumber (Handle< Script > script, int code_pos)
int GetScriptLineNumberSafe (Handle< Script > script, int code_pos)
v8::Handle< v8::ArrayGetKeysForNamedInterceptor (Handle< JSReceiver > receiver, Handle< JSObject > object)
v8::Handle< v8::ArrayGetKeysForIndexedInterceptor (Handle< JSReceiver > receiver, Handle< JSObject > object)
Handle< ObjectGetScriptNameOrSourceURL (Handle< Script > script)
Handle< FixedArrayGetKeysInFixedArrayFor (Handle< JSReceiver > object, KeyCollectionType type, bool *threw)
Handle< JSArrayGetKeysFor (Handle< JSReceiver > object, bool *threw)
Handle< FixedArrayReduceFixedArrayTo (Handle< FixedArray > array, int length)
Handle< FixedArrayGetEnumPropertyKeys (Handle< JSObject > object, bool cache_result)
void AddWeakObjectToCodeDependency (Heap *heap, Handle< Object > object, Handle< Code > code)
template<class T >
Handle< Thandle (T *t, Isolate *isolate)
template<class T >
Handle< Thandle (T *t)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize &kDoubleAlignmentMask)==0)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((ConstantPoolArray::kHeaderSize &kDoubleAlignmentMask)==0)
 INLINE (static HeapObject *EnsureDoubleAligned(Heap *heap, HeapObject *object, int size))
 V8_DECLARE_ONCE (initialize_gc_once)
void TraceGVN (const char *msg,...)
bool ConstantIsObject (HConstant *constant, Isolate *isolate)
 DEFINE_NEW_H_BITWISE_INSTR (HSar, c_left->NumberValueAsInteger32() >>(c_right->NumberValueAsInteger32()&0x1f)) DEFINE_NEW_H_BITWISE_INSTR(HShl
c_left NumberValueAsInteger32 ()<< (c_right-> NumberValueAsInteger32()&0x1f)) HInstruction *HShr::New(Zone *zone, HValue *context, HValue *left, HValue *right)
bool StoringValueNeedsWriteBarrier (HValue *value)
bool ReceiverObjectNeedsWriteBarrier (HValue *object, HValue *value, HValue *new_space_dominator)
bool CanBeZero (HValue *right)
template<class T >
void DeleteNativeObjectAt (const v8::WeakCallbackData< v8::Value, void > &data, int index)
void ArrayNativeCode (MacroAssembler *masm, bool construct_call, Label *call_generic_code)
bool AreAliased (Register r1, Register r2, Register r3, Register r4)
Operand FieldOperand (Register object, int offset)
Operand FieldOperand (Register object, Register index, ScaleFactor scale, int offset)
Operand FixedArrayElementOperand (Register array, Register index_as_smi, int additional_offset=0)
Operand ApiParameterOperand (int index)
bool IsOutOfBoundsAccess (Handle< JSObject > receiver, int index)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedLoadIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedLoadIC_MissFromStubFailure)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreIC_MissFromStubFailure)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreIC_ArrayLength)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, SharedStoreIC_ExtendStorage)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedStoreIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedStoreIC_MissFromStubFailure)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreIC_Slow)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedStoreIC_Slow)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, BinaryOpIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, BinaryOpIC_MissWithAllocationSite)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (Code *, CompareIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, CompareNilIC_Miss)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Unreachable)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, ToBooleanIC_Miss)
void PatchInlinedSmiCode (Address address, InlinedSmiCheck check)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedLoadIC_MissFromStubFailure)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedStoreIC_MissFromStubFailure)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreIC_MissFromStubFailure)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_Miss)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, BinaryOpIC_Miss)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, BinaryOpIC_MissWithAllocationSite)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, CompareNilIC_Miss)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, ToBooleanIC_Miss)
bool InitializeICU (const char *icu_data_file)
template<typename StringType >
void SeqStringSet (Handle< StringType > seq_str, int i, uc32 c)
void SeqStringSet (Handle< SeqTwoByteString > seq_str, int i, uc32 c)
void SeqStringSet (Handle< SeqOneByteString > seq_str, int i, uc32 c)
template<typename StringType >
Handle< StringType > NewRawString (Factory *factory, int length, PretenureFlag pretenure)
Handle< SeqTwoByteStringNewRawString (Factory *factory, int length, PretenureFlag pretenure)
Handle< SeqOneByteStringNewRawString (Factory *factory, int length, PretenureFlag pretenure)
ContainedInLattice AddRange (ContainedInLattice containment, const int *ranges, int ranges_length, Interval new_range)
 STATIC_ASSERT (BoyerMoorePositionInfo::kMapSize==RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize)
ContainedInLattice Combine (ContainedInLattice a, ContainedInLattice b)
template<typename T , typename P >
int SortedListBSearch (const List< T > &list, P cmp)
template<typename T >
int SortedListBSearch (const List< T > &list, T elem)
template<typename T , class P >
size_t GetMemoryUsedByList (const List< T, P > &list)
 STATIC_ASSERT (DoubleRegister::kMaxNumAllocatableRegisters >=Register::kMaxNumAllocatableRegisters)
int StackSlotOffset (int index)
const char * AllocationSpaceName (AllocationSpace space)
template intptr_t MarkCompactCollector::SweepConservatively< MarkCompactCollector::SWEEP_SEQUENTIALLY > (PagedSpace *, FreeList *, Page *)
template intptr_t MarkCompactCollector::SweepConservatively< MarkCompactCollector::SWEEP_IN_PARALLEL > (PagedSpace *, FreeList *, Page *)
 REGISTER (no_reg,-1)
 REGISTER (zero_reg, 0)
 REGISTER (at, 1)
 REGISTER (v0, 2)
 REGISTER (v1, 3)
 REGISTER (a0, 4)
 REGISTER (a1, 5)
 REGISTER (a2, 6)
 REGISTER (a3, 7)
 REGISTER (t0, 8)
 REGISTER (t1, 9)
 REGISTER (t2, 10)
 REGISTER (t3, 11)
 REGISTER (t4, 12)
 REGISTER (t5, 13)
 REGISTER (t6, 14)
 REGISTER (t7, 15)
 REGISTER (s0, 16)
 REGISTER (s1, 17)
 REGISTER (s2, 18)
 REGISTER (s3, 19)
 REGISTER (s4, 20)
 REGISTER (s5, 21)
 REGISTER (s6, 22)
 REGISTER (s7, 23)
 REGISTER (t8, 24)
 REGISTER (t9, 25)
 REGISTER (k0, 26)
 REGISTER (k1, 27)
 REGISTER (gp, 28)
 REGISTER (sp, 29)
 REGISTER (fp, 30)
 REGISTER (ra, 31)
int ToNumber (Register reg)
Register ToRegister (int num)
 STATIC_ASSERT (kMaxWatchpointCode< kMaxStopCode)
MemOperand CFunctionArgumentOperand (int index)
int IntegerLog2 (uint32_t value)
 STATIC_CHECK ((kStringRepresentationMask|kStringEncodingMask)==Internals::kFullStringRepresentationMask)
 STATIC_CHECK (static_cast< uint32_t >(kStringEncodingMask)==Internals::kStringEncodingMask)
 STATIC_CHECK ((kExternalStringTag|kOneByteStringTag)==Internals::kExternalAsciiRepresentationTag)
 STATIC_CHECK (v8::String::ASCII_ENCODING==kOneByteStringTag)
 STATIC_CHECK ((kExternalStringTag|kTwoByteStringTag)==Internals::kExternalTwoByteRepresentationTag)
 STATIC_CHECK (v8::String::TWO_BYTE_ENCODING==kTwoByteStringTag)
bool Is< JSFunction > (Object *obj)
bool Is< JSArray > (Object *obj)
 SMI_ACCESSORS (ConstantPoolArray, first_code_ptr_index, kFirstCodePointerIndexOffset) SMI_ACCESSORS(ConstantPoolArray
kFirstHeapPointerIndexOffset SMI_ACCESSORS (ConstantPoolArray, first_int32_index, kFirstInt32IndexOffset) int ConstantPoolArray
template<SearchMode search_mode, typename T >
int BinarySearch (T *array, Name *name, int low, int high, int valid_entries)
template<SearchMode search_mode, typename T >
int LinearSearch (T *array, Name *name, int len, int valid_entries)
template<SearchMode search_mode, typename T >
int Search (T *array, Name *name, int valid_entries)
 ACCESSORS (AccessorInfo, expected_receiver_type, Object, kExpectedReceiverTypeOffset) ACCESSORS(DeclaredAccessorDescriptor
kSerializedDataOffset ACCESSORS (DeclaredAccessorInfo, descriptor, DeclaredAccessorDescriptor, kDescriptorOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, named_property_handler, Object, kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, instance_template, Object, kInstanceTemplateOffset) ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, access_check_info, Object, kAccessCheckInfoOffset) ACCESSORS(ObjectTemplateInfo
ACCESSORS_TO_SMI (AllocationSite, pretenure_create_count, kPretenureCreateCountOffset) ACCESSORS(AllocationSite
ACCESSORS_TO_SMI (Script, eval_from_instructions_offset, kEvalFrominstructionsOffsetOffset) Script
 ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, optimized_code_map, Object, kOptimizedCodeMapOffset) ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
kInstanceClassNameOffset BOOL_ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, flag, hidden_prototype, kHiddenPrototypeBit) BOOL_ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, flag, read_only_prototype, kReadOnlyPrototypeBit) BOOL_ACCESSORS(FunctionTemplateInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (FunctionTemplateInfo, flag, do_not_cache, kDoNotCacheBit) BOOL_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, start_position_and_type, is_toplevel, kIsTopLevelBit) BOOL_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, compiler_hints, allows_lazy_compilation_without_context, kAllowLazyCompilationWithoutContext) BOOL_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, compiler_hints, has_duplicate_parameters, kHasDuplicateParameters) PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_HI(SharedFunctionInfo
PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_LO (SharedFunctionInfo, expected_nof_properties, kExpectedNofPropertiesOffset) PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_HI(SharedFunctionInfo
PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_LO (SharedFunctionInfo, function_token_position, kFunctionTokenPositionOffset) PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_HI(SharedFunctionInfo
PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_LO (SharedFunctionInfo, opt_count_and_bailout_reason, kOptCountAndBailoutReasonOffset) int SharedFunctionInfo
 BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, compiler_hints, live_objects_may_exist, kLiveObjectsMayExist) bool SharedFunctionInfo
 BOOL_GETTER (SharedFunctionInfo, compiler_hints, optimization_disabled, kOptimizationDisabled) void SharedFunctionInfo
 BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, compiler_hints, inline_builtin, kInlineBuiltin) BOOL_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfo
kNameShouldPrintAsAnonymous BOOL_ACCESSORS (SharedFunctionInfo, compiler_hints, dont_optimize, kDontOptimize) void SharedFunctionInfo
 ACCESSORS (JSFunction, prototype_or_initial_map, Object, kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset) Map *JSFunction
 ACCESSORS (TypeFeedbackInfo, feedback_vector, FixedArray, kFeedbackVectorOffset) Relocatable
Handle< NameDictionaryNameDictionaryShrink (Handle< NameDictionary > dict, Handle< Name > name)
Handle< ObjectCacheInitialJSArrayMaps (Handle< Context > native_context, Handle< Map > initial_map)
void HeapSortPairs (FixedArray *content, FixedArray *numbers, int len)
const char * GetBailoutReason (BailoutReason reason)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((kSeqStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)==0)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((kExternalStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)==0)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((kConsStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)==kIsIndirectStringTag)
 STATIC_ASSERT ((kSlicedStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)==kIsIndirectStringTag)
 STATIC_ASSERT (IS_POWER_OF_TWO(kSlicedNotConsMask)&&kSlicedNotConsMask!=0)
 STATIC_CHECK (JS_OBJECT_TYPE==Internals::kJSObjectType)
 STATIC_CHECK (FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE==Internals::kFirstNonstringType)
 STATIC_CHECK (ODDBALL_TYPE==Internals::kOddballType)
 STATIC_CHECK (FOREIGN_TYPE==Internals::kForeignType)
template<class C >
bool Is (Object *obj)
void CallOnceImpl (OnceType *once, PointerArgFunction init_func, void *arg)
void CallOnce (OnceType *once, NoArgFunction init_func)
template<typename Arg >
void CallOnce (OnceType *once, typename OneArgFunction< Arg * >::type init_func, Arg *arg)
Time operator+ (const TimeDelta &delta, const Time &time)
TimeTicks operator+ (const TimeDelta &delta, const TimeTicks &ticks)
double modulo (double x, double y)
void lazily_initialize_fast_exp ()
void MathSetup ()
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymInitialize))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef DWORD (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetOptions))(VOID)
typedef DWORD (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymSetOptions))(IN DWORD SymOptions)
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetSearchPath))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef DWORD64 (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymLoadModule64))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(StackWalk64))(DWORD MachineType
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetSymFromAddr64))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetLineFromAddr64))(IN HANDLE hProcess
typedef PVOID (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymFunctionTableAccess64))(HANDLE hProcess
typedef DWORD64 (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(SymGetModuleBase64))(HANDLE hProcess
typedef HANDLE (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot))(DWORD dwFlags
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(Module32FirstW))(HANDLE hSnapshot
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *DLL_FUNC_TYPE(Module32NextW))(HANDLE hSnapshot
double fast_exp (double input)
double fast_sqrt (double input)
MaybeObject * TransitionElements (Handle< Object > object, ElementsKind to_kind, Isolate *isolate)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_CreateObjectLiteral)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_CreateArrayLiteral)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_CreateArrayLiteralStubBailout)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CreateSymbol)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CreatePrivateSymbol)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CreateGlobalPrivateSymbol)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NewSymbolWrapper)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SymbolDescription)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SymbolRegistry)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SymbolIsPrivate)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CreateJSProxy)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CreateJSFunctionProxy)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsJSProxy)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsJSFunctionProxy)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetHandler)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetCallTrap)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetConstructTrap)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Fix)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ArrayBufferInitialize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ArrayBufferGetByteLength)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ArrayBufferSliceImpl)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ArrayBufferIsView)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ArrayBufferNeuter)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TypedArrayInitialize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TypedArrayInitializeFromArrayLike)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TypedArrayGetBuffer)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TypedArraySetFastCases)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TypedArrayMaxSizeInHeap)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DataViewInitialize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DataViewGetBuffer)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DataViewGetByteOffset)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DataViewGetByteLength)
template<int n>
void CopyBytes (uint8_t *target, uint8_t *source)
template<int n>
void FlipBytes (uint8_t *target, uint8_t *source)
int8_t DataViewConvertValue< int8_t > (double value)
int16_t DataViewConvertValue< int16_t > (double value)
int32_t DataViewConvertValue< int32_t > (double value)
uint8_t DataViewConvertValue< uint8_t > (double value)
uint16_t DataViewConvertValue< uint16_t > (double value)
uint32_t DataViewConvertValue< uint32_t > (double value)
float DataViewConvertValue< float > (double value)
double DataViewConvertValue< double > (double value)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetInitialize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetAdd)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetHas)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetDelete)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetGetSize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MapInitialize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MapGet)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MapHas)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MapDelete)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MapSet)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MapGetSize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_WeakCollectionInitialize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_WeakCollectionGet)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_WeakCollectionHas)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_WeakCollectionDelete)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_WeakCollectionSet)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ClassOf)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetPrototype)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetPrototype)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsInPrototypeChain)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetOwnProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_PreventExtensions)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsExtensible)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RegExpCompile)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CreateApiFunction)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsTemplate)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetTemplateField)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DisableAccessChecks)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_EnableAccessChecks)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetAccessorProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_DeclareGlobals)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_DeclareContextSlot)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_InitializeVarGlobal)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_InitializeConstGlobal)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_InitializeConstContextSlot)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_RegExpExec)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_RegExpConstructResult)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RegExpInitializeObject)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FinishArrayPrototypeSetup)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SpecialArrayFunctions)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsSloppyModeFunction)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetDefaultReceiver)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_MaterializeRegExpLiteral)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionGetName)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionSetName)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionNameShouldPrintAsAnonymous)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionMarkNameShouldPrintAsAnonymous)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionIsGenerator)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionRemovePrototype)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionGetScript)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionGetSourceCode)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionGetPositionForOffset)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionSetInstanceClassName)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionSetLength)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionSetPrototype)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionSetReadOnlyPrototype)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionIsAPIFunction)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionIsBuiltin)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetCode)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetExpectedNumberOfProperties)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_CreateJSGeneratorObject)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_SuspendJSGeneratorObject)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ResumeJSGeneratorObject)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ThrowGeneratorStateError)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ObjectFreeze)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_StringCharCodeAt)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CharFromCode)
void FindAsciiStringIndices (Vector< const uint8_t > subject, char pattern, ZoneList< int > *indices, unsigned int limit, Zone *zone)
void FindTwoByteStringIndices (const Vector< const uc16 > subject, uc16 pattern, ZoneList< int > *indices, unsigned int limit, Zone *zone)
template<typename SubjectChar , typename PatternChar >
void FindStringIndices (Isolate *isolate, Vector< const SubjectChar > subject, Vector< const PatternChar > pattern, ZoneList< int > *indices, unsigned int limit, Zone *zone)
void FindStringIndicesDispatch (Isolate *isolate, String *subject, String *pattern, ZoneList< int > *indices, unsigned int limit, Zone *zone)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithString)
Handle< StringStringReplaceOneCharWithString (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > subject, Handle< String > search, Handle< String > replace, bool *found, int recursion_limit)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringReplaceOneCharWithString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringIndexOf)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringLastIndexOf)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringLocaleCompare)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_SubString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringMatch)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RegExpExecMultiple)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToRadixString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToFixed)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToExponential)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToPrecision)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsValidSmi)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_KeyedGetProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DefineOrRedefineAccessorProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DefineOrRedefineDataProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetDataProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetHiddenProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TransitionElementsKind)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetNativeFlag)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetInlineBuiltinFlag)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StoreArrayLiteralElement)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DebugCallbackSupportsStepping)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DebugPrepareStepInIfStepping)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DeleteProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_HasLocalProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_HasProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_HasElement)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsPropertyEnumerable)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetPropertyNames)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetPropertyNamesFast)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetLocalPropertyNames)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetLocalElementNames)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetInterceptorInfo)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetNamedInterceptorPropertyNames)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetIndexedInterceptorElementNames)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_LocalKeys)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetArgumentsProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ToFastProperties)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ToBool)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Typeof)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringToNumber)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NewString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TruncateString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_URIEscape)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_URIUnescape)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_QuoteJSONString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_BasicJSONStringify)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringParseInt)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringParseFloat)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringToLowerCase)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringToUpperCase)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringTrim)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringSplit)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringToArray)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NewStringWrapper)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NumberToString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NumberToStringSkipCache)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToInteger)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToIntegerMapMinusZero)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToJSUint32)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberToJSInt32)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NumberToSmi)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_AllocateHeapNumber)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberAdd)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberSub)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberMul)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberUnaryMinus)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberAlloc)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberDiv)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberMod)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberImul)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_StringAdd)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringBuilderConcat)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringBuilderJoin)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SparseJoinWithSeparator)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberOr)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberAnd)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberXor)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberShl)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberShr)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberSar)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberEquals)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_StringEquals)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NumberCompare)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SmiLexicographicCompare)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_StringCompare)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DoubleHi)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DoubleLo)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ConstructDouble)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_atan2)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_exp)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_floor)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_pow)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_pow_cfunction)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RoundNumber)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_sqrt)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Math_fround)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateMakeDay)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateSetValue)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewArgumentsFast)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewStrictArgumentsFast)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewClosureFromStubFailure)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewClosure)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FunctionBindArguments)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_BoundFunctionGetBindings)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NewObjectFromBound)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewObject)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewObjectWithAllocationSite)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_FinalizeInstanceSize)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_CompileUnoptimized)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_CompileOptimized)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NotifyStubFailure)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NotifyDeoptimized)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DeoptimizeFunction)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ClearFunctionTypeFeedback)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RunningInSimulator)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsConcurrentRecompilationSupported)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NeverOptimizeFunction)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetOptimizationStatus)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_UnblockConcurrentRecompilation)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetOptimizationCount)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CompileForOnStackReplacement)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetAllocationTimeout)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CheckIsBootstrapping)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetRootNaN)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Call)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Apply)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetFunctionDelegate)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetConstructorDelegate)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewGlobalContext)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_NewFunctionContext)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_PushWithContext)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_PushCatchContext)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_PushBlockContext)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsJSModule)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_PushModuleContext)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_DeclareModules)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_DeleteContextSlot)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (ObjectPair, RuntimeHidden_LoadContextSlot)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (ObjectPair, RuntimeHidden_LoadContextSlotNoReferenceError)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_StoreContextSlot)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_Throw)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ReThrow)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_PromoteScheduledException)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ThrowReferenceError)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ThrowNotDateError)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ThrowMessage)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_StackGuard)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_TryInstallOptimizedCode)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_Interrupt)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TraceEnter)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TraceExit)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DebugPrint)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DebugTrace)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateCurrentTime)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateParseString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateLocalTimezone)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateToUTC)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_DateCacheVersion)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GlobalReceiver)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsAttachedGlobal)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ParseJson)
bool CodeGenerationFromStringsAllowed (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Context > context)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CompileString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (ObjectPair, RuntimeHidden_ResolvePossiblyDirectEval)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_AllocateInNewSpace)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_AllocateInTargetSpace)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_PushIfAbsent)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ArrayConcat)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GlobalPrint)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RemoveArrayHoles)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MoveArrayContents)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_EstimateNumberOfElements)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetArrayKeys)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_LookupAccessor)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetScript)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_CollectStackTrace)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetAndClearOverflowedStackTrace)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetV8Version)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_Abort)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_AbortJS)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_FlattenString)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_NotifyContextDisposed)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_TryMigrateInstance)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_GetFromCache)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MessageGetStartPosition)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MessageGetScript)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_Log)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IS_VAR)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_HaveSameMap)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsAccessCheckNeeded)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsObserved)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetIsObserved)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_SetMicrotaskPending)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_RunMicrotasks)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetMicrotaskState)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_GetObservationState)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_ObservationWeakMapCreate)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_UnwrapGlobalProxy)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_IsAccessAllowedForObserver)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_ArrayConstructor)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, RuntimeHidden_InternalArrayConstructor)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, Runtime_MaxSmi)
int HexValue (uc32 c)
 STATIC_CHECK (sizeof(MemoryChunk)<=MemoryChunk::kHeaderSize)
 STATIC_CHECK (sizeof(Page)<=MemoryChunk::kHeaderSize)
 STATIC_CHECK (sizeof(LargePage)<=MemoryChunk::kHeaderSize)
template<typename PatternChar , typename SubjectChar >
bool CharCompare (const PatternChar *pattern, const SubjectChar *subject, int length)
template<typename SubjectChar , typename PatternChar >
int SearchString (Isolate *isolate, Vector< const SubjectChar > subject, Vector< const PatternChar > pattern, int start_index)
double Strtod (Vector< const char > buffer, int exponent)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreCallbackProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadPropertyWithInterceptorForLoad)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadPropertyWithInterceptorForCall)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreInterceptorProperty)
 RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedLoadPropertyWithInterceptor)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreCallbackProperty)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadPropertyWithInterceptorForLoad)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, LoadPropertyWithInterceptorForCall)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, StoreInterceptorProperty)
 DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION (MaybeObject *, KeyedLoadPropertyWithInterceptor)
Vector< const uint8_t > GetCharVector (Handle< String > string)
Vector< const uc16GetCharVector (Handle< String > string)
template<typename T >
bool IsPowerOf2 (T x)
int WhichPowerOf2 (uint32_t x)
int MostSignificantBit (uint32_t x)
int ArithmeticShiftRight (int x, int s)
template<typename T >
intptr_t OffsetFrom (T x)
template<typename T >
T AddressFrom (intptr_t x)
template<typename T >
T RoundDown (T x, intptr_t m)
template<typename T >
T RoundUp (T x, intptr_t m)
template<class T >
T AlignUp (T pointer, size_t alignment)
template<typename T >
int Compare (const T &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
int PointerValueCompare (const T *a, const T *b)
template<typename T >
int HandleObjectPointerCompare (const Handle< T > *a, const Handle< T > *b)
uint32_t RoundUpToPowerOf2 (uint32_t x)
uint32_t RoundDownToPowerOf2 (uint32_t x)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool IsAligned (T value, U alignment)
bool IsAddressAligned (Address addr, intptr_t alignment, int offset=0)
template<typename T >
T Max (T a, T b)
template<typename T >
T Min (T a, T b)
template<typename T >
T Abs (T a)
template<typename T >
T NegAbs (T a)
int StrLength (const char *string)
int32_t WhichPowerOf2Abs (int32_t x)
uint32_t ComputeIntegerHash (uint32_t key, uint32_t seed)
uint32_t ComputeLongHash (uint64_t key)
uint32_t ComputePointerHash (void *ptr)
Vector< const char > CStrVector (const char *data)
Vector< const uint8_t > OneByteVector (const char *data, int length)
Vector< const uint8_t > OneByteVector (const char *data)
Vector< char > MutableCStrVector (char *data)
Vector< char > MutableCStrVector (char *data, int max)
template<typename lchar , typename rchar >
int CompareCharsUnsigned (const lchar *lhs, const rchar *rhs, int chars)
template<typename lchar , typename rchar >
int CompareChars (const lchar *lhs, const rchar *rhs, int chars)
int TenToThe (int exponent)
template<class Dest , class Source >
 INLINE (Dest BitCast(const Source &source))
template<class Dest , class Source >
Dest BitCast (const Source &source)
uint32_t unsigned_bitextract_32 (int msb, int lsb, uint32_t x)
uint64_t unsigned_bitextract_64 (int msb, int lsb, uint64_t x)
int32_t signed_bitextract_32 (int msb, int lsb, int32_t x)
int signed_bitextract_64 (int msb, int lsb, int x)
bool is_intn (int64_t x, unsigned n)
bool is_uintn (int64_t x, unsigned n)
template<class T >
T truncate_to_intn (T x, unsigned n)
 V8_DECLARE_ONCE (init_once)
double StringToDouble (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, String *str, int flags, double empty_string_val)
double StringToInt (UnicodeCache *unicode_cache, String *str, int radix)
int32_t NumberToInt32 (Object *number)
uint32_t NumberToUint32 (Object *number)
bool TryNumberToSize (Isolate *isolate, Object *number, size_t *result)
size_t NumberToSize (Isolate *isolate, Object *number)
bool IsDynamicVariableMode (VariableMode mode)
bool IsDeclaredVariableMode (VariableMode mode)
bool IsLexicalVariableMode (VariableMode mode)
bool IsImmutableVariableMode (VariableMode mode)
void PrintF (const char *format,...)
void PrintF (FILE *out, const char *format,...)
void PrintPID (const char *format,...)
void Flush (FILE *out)
char * ReadLine (const char *prompt)
char * ReadCharsFromFile (FILE *file, int *size, int extra_space, bool verbose, const char *filename)
char * ReadCharsFromFile (const char *filename, int *size, int extra_space, bool verbose)
byteReadBytes (const char *filename, int *size, bool verbose)
Vector< const char > ReadFile (const char *filename, bool *exists, bool verbose)
Vector< const char > ReadFile (FILE *file, bool *exists, bool verbose)
int WriteCharsToFile (const char *str, int size, FILE *f)
int AppendChars (const char *filename, const char *str, int size, bool verbose)
int WriteChars (const char *filename, const char *str, int size, bool verbose)
int WriteBytes (const char *filename, const byte *bytes, int size, bool verbose)
void Flush ()
int WriteAsCFile (const char *filename, const char *varname, const char *str, int size, bool verbose=true)
template<typename T >
Vector< Handle< Object > > HandleVector (v8::internal::Handle< T > *elms, int length)
template<typename T >
void CopyWords (T *dst, const T *src, size_t num_words)
template<typename T >
void MoveWords (T *dst, const T *src, size_t num_words)
template<typename T >
void CopyBytes (T *dst, const T *src, size_t num_bytes)
template<typename T , typename U >
void MemsetPointer (T **dest, U *value, int counter)
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar >
 INLINE (static void CopyCharsUnsigned(sinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars))
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar >
 INLINE (void CopyChars(sinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars))
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar >
void CopyChars (sinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars)
template<typename sourcechar , typename sinkchar >
void CopyCharsUnsigned (sinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars)
const char * StateToString (StateTag state)
Operand StackSpaceOperand (int index)
Operand StackOperandForReturnAddress (int32_t disp)
Vector< const PrecomputedFixedPrecomputedFixedRepresentations ()
Vector< const
PrecomputedPrecisionRepresentations ()
Vector< const PrecomputedShortestPrecomputedShortestRepresentations ()
 TEST (Positions)
void SetVersion (int major, int minor, int build, int patch, bool candidate, const char *soname)


const int kApiPointerSize = sizeof(void*)
const int kApiIntSize = sizeof(int)
const int kHeapObjectTag = 1
const int kHeapObjectTagSize = 2
const intptr_t kHeapObjectTagMask = (1 << kHeapObjectTagSize) - 1
const int kSmiTag = 0
const int kSmiTagSize = 1
const intptr_t kSmiTagMask = (1 << kSmiTagSize) - 1
const int kSmiShiftSize = PlatformSmiTagging::kSmiShiftSize
const int kSmiValueSize = PlatformSmiTagging::kSmiValueSize
const int kHandleBlockSize = v8::internal::KB - 2
const int kRegister_no_reg_Code = -1
const int kRegister_r0_Code = 0
const int kRegister_r1_Code = 1
const int kRegister_r2_Code = 2
const int kRegister_r3_Code = 3
const int kRegister_r4_Code = 4
const int kRegister_r5_Code = 5
const int kRegister_r6_Code = 6
const int kRegister_r7_Code = 7
const int kRegister_r8_Code = 8
const int kRegister_r9_Code = 9
const int kRegister_r10_Code = 10
const int kRegister_fp_Code = 11
const int kRegister_ip_Code = 12
const int kRegister_sp_Code = 13
const int kRegister_lr_Code = 14
const int kRegister_pc_Code = 15
const Register no_reg = { kRegister_no_reg_Code }
const Register r0 = { kRegister_r0_Code }
const Register r1 = { kRegister_r1_Code }
const Register r2 = { kRegister_r2_Code }
const Register r3 = { kRegister_r3_Code }
const Register r4 = { kRegister_r4_Code }
const Register r5 = { kRegister_r5_Code }
const Register r6 = { kRegister_r6_Code }
const Register r7 = { kRegister_r7_Code }
const Register r8 = { kRegister_r8_Code }
const Register r9 = { kRegister_r9_Code }
const Register r10 = { kRegister_r10_Code }
const Register fp = { kRegister_fp_Code }
const Register ip = { kRegister_ip_Code }
const Register sp = { kRegister_sp_Code }
const Register lr = { kRegister_lr_Code }
const Register pc = { kRegister_pc_Code }
const SwVfpRegister s0 = { 0 }
const SwVfpRegister s1 = { 1 }
const SwVfpRegister s2 = { 2 }
const SwVfpRegister s3 = { 3 }
const SwVfpRegister s4 = { 4 }
const SwVfpRegister s5 = { 5 }
const SwVfpRegister s6 = { 6 }
const SwVfpRegister s7 = { 7 }
const SwVfpRegister s8 = { 8 }
const SwVfpRegister s9 = { 9 }
const SwVfpRegister s10 = { 10 }
const SwVfpRegister s11 = { 11 }
const SwVfpRegister s12 = { 12 }
const SwVfpRegister s13 = { 13 }
const SwVfpRegister s14 = { 14 }
const SwVfpRegister s15 = { 15 }
const SwVfpRegister s16 = { 16 }
const SwVfpRegister s17 = { 17 }
const SwVfpRegister s18 = { 18 }
const SwVfpRegister s19 = { 19 }
const SwVfpRegister s20 = { 20 }
const SwVfpRegister s21 = { 21 }
const SwVfpRegister s22 = { 22 }
const SwVfpRegister s23 = { 23 }
const SwVfpRegister s24 = { 24 }
const SwVfpRegister s25 = { 25 }
const SwVfpRegister s26 = { 26 }
const SwVfpRegister s27 = { 27 }
const SwVfpRegister s28 = { 28 }
const SwVfpRegister s29 = { 29 }
const SwVfpRegister s30 = { 30 }
const SwVfpRegister s31 = { 31 }
const DwVfpRegister no_dreg = { -1 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d0 = { 0 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d1 = { 1 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d2 = { 2 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d3 = { 3 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d4 = { 4 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d5 = { 5 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d6 = { 6 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d7 = { 7 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d8 = { 8 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d9 = { 9 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d10 = { 10 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d11 = { 11 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d12 = { 12 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d13 = { 13 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d14 = { 14 }
const LowDwVfpRegister d15 = { 15 }
const DwVfpRegister d16 = { 16 }
const DwVfpRegister d17 = { 17 }
const DwVfpRegister d18 = { 18 }
const DwVfpRegister d19 = { 19 }
const DwVfpRegister d20 = { 20 }
const DwVfpRegister d21 = { 21 }
const DwVfpRegister d22 = { 22 }
const DwVfpRegister d23 = { 23 }
const DwVfpRegister d24 = { 24 }
const DwVfpRegister d25 = { 25 }
const DwVfpRegister d26 = { 26 }
const DwVfpRegister d27 = { 27 }
const DwVfpRegister d28 = { 28 }
const DwVfpRegister d29 = { 29 }
const DwVfpRegister d30 = { 30 }
const DwVfpRegister d31 = { 31 }
const QwNeonRegister q0 = { 0 }
const QwNeonRegister q1 = { 1 }
const QwNeonRegister q2 = { 2 }
const QwNeonRegister q3 = { 3 }
const QwNeonRegister q4 = { 4 }
const QwNeonRegister q5 = { 5 }
const QwNeonRegister q6 = { 6 }
const QwNeonRegister q7 = { 7 }
const QwNeonRegister q8 = { 8 }
const QwNeonRegister q9 = { 9 }
const QwNeonRegister q10 = { 10 }
const QwNeonRegister q11 = { 11 }
const QwNeonRegister q12 = { 12 }
const QwNeonRegister q13 = { 13 }
const QwNeonRegister q14 = { 14 }
const QwNeonRegister q15 = { 15 }
const CRegister no_creg = { -1 }
const CRegister cr0 = { 0 }
const CRegister cr1 = { 1 }
const CRegister cr2 = { 2 }
const CRegister cr3 = { 3 }
const CRegister cr4 = { 4 }
const CRegister cr5 = { 5 }
const CRegister cr6 = { 6 }
const CRegister cr7 = { 7 }
const CRegister cr8 = { 8 }
const CRegister cr9 = { 9 }
const CRegister cr10 = { 10 }
const CRegister cr11 = { 11 }
const CRegister cr12 = { 12 }
const CRegister cr13 = { 13 }
const CRegister cr14 = { 14 }
const CRegister cr15 = { 15 }
const Instr kMovLrPc
const Instr kLdrPCMask
const Instr kLdrPCPattern
const Instr kLdrPpMask
const Instr kLdrPpPattern
const Instr kBlxRegMask
const Instr kBlxRegPattern
const Instr kBlxIp
const Instr kMovMvnMask
const Instr kMovMvnPattern
const Instr kMovMvnFlip
const Instr kMovLeaveCCMask
const Instr kMovLeaveCCPattern
const Instr kMovwMask
const Instr kMovwPattern
const Instr kMovwLeaveCCFlip
const Instr kCmpCmnMask
const Instr kCmpCmnPattern
const Instr kCmpCmnFlip
const Instr kAddSubFlip
const Instr kAndBicFlip
const VmovIndex VmovIndexLo = { 0 }
const VmovIndex VmovIndexHi = { 1 }
const int kConstantPoolMarkerMask = 0xfff000f0
const int kConstantPoolMarker = 0xe7f000f0
const int kConstantPoolLengthMaxMask = 0xffff
const int kCodeAgeJumpInstruction = 0xe51ff004
const int kNumRegisters = 16
const int kNumVFPSingleRegisters = 32
const int kNumVFPDoubleRegisters = 32
const int kNumVFPRegisters = kNumVFPSingleRegisters + kNumVFPDoubleRegisters
const int kPCRegister = 15
const int kNoRegister = -1
const uint32_t kStopCodeMask = kStopCode - 1
const uint32_t kMaxStopCode = kStopCode - 1
const int32_t kDefaultStopCode = -1
const uint32_t kVFPExceptionMask = 0xf
const uint32_t kVFPInvalidOpExceptionBit = 1 << 0
const uint32_t kVFPOverflowExceptionBit = 1 << 2
const uint32_t kVFPUnderflowExceptionBit = 1 << 3
const uint32_t kVFPInexactExceptionBit = 1 << 4
const uint32_t kVFPFlushToZeroMask = 1 << 24
const uint32_t kVFPDefaultNaNModeControlBit = 1 << 25
const uint32_t kVFPNConditionFlagBit = 1 << 31
const uint32_t kVFPZConditionFlagBit = 1 << 30
const uint32_t kVFPCConditionFlagBit = 1 << 29
const uint32_t kVFPVConditionFlagBit = 1 << 28
const uint32_t kVFPRoundingModeMask = 3 << 22
const Instr kPopInstruction
const Instr kPushRegPattern
const Instr kPopRegPattern
const Instr kVldrDPCMask
const Instr kVldrDPCPattern
const Instr kLdrRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kStrRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kLdrRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kStrRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kLdrStrInstrTypeMask
const Instr kLdrStrInstrArgumentMask
const Instr kLdrStrOffsetMask
const int kR9Available = 1
const int kNumRegs = 16
const RegList kJSCallerSaved
const int kNumJSCallerSaved = 4
const RegList kCalleeSaved
const RegList kCallerSaved
const int kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available
const int kNumDoubleCalleeSaved = 8
const int kNumSafepointRegisters = 16
const RegList kSafepointSavedRegisters = kJSCallerSaved | kCalleeSaved
const int kNumSafepointSavedRegisters = kNumJSCallerSaved + kNumCalleeSaved
const Register cp = { kRegister_r7_Code }
const Register pp = { kRegister_r8_Code }
const Register kRootRegister = { kRegister_r10_Code }
const int kSmiShift = kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize
const uint64_t kSmiShiftMask = (1UL << kSmiShift) - 1
const unsigned kInstructionSize = 4
const unsigned kInstructionSizeLog2 = 2
const unsigned kLiteralEntrySize = 4
const unsigned kLiteralEntrySizeLog2 = 2
const unsigned kMaxLoadLiteralRange = 1 * MB
const unsigned kNumberOfRegisters = 32
const unsigned kNumberOfFPRegisters = 32
const int kNumberOfCalleeSavedRegisters = 11
const int kFirstCalleeSavedRegisterIndex = 19
const int kNumberOfCalleeSavedFPRegisters = 8
const int kFirstCalleeSavedFPRegisterIndex = 8
const unsigned kJSCalleeSavedRegList = 0x03f80000
const unsigned kWRegSizeInBits = 32
const unsigned kWRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 5
const unsigned kWRegSize = kWRegSizeInBits >> 3
const unsigned kWRegSizeLog2 = kWRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3
const unsigned kXRegSizeInBits = 64
const unsigned kXRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 6
const unsigned kXRegSize = kXRegSizeInBits >> 3
const unsigned kXRegSizeLog2 = kXRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3
const unsigned kSRegSizeInBits = 32
const unsigned kSRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 5
const unsigned kSRegSize = kSRegSizeInBits >> 3
const unsigned kSRegSizeLog2 = kSRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3
const unsigned kDRegSizeInBits = 64
const unsigned kDRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 6
const unsigned kDRegSize = kDRegSizeInBits >> 3
const unsigned kDRegSizeLog2 = kDRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3
const int64_t kWRegMask = 0x00000000ffffffffL
const int64_t kXRegMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL
const int64_t kSRegMask = 0x00000000ffffffffL
const int64_t kDRegMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL
const int64_t kDSignBit = 63
const int64_t kDSignMask = 0x1L << kDSignBit
const int64_t kSSignBit = 31
const int64_t kSSignMask = 0x1L << kSSignBit
const int64_t kXSignBit = 63
const int64_t kXSignMask = 0x1L << kXSignBit
const int64_t kWSignBit = 31
const int64_t kWSignMask = 0x1L << kWSignBit
const int64_t kDQuietNanBit = 51
const int64_t kDQuietNanMask = 0x1L << kDQuietNanBit
const int64_t kSQuietNanBit = 22
const int64_t kSQuietNanMask = 0x1L << kSQuietNanBit
const int64_t kByteMask = 0xffL
const int64_t kHalfWordMask = 0xffffL
const int64_t kWordMask = 0xffffffffL
const uint64_t kXMaxUInt = 0xffffffffffffffffUL
const uint64_t kWMaxUInt = 0xffffffffUL
const int64_t kXMaxInt = 0x7fffffffffffffffL
const int64_t kXMinInt = 0x8000000000000000L
const int32_t kWMaxInt = 0x7fffffff
const int32_t kWMinInt = 0x80000000
const unsigned kFramePointerRegCode = 29
const unsigned kLinkRegCode = 30
const unsigned kZeroRegCode = 31
const unsigned kJSSPCode = 28
const unsigned kSPRegInternalCode = 63
const unsigned kRegCodeMask = 0x1f
const unsigned kByteSize = 8
const unsigned kByteSizeInBytes = kByteSize >> 3
const unsigned kHalfWordSize = 16
const unsigned kHalfWordSizeLog2 = 4
const unsigned kHalfWordSizeInBytes = kHalfWordSize >> 3
const unsigned kHalfWordSizeInBytesLog2 = kHalfWordSizeLog2 - 3
const unsigned kWordSize = 32
const unsigned kWordSizeLog2 = 5
const unsigned kWordSizeInBytes = kWordSize >> 3
const unsigned kWordSizeInBytesLog2 = kWordSizeLog2 - 3
const unsigned kDoubleWordSize = 64
const unsigned kDoubleWordSizeInBytes = kDoubleWordSize >> 3
const unsigned kQuadWordSize = 128
const unsigned kQuadWordSizeInBytes = kQuadWordSize >> 3
const unsigned kDoubleMantissaBits = 52
const unsigned kDoubleExponentBits = 11
const unsigned kFloatMantissaBits = 23
const unsigned kFloatExponentBits = 8
const int ImmPCRel_mask = ImmPCRelLo_mask | ImmPCRelHi_mask
const int kSFOffset = 31
const int kBitfieldNOffset = 22
const int kHltBadCode = 0xbad
const Instr kImmExceptionIsRedirectedCall = 0xca11
const Instr kImmExceptionIsUnreachable = 0xdebf
const Instr kImmExceptionIsPrintf = 0xdeb1
const unsigned kPrintfTypeOffset = 1 * kInstructionSize
const unsigned kPrintfLength = 2 * kInstructionSize
const Instr kImmExceptionIsDebug = 0xdeb0
const unsigned kDebugCodeOffset = 1 * kInstructionSize
const unsigned kDebugParamsOffset = 2 * kInstructionSize
const unsigned kDebugMessageOffset = 3 * kInstructionSize
const unsigned kDebuggerTracingDirectivesMask = 3 << 6
const int kCounterNameMaxLength = 256
const uint64_t kDefaultInstrumentationSamplingPeriod = 1 << 22
const int kTagBits = 2
const int kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1
const int kExtraTagBits = 4
const int kLocatableTypeTagBits = 2
const int kSmallDataBits = kBitsPerByte - kLocatableTypeTagBits
const int kEmbeddedObjectTag = 0
const int kCodeTargetTag = 1
const int kLocatableTag = 2
const int kDefaultTag = 3
const int kPCJumpExtraTag = (1 << kExtraTagBits) - 1
const int kSmallPCDeltaBits = kBitsPerByte - kTagBits
const int kSmallPCDeltaMask = (1 << kSmallPCDeltaBits) - 1
const int kVariableLengthPCJumpTopTag = 1
const int kChunkBits = 7
const int kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1
const int kLastChunkTagBits = 1
const int kLastChunkTagMask = 1
const int kLastChunkTag = 1
const int kDataJumpExtraTag = kPCJumpExtraTag - 1
const int kCodeWithIdTag = 0
const int kNonstatementPositionTag = 1
const int kStatementPositionTag = 2
const int kCommentTag = 3
const int kPoolExtraTag = kPCJumpExtraTag - 2
const int kConstPoolTag = 0
const int kVeneerPoolTag = 1
const int BYTECODE_MASK = 0xff
const unsigned int MAX_FIRST_ARG = 0x7fffffu
const int BYTECODE_SHIFT = 8
const bool FLAG_enable_slow_asserts = false
const int kMaxSignificantDigits = 772
const int kDoubleToCStringMinBufferSize = 100
const int kBase10MaximalLength = 17
const int kElementsKindCount = LAST_ELEMENTS_KIND - FIRST_ELEMENTS_KIND + 1
const int kFastElementsKindCount
const int kFastElementsKindPackedToHoley
const int kFastDtoaMaximalLength = 17
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp 
enable upcoming ES6 features
enable harmony block scoping
enable harmony enable harmony
proxies enable harmony
generators enable harmony
numeric enable harmony string
enable harmony math functions
harmony_scoping harmony_maths
tracks arrays with only smi
values Optimize object Array
DOM strings and string
pretenure call new trace
pretenuring decisions of
HAllocate instructions track
fields with only smi values
track fields with heap values
track_fields track_fields
Enables optimizations which
favor memory size over
execution speed use string
slices optimization filter
maximum number of GVN fix
point iterations use function
inlining use allocation
folding eliminate write
barriers targeting allocations
in optimized code maximum
source size in bytes
considered for a single
inlining maximum cumulative
number of AST nodes considered
for inlining crankshaft
harvests type feedback from
stub cache trace check
elimination phase hydrogen
tracing filter trace hydrogen
to given file name trace
inlining decisions trace store
elimination trace all use
positions trace global value
numbering trace hydrogen
escape analysis trace the
tracking of allocation sites
trace map generalization
environment for every
instruction deoptimize every n
garbage collections put a
break point before
deoptimizing deoptimize
uncommon cases use on stack
replacement trace array bounds
check elimination perform
array index dehoisting use
load elimination use store
elimination use constant
folding eliminate unreachable
code number of stress runs
when picking a function to
watch for shared function not
JSFunction itself flushes the
cache of optimized code for
closures on every GC functions
with arguments object maximum
number of escape analysis fix
point iterations allow uint32
values on optimize frames if
they are used only in safe
operations track concurrent
recompilation artificial
compilation delay in ms
concurrent on stack
replacement do not emit check
maps for constant values that
have a leaf deoptimize the
optimized code if the layout
of the maps changes number of
stack frames inspected by the
profiler percentage of ICs
that must have type info to
allow optimization extra
verbose compilation tracing
generate extra emit comments
in code disassembly enable use
of SSE3 instructions if
available enable use of CMOV
instruction if available
enable use of VFP3
instructions if available
enable use of NEON
instructions if enable use of
SDIV and UDIV instructions if
enable loading bit constant by
means of movw movt instruction
enable unaligned accesses for
enable use of d16 d31
registers on ARM this requires
VFP3 force all emitted
branches to be in long expose
natives in global object
expose freeBuffer extension
expose gc extension under the
specified name expose
externalize string extension
number of stack frames to
capture disable builtin
natives files print name of
functions for which code is
generated use random jit
cookie to mask large constants
trace lazy optimization use
adaptive optimizations always
try to OSR functions trace
optimize function
deoptimization minimum length
for automatic enable
preparsing maximum number of
optimization attempts before
giving up cache prototype
transitions trace debugging
JSON request response trace
out of bounds accesses to
external arrays
automatically set the debug
break flag when debugger
commands are in the queue
abort by crashing maximum
length of function source code
printed in a stack trace max
size of the new max size of
the old max size of executable
always perform global GCs
print one trace line following
each garbage collection do not
print trace line after
scavenger collection print
statistics of the maximum
memory committed for the heap
in only print modified
registers Don t break for
print stack trace when an
illegal exception is thrown
randomize hashes to avoid
predictable hash Fixed seed to
use to hash property Print the
time it takes to deserialize
the snapshot testing_bool_flag
testing_int_flag string flag
tmp file in which to serialize
heap Print the time it takes
to lazily compile hydrogen
code stubs
concurrent_sweeping Print
usage including on console Map
counters to a file Enable
debugger compile events enable
GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface
for all code objects dump only
objects containing this
substring stress the GC
compactor to flush out pretty
print source code print source
AST function name where to
insert a breakpoint print
scopes for builtins trace
contexts operations print
stuff during garbage
collection report code
statistics after GC report
handles after GC trace cache
state transitions print
interface inference details
prints when objects are turned
into dictionaries report heap
spill statistics along with
trace isolate state changes
trace regexp bytecode
execution Minimal Log all
events to the log file Log API
events to the log file Log
heap samples on garbage
collection for the hp2ps tool
log positions Log suspect
operations Used with turns on
browser compatible mode for
profiling v8 Specify the name
of the log file Enable low
level linux profiler Enable
perf linux tmp Specify the
name of the file for fake gc
mmap used in ll_prof Time
events including external
callbacks prof arm64_inst 
JSCallerSavedCodeData caller_saved_code_data
const int KB = 1024
const int MB = KB * KB
const int GB = KB * KB * KB
const int kMaxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF
const int kMinInt = -kMaxInt - 1
const int kMaxInt8 = (1 << 7) - 1
const int kMinInt8 = -(1 << 7)
const int kMaxUInt8 = (1 << 8) - 1
const int kMinUInt8 = 0
const int kMaxInt16 = (1 << 15) - 1
const int kMinInt16 = -(1 << 15)
const int kMaxUInt16 = (1 << 16) - 1
const int kMinUInt16 = 0
const uint32_t kMaxUInt32 = 0xFFFFFFFFu
const int kCharSize = sizeof(char)
const int kShortSize = sizeof(short)
const int kIntSize = sizeof(int)
const int kInt32Size = sizeof(int32_t)
const int kInt64Size = sizeof(int64_t)
const int kDoubleSize = sizeof(double)
const int kIntptrSize = sizeof(intptr_t)
const int kPointerSize = sizeof(void*)
const int kRegisterSize = kPointerSize
const int kPCOnStackSize = kRegisterSize
const int kFPOnStackSize = kRegisterSize
const int kDoubleSizeLog2 = 3
const int kPointerSizeLog2 = 2
const intptr_t kIntptrSignBit = 0x80000000
const uintptr_t kUintptrAllBitsSet = 0xFFFFFFFFu
const bool kIs64BitArch = false
const int kBitsPerByte = 8
const int kBitsPerByteLog2 = 3
const int kBitsPerPointer = kPointerSize * kBitsPerByte
const int kBitsPerInt = kIntSize * kBitsPerByte
const uint32_t kBinary32SignMask = 0x80000000u
const uint32_t kBinary32ExponentMask = 0x7f800000u
const uint32_t kBinary32MantissaMask = 0x007fffffu
const int kBinary32ExponentBias = 127
const int kBinary32MaxExponent = 0xFE
const int kBinary32MinExponent = 0x01
const int kBinary32MantissaBits = 23
const int kBinary32ExponentShift = 23
const uint64_t kQuietNaNMask = static_cast<uint64_t>(0xfff) << 51
const int kOneByteSize = kCharSize
const int kUC16Size = sizeof(uc16)
const int kRegister_eax_Code = 0
const int kRegister_ecx_Code = 1
const int kRegister_edx_Code = 2
const int kRegister_ebx_Code = 3
const int kRegister_esp_Code = 4
const int kRegister_ebp_Code = 5
const int kRegister_esi_Code = 6
const int kRegister_edi_Code = 7
const Register eax = { kRegister_eax_Code }
const Register ecx = { kRegister_ecx_Code }
const Register edx = { kRegister_edx_Code }
const Register ebx = { kRegister_ebx_Code }
const Register esp = { kRegister_esp_Code }
const Register ebp = { kRegister_ebp_Code }
const Register esi = { kRegister_esi_Code }
const Register edi = { kRegister_edi_Code }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_0 = { 0 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_1 = { 1 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_2 = { 2 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_3 = { 3 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_4 = { 4 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_5 = { 5 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_6 = { 6 }
const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_7 = { 7 }
const IntelDoubleRegister no_double_reg = { -1 }
const int kNoAlignmentPadding = 0
const int kAlignmentPaddingPushed = 2
const int kAlignmentZapValue = 0x12345678
const int kMaxKeyedPolymorphism = 4
const int kMaxLookaheadForBoyerMoore = 8
const int kPatternTooShortForBoyerMoore = 2
int kUninitializedRegExpNodePlaceHolder
char kStartTable [kStartTableLines *kStartTableEntriesPerLine]
const FPURegister no_freg = { -1 }
const FPURegister f0 = { 0 }
const FPURegister f1 = { 1 }
const FPURegister f2 = { 2 }
const FPURegister f3 = { 3 }
const FPURegister f4 = { 4 }
const FPURegister f5 = { 5 }
const FPURegister f6 = { 6 }
const FPURegister f7 = { 7 }
const FPURegister f8 = { 8 }
const FPURegister f9 = { 9 }
const FPURegister f10 = { 10 }
const FPURegister f11 = { 11 }
const FPURegister f12 = { 12 }
const FPURegister f13 = { 13 }
const FPURegister f14 = { 14 }
const FPURegister f15 = { 15 }
const FPURegister f16 = { 16 }
const FPURegister f17 = { 17 }
const FPURegister f18 = { 18 }
const FPURegister f19 = { 19 }
const FPURegister f20 = { 20 }
const FPURegister f21 = { 21 }
const FPURegister f22 = { 22 }
const FPURegister f23 = { 23 }
const FPURegister f24 = { 24 }
const FPURegister f25 = { 25 }
const FPURegister f26 = { 26 }
const FPURegister f27 = { 27 }
const FPURegister f28 = { 28 }
const FPURegister f29 = { 29 }
const FPURegister f30 = { 30 }
const FPURegister f31 = { 31 }
const FPUControlRegister no_fpucreg = { kInvalidFPUControlRegister }
const FPUControlRegister FCSR = { kFCSRRegister }
const int kInvalidRegister = -1
const int kNumSimuRegisters = 35
const int kNumFPURegisters = 32
const int kInvalidFPURegister = -1
const int kFCSRRegister = 31
const int kInvalidFPUControlRegister = -1
const uint32_t kFPUInvalidResult = static_cast<uint32_t>(1 << 31) - 1
const uint32_t kFCSRInexactFlagBit = 2
const uint32_t kFCSRUnderflowFlagBit = 3
const uint32_t kFCSROverflowFlagBit = 4
const uint32_t kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagBit = 5
const uint32_t kFCSRInvalidOpFlagBit = 6
const uint32_t kFCSRInexactFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRInexactFlagBit
const uint32_t kFCSRUnderflowFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRUnderflowFlagBit
const uint32_t kFCSROverflowFlagMask = 1 << kFCSROverflowFlagBit
const uint32_t kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagBit
const uint32_t kFCSRInvalidOpFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRInvalidOpFlagBit
const uint32_t kFCSRFlagMask
const uint32_t kFCSRExceptionFlagMask = kFCSRFlagMask ^ kFCSRInexactFlagMask
const int32_t kPrefHintLoad = 0
const int32_t kPrefHintStore = 1
const int32_t kPrefHintLoadStreamed = 4
const int32_t kPrefHintStoreStreamed = 5
const int32_t kPrefHintLoadRetained = 6
const int32_t kPrefHintStoreRetained = 7
const int32_t kPrefHintWritebackInvalidate = 25
const int32_t kPrefHintPrepareForStore = 30
const uint32_t kMaxWatchpointCode = 31
const int kOpcodeShift = 26
const int kOpcodeBits = 6
const int kRsShift = 21
const int kRsBits = 5
const int kRtShift = 16
const int kRtBits = 5
const int kRdShift = 11
const int kRdBits = 5
const int kSaShift = 6
const int kSaBits = 5
const int kFunctionShift = 0
const int kFunctionBits = 6
const int kLuiShift = 16
const int kImm16Shift = 0
const int kImm16Bits = 16
const int kImm26Shift = 0
const int kImm26Bits = 26
const int kImm28Shift = 0
const int kImm28Bits = 28
const int kImmFieldShift = 2
const int kFrBits = 5
const int kFrShift = 21
const int kFsShift = 11
const int kFsBits = 5
const int kFtShift = 16
const int kFtBits = 5
const int kFdShift = 6
const int kFdBits = 5
const int kFCccShift = 8
const int kFCccBits = 3
const int kFBccShift = 18
const int kFBccBits = 3
const int kFBtrueShift = 16
const int kFBtrueBits = 1
const int kOpcodeMask = ((1 << kOpcodeBits) - 1) << kOpcodeShift
const int kImm26Mask = ((1 << kImm26Bits) - 1) << kImm26Shift
const int kImm28Mask = ((1 << kImm28Bits) - 1) << kImm28Shift
const int kRsFieldMask = ((1 << kRsBits) - 1) << kRsShift
const int kRtFieldMask = ((1 << kRtBits) - 1) << kRtShift
const int kRdFieldMask = ((1 << kRdBits) - 1) << kRdShift
const int kSaFieldMask = ((1 << kSaBits) - 1) << kSaShift
const int kFunctionFieldMask = ((1 << kFunctionBits) - 1) << kFunctionShift
const int kHiMask = 0xffff << 16
const int kLoMask = 0xffff
const int kSignMask = 0x80000000
const int kJumpAddrMask = (1 << (kImm26Bits + kImmFieldShift)) - 1
const uint32_t kFPURoundingModeMask = 3 << 0
const Instr kPushInstruction
const Instr kLwRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kSwRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kLwRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kSwRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kRtMask
const Instr kLwSwInstrTypeMask
const Instr kLwSwInstrArgumentMask
const Instr kLwSwOffsetMask
const Instr rtCallRedirInstr = SPECIAL | BREAK | call_rt_redirected << 6
const Instr nopInstr = 0
const int kCArgSlotCount = 4
const int kCArgsSlotsSize = kCArgSlotCount * Instruction::kInstrSize
const int kJSArgsSlotsSize = 0 * Instruction::kInstrSize
const int kBArgsSlotsSize = 0 * Instruction::kInstrSize
const int kBranchReturnOffset = 2 * Instruction::kInstrSize
const RegList kCalleeSavedFPU
const int kNumCalleeSavedFPU = 6
const RegList kCallerSavedFPU
const int kUndefIndex = -1
const int kSafepointRegisterStackIndexMap [kNumRegs]
kSerializedDataOffset prototype_template
kSerializedDataOffset Object
kInstanceClassNameOffset flag
kInstanceClassNameOffset needs_access_check
const int kVariableSizeSentinel = 0
const int kStubMajorKeyBits = 7
const int kStubMinorKeyBits = kBitsPerInt - kSmiTagSize - kStubMajorKeyBits
const uint32_t kIsNotStringMask = 0x80
const uint32_t kStringTag = 0x0
const uint32_t kNotStringTag = 0x80
const uint32_t kIsNotInternalizedMask = 0x40
const uint32_t kNotInternalizedTag = 0x40
const uint32_t kInternalizedTag = 0x0
const uint32_t kStringEncodingMask = 0x4
const uint32_t kTwoByteStringTag = 0x0
const uint32_t kOneByteStringTag = 0x4
const uint32_t kStringRepresentationMask = 0x03
const uint32_t kIsIndirectStringMask = 0x1
const uint32_t kIsIndirectStringTag = 0x1
const uint32_t kSlicedNotConsMask = kSlicedStringTag & ~kConsStringTag
const uint32_t kOneByteDataHintMask = 0x08
const uint32_t kOneByteDataHintTag = 0x08
const uint32_t kShortExternalStringMask = 0x10
const uint32_t kShortExternalStringTag = 0x10
const uint32_t kShortcutTypeMask
const uint32_t kShortcutTypeTag = kConsStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag
const int kExternalArrayTypeCount
const int kFailureTypeTagSize = 2
const int kFailureTypeTagMask = (1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1
const int kStringBuilderConcatHelperLengthBits = 11
const int kStringBuilderConcatHelperPositionBits = 19
const int kTypeCodeCount = LAZY_DEOPTIMIZATION + 1
const int kFirstTypeCode = UNCLASSIFIED
const int kReferenceIdBits = 16
const int kReferenceIdMask = (1 << kReferenceIdBits) - 1
const int kReferenceTypeShift = kReferenceIdBits
const int kDebugRegisterBits = 4
const int kDebugIdShift = kDebugRegisterBits
const int kDeoptTableSerializeEntryCount = 12
const intptr_t kSmiSignMask = kIntptrSignBit
const int kObjectAlignmentBits = kPointerSizeLog2
const intptr_t kObjectAlignment = 1 << kObjectAlignmentBits
const intptr_t kObjectAlignmentMask = kObjectAlignment - 1
const intptr_t kPointerAlignment = (1 << kPointerSizeLog2)
const intptr_t kPointerAlignmentMask = kPointerAlignment - 1
const intptr_t kDoubleAlignment = 8
const intptr_t kDoubleAlignmentMask = kDoubleAlignment - 1
const int kCodeAlignmentBits = 5
const intptr_t kCodeAlignment = 1 << kCodeAlignmentBits
const intptr_t kCodeAlignmentMask = kCodeAlignment - 1
const int kFailureTag = 3
const int kFailureTagSize = 2
const intptr_t kFailureTagMask = (1 << kFailureTagSize) - 1
const Address kZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xdeadbeef)
const Address kHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaddeaf)
const Address kGlobalHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaffedf)
const Address kFromSpaceZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbeefdaf)
const uint32_t kSlotsZapValue = 0xbeefdeef
const uint32_t kDebugZapValue = 0xbadbaddb
const uint32_t kFreeListZapValue = 0xfeed1eaf
const int kCodeZapValue = 0xbadc0de
const int kPageSizeBits = 20
const uint32_t kQuietNaNHighBitsMask = 0xfff << (51 - 32)
const int kSpaceTagSize = 3
const int kSpaceTagMask = (1 << kSpaceTagSize) - 1
const uint32_t kHoleNanUpper32 = 0x7FFFFFFF
const uint32_t kHoleNanLower32 = 0xFFFFFFFF
const uint32_t kNaNOrInfinityLowerBoundUpper32 = 0x7FF00000
const uint64_t kHoleNanInt64
const uint64_t kLastNonNaNInt64
const int kRegister_rax_Code = 0
const int kRegister_rcx_Code = 1
const int kRegister_rdx_Code = 2
const int kRegister_rbx_Code = 3
const int kRegister_rsp_Code = 4
const int kRegister_rbp_Code = 5
const int kRegister_rsi_Code = 6
const int kRegister_rdi_Code = 7
const int kRegister_r11_Code = 11
const int kRegister_r12_Code = 12
const int kRegister_r13_Code = 13
const int kRegister_r14_Code = 14
const int kRegister_r15_Code = 15
const Register rax = { kRegister_rax_Code }
const Register rcx = { kRegister_rcx_Code }
const Register rdx = { kRegister_rdx_Code }
const Register rbx = { kRegister_rbx_Code }
const Register rsp = { kRegister_rsp_Code }
const Register rbp = { kRegister_rbp_Code }
const Register rsi = { kRegister_rsi_Code }
const Register rdi = { kRegister_rdi_Code }
const Register r11 = { kRegister_r11_Code }
const Register r12 = { kRegister_r12_Code }
const Register r13 = { kRegister_r13_Code }
const Register r14 = { kRegister_r14_Code }
const Register r15 = { kRegister_r15_Code }
const Register arg_reg_1 = { kRegister_rdi_Code }
const Register arg_reg_2 = { kRegister_rsi_Code }
const Register arg_reg_3 = { kRegister_rdx_Code }
const Register arg_reg_4 = { kRegister_rcx_Code }
const XMMRegister xmm0 = { 0 }
const XMMRegister xmm1 = { 1 }
const XMMRegister xmm2 = { 2 }
const XMMRegister xmm3 = { 3 }
const XMMRegister xmm4 = { 4 }
const XMMRegister xmm5 = { 5 }
const XMMRegister xmm6 = { 6 }
const XMMRegister xmm7 = { 7 }
const XMMRegister xmm8 = { 8 }
const XMMRegister xmm9 = { 9 }
const XMMRegister xmm10 = { 10 }
const XMMRegister xmm11 = { 11 }
const XMMRegister xmm12 = { 12 }
const XMMRegister xmm13 = { 13 }
const XMMRegister xmm14 = { 14 }
const XMMRegister xmm15 = { 15 }
const Register kScratchRegister = { 10 }
const Register kSmiConstantRegister = { 12 }
const int kSmiConstantRegisterValue = 1
const int kRootRegisterBias = 128

Typedef Documentation

typedef char __tsan_atomic128

Definition at line 67 of file atomicops_internals_tsan.h.

typedef short __tsan_atomic16

Definition at line 58 of file atomicops_internals_tsan.h.

typedef int __tsan_atomic32

Definition at line 59 of file atomicops_internals_tsan.h.

typedef long __tsan_atomic64

Definition at line 60 of file atomicops_internals_tsan.h.

typedef char __tsan_atomic8

Definition at line 57 of file atomicops_internals_tsan.h.

typedef DWORD64 AddrBase

Definition at line 1103 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef byte* Address

Definition at line 186 of file globals.h.

typedef int(* arm64_regexp_matcher)(String *input, int64_t start_offset, const byte *input_start, const byte *input_end, int *output, int64_t output_size, Address stack_base, int64_t direct_call, void *return_address, Isolate *isolate)

Definition at line 61 of file simulator-arm64.h.

typedef int(* arm_regexp_matcher)(String *, int, const byte *, const byte *, void *, int *, int, Address, int, Isolate *)

Definition at line 51 of file simulator-arm.h.

typedef int32_t Atomic32

Definition at line 66 of file atomicops.h.

typedef intptr_t AtomicWord

Definition at line 79 of file atomicops.h.


Definition at line 1075 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 644 of file types.h.

typedef uint8_t byte

Definition at line 185 of file globals.h.

Definition at line 220 of file list.h.

typedef List<Code*> CodeList

Definition at line 217 of file list.h.

typedef bool(* ConstraintCallback)(Address new_addr, Address old_addr)

Definition at line 254 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 345 of file isolate.h.

Definition at line 319 of file assembler-arm.h.

typedef bool EmitCharacterFunction(Isolate *isolate, RegExpCompiler *compiler, uc16 c, Label *on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check, bool preloaded)

Definition at line 1731 of file jsregexp.cc.

Definition at line 63 of file natives.h.

typedef void* ExternalReferenceRedirectorPointer()

Definition at line 95 of file isolate.h.

typedef String*(* ExternalStringTableUpdaterCallback)(Heap *heap, Object **pointer)

Definition at line 388 of file heap.h.

typedef int ExtraICState

Definition at line 310 of file objects.h.

typedef IN PSTR IN BOOL fInvadeProcess

Definition at line 1065 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 273 of file assembler-mips.h.


Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.


Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef EnumSet<GVNFlag, int32_t> GVNFlagSet

Definition at line 548 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.

Definition at line 113 of file hashmap.h.

typedef int(* HeapObjectCallback)(HeapObject *obj)

Definition at line 248 of file v8globals.h.

typedef void* HeapThing

Definition at line 292 of file heap-snapshot-generator.h.

Definition at line 212 of file list.h.

typedef IN HANDLE hFile

Definition at line 1075 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef HANDLE hProcess

Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR ImageName

Definition at line 1075 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef void(* InlineCacheCallback)(Code *code, Address ic)

Definition at line 259 of file v8globals.h.

typedef int32_t Instr

Definition at line 147 of file constants-arm.h.

typedef std::vector<int, ZoneIntAllocator> IntVector

Definition at line 40 of file zone-containers.h.

typedef IntVector::iterator IntVectorIter

Definition at line 41 of file zone-containers.h.

typedef IntVector::reverse_iterator IntVectorRIter

Definition at line 42 of file zone-containers.h.

typedef bool(* IsAliveFunction)(HeapObject *obj, int *size, int *offset)

Definition at line 40 of file mark-compact.h.

typedef Object * JSCallerSavedBuffer

Definition at line 55 of file frames-arm.h.

typedef LazyStaticInstance<ConditionVariable, DefaultConstructTrait<ConditionVariable>, ThreadSafeInitOnceTrait>::type LazyConditionVariable

Definition at line 134 of file condition-variable.h.

Definition at line 128 of file mutex.h.

Definition at line 209 of file mutex.h.


Definition at line 1097 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef LPMODULEENTRY32W lpme

Definition at line 1113 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 218 of file list.h.

typedef List<Map*> MapList

Definition at line 215 of file list.h.

typedef UniqueSet<Map>* MapSet

Definition at line 47 of file hydrogen-check-elimination.cc.

Definition at line 40 of file macro-assembler-ia32.h.

typedef int(* mips_regexp_matcher)(String *, int, const byte *, const byte *, void *, int *, int, Address, int, Isolate *)

Definition at line 52 of file simulator-mips.h.

typedef IN HANDLE IN PSTR IN PSTR ModuleName

Definition at line 1075 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 62 of file natives.h.

typedef bool(* NativeSourceCallback)(Vector< const char > name, Vector< const char > source, int index)

Definition at line 34 of file natives.h.

typedef void(* NoArgFunction)()

Definition at line 95 of file once.h.

typedef uint64_t ObjectPair

Definition at line 9288 of file runtime.cc.

typedef void(* ObjectSlotCallback)(HeapObject **from, HeapObject *to)

Definition at line 44 of file store-buffer.h.

Definition at line 83 of file once.h.

typedef IN DWORD64 OUT PDWORD pdwDisplacement

Definition at line 1092 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 5538 of file v8.h.

typedef void(* PointerArgFunction)(void *arg)

Definition at line 96 of file once.h.

Definition at line 391 of file assembler-arm.h.

typedef IN DWORD64 qwAddr

Definition at line 1092 of file platform-win32.cc.


Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef int(* regexp_matcher)(String *, int, const byte *, const byte *, int *, int, Address, int, Isolate *)

Definition at line 42 of file simulator-ia32.h.

typedef void(StoreBuffer::* RegionCallback)(Address start, Address end, ObjectSlotCallback slot_callback, bool clear_maps)

Definition at line 46 of file store-buffer.h.

typedef uint32_t RegList

Definition at line 41 of file frames.h.

typedef void(* ScavengingCallback)(Map *map, HeapObject **slot, HeapObject *object)

Definition at line 509 of file heap.h.

typedef OUT PSTR SearchPath

Definition at line 1071 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef OUT PSTR IN DWORD SearchPathLength

Definition at line 1071 of file platform-win32.cc.


Definition at line 1075 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef uint32_t SRegisterFieldMask

Definition at line 279 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef void(* StoreBufferCallback)(Heap *heap, MemoryChunk *page, StoreBufferEvent event)

Definition at line 308 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 1092 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 1111 of file platform-win32.cc.


Definition at line 1082 of file platform-win32.cc.

Definition at line 62 of file property-details.h.

Definition at line 219 of file list.h.

typedef uint16_t uc16

Definition at line 309 of file globals.h.

typedef int32_t uc32

Definition at line 310 of file globals.h.

typedef double(* UnaryMathFunction)(double x)

Definition at line 119 of file codegen.h.

typedef IN PSTR UserSearchPath

Definition at line 1065 of file platform-win32.cc.

typedef bool(* WeakSlotCallback)(Object **pointer)

Definition at line 169 of file v8globals.h.

typedef bool(* WeakSlotCallbackWithHeap)(Heap *heap, Object **pointer)

Definition at line 171 of file v8globals.h.

Definition at line 267 of file zone.h.

Definition at line 39 of file zone-containers.h.

Definition at line 162 of file ast.h.

Definition at line 161 of file ast.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 186 of file constants-arm.h.

anonymous enum

Definition at line 89 of file once.h.


Definition at line 71 of file atomicops_internals_tsan.h.


Definition at line 1855 of file runtime.cc.


Definition at line 2015 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 10156 of file objects.h.

enum AddrMode

Definition at line 95 of file instructions-arm64.h.

enum AddrMode

Definition at line 283 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 486 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 464 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum AddSubOp

Definition at line 449 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 475 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 498 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 8251 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 759 of file code-stubs.h.


Definition at line 178 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 8494 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 764 of file hydrogen.h.


Definition at line 122 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 554 of file heap.h.


Definition at line 173 of file ast.h.


Definition at line 1424 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 380 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 387 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 34 of file bignum-dtoa.h.


Definition at line 79 of file contexts.h.

enum BitfieldOp

Definition at line 593 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 295 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 79 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.

enum BranchType

Definition at line 67 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 35 of file builtins.h.


Definition at line 6680 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 48 of file compiler.h.


Definition at line 283 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 414 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 564 of file constants-mips.h.


Definition at line 555 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 639 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 882 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 38 of file feedback-slots.h.

enum Condition

Definition at line 81 of file constants-arm.h.

enum Condition

Definition at line 262 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum Condition

Definition at line 273 of file assembler-ia32.h.

enum Condition

Definition at line 284 of file assembler-x64.h.

enum Condition

Definition at line 448 of file constants-mips.h.


Definition at line 661 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 915 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 897 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 904 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 926 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1223 of file jsregexp.h.


Definition at line 38 of file contexts.h.


Definition at line 184 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 113 of file conversions.h.


Definition at line 529 of file assembler-arm.h.

enum CopyHint

Definition at line 123 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 49 of file instrument-arm64.h.

enum CpuFeature

Definition at line 420 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 945 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 968 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1001 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 273 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 479 of file instructions-arm64.h.


Definition at line 138 of file isolate.cc.


Definition at line 290 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 124 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.

enum DtoaMode

Definition at line 34 of file dtoa.h.


Definition at line 248 of file jsregexp.h.


Definition at line 36 of file elements-kind.h.


Definition at line 1997 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 694 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 210 of file v8globals.h.

enum Extend

Definition at line 359 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum ExtractOp

Definition at line 610 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 34 of file fast-dtoa.h.


Definition at line 874 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 319 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1020 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1037 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1050 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1069 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1111 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1145 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1231 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1060 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1160 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum FPRounding

Definition at line 101 of file instructions-arm64.h.


Definition at line 534 of file constants-mips.h.


Definition at line 549 of file constants-mips.h.

enum FrameType

Definition at line 554 of file hydrogen.h.


Definition at line 3232 of file mark-compact.cc.


Definition at line 440 of file stub-cache.h.


Definition at line 208 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 431 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum GVNFlag

Definition at line 482 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.

enum HAliasing

Definition at line 36 of file hydrogen-alias-analysis.h.


Definition at line 286 of file code-stubs.h.

enum Hint

Definition at line 425 of file constants-arm.h.

enum Hint

Definition at line 576 of file constants-mips.h.


Definition at line 303 of file stub-cache.h.


Definition at line 87 of file instructions-arm64.h.


Definition at line 549 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 294 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 263 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 920 of file ic.h.


Definition at line 2057 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.


Definition at line 659 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 43 of file instrument-arm64.h.


Definition at line 38 of file execution.h.


Definition at line 277 of file handles.h.


Definition at line 164 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 572 of file ic.h.


Definition at line 578 of file ic.h.


Definition at line 55 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.

enum LFlag

Definition at line 317 of file constants-arm.h.

enum LiFlags

Definition at line 85 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.


Definition at line 63 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.


Definition at line 116 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 6275 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.


Definition at line 797 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 720 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 841 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 726 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 782 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 772 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 743 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 752 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 762 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 851 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 862 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 885 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 830 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 873 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 2176 of file heap.cc.


Definition at line 530 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum LogicalOp

Definition at line 516 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 545 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum LSDataSize

Definition at line 78 of file instructions-arm64.h.


Definition at line 302 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 2182 of file heap.cc.


Definition at line 745 of file isolate.cc.


Definition at line 710 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 203 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 561 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 173 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 576 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 220 of file v8globals.h.

enum NativeType

Definition at line 38 of file natives.h.


Definition at line 324 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 335 of file constants-arm.h.

enum NeonSize

Definition at line 342 of file constants-arm.h.

enum NilValue

Definition at line 133 of file v8.h.


Definition at line 260 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 718 of file lithium.h.


Definition at line 69 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.

enum Opcode

Definition at line 152 of file constants-arm.h.

enum Opcode

Definition at line 265 of file constants-mips.h.

enum OutputMode

Definition at line 645 of file platform-win32.cc.


Definition at line 690 of file ic.h.


Definition at line 43 of file compiler.h.


Definition at line 439 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 50 of file assert-scope.h.


Definition at line 40 of file assert-scope.h.


Definition at line 201 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 957 of file frames.h.


Definition at line 229 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.


Definition at line 1918 of file runtime.cc.


Definition at line 252 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 70 of file property-details.h.


Definition at line 302 of file stub-cache.h.

enum RAStatus

Definition at line 97 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.

enum Reg31Mode

Definition at line 113 of file instructions-arm64.h.


Definition at line 144 of file lithium-allocator.h.


Definition at line 46 of file macro-assembler-ia32.h.


Definition at line 42 of file macro-assembler-ia32.h.


Definition at line 53 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.


Definition at line 61 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.


Definition at line 95 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.


Definition at line 114 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1865 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.


Definition at line 8495 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 226 of file assembler.h.

enum SBit

Definition at line 237 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 371 of file assembler-x64.h.


Definition at line 375 of file assembler-ia32.h.

enum ScopeType

Definition at line 443 of file v8globals.h.

enum SearchMode

Definition at line 3574 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 318 of file constants-mips.h.


Definition at line 2033 of file spaces.h.


Definition at line 125 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 2008 of file objects.h.

enum Shift

Definition at line 351 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum ShiftOp

Definition at line 251 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 282 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 3226 of file mark-compact.cc.

enum SmiCheck

Definition at line 43 of file macro-assembler-ia32.h.

enum SmiCheck

Definition at line 54 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

enum SmiCheck

Definition at line 62 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.

enum SmiCheck

Definition at line 96 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.

enum SmiCheck

Definition at line 115 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 437 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 56 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.


Definition at line 187 of file constants-mips.h.


Definition at line 356 of file constants-arm.h.

enum SRegister

Definition at line 244 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 267 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 71 of file codegen-x64.h.

enum StateTag

Definition at line 364 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 324 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 301 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 6496 of file hydrogen-instructions.h.

enum StoreMode

Definition at line 244 of file objects.h.

enum StrictMode

Definition at line 415 of file globals.h.


Definition at line 1271 of file code-stubs.h.


Definition at line 1699 of file code-stubs.h.


Definition at line 616 of file objects.h.


Definition at line 285 of file code-stubs.h.


Definition at line 3220 of file mark-compact.cc.

enum SystemHint

Definition at line 371 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 686 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum SystemOp

Definition at line 673 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 397 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 678 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 53 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.


Definition at line 61 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.


Definition at line 84 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.


Definition at line 117 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 652 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 267 of file objects.h.

enum TypeCode

Definition at line 38 of file serialize.h.


Definition at line 1167 of file runtime.cc.


Definition at line 38 of file codegen-x64.h.


Definition at line 38 of file codegen-arm.h.


Definition at line 40 of file codegen-mips.h.


Definition at line 1264 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 620 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 629 of file constants-arm64.h.


Definition at line 1259 of file constants-arm64.h.

enum UntagMode

Definition at line 121 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.


Definition at line 465 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 377 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 370 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 399 of file constants-arm.h.

enum VisitMode

Definition at line 212 of file v8globals.h.


Definition at line 240 of file objects.h.

Function Documentation

int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_compare_exchange_strong ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128 *  c,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_compare_exchange_val ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  c,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_compare_exchange_weak ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128 *  c,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_exchange ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_fetch_add ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_fetch_and ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_fetch_nand ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_fetch_or ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_fetch_xor ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic128 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_load ( const volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic128_store ( volatile __tsan_atomic128 *  a,
__tsan_atomic128  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_compare_exchange_strong ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16 *  c,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_compare_exchange_val ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  c,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_compare_exchange_weak ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16 *  c,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_exchange ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_fetch_add ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_fetch_and ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_fetch_nand ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_fetch_or ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_fetch_xor ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic16 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_load ( const volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic16_store ( volatile __tsan_atomic16 *  a,
__tsan_atomic16  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_compare_exchange_strong ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32 *  c,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_compare_exchange_val ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  c,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_compare_exchange_weak ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32 *  c,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_exchange ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_fetch_add ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_fetch_and ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_fetch_nand ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_fetch_or ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_fetch_xor ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic32 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_load ( const volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic32_store ( volatile __tsan_atomic32 *  a,
__tsan_atomic32  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_compare_exchange_strong ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64 *  c,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_compare_exchange_val ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  c,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_compare_exchange_weak ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64 *  c,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_exchange ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_fetch_add ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_fetch_and ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_fetch_nand ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_fetch_or ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_fetch_xor ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic64 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_load ( const volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic64_store ( volatile __tsan_atomic64 *  a,
__tsan_atomic64  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_compare_exchange_strong ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8 *  c,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_compare_exchange_val ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  c,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
int v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_compare_exchange_weak ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8 *  c,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo,
__tsan_memory_order  fail_mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_exchange ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_fetch_add ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_fetch_and ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_fetch_nand ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_fetch_or ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_fetch_xor ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
__tsan_atomic8 v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_load ( const volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic8_store ( volatile __tsan_atomic8 *  a,
__tsan_atomic8  v,
__tsan_memory_order  mo 
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic_signal_fence ( __tsan_memory_order  mo)
void v8::internal::__tsan_atomic_thread_fence ( __tsan_memory_order  mo)
T v8::internal::Abs ( T  a)

Definition at line 241 of file utils.h.

Referenced by MultiplierAndShift::MultiplierAndShift(), TEST(), and WhichPowerOf2Abs().

v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( AccessorInfo  ,
expected_receiver_type  ,
Object  ,
kSerializedDataOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( DeclaredAccessorInfo  ,
descriptor  ,
DeclaredAccessorDescriptor  ,
kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
named_property_handler  ,
Object  ,
kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
instance_template  ,
Object  ,
kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceCallHandlerOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
access_check_info  ,
Object  ,
v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
optimized_code_map  ,
Object  ,
v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( JSFunction  ,
prototype_or_initial_map  ,
Object  ,

Definition at line 5579 of file objects-inl.h.

References Map::cast().

v8::internal::ACCESSORS ( TypeFeedbackInfo  ,
feedback_vector  ,
FixedArray  ,

Definition at line 6774 of file objects-inl.h.

kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceCallHandlerOffset kInternalFieldCountOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS_TO_SMI ( AllocationSite  ,
pretenure_create_count  ,
kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceCallHandlerOffset kInternalFieldCountOffset kDependentCodeOffset v8::internal::ACCESSORS_TO_SMI ( Script  ,
eval_from_instructions_offset  ,

Definition at line 5062 of file objects-inl.h.

References flags, and BooleanBit::get().

Atomic32 v8::internal::Acquire_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  new_value 
Atomic64 v8::internal::Acquire_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  new_value 
AtomicWord v8::internal::Acquire_CompareAndSwap ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  old_value,
AtomicWord  new_value 

Definition at line 74 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Acquire_CompareAndSwap().

Atomic32 Acquire_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value 
Atomic64 Acquire_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  old_value,
Atomic64  new_value 

Definition at line 286 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

AtomicWord v8::internal::Acquire_Load ( volatile const AtomicWord *  ptr)

Definition at line 108 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Acquire_Load().

Atomic64 Acquire_Load ( volatile const Atomic64 *  ptr)

Definition at line 359 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

void v8::internal::Acquire_Store ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  value 

Definition at line 93 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Acquire_Store().

void Acquire_Store ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  value 

Definition at line 182 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

Referenced by Acquire_Store().

void Acquire_Store ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  value 

Definition at line 345 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

Handle< FixedArray > AddKeysFromJSArray ( Handle< FixedArray >  content,
Handle< JSArray >  array 

Definition at line 127 of file handles.cc.


Referenced by GetKeysInFixedArrayFor().

ContainedInLattice AddRange ( ContainedInLattice  containment,
const int *  ranges,
int  ranges_length,
Interval  new_range 
T v8::internal::AddressFrom ( intptr_t  x)

Definition at line 129 of file utils.h.

References T.

void AddWeakObjectToCodeDependency ( Heap *  heap,
Handle< Object >  object,
Handle< Code >  code 
bool v8::internal::AdvanceToNonspace ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
Iterator *  current,
EndMark  end 
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
ip0  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
ip1  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
wip0  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
wip1  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
root  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
rr  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
cp  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
jssp  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
wjssp  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
fp  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
lr  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
xzr  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( Register  ,
wzr  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( FPRegister  ,
fp_zero  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( FPRegister  ,
crankshaft_fp_scratch  ,
v8::internal::ALIAS_REGISTER ( FPRegister  ,
fp_scratch  ,
void * AlignedAlloc ( size_t  size,
size_t  alignment 
void AlignedFree ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 125 of file allocation.cc.

Referenced by ProfilerEventsProcessor::operator delete().

T v8::internal::AlignUp ( T  pointer,
size_t  alignment 

Definition at line 153 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT, RoundUp(), and T.

Referenced by Assembler::EmitStringData().

const char * AllocationSpaceName ( AllocationSpace  space)
Operand v8::internal::ApiParameterOperand ( int  index)
int AppendChars ( const char *  filename,
const char *  str,
int  size,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 214 of file v8utils.cc.

References OS::FOpen(), NULL, OS::PrintError(), and WriteCharsToFile().

bool AreAliased ( Register  r1,
Register  r2,
Register  r3,
Register  r4 
bool v8::internal::AreAliased ( const CPURegister &  reg1,
const CPURegister &  reg2,
const CPURegister &  reg3 = NoReg,
const CPURegister &  reg4 = NoReg,
const CPURegister &  reg5 = NoReg,
const CPURegister &  reg6 = NoReg,
const CPURegister &  reg7 = NoReg,
const CPURegister &  reg8 = NoReg 
bool v8::internal::AreSameSizeAndType ( const CPURegister &  reg1,
const CPURegister &  reg2,
const CPURegister &  reg3 = NoCPUReg,
const CPURegister &  reg4 = NoCPUReg,
const CPURegister &  reg5 = NoCPUReg,
const CPURegister &  reg6 = NoCPUReg,
const CPURegister &  reg7 = NoCPUReg,
const CPURegister &  reg8 = NoCPUReg 
int v8::internal::ArithmeticShiftRight ( int  x,
int  s 
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for ARMv7 ( ARM  only)
void ArrayNativeCode ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
Label *  call_generic_code 
void v8::internal::ArrayNativeCode ( MacroAssembler *  masm,
bool  construct_call,
Label *  call_generic_code 
int v8::internal::AsciiAlphaToLower ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 40 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

Referenced by IsHexDigit(), and IsRegExpWord().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if available ( ARM  only)
AtomicWord v8::internal::Barrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  increment 

Definition at line 68 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Barrier_AtomicIncrement().

Atomic32 Barrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  increment 
Atomic64 Barrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  increment 
void BignumDtoa ( double  v,
BignumDtoaMode  mode,
int  requested_digits,
Vector< char >  buffer,
int *  length,
int *  decimal_point 
int v8::internal::BinarySearch ( T array,
Name *  name,
int  low,
int  high,
int  valid_entries 

Definition at line 2450 of file objects-inl.h.

References ALL_ENTRIES, ASSERT, Name::Equals(), and Name::Hash().

Dest v8::internal::BitCast ( const Source &  source)

Definition at line 941 of file utils.h.

typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymInitialize)
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetSearchPath)
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPEStackWalk64)
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetSymFromAddr64)
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetLineFromAddr64)
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPEModule32FirstW)
typedef v8::internal::BOOL ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPEModule32NextW)
kInstanceClassNameOffset v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
flag  ,
hidden_prototype  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
flag  ,
read_only_prototype  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( FunctionTemplateInfo  ,
flag  ,
do_not_cache  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
start_position_and_type  ,
is_toplevel  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
compiler_hints  ,
allows_lazy_compilation_without_context  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
compiler_hints  ,
has_duplicate_parameters  ,
v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
compiler_hints  ,
live_objects_may_exist  ,

Definition at line 5230 of file objects-inl.h.

v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
compiler_hints  ,
inline_builtin  ,
kNameShouldPrintAsAnonymous v8::internal::BOOL_ACCESSORS ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
compiler_hints  ,
dont_optimize  ,

Definition at line 5289 of file objects-inl.h.

v8::internal::BOOL_GETTER ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
compiler_hints  ,
optimization_disabled  ,

Definition at line 5241 of file objects-inl.h.

References code(), compiler_hints, and BooleanBit::set().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out bugs ( implies" "--  force_marking_deque_overflows)
v8::internal::BUILTIN ( Illegal  )

Definition at line 187 of file builtins.cc.


v8::internal::BUILTIN ( EmptyFunction  )

Definition at line 193 of file builtins.cc.

v8::internal::BUILTIN ( StrictModePoisonPill  )

Definition at line 1076 of file builtins.cc.

References NULL.

v8::internal::BUILTIN ( HandleApiCall  )

Definition at line 1221 of file builtins.cc.

v8::internal::BUILTIN ( HandleApiCallConstruct  )

Definition at line 1226 of file builtins.cc.

v8::internal::BUILTIN ( HandleApiCallAsFunction  )

Definition at line 1290 of file builtins.cc.

v8::internal::BUILTIN ( HandleApiCallAsConstructor  )

Definition at line 1297 of file builtins.cc.

Handle< Object > CacheInitialJSArrayMaps ( Handle< Context >  native_context,
Handle< Map >  initial_map 

Definition at line 9694 of file objects.cc.

References CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION, HeapObject::GetIsolate(), and Object.

LSDataSize v8::internal::CalcLSPairDataSize ( LoadStorePairOp  op)

Referenced by Instruction::SizeLSPair().

void v8::internal::CallOnce ( OnceType *  once,
NoArgFunction  init_func 
void v8::internal::CallOnce ( OnceType *  once,
typename OneArgFunction< Arg * >::type  init_func,
Arg *  arg 

Definition at line 113 of file once.h.

References Acquire_Load(), CallOnceImpl(), and ONCE_STATE_DONE.

void CallOnceImpl ( OnceType *  once,
PointerArgFunction  init_func,
void *  arg 
bool v8::internal::CanBeZero ( HValue *  right)
bool v8::internal::CanTransitionToMoreGeneralFastElementsKind ( ElementsKind  elements_kind,
bool  allow_only_packed 
MemOperand v8::internal::CFunctionArgumentOperand ( int  index)

Definition at line 130 of file macro-assembler-mips.h.

References ASSERT, kCArgSlotCount, kCArgsSlotsSize, kPointerSize, and sp.

bool v8::internal::CharCompare ( const PatternChar *  pattern,
const SubjectChar *  subject,
int  length 

Definition at line 253 of file string-search.h.

References ASSERT.

void CheckArrayAbuse ( JSObject *  obj,
const char *  op,
uint32_t  key,
bool  allow_appending 
double ClobberDoubleRegisters ( double  x1,
double  x2,
double  x3,
double  x4 

Definition at line 120 of file arguments.cc.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra code ( assertions  )

Referenced by IC::address(), RegExpCompiler::Assemble(), TypeFeedbackOracle::BinaryType(), BOOL_GETTER(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildGraph(), Isolate::CaptureSimpleStackTrace(), check(), Heap::ClearAllICsByKind(), LChunk::Codegen(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CollectReceiverTypes(), CPURegList::Combine(), CompareNilIC::CompareNil(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CompareType(), LoadIC::CompileHandler(), StoreIC::CompileHandler(), IC::ComputeHandler(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CountType(), Factory::CreateApiFunction(), Heap::CreateCode(), OptimizedCompileJob::CreateGraph(), SharedFunctionInfo::DisableOptimization(), SharedFunctionInfo::DontAdaptArguments(), RegisterDump::dreg_bits(), SharedFunctionInfo::EnableDeoptimizationSupport(), InnerPointerToCodeCache::GcSafeCastToCode(), OptimizedCompileJob::GenerateCode(), SharedFunctionInfo::GetCodeFromOptimizedCodeMap(), Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(), CodeCache::GetIndex(), TypeFeedbackOracle::GetStoreMode(), SharedFunctionInfo::has_deoptimization_support(), OptimizingCompilerThread::InstallOptimizedFunctions(), RegExpImpl::IrregexpExecRaw(), SharedFunctionInfo::is_compiled(), SharedFunctionInfo::IsInlineable(), TypeFeedbackOracle::LoadIsStub(), TypeFeedbackOracle::LoadIsUninitialized(), Heap::LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode(), FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(), Factory::NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(), SharedFunctionInfo::profiler_ticks(), ProfileGenerator::RecordTickSample(), RelocIterator::RelocIterator(), CPURegList::Remove(), SharedFunctionInfo::ReplaceCode(), SharedFunctionInfo::ResetForNewContext(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), RegisterDump::sreg_bits(), TypeFeedbackOracle::StoreIsKeyedPolymorphic(), TypeFeedbackOracle::StoreIsUninitialized(), TEST(), SharedFunctionInfo::TryReenableOptimization(), JavaScriptFrame::unchecked_code(), InternalFrame::unchecked_code(), LoadIC::UpdateCaches(), SharedFunctionInfo::VerifyBailoutId(), IndexedReferencesExtractor::VisitCodeEntry(), RegisterDump::wreg(), and RegisterDump::xreg().

bool v8::internal::CodeGenerationFromStringsAllowed ( Isolate *  isolate,
Handle< Context >  context 

Definition at line 9820 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, NULL, and Utils::ToLocal().

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash collisions ( with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in  seed)
ContainedInLattice v8::internal::Combine ( ContainedInLattice  a,
ContainedInLattice  b 
int v8::internal::CompareChars ( const lchar *  lhs,
const rchar *  rhs,
int  chars 

Definition at line 852 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT, and CompareCharsUnsigned().

Referenced by String::IsOneByteEqualTo(), and String::IsTwoByteEqualTo().

int v8::internal::CompareCharsUnsigned ( const lchar *  lhs,
const rchar *  rhs,
int  chars 

Definition at line 824 of file utils.h.

Referenced by CompareChars().

uint32_t v8::internal::ComputeLongHash ( uint64_t  key)

Definition at line 335 of file utils.h.

Referenced by Object::GetHash().

uint32_t v8::internal::ComputePointerHash ( void *  ptr)
Handle<String> v8::internal::ConcatStringContent ( Handle< StringType >  result,
Handle< String >  first,
Handle< String >  second 

Definition at line 350 of file factory.cc.

References String::WriteToFlat().

bool v8::internal::ConstantIsObject ( HConstant *  constant,
Isolate *  isolate 
MemOperand v8::internal::ContextMemOperand ( Register  context,
int  index 

Definition at line 2241 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.

References Context::SlotOffset().

Referenced by GlobalObjectMemOperand().

Operand ContextOperand ( Register  context,
int  index 

Definition at line 1587 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.

References Context::SlotOffset().

Referenced by GlobalObjectOperand().

void v8::internal::CopyBytes ( T dst,
const T src,
size_t  num_bytes 

Definition at line 176 of file v8utils.h.

References ASSERT, OS::kMinComplexMemCopy, Max(), OS::MemCopy(), Min(), STATIC_ASSERT(), and T.

void v8::internal::CopyBytes ( uint8_t *  target,
uint8_t *  source 
void v8::internal::CopyChars ( sinkchar *  dest,
const sourcechar *  src,
int  chars 
void v8::internal::CopyCharsUnsigned ( sinkchar *  dest,
const sourcechar *  src,
int  chars 

Definition at line 306 of file v8utils.h.

References ASSERT, OS::kMinComplexMemCopy, and OS::MemCopy().

Referenced by CopyChars().

void v8::internal::CopyWords ( T dst,
const T src,
size_t  num_words 

Definition at line 130 of file v8utils.h.

References ASSERT, kPointerSize, Max(), OS::MemCopy(), Min(), STATIC_ASSERT(), and T.

Referenced by Heap::CopyBlock().

int v8::internal::CountLeadingSignBits ( int64_t  value,
int  width 
int v8::internal::CountLeadingZeros ( uint64_t  value,
int  width 
int v8::internal::CountTrailingZeros ( uint64_t  value,
int  width 
UnaryMathFunction v8::internal::CreateExpFunction ( )
UnaryMathFunction v8::internal::CreateSqrtFunction ( )
Vector< StackFrame * > CreateStackMap ( Isolate *  isolate,
Zone *  zone 
double v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< double > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1490 of file runtime.cc.

float v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< float > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1484 of file runtime.cc.

int16_t v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< int16_t > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1454 of file runtime.cc.

References DoubleToInt32().

int32_t v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< int32_t > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1460 of file runtime.cc.

References DoubleToInt32().

int8_t v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< int8_t > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1448 of file runtime.cc.

References DoubleToInt32().

uint16_t v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< uint16_t > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1472 of file runtime.cc.

References DoubleToUint32().

uint32_t v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< uint32_t > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1478 of file runtime.cc.

References DoubleToUint32().

uint8_t v8::internal::DataViewConvertValue< uint8_t > ( double  value)

Definition at line 1466 of file runtime.cc.

References DoubleToUint32().

v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
int v8::internal::DecodeConstantPoolLength ( int  instr)

Definition at line 48 of file constants-arm.h.

References ASSERT, kConstantPoolMarker, and kConstantPoolMarkerMask.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file DEFINE_args ( js_arguments  ,
"Pass all remaining arguments to the script. Alias for \"--\"."   
DEFINE_bool ( use_strict  ,
false  ,
"enforce strict mode  
enable upcoming ES6 features DEFINE_bool ( harmony_typeof  ,
false  ,
"enable harmony semantics for typeof"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping DEFINE_bool ( harmony_modules  ,
false  ,
"enable harmony modules (implies block scoping)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies DEFINE_bool ( harmony_collections  ,
false  ,
"enable harmony collections (sets, maps)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators DEFINE_bool ( harmony_iteration  ,
false  ,
"enable harmony iteration (for-of)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string DEFINE_bool ( harmony_arrays  ,
false  ,
"enable harmony arrays"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions DEFINE_bool ( harmony  ,
false  ,
"enable all harmony features (except typeof)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths DEFINE_bool ( packed_arrays  ,
true  ,
"optimizes arrays that have no holes"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values DEFINE_bool ( compiled_keyed_dictionary_loads  ,
true  ,
"use optimizing compiler to generate keyed dictionary load stubs"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string DEFINE_bool ( pretenuring  ,
true  ,
"allocate objects in old space"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new DEFINE_bool ( allocation_site_pretenuring  ,
true  ,
"pretenure with allocation sites"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions DEFINE_bool ( trace_pretenuring_statistics  ,
false  ,
"trace allocation site pretenuring statistics"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values DEFINE_bool ( track_double_fields  ,
true  ,
"track fields with double values"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values DEFINE_bool ( track_computed_fields  ,
true  ,
"track computed boilerplate fields"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields DEFINE_bool ( smi_binop  ,
true  ,
"support smi representation in binary operations"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed DEFINE_bool ( unbox_double_arrays  ,
true  ,
"automatically unbox arrays of doubles"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices DEFINE_bool ( crankshaft  ,
true  ,
"use crankshaft"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter DEFINE_bool ( use_gvn  ,
true  ,
"use hydrogen global value numbering"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations DEFINE_bool ( use_canonicalizing  ,
true  ,
"use hydrogen instruction canonicalizing"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining DEFINE_bool ( use_escape_analysis  ,
true  ,
"use hydrogen escape analysis"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding DEFINE_bool ( use_local_allocation_folding  ,
false  ,
"only fold in basic blocks"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining DEFINE_bool ( loop_invariant_code_motion  ,
true  ,
"loop invariant code motion"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache DEFINE_bool ( hydrogen_stats  ,
false  ,
"print statistics for hydrogen"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase DEFINE_bool ( trace_hydrogen  ,
false  ,
"trace generated hydrogen to file"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter DEFINE_bool ( trace_hydrogen_stubs  ,
false  ,
"trace generated hydrogen for stubs"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions DEFINE_bool ( trace_load_elimination  ,
false  ,
"trace load elimination"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination DEFINE_bool ( trace_alloc  ,
false  ,
"trace register allocator"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions DEFINE_bool ( trace_range  ,
false  ,
"trace range analysis"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering DEFINE_bool ( trace_representation  ,
false  ,
"trace representation types"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis DEFINE_bool ( trace_allocation_folding  ,
false  ,
"trace allocation folding"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites DEFINE_bool ( trace_migration  ,
false  ,
"trace object migration"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization DEFINE_bool ( stress_pointer_maps  ,
false  ,
"pointer map for every instruction"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections DEFINE_bool ( print_deopt_stress  ,
false  ,
"print number of possible deopt points"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing DEFINE_bool ( trap_on_stub_deopt  ,
false  ,
"put a break point before deoptimizing a stub"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases DEFINE_bool ( polymorphic_inlining  ,
true  ,
"polymorphic inlining"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement DEFINE_bool ( array_bounds_checks_elimination  ,
true  ,
"perform array bounds checks elimination"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination DEFINE_bool ( array_bounds_checks_hoisting  ,
false  ,
"perform array bounds checks hoisting"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting DEFINE_bool ( analyze_environment_liveness  ,
true  ,
"analyze liveness of environment slots and zap dead values"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination DEFINE_bool ( check_elimination  ,
true  ,
"use check elimination"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination DEFINE_bool ( dead_code_elimination  ,
true  ,
"use dead code elimination"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding DEFINE_bool ( trace_dead_code_elimination  ,
false  ,
"trace dead code elimination"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code DEFINE_bool ( trace_osr  ,
false  ,
"trace on-stack replacement"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs DEFINE_bool ( optimize_closures  ,
true  ,
"optimize closures"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself DEFINE_bool ( cache_optimized_code  ,
true  ,
"cache optimized code for closures"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC DEFINE_bool ( inline_construct  ,
true  ,
"inline constructor calls"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object DEFINE_bool ( inline_accessors  ,
true  ,
"inline JavaScript accessors"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations DEFINE_bool ( optimize_for_in  ,
true  ,
"optimize functions containing for-in loops"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations DEFINE_bool ( concurrent_recompilation  ,
true  ,
"optimizing hot functions asynchronously on a separate thread"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms DEFINE_bool ( block_concurrent_recompilation  ,
false  ,
"block queued jobs until released"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly DEFINE_bool ( enable_sse2  ,
true  ,
"enable use of SSE2 instructions if available  
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available DEFINE_bool ( enable_sse4_1  ,
true  ,
"enable use of SSE4.1 instructions if available  
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available DEFINE_bool ( enable_sahf  ,
true  ,
"enable use of SAHF instruction if available (X64 only)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available DEFINE_bool ( enable_armv7  ,
"enable use of ARMv7 instructions if available (ARM only)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 DEFINE_bool ( enable_vldr_imm  ,
false  ,
"enable use of constant pools for double immediate (ARM only)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension DEFINE_bool ( expose_gc  ,
false  ,
"expose gc extension"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension DEFINE_bool ( expose_trigger_failure  ,
false  ,
"expose trigger-failure extension"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture DEFINE_bool ( builtins_in_stack_traces  ,
false  ,
"show built-in functions in stack traces"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files DEFINE_bool ( inline_new  ,
true  ,
"use fast inline allocation"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated DEFINE_bool ( trace  ,
false  ,
"trace function calls"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants DEFINE_bool ( lazy  ,
true  ,
"use lazy compilation"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization DEFINE_bool ( trace_opt_stats  ,
false  ,
"trace lazy optimization statistics"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations DEFINE_bool ( always_opt  ,
false  ,
"always try to optimize functions"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions DEFINE_bool ( prepare_always_opt  ,
false  ,
"prepare for turning on always opt"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization DEFINE_bool ( trace_stub_failures  ,
false  ,
"trace deoptimization of generated code stubs"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing DEFINE_bool ( always_full_compiler  ,
false  ,
"try to use the dedicated run-once backend for all code  
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up DEFINE_bool ( compilation_cache  ,
true  ,
"enable compilation cache"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response DEFINE_bool ( trace_js_array_abuse  ,
false  ,
"trace out-of-bounds accesses to JS arrays"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays DEFINE_bool ( trace_array_abuse  ,
false  ,
"trace out-of-bounds accesses to all arrays"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue DEFINE_bool ( enable_liveedit  ,
true  ,
"enable liveedit experimental feature"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace DEFINE_bool ( always_inline_smi_code  ,
false  ,
"always inline smi code in non-opt code  
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection DEFINE_bool ( trace_gc_nvp  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection DEFINE_bool ( print_cumulative_gc_stat  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers DEFINE_bool ( log_colour  ,
true  ,
"When  logging,
try to use coloured output."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros DEFINE_bool ( trace_sim_messages  ,
false  ,
"Trace simulator debug messages. Implied by --trace-sim."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown DEFINE_bool ( abort_on_uncaught_exception  ,
false  ,
"abort program (dump core) when an uncaught exception is thrown"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot DEFINE_bool ( regexp_optimization  ,
true  ,
"generate optimized regexp code  
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs DEFINE_bool ( predictable  ,
false  ,
"enable predictable mode  
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console DEFINE_bool ( dump_counters  ,
false  ,
"Dump counters on exit"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events DEFINE_bool ( debug_script_collected_events  ,
true  ,
"Enable debugger script collected events"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects DEFINE_bool ( gdbjit_dump  ,
false  ,
"dump elf objects with debug info to disk"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring DEFINE_bool ( force_marking_deque_overflows  ,
false  ,
"force overflows of marking deque by reducing it's size ""to 64 words"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code DEFINE_bool ( print_builtin_source  ,
false  ,
"pretty print source code for builtins"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST DEFINE_bool ( print_builtin_ast  ,
false  ,
"print source AST for builtins"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint DEFINE_bool ( trap_on_abort  ,
false  ,
"replace aborts by breakpoints"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins DEFINE_bool ( print_scopes  ,
false  ,
"print scopes"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations DEFINE_bool ( gc_greedy  ,
false  ,
"perform GC prior to some allocations"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection DEFINE_bool ( heap_stats  ,
false  ,
"report heap statistics before and after GC"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC DEFINE_bool ( verify_native_context_separation  ,
false  ,
"verify that code holds on to at most one native context after GC"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC DEFINE_bool ( print_global_handles  ,
false  ,
"report global handles after GC"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions DEFINE_bool ( print_interfaces  ,
false  ,
"print interfaces"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries DEFINE_bool ( trace_lazy  ,
false  ,
"trace lazy compilation"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes DEFINE_bool ( regexp_possessive_quantifier  ,
false  ,
"enable possessive quantifier syntax for testing"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution DEFINE_bool ( trace_regexp_assembler  ,
false  ,
"trace regexp macro assembler calls."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file DEFINE_bool ( log_runtime  ,
false  ,
"Activate runtime system %Log call."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file DEFINE_bool ( log_code  ,
false  ,
"Log code events to the log file without profiling."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool DEFINE_bool ( log_handles  ,
false  ,
"Log global handle events."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations DEFINE_bool ( prof  ,
false  ,
"Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code)."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling DEFINE_bool ( log_regexp  ,
false  ,
"Log regular expression execution."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file DEFINE_bool ( logfile_per_isolate  ,
true  ,
"Separate log files for each isolate."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler DEFINE_bool ( perf_basic_prof  ,
false  ,
"Enable perf linux profiler (basic support)."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof DEFINE_bool ( log_internal_timer_events  ,
false  ,
"Time internal events."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof Time events including external callbacks prof DEFINE_bool ( log_instruction_stats  ,
false  ,
"Log AArch64 instruction statistics."   
DEFINE_bool ( trace_elements_transitions  ,
false  ,
"trace elements transitions"   
trace the creation of allocation sites DEFINE_bool ( print_code_stubs  ,
false  ,
"print code stubs"   
trace the creation of allocation sites test secondary stub cache by disabling the primary one DEFINE_bool ( test_primary_stub_cache  ,
false  ,
"test primary stub cache by disabling the secondary one"   
trace the creation of allocation sites test secondary stub cache by disabling the primary one print generated code DEFINE_bool ( print_opt_code  ,
false  ,
"print optimized code  
trace the creation of allocation sites test secondary stub cache by disabling the primary one print generated code print unoptimized code before printing optimized code based on it DEFINE_bool ( print_code_verbose  ,
false  ,
"print more information for code  
DEFINE_bool ( enable_ool_constant_pool  ,
"enable use of out-of-line constant pools (ARM only)"   

Definition at line 1829 of file flags.cc.

enforce strict mode v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( es_staging  ,
false  ,
"enable upcoming ES6+ features"   
enforce strict mode enable harmony semantics for typeof v8::internal::DEFINE_bool ( harmony_scoping  ,
false  ,
"enable harmony block scoping"   
v8::internal::DEFINE_DOUBLE ( kFP64PositiveInfinity  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_DOUBLE ( kFP64NegativeInfinity  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_DOUBLE ( kFP64SignallingNaN  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_DOUBLE ( kFP64QuietNaN  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_DOUBLE ( kFP64DefaultNaN  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_FLOAT ( kFP32PositiveInfinity  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_FLOAT ( kFP32NegativeInfinity  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_FLOAT ( kFP32SignallingNaN  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_FLOAT ( kFP32QuietNaN  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_FLOAT ( kFP32DefaultNaN  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag DEFINE_float ( testing_float_flag  ,
2.  5,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping DEFINE_implication ( harmony  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols DEFINE_implication ( harmony  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections DEFINE_implication ( harmony  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration DEFINE_implication ( harmony  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings DEFINE_implication ( harmony  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping DEFINE_implication ( harmony  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields DEFINE_implication ( track_heap_object_fields  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement DEFINE_implication ( concurrent_osr  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing DEFINE_implication ( trace_opt_verbose  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name DEFINE_implication ( expose_gc_as  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse DEFINE_implication ( trace_array_abuse  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof Time events including external callbacks DEFINE_implication ( log_timer_events  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code DEFINE_int ( max_inlining_levels  ,
"maximum number of inlining levels"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining DEFINE_int ( max_inlined_nodes  ,
196  ,
"maximum number of AST nodes considered for a single inlining"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction DEFINE_int ( deopt_every_n_times  ,
"deoptimize every n times a deopt point is passed"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation DEFINE_int ( concurrent_recompilation_queue_length  ,
"the length of the concurrent compilation queue"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes DEFINE_int ( typed_array_max_size_in_heap  ,
64  ,
"threshold for in-heap typed array"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler DEFINE_int ( interrupt_budget  ,
0x1800  ,
"execution budget before interrupt is triggered"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization DEFINE_int ( self_opt_count  ,
130  ,
"call count before self-optimization"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions DEFINE_int ( cpu_profiler_sampling_interval  ,
1000  ,
"CPU profiler sampling interval in microseconds"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing DEFINE_int ( stack_size  ,
kPointerSize *  123,
"default size of stack region v8 is allowed to use (in kBytes)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs DEFINE_int ( gc_interval  ,
"garbage collect after <n> allocations"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag DEFINE_int ( testing_prng_seed  ,
42  ,
"Seed used for threading test randomness"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details DEFINE_int ( print_interface_depth  ,
"depth for printing interfaces"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof Time events including external callbacks prof arm64_inst AArch64 instruction statistics log file DEFINE_int ( log_instruction_period  ,
1<<  22,
"AArch64 instruction statistics logging period."   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag DEFINE_maybe_bool ( testing_maybe_bool_flag  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation DEFINE_neg_implication ( predictable  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping DEFINE_neg_implication ( predictable  ,
v8::internal::DEFINE_NEW_H_BITWISE_INSTR ( HSar  ,
c_left->  NumberValueAsInteger32) >>(c_right->NumberValueAsInteger32()&0x1f 
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name DEFINE_string ( trace_phase  ,
"HLZ"  ,
"trace generated IR for specified phases"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object DEFINE_string ( expose_debug_as  ,
"expose debug in global object"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap DEFINE_string ( extra_code  ,
"A filename with extra code to be included in"" the snapshot (mksnapshot only)"   
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof Time events including external callbacks prof arm64_inst AArch64 instruction statistics log file output deopt information and disassembly into file code< pid >< isolateid > asm DEFINE_string ( redirect_code_traces_to  ,
"output deopt information and disassembly into the given file"   
void v8::internal::DeleteNativeObjectAt ( const v8::WeakCallbackData< v8::Value, void > &  data,
int  index 
Handle< Object > DeleteProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< Object >  key 
uint64_t v8::internal::double_to_uint64 ( double  d)

Definition at line 37 of file double.h.

Referenced by Object::GetHash(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

void DoubleToAscii ( double  v,
DtoaMode  mode,
int  requested_digits,
Vector< char >  buffer,
int *  sign,
int *  length,
int *  point 
const char * DoubleToCString ( double  v,
Vector< char >  buffer 
char * DoubleToExponentialCString ( double  value,
int  f 

Definition at line 260 of file conversions.cc.

References ASSERT, DoubleToAscii(), DTOA_PRECISION, DTOA_SHORTEST, kBase10MaximalLength, and sign.

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

double DoubleToInteger ( double  x)

Definition at line 88 of file conversions-inl.h.

References std::isfinite(), and std::isnan().

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

char * DoubleToRadixCString ( double  value,
int  radix 
void DumpBacktrace ( )

Definition at line 47 of file checks.cc.

References ARRAY_SIZE, NULL, OS::PrintError(), size, and symbols().

Referenced by V8_Fatal().

typedef v8::internal::DWORD ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetOptions)
typedef v8::internal::DWORD ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymSetOptions)
typedef v8::internal::DWORD64 ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymLoadModule64)
typedef v8::internal::DWORD64 ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymGetModuleBase64)
const char * ElementsKindToString ( ElementsKind  kind)
int v8::internal::EncodeConstantPoolLength ( int  length)

Definition at line 44 of file constants-arm.h.

References ASSERT, and kConstantPoolLengthMaxMask.

bool EvalComparison ( Token::Value  op,
double  op1,
double  op2 

Definition at line 1516 of file assembler.cc.

References ASSERT, EQ, Token::IsCompareOp(), and UNREACHABLE.

double v8::internal::fast_exp ( double  input)

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

double v8::internal::fast_sqrt ( double  input)

Referenced by power_helper(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

int v8::internal::FastD2I ( double  x)
unsigned int FastD2UI ( double  x)

Definition at line 62 of file conversions-inl.h.

References OS::MemCopy(), and negative.

Referenced by CheckArrayAbuse(), Value::IsUint32(), and Object::ToUint32().

bool FastDtoa ( double  v,
FastDtoaMode  mode,
int  requested_digits,
Vector< char >  buffer,
int *  length,
int *  decimal_point 

Definition at line 709 of file fast-dtoa.cc.


Referenced by DoubleToAscii(), and TEST().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining faster ( but maybe less  accurate)
bool FastFixedDtoa ( double  v,
int  fractional_count,
Vector< char >  buffer,
int *  length,
int *  decimal_point 

Definition at line 312 of file fixed-dtoa.cc.

References ASSERT, Double::Exponent(), kMaxUInt32, Double::Significand(), and V8_2PART_UINT64_C.

Referenced by DoubleToAscii(), and TEST().

double v8::internal::FastI2D ( int  x)
ElementsKind v8::internal::FastSmiToObjectElementsKind ( ElementsKind  from_kind)
double v8::internal::FastUI2D ( unsigned  x)

Definition at line 89 of file conversions.h.

Referenced by Value::IsUint32(), Heap::NumberFromUint32(), and Object::ToUint32().

void v8::internal::FatalProcessOutOfMemory ( const char *  message)
Operand FieldOperand ( Register  object,
int  offset 

Definition at line 1075 of file macro-assembler-ia32.h.

References kHeapObjectTag.

Referenced by FixedArrayElementOperand().

Operand FieldOperand ( Register  object,
Register  index,
ScaleFactor  scale,
int  offset 

Definition at line 1081 of file macro-assembler-ia32.h.

References kHeapObjectTag.

void v8::internal::FindAsciiStringIndices ( Vector< const uint8_t >  subject,
char  pattern,
ZoneList< int > *  indices,
unsigned int  limit,
Zone *  zone 
void v8::internal::FindStringIndices ( Isolate *  isolate,
Vector< const SubjectChar >  subject,
Vector< const PatternChar >  pattern,
ZoneList< int > *  indices,
unsigned int  limit,
Zone *  zone 
void v8::internal::FindStringIndicesDispatch ( Isolate *  isolate,
String *  subject,
String *  pattern,
ZoneList< int > *  indices,
unsigned int  limit,
Zone *  zone 
void v8::internal::FindTwoByteStringIndices ( const Vector< const uc16 >  subject,
uc16  pattern,
ZoneList< int > *  indices,
unsigned int  limit,
Zone *  zone 
Operand v8::internal::FixedArrayElementOperand ( Register  array,
Register  index_as_smi,
int  additional_offset = 0 
Handle< String > FlattenGetString ( Handle< String >  string)
void v8::internal::FlipBytes ( uint8_t *  target,
uint8_t *  source 

Definition at line 1317 of file runtime.cc.

void Flush ( FILE *  out)

Definition at line 65 of file v8utils.cc.

Referenced by Flush(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

void v8::internal::Flush ( )

Definition at line 66 of file v8utils.h.

References Flush().

Handle< Object > ForceDeleteProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< Object >  key 
Handle< Object > ForceSetProperty ( Handle< JSObject >  object,
Handle< Object >  key,
Handle< Object >  value,
PropertyAttributes  attributes 

Definition at line 161 of file handles.cc.

References Runtime::ForceSetObjectProperty().

Referenced by Object::ForceSet(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

F v8::internal::FUNCTION_CAST ( Address  addr)

Definition at line 352 of file globals.h.

References F.

double v8::internal::FusedMultiplyAdd ( double  op1,
double  op2,
double  a 

Definition at line 124 of file utils-arm64.h.

float v8::internal::FusedMultiplyAdd ( float  op1,
float  op2,
float  a 

Definition at line 129 of file utils-arm64.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old generation ( in  kBytes)
Register v8::internal::GetAllocatableRegisterThatIsNotOneOf ( Register  reg1,
Register  reg2 = NoReg,
Register  reg3 = NoReg,
Register  reg4 = NoReg 
const char * GetBailoutReason ( BailoutReason  reason)
Vector< const uint8_t > GetCharVector ( Handle< String >  string)
Vector< const uc16 > GetCharVector ( Handle< String >  string)
ElementsKind GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex ( int  sequence_number)

Definition at line 127 of file elements-kind.cc.

References ASSERT, and kFastElementsKindCount.

Referenced by GetNextTransitionElementsKind().

Handle< JSArray > GetKeysFor ( Handle< JSReceiver >  object,
bool *  threw 
v8::Handle< v8::Array > GetKeysForIndexedInterceptor ( Handle< JSReceiver >  receiver,
Handle< JSObject >  object 

Definition at line 452 of file handles.cc.

References CHECK, LOG, Local< T >::New(), and Utils::OpenHandle().

Referenced by GetKeysInFixedArrayFor(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

v8::Handle< v8::Array > GetKeysForNamedInterceptor ( Handle< JSReceiver >  receiver,
Handle< JSObject >  object 

Definition at line 429 of file handles.cc.

References CHECK, LOG, Local< T >::New(), and Utils::OpenHandle().

Referenced by GetKeysInFixedArrayFor(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

size_t v8::internal::GetMemoryUsedByList ( const List< T, P > &  list)
ElementsKind GetNextMoreGeneralFastElementsKind ( ElementsKind  elements_kind,
bool  allow_only_packed 
ElementsKind GetNextTransitionElementsKind ( ElementsKind  kind)
ElementsKind v8::internal::GetPackedElementsKind ( ElementsKind  holey_kind)
Handle< Object > GetProperty ( Isolate *  isolate,
Handle< Object >  obj,
Handle< Object >  key 

Definition at line 204 of file handles.cc.

References CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION, and Runtime::GetObjectProperty().

Register GetRegisterThatIsNotOneOf ( Register  reg1,
Register  reg2 = no_reg,
Register  reg3 = no_reg,
Register  reg4 = no_reg,
Register  reg5 = no_reg,
Register  reg6 = no_reg 
int GetScriptColumnNumber ( Handle< Script >  script,
int  code_pos 
int GetScriptLineNumberSafe ( Handle< Script >  script,
int  code_pos 
int GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind ( ElementsKind  elements_kind)

Definition at line 134 of file elements-kind.cc.

References kFastElementsKindCount, and UNREACHABLE.

Referenced by GetNextTransitionElementsKind().

MemOperand v8::internal::GlobalObjectMemOperand ( )

Definition at line 2245 of file macro-assembler-arm64.h.

References ContextMemOperand(), cp, and Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX.

Operand GlobalObjectOperand ( )

Definition at line 1592 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.

References ContextOperand(), cp, and Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX.

Handle<T> v8::internal::handle ( T t,
Isolate *  isolate 

Definition at line 103 of file handles.h.

Referenced by HeapTypeConfig::as_class(), HeapTypeConfig::as_constant(), HeapTypeConfig::as_union(), TypeFeedbackOracle::BinaryType(), ArrayBufferView::Buffer(), HGraphBuilder::BuildCheckPrototypeMaps(), HGraphBuilder::BuildConstantMapCheck(), HGraphBuilder::BuildWrapReceiver(), BUILTIN(), Promise::Catch(), Promise::Chain(), TypeImpl< ZoneTypeConfig >::Classes(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CollectReceiverTypes(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CompareType(), LoadIC::CompileHandler(), StoreIC::CompileHandler(), StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(), IC::ComputeHandler(), StubCache::ComputeLoadNonexistent(), TypeImpl< ZoneTypeConfig >::Constants(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::CopyElements(), Map::CopyInstallDescriptors(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::CreateImmovable(), Map::CurrentMapForDeprecatedInternal(), FastElementsAccessor< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS >, kPointerSize >::DeleteCommon(), AllocationSite::DigestTransitionFeedback(), JSObject::EnqueueChangeRecord(), JSFunction::EnsureHasInitialMap(), JSGlobalObject::EnsurePropertyCell(), JSArray::EnsureSize(), Handle< T >::EscapeFrom(), Code::FindAllMaps(), JSObject::Freeze(), HeapTypeConfig::from_bitset(), JSObject::GeneralizeFieldRepresentation(), NormalizedMapCache::Get(), JSObject::GetAccessor(), IC::GetCodeCacheHolder(), Object::GetProperty(), JSObject::GetPropertyWithInterceptor(), CustomArguments< T >::GetReturnValue(), GetScriptWrapper(), HeapTypeConfig::handle(), LoadStubCompiler::HandlerFrontendHeader(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HasMap(), IC::IC(), FunctionTemplate::InstanceTemplate(), Value::IsPromise(), Deoptimizer::MaterializeHeapObjects(), JSObject::MigrateToMap(), Runtime::NeuterArrayBuffer(), Promise::Resolver::New(), Factory::NewFunctionPrototype(), LoadStubCompiler::NonexistentHandlerFrontend(), JSObject::NormalizeElements(), TypeImpl< class >::OfCurrently(), JSObject::PrepareElementsForSort(), JSObject::PreventExtensions(), Promise::Resolver::Reject(), Promise::Resolver::Resolve(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), JSObject::SetElement(), JSObject::SetFastElement(), JSObject::SetFastElementsCapacityAndLength(), JSFunction::SetInstancePrototype(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::SetLength(), JSObject::SetLocalPropertyIgnoreAttributes(), JSObject::SetObserved(), JSObject::SetPropertyForResult(), JSObject::SetPrototype(), JSFunction::SetPrototype(), TEST(), THREADED_TEST(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::ToHandle(), Object::ToSmi(), BinaryOpIC::Transition(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::transition_map(), Types< Type, TypeHandle, Region >::Types(), IC::TypeToMap(), HeapTypeConfig::union_get(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::Unique(), IC::UpdateState(), IC::UpdateTarget(), and Visitor42::VisitPersistentHandle().

Handle<T> v8::internal::handle ( T t)

Definition at line 110 of file handles.h.

typedef v8::internal::HANDLE ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPECreateToolhelp32Snapshot)
int v8::internal::HandleObjectPointerCompare ( const Handle< T > *  a,
const Handle< T > *  b 

Definition at line 182 of file utils.h.

Handle< Object > HasProperty ( Handle< JSReceiver >  obj,
Handle< Object >  key 

Definition at line 189 of file handles.cc.

References CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION, and Runtime::HasObjectProperty().

Referenced by Object::Has().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with heap_stats ( requires  heap_stats)
intptr_t HeapObjectTagMask ( )

Definition at line 44 of file checks.cc.

References kHeapObjectTagMask.

Referenced by AllocationInfo::INLINE().

void v8::internal::HeapSortPairs ( FixedArray *  content,
FixedArray *  numbers,
int  len 
int v8::internal::HexValue ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 52 of file scanner.h.

v8::internal::INITIALIZE_REGISTER ( Register  ,
NoReg  ,
v8::internal::INITIALIZE_REGISTER ( FPRegister  ,
NoFPReg  ,
v8::internal::INITIALIZE_REGISTER ( CPURegister  ,
NoCPUReg  ,
v8::internal::INITIALIZE_REGISTER ( Register  ,
no_reg  ,
v8::internal::INITIALIZE_REGISTER ( Register  ,
wcsp  ,
kSPRegInternalCode  ,
kWRegSizeInBits  ,
v8::internal::INITIALIZE_REGISTER ( Register  ,
csp  ,
kSPRegInternalCode  ,
kXRegSizeInBits  ,
bool InitializeICU ( const char *  icu_data_file)

Definition at line 64 of file icu_util.cc.

References NULL, and size.

Referenced by V8::InitializeICU().

void InitScriptLineEnds ( Handle< Script >  script)
v8::internal::INLINE ( static void   CopyCharsUnsignedsinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars)
v8::internal::INLINE ( void   CopyCharssinkchar *dest, const sourcechar *src, int chars)
v8::internal::INLINE ( Dest   BitCastconst Source &source)
v8::internal::INLINE ( static HeapObject *  EnsureDoubleAlignedHeap *heap, HeapObject *object, int size)
int IntegerLog2 ( uint32_t  value)

Definition at line 62 of file misc-intrinsics.h.

References shift.

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT interface ( disables compacting  GC)
double v8::internal::InternalStringToDouble ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
Iterator  current,
EndMark  end,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
double v8::internal::InternalStringToInt ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
Iterator  current,
EndMark  end,
int  radix 
double v8::internal::InternalStringToIntDouble ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
Iterator  current,
EndMark  end,
bool  negative,
bool  allow_trailing_junk 
const char * IntToCString ( int  n,
Vector< char >  buffer 
V8_INLINE internal::Object* v8::internal::IntToSmi ( int  value)

Definition at line 5485 of file v8.h.

References kSmiShiftSize, kSmiTag, and kSmiTagSize.

Referenced by Internals::IntToSmi(), and ReturnValue< T >::Set().

BranchType v8::internal::InvertBranchType ( BranchType  type)
Condition v8::internal::InvertCondition ( Condition  cond)
void InvokeAccessorGetterCallback ( v8::Local< v8::String property,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &  info,
v8::AccessorGetterCallback  getter 

Definition at line 7628 of file api.cc.

References PropertyCallbackInfo< T >::GetIsolate().

void InvokeFunctionCallback ( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &  info,
v8::FunctionCallback  callback 

Definition at line 7642 of file api.cc.

References FunctionCallbackInfo< T >::GetIsolate().

bool v8::internal::Is ( Object *  obj)
bool v8::internal::Is< JSArray > ( Object *  obj)

Definition at line 832 of file objects-inl.h.

bool v8::internal::Is< JSFunction > ( Object *  obj)

Definition at line 787 of file objects-inl.h.

bool v8::internal::is_intn ( int64_t  x,
unsigned  n 

Definition at line 1102 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT.

bool v8::internal::is_uintn ( int64_t  x,
unsigned  n 

Definition at line 1108 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT, and kBitsPerByte.

bool v8::internal::IsAddressAligned ( Address  addr,
intptr_t  alignment,
int  offset = 0 
bool v8::internal::isBinaryDigit ( int  x)

Definition at line 55 of file conversions.h.

Referenced by InternalStringToDouble().

bool IsBinaryDigit ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 80 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

bool IsCarriageReturn ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 45 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

bool IsDecimalDigit ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 62 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

References IsInRange().

Referenced by IsHexDigit(), and IsRegExpWord().

bool v8::internal::IsDeclaredVariableMode ( VariableMode  mode)

Definition at line 503 of file v8globals.h.

References MODULE, and VAR.

Referenced by Declaration::Declaration(), Scope::DeclareLocal(), and Variable::IsGlobalObjectProperty().

bool v8::internal::IsDictionaryElementsKind ( ElementsKind  kind)
bool v8::internal::isDigit ( int  x,
int  radix 
bool v8::internal::IsDynamicVariableMode ( VariableMode  mode)

Definition at line 498 of file v8globals.h.


Referenced by Variable::is_dynamic(), and Variable::IsGlobalObjectProperty().

bool v8::internal::IsExternalFloatOrDoubleElementsKind ( ElementsKind  kind)

Definition at line 148 of file elements-kind.h.


Referenced by IsDoubleOrFloatElementsKind().

bool v8::internal::IsFixedFloatElementsKind ( ElementsKind  kind)

Definition at line 154 of file elements-kind.h.


Referenced by IsDoubleOrFloatElementsKind().

bool IsHexDigit ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 68 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

References AsciiAlphaToLower(), IsDecimalDigit(), and IsInRange().

bool v8::internal::IsImmutableVariableMode ( VariableMode  mode)

Definition at line 513 of file v8globals.h.


Referenced by Variable::is_const_mode(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

bool v8::internal::IsInRange ( int  value,
int  lower_limit,
int  higher_limit 

Definition at line 55 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by IsDecimalDigit(), IsHexDigit(), IsOctalDigit(), and IsRegExpWord().

bool v8::internal::IsLexicalVariableMode ( VariableMode  mode)

Definition at line 508 of file v8globals.h.

References LET, and MODULE.

Referenced by Variable::IsGlobalObjectProperty(), and Scope::MustAllocateInContext().

bool IsLineFeed ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 50 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

bool IsOctalDigit ( uc32  c)

Definition at line 74 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

References IsInRange().

bool v8::internal::IsOutOfBoundsAccess ( Handle< JSObject >  receiver,
int  index 

Definition at line 1574 of file ic.cc.

References Smi::cast(), and JSArray::cast().

bool v8::internal::IsQuietNaN ( T  num)

Definition at line 105 of file utils-arm64.h.

References std::isnan(), and IsSignallingNaN().

Referenced by TEST().

bool v8::internal::IsRegExpNewline ( uc32  c)
bool v8::internal::IsRegExpNewline ( uc16  c)

Definition at line 93 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

Referenced by TEST().

bool v8::internal::IsRegExpWord ( uc32  c)
bool v8::internal::IsRegExpWord ( uc16  c)

Definition at line 86 of file char-predicates-inl.h.

References AsciiAlphaToLower(), IsDecimalDigit(), and IsInRange().

Referenced by TEST().

bool v8::internal::IsSignallingNaN ( double  num)

Definition at line 86 of file utils-arm64.h.

References std::isnan(), and kDQuietNanMask.

Referenced by IsQuietNaN(), and TEST().

bool v8::internal::IsSignallingNaN ( float  num)

Definition at line 95 of file utils-arm64.h.

References std::isnan(), and kSQuietNanMask.

bool v8::internal::IsSimpleMapChangeTransition ( ElementsKind  from_kind,
ElementsKind  to_kind 
bool v8::internal::IsTerminalElementsKind ( ElementsKind  kind)

Definition at line 119 of file elements-kind.h.

References IsExternalArrayElementsKind(), and TERMINAL_FAST_ELEMENTS_KIND.

bool v8::internal::IsTransitionableFastElementsKind ( ElementsKind  from_kind)
bool v8::internal::IsTransitionElementsKind ( ElementsKind  kind)
int JSCallerSavedCode ( int  n)

Definition at line 1610 of file frames.cc.

References ASSERT, kNumJSCallerSaved, and JSCallerSavedCodeData::reg_code.

double v8::internal::JunkStringValue ( )
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property keys ( 0 means  random)
void lazily_initialize_fast_exp ( )

Definition at line 320 of file platform-posix.cc.

References NULL.

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

int LinearSearch ( T array,
Name *  name,
int  len,
int  valid_entries 

Definition at line 2487 of file objects-inl.h.

References ALL_ENTRIES, ASSERT, Name::Equals(), and Name::Hash().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric literals ( 0o77  ,
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal logging ( no  API,
code  ,
GC  ,
suspect  ,
or handles  samples 
Handle< String > LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode ( Isolate *  isolate,
uint32_t  index 
template intptr_t v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::SweepConservatively< MarkCompactCollector::SWEEP_IN_PARALLEL > ( PagedSpace *  ,
FreeList *  ,
Page *   
template intptr_t v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::SweepConservatively< MarkCompactCollector::SWEEP_SEQUENTIALLY > ( PagedSpace *  ,
FreeList *  ,
Page *   
int v8::internal::MaskToBit ( uint64_t  mask)
void v8::internal::MathSetup ( )

Definition at line 212 of file platform-win32.cc.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable memory ( in  Mbytes)
void v8::internal::MemsetPointer ( T **  dest,
U *  value,
int  counter 
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long mode ( MIPS  only)
enforce strict mode enable harmony semantics for typeof enable harmony v8::internal::modules ( implies block  scoping)
double modulo ( double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 300 of file platform-posix.cc.

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

int v8::internal::MostSignificantBit ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 89 of file utils.h.

void v8::internal::MoveWords ( T dst,
const T src,
size_t  num_words 

Definition at line 153 of file v8utils.h.

References ASSERT, kPointerSize, OS::MemMove(), STATIC_ASSERT(), and T.

Vector<char> v8::internal::MutableCStrVector ( char *  data)

Definition at line 586 of file utils.h.

References StrLength().

Vector<char> v8::internal::MutableCStrVector ( char *  data,
int  max 

Definition at line 590 of file utils.h.

References StrLength().

Handle<NameDictionary> v8::internal::NameDictionaryShrink ( Handle< NameDictionary >  dict,
Handle< Name >  name 

Definition at line 769 of file objects.cc.


T v8::internal::NegAbs ( T  a)

Definition at line 248 of file utils.h.

Condition NegateCondition ( Condition  cond)

Definition at line 109 of file constants-arm.h.

References al, ASSERT, and ne.

Referenced by TEST().

Hint NegateHint ( Hint  ignored)

Definition at line 428 of file constants-arm.h.

References no_hint.

T* v8::internal::NewArray ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 83 of file allocation.h.

References Malloced::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(), NULL, size, and T.

Handle<StringType> v8::internal::NewRawString ( Factory *  factory,
int  length,
PretenureFlag  pretenure 
Handle<SeqTwoByteString> v8::internal::NewRawString ( Factory *  factory,
int  length,
PretenureFlag  pretenure 

Definition at line 583 of file json-parser.h.

References Factory::NewRawTwoByteString().

Handle<SeqOneByteString> v8::internal::NewRawString ( Factory *  factory,
int  length,
PretenureFlag  pretenure 

Definition at line 590 of file json-parser.h.

References Factory::NewRawOneByteString().

AtomicWord v8::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  new_value 
Atomic32 NoBarrier_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  new_value 

Definition at line 70 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

Referenced by NoBarrier_AtomicExchange().

Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  new_value 

Definition at line 236 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

AtomicWord v8::internal::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  increment 
Atomic32 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  increment 
Atomic64 NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  increment 

Definition at line 256 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

AtomicWord v8::internal::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  old_value,
AtomicWord  new_value 
Atomic32 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value 

Definition at line 44 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

Referenced by NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap().

Atomic64 NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  old_value,
Atomic64  new_value 

Definition at line 210 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

AtomicWord v8::internal::NoBarrier_Load ( volatile const AtomicWord *  ptr)

Definition at line 103 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References NoBarrier_Load().

Atomic32 NoBarrier_Load ( volatile const Atomic32 *  ptr)
Atomic64 NoBarrier_Load ( volatile const Atomic64 *  ptr)

Definition at line 355 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

void v8::internal::NoBarrier_Store ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  value 

Definition at line 88 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References NoBarrier_Store().

void NoBarrier_Store ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  value 

Definition at line 341 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

char v8::internal::NormalizeChar ( char  ch)

Definition at line 288 of file flags.cc.

int v8::internal::NumberOfBitsSet ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 1037 of file assembler.h.

int32_t v8::internal::NumberToInt32 ( Object *  number)

Definition at line 55 of file v8conversions.h.

References Smi::cast(), DoubleToInt32(), Object::Number(), and Smi::value().

size_t v8::internal::NumberToSize ( Isolate *  isolate,
Object *  number 

Definition at line 103 of file v8conversions.h.

References CHECK, and TryNumberToSize().

Referenced by Runtime::FreeArrayBuffer(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

uint32_t v8::internal::NumberToUint32 ( Object *  number)
c_left v8::internal::NumberValueAsInteger32 ( ) -> NumberValueAsInteger32() & 0x1f)) HInstruction* HShr::New( Zone* zone, HValue* context, HValue* left, HValue* right)

Definition at line 4290 of file hydrogen-instructions.cc.


int NumRegs ( RegList  reglist)

Definition at line 1589 of file frames.cc.

References CountSetBits().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions of ( de  )
Vector<const uint8_t> v8::internal::OneByteVector ( const char *  data,
int  length 

Definition at line 578 of file utils.h.

Referenced by OneByteVector(), and TEST().

Vector<const uint8_t> v8::internal::OneByteVector ( const char *  data)

Definition at line 582 of file utils.h.

References OneByteVector(), and StrLength().

Time v8::internal::operator+ ( const TimeDelta &  delta,
const Time &  time 

Definition at line 306 of file time.h.

TimeTicks v8::internal::operator+ ( const TimeDelta &  delta,
const TimeTicks &  ticks 

Definition at line 410 of file time.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction pairs ( ARM  only)

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

void v8::internal::PatchInlinedSmiCode ( Address  address,
InlinedSmiCheck  check 
int v8::internal::PointerValueCompare ( const T a,
const T b 

Definition at line 172 of file utils.h.

Referenced by ElementCmp< T >::operator()().

double power_double_double ( double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1471 of file assembler.cc.

References std::isfinite(), std::isinf(), std::isnan(), OS::nan_value(), and V8_INFINITY.

Referenced by power_helper(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

double power_double_int ( double  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1456 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by power_helper(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

double power_helper ( double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1436 of file assembler.cc.

References fast_sqrt(), std::isinf(), power_double_double(), power_double_int(), and V8_INFINITY.

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

Vector< const PrecomputedFixed > PrecomputedFixedRepresentations ( )

Definition at line 100043 of file gay-fixed.cc.

Referenced by TEST().

Vector< const PrecomputedPrecision > PrecomputedPrecisionRepresentations ( )

Definition at line 100043 of file gay-precision.cc.

Referenced by TEST().

Vector< const PrecomputedShortest > PrecomputedShortestRepresentations ( )

Definition at line 100043 of file gay-shortest.cc.

Referenced by TEST().

void PrintElementsKind ( FILE *  out,
ElementsKind  kind 

Definition at line 83 of file elements-kind.cc.

References ElementsKindToString(), and PrintF().

Referenced by JSObject::PrintElementsTransition().

void PRINTF_CHECKING PrintF ( const char *  format,

Definition at line 40 of file v8utils.cc.

References OS::VPrint().

Referenced by IncrementalMarking::Abort(), Heap::AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::AdvanceCurrentPosition(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::AdvanceRegister(), PagedSpace::AdvanceSweeper(), Scope::Analyze(), RuntimeProfiler::AttemptOnStackReplacement(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Backtrack(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Bind(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildGraph(), CatcherCallback(), CheckArrayAbuse(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckAtStart(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckBitInTable(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacter(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterAfterAnd(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterGT(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterInRange(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterLT(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterNotInRange(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckGreedyLoop(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotAtStart(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotBackReference(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotCharacter(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckSpecialCharacterClass(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::ClearRegisters(), MarkCompactCollector::CollectEvacuationCandidates(), CppByteSink::CppByteSink(), OptimizedCompileJob::CreateGraph(), Heap::decrement_scan_on_scavenge_pages(), MessageHandler::DefaultMessageReport(), Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeAll(), Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeGlobalObject(), Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeMarkedCode(), AllocationSite::DigestPretenuringFeedback(), AllocationSite::DigestTransitionFeedback(), SharedFunctionInfo::DisableOptimization(), Isolate::DoThrow(), MarkCompactCollector::EnableCodeFlushing(), AllocationSiteCreationContext::EnterNewScope(), CodeFlusher::EvictCandidate(), SharedFunctionInfo::EvictFromOptimizedCodeMap(), CodeFlusher::EvictOptimizedCodeMap(), AllocationSiteCreationContext::ExitScope(), ParserTraits::ExpressionFromIdentifier(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Fail(), FailedAccessCheckThrows(), Failure::FailurePrint(), FileByteSink::FileByteSink(), HeapObjectsMap::FindOrAddEntry(), HeapObjectsMap::FindUntrackedObjects(), HCheckTable::Finish(), OptimizingCompilerThread::Flush(), Bitmap::CellPrinter::Flush(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::GetCode(), Compiler::GetConcurrentlyOptimizedCode(), Compiler::GetOptimizedCode(), Deoptimizer::GetOutputInfo(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::GoTo(), HeapNumber::HeapNumberPrint(), IncrementalMarking::Hurry(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::IfRegisterEqPos(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::IfRegisterGE(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::IfRegisterLT(), Heap::increment_scan_on_scavenge_pages(), Isolate::Init(), Snapshot::Initialize(), MarkCompactCollector::INLINE(), OptimizingCompilerThread::InstallOptimizedFunctions(), RegExpImpl::IrregexpExec(), HeapObject::IterateBody(), LoadIC::Load(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::LoadCurrentCharacter(), Context::Lookup(), CodeGenerator::MakeCodePrologue(), JSFunction::MarkForConcurrentOptimization(), IncrementalMarking::MarkingComplete(), JSFunction::MarkInOptimizationQueue(), Deoptimizer::MaterializeHeapObjects(), HeapObjectsMap::MoveObject(), JSObject::NormalizeElements(), JSObject::NormalizeProperties(), RuntimeProfiler::OptimizeNow(), StringStream::OutputToFile(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PopCurrentPosition(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PopRegister(), PagedSpace::PrepareForMarkCompact(), AddressToTraceMap::Print(), Bitmap::CellPrinter::Print(), Bitmap::Print(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::print(), CodeGenerator::PrintCode(), Isolate::PrintCurrentStackTrace(), Code::PrintDeoptLocation(), PrintElementsKind(), JSObject::PrintElementsTransition(), Map::PrintGeneralization(), JSObject::PrintInstanceMigration(), JSFunction::PrintName(), String::PrintOn(), HSourcePosition::PrintTo(), JavaScriptFrame::PrintTop(), Bitmap::PrintWord(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PushBacktrack(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PushCurrentPosition(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PushRegister(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::ReadStackPointerFromRegister(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer(), NewSpace::ReportStatistics(), HValue::RepresentationFromUses(), MemoryChunk::ResetLiveBytes(), Scope::ResolveVariable(), IncrementalMarking::RestartIfNotMarking(), HRepresentationChangesPhase::Run(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), SharedFunctionInfo::SearchOptimizedCodeMap(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::SetRegister(), Builtins::SetUp(), AllocationSiteUsageContext::ShouldCreateMemento(), Smi::SmiPrint(), IncrementalMarking::Start(), OptimizingCompilerThread::Stop(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Succeed(), Heap::TearDown(), TEST(), BinaryOpIC::Transition(), Interface::Unify(), CompareIC::UpdateCaches(), HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap(), HValue::UpdateRepresentation(), RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(), and RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::WriteStackPointerToRegister().

void FPRINTF_CHECKING PrintF ( FILE *  out,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 48 of file v8utils.cc.

References OS::VFPrint().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux profiler ( experimental annotate  support)
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments kFormalParameterCountOffset v8::internal::PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_LO ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
expected_nof_properties  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments kFormalParameterCountOffset kStartPositionAndTypeOffset v8::internal::PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_LO ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
function_token_position  ,
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments kFormalParameterCountOffset kStartPositionAndTypeOffset kCompilerHintsOffset v8::internal::PSEUDO_SMI_ACCESSORS_LO ( SharedFunctionInfo  ,
opt_count_and_bailout_reason  ,
typedef v8::internal::PVOID ( __stdcall *  DLL_FUNC_TYPESymFunctionTableAccess64)
byte * ReadBytes ( const char *  filename,
int *  size,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 163 of file v8utils.cc.

References ReadCharsFromFile().

Referenced by DEPENDENT_TEST(), and Snapshot::Initialize().

char* v8::internal::ReadCharsFromFile ( FILE *  file,
int *  size,
int  extra_space,
bool  verbose,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 122 of file v8utils.cc.

References DeleteArray(), NULL, and OS::PrintError().

Referenced by ReadBytes(), ReadCharsFromFile(), and ReadFile().

char* v8::internal::ReadCharsFromFile ( const char *  filename,
int *  size,
int  extra_space,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 152 of file v8utils.cc.

References OS::FOpen(), NULL, and ReadCharsFromFile().

Vector< const char > ReadFile ( const char *  filename,
bool *  exists,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 182 of file v8utils.cc.

References ReadCharsFromFile(), and size.

Referenced by SourceGroup::Execute(), Shell::Load(), Shell::Read(), and TEST().

Vector< const char > ReadFile ( FILE *  file,
bool *  exists,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 191 of file v8utils.cc.

References ReadCharsFromFile(), and size.

char * ReadLine ( const char *  prompt)

Definition at line 70 of file v8utils.cc.

References ASSERT, DeleteArray(), kCharSize, OS::MemCopy(), NULL, and StrLength().

bool v8::internal::ReceiverObjectNeedsWriteBarrier ( HValue *  object,
HValue *  value,
HValue *  new_space_dominator 
Handle< FixedArray > ReduceFixedArrayTo ( Handle< FixedArray >  array,
int  length 

Definition at line 615 of file handles.cc.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by GetEnumPropertyKeys().

v8::internal::REGISTER ( no_reg  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( zero_reg  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( at  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( v0  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( v1  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( a0  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( a1  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( a2  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( a3  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t0  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t1  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t2  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t3  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t4  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t5  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t6  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t7  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s0  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s1  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s2  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s3  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s4  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s5  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s6  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( s7  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t8  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( t9  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( k0  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( k1  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( gp  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( sp  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( fp  ,
v8::internal::REGISTER ( ra  ,
Handle< JSGlobalProxy > ReinitializeJSGlobalProxy ( Handle< JSFunction >  constructor,
Handle< JSGlobalProxy >  global 

Definition at line 141 of file handles.cc.


Atomic32 v8::internal::Release_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  new_value 
Atomic64 v8::internal::Release_AtomicExchange ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  new_value 
AtomicWord v8::internal::Release_CompareAndSwap ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  old_value,
AtomicWord  new_value 

Definition at line 81 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Release_CompareAndSwap().

Atomic32 Release_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic32 *  ptr,
Atomic32  old_value,
Atomic32  new_value 

Definition at line 149 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

Referenced by Release_CompareAndSwap().

Atomic64 Release_CompareAndSwap ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  old_value,
Atomic64  new_value 

Definition at line 313 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

AtomicWord v8::internal::Release_Load ( volatile const AtomicWord *  ptr)

Definition at line 113 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Release_Load().

Atomic32 Release_Load ( volatile const Atomic32 *  ptr)

Definition at line 202 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

Referenced by Release_Load().

Atomic64 Release_Load ( volatile const Atomic64 *  ptr)

Definition at line 365 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

void v8::internal::Release_Store ( volatile AtomicWord *  ptr,
AtomicWord  value 

Definition at line 98 of file atomicops_internals_atomicword_compat.h.

References Release_Store().

void Release_Store ( volatile Atomic64 *  ptr,
Atomic64  value 

Definition at line 350 of file atomicops_internals_arm64_gcc.h.

References MemoryBarrier().

Condition ReverseCondition ( Condition  cond)

Definition at line 116 of file constants-arm.h.

References ge, gt, hi, hs, le, lo, ls, and lt.

Condition v8::internal::ReverseConditionForCmp ( Condition  cond)

Definition at line 289 of file constants-arm64.h.

References eq, ge, gt, hi, hs, le, lo, ls, lt, nv, and UNREACHABLE.

uint32_t v8::internal::RoundDownToPowerOf2 ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 203 of file utils.h.

References RoundUpToPowerOf2().

Referenced by MarkingDeque::Initialize().

uint32_t v8::internal::RoundUpToPowerOf2 ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 191 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by HashTable< Shape, Key >::ComputeCapacity(), Heap::ConfigureHeap(), and RoundDownToPowerOf2().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Attempts to load a property with an interceptor (which must be present), but doesn't search the prototype chain.

Returns |Heap::no_interceptor_result_sentinel()| if interceptor doesn't provide any value for the given name.

Definition at line 514 of file stub-cache.cc.

References ASSERT, Handle< T >::IsEmpty(), name, NULL, Utils::OpenHandle(), RETURN_IF_SCHEDULED_EXCEPTION, and Utils::ToLocal().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 573 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 586 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 598 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, name, and RUNTIME_ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 611 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, name, and RUNTIME_ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Loads a property with an interceptor performing post interceptor lookup if interceptor failed.

Definition at line 626 of file stub-cache.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 638 of file stub-cache.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 643 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 650 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 650 of file stub-cache.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 658 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 665 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 666 of file stub-cache.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 673 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 684 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 699 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and obj.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 707 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and obj.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 715 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 723 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 731 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 739 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 872 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 901 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1153 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, JSTypedArray::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and NULL.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1238 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT_OBJECT_SIZE, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1275 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1283 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1291 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1526 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1548 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ObjectHashSet::cast(), and CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1570 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ObjectHashSet::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1579 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1589 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ObjectHashTable::cast(), and CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1600 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ObjectHashTable::cast(), and CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1657 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1665 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ObjectHashTable::cast(), and CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1677 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ObjectHashTable::cast(), and CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1718 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, JSObject::cast(), JSReceiver::class_name(), and obj.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1757 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT, and IC::NO_EXTRA_FRAME.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1769 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT, and IC::NO_EXTRA_FRAME.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1780 of file ic.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1792 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT, and IC::NO_EXTRA_FRAME.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1796 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Object::GetPrototype().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1803 of file ic.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1814 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT, Isolate::heap(), RETURN_IF_EMPTY_HANDLE, and JSArray::SetElementsLength().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1885 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT, and IC::NO_EXTRA_FRAME.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1896 of file ic.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 1997 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2044 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2052 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2457 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT_EQ, BinaryOpICStub::kLeft, and BinaryOpICStub::kRight.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2467 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT_EQ.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( Code *  ,

Definition at line 2695 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2718 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2747 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2756 of file ic.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2764 of file ic.cc.

References CHECK, and UNREACHABLE.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2821 of file ic.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2840 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2849 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2860 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2869 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2878 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2886 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2897 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, and GetScriptWrapper().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2909 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2919 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2943 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 2954 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 3019 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 3028 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 3310 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 4240 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and FlattenGetString().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 4898 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, and Smi::IsValid().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5027 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Runtime::GetObjectProperty().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5538 of file runtime.cc.

References JSFunction::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, Isolate::heap(), and RUNTIME_ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5552 of file runtime.cc.

References JSFunction::cast(), Isolate::heap(), and RUNTIME_ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5645 of file runtime.cc.

References CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and Isolate::heap().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5806 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, Failure::Exception(), and GetKeysFor().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5978 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 5995 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6164 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6299 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6334 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and FlattenGetString().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6346 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6354 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6682 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6688 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6905 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, and Value::ToObject().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6920 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6931 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 6975 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7019 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7026 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7036 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7046 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7056 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7065 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7073 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7083 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED, and modulo().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7096 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7106 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7478 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7488 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7498 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7508 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7518 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7528 of file runtime.cc.

References ArithmeticShiftRight(), ASSERT, and CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7557 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, EQUAL, Smi::FromInt(), not_equal, NOT_EQUAL, and STATIC_CHECK().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7590 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED, EQUAL, Smi::FromInt(), GREATER, IntegerLog2(), and LESS.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7729 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, EQUAL, Smi::FromInt(), GREATER, LESS, and obj.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7780 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED, and double_to_uint64().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7790 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED, and double_to_uint64().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7799 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED, hi, lo, and uint64_to_double().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7812 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED, and std::isinf().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7846 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7941 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED, and fast_sqrt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7951 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 7961 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8137 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8279 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, Handle< T >::cast(), and CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8417 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8428 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Handle< T >::cast().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8445 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8548 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Deoptimizer::Grab().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8642 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8652 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8694 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8738 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8746 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and Smi::FromInt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8886 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8908 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8915 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8922 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, Execution::Call(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, Failure::Exception(), and NULL.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 8994 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, Execution::GetFunctionDelegate(), and RUNTIME_ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9002 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, Execution::GetConstructorDelegate(), and RUNTIME_ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9010 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, and Context::global_object().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9029 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9083 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, JSFunction::cast(), String::cast(), and name.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9109 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, ScopeInfo::cast(), and JSFunction::cast().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9133 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( ObjectPair  ,

Definition at line 9415 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( ObjectPair  ,

Definition at line 9420 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9510 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9518 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9526 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT_EQ.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9533 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, HandleVector(), and name.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9545 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and NULL.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9566 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Execution::HandleStackGuardInterrupt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9579 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9596 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Execution::HandleStackGuardInterrupt().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9632 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and NULL.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9640 of file runtime.cc.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9678 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9686 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and OS::TimeCurrentMillis().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9736 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9747 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9779 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and JSGlobalObject::cast().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9788 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and JSGlobalObject::cast().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( ObjectPair  ,

Definition at line 9896 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, SLOPPY, and STRICT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 9947 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 10677 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, Map::cast(), CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, Smi::FromInt(), and obj.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14451 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14468 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14498 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT_EQ, CStrVector(), V8::GetVersion(), and NOT_TENURED.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14535 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED, and FlattenString().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14544 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14668 of file runtime.cc.

References CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, Smi::FromInt(), and message.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14675 of file runtime.cc.

References CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED, and message.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14743 of file runtime.cc.

References NULL, and UNREACHABLE.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14791 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14800 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14845 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14855 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Execution::RunMicrotasks().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14864 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14871 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14878 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, Handle< T >::cast(), JS_WEAK_MAP_TYPE, and JSWeakCollection::kSize.

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 14892 of file runtime.cc.

References ASSERT, and Object::GetPrototype().

v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,
v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 15050 of file runtime.cc.


v8::internal::RUNTIME_FUNCTION ( MaybeObject *  ,

Definition at line 15073 of file runtime.cc.

References Smi::FromInt(), and Smi::kMaxValue.

int Search ( T array,
Name *  name,
int  valid_entries 

Definition at line 2510 of file objects-inl.h.


Referenced by ConsStringIteratorOp::ContinueOperation().

int v8::internal::SearchString ( Isolate *  isolate,
Vector< const SubjectChar >  subject,
Vector< const PatternChar >  pattern,
int  start_index 
void v8::internal::SeqStringSet ( Handle< StringType >  seq_str,
int  i,
uc32  c 
void v8::internal::SeqStringSet ( Handle< SeqTwoByteString >  seq_str,
int  i,
uc32  c 

Definition at line 568 of file json-parser.h.

void v8::internal::SeqStringSet ( Handle< SeqOneByteString >  seq_str,
int  i,
uc32  c 

Definition at line 573 of file json-parser.h.

void v8::internal::SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate ( Handle< SharedFunctionInfo >  shared,
int  estimate 

Definition at line 532 of file compiler.cc.

References Serializer::enabled().

Referenced by Compiler::BuildFunctionInfo().

void SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData ( )
void v8::internal::SetVersion ( int  major,
int  minor,
int  build,
int  patch,
bool  candidate,
const char *  soname 

Definition at line 39 of file test-version.cc.

int32_t v8::internal::signed_bitextract_32 ( int  msb,
int  lsb,
int32_t  x 

Definition at line 1092 of file utils.h.

Referenced by Instruction::ImmPCRel(), and Instruction::SignedBits().

int v8::internal::signed_bitextract_64 ( int  msb,
int  lsb,
int  x 

Definition at line 1096 of file utils.h.

double v8::internal::SignedZero ( bool  negative)
v8::internal::SMI_ACCESSORS ( ConstantPoolArray  ,
first_code_ptr_index  ,
kFirstHeapPointerIndexOffset v8::internal::SMI_ACCESSORS ( ConstantPoolArray  ,
first_int32_index  ,

Definition at line 2234 of file objects-inl.h.

int SortedListBSearch ( const List< T > &  list,

Definition at line 241 of file list-inl.h.

References T.

Referenced by HeapSnapshot::GetEntryById().

int SortedListBSearch ( const List< T > &  list,
T  elem 

Definition at line 276 of file list-inl.h.

Operand v8::internal::StackOperandForReturnAddress ( int32_t  disp)

Definition at line 1601 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

References rsp.

int StackSlotOffset ( int  index)
Operand v8::internal::StackSpaceOperand ( int  index)

Definition at line 1591 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

References kPointerSize, and rsp.

const char* v8::internal::StateToString ( StateTag  state)

Definition at line 43 of file vm-state-inl.h.


v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (static_cast< int32_t >(-1) >> 1)  = =-1)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (static_cast< uint32_t >(-1) >> 1)  = =0x7FFFFFFF)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( Token::NUM_TOKENS<=  0x100)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( STANDARD_STORE  = =0)
STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(CPURegister)  = =sizeof(Register))
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( kJSSPCode  = =28)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (kSeqStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)  = =0)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (kExternalStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)  = =0)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (kConsStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)  = =kIsIndirectStringTag)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (kSlicedStringTag &kIsIndirectStringMask)  = =kIsIndirectStringTag)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( IS_POWER_OF_TWO(kSlicedNotConsMask)&&kSlicedNotConsMask!  = 0)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( DoubleRegister::kMaxNumAllocatableRegisters >=Register::kMaxNumAllocatableRegisters  )
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize &kDoubleAlignmentMask)  = =0)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( (ConstantPoolArray::kHeaderSize &kDoubleAlignmentMask)  = =0)
v8::internal::STATIC_ASSERT ( BoyerMoorePositionInfo::kMapSize  = =RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( (kStringRepresentationMask|kStringEncodingMask)  = =Internals::kFullStringRepresentationMask)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( static_cast< uint32_t >  kStringEncodingMask = =Internals::kStringEncodingMask)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( (kExternalStringTag|kOneByteStringTag)  = =Internals::kExternalAsciiRepresentationTag)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( v8::String::ASCII_ENCODING  = =kOneByteStringTag)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( (kExternalStringTag|kTwoByteStringTag)  = =Internals::kExternalTwoByteRepresentationTag)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( v8::String::TWO_BYTE_ENCODING  = =kTwoByteStringTag)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( sizeof(MemoryChunk)<=MemoryChunk::kHeaderSize  )
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( JS_OBJECT_TYPE  = =Internals::kJSObjectType)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE  = =Internals::kFirstNonstringType)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( ODDBALL_TYPE  = =Internals::kOddballType)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( FOREIGN_TYPE  = =Internals::kForeignType)
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( sizeof(Page)<=MemoryChunk::kHeaderSize  )
v8::internal::STATIC_CHECK ( sizeof(LargePage)<=MemoryChunk::kHeaderSize  )
bool v8::internal::StoringValueNeedsWriteBarrier ( HValue *  value)
char * StrDup ( const char *  str)
Handle<String> v8::internal::StringReplaceOneCharWithString ( Isolate *  isolate,
Handle< String >  subject,
Handle< String >  search,
Handle< String >  replace,
bool *  found,
int  recursion_limit 
double StringToDouble ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
const char *  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
double StringToDouble ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
Vector< const char >  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
double StringToDouble ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
Vector< const uc16 >  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 
double StringToDouble ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
String *  str,
int  flags,
double  empty_string_val 

Definition at line 83 of file v8conversions.cc.

References InternalStringToDouble(), and String::length().

double StringToInt ( UnicodeCache *  unicode_cache,
String *  str,
int  radix 

Definition at line 109 of file v8conversions.cc.

References InternalStringToInt(), and String::length().

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

char * StrNDup ( const char *  str,
int  n 

Definition at line 98 of file allocation.cc.

References OS::MemCopy(), and StrLength().

double Strtod ( Vector< const char >  buffer,
int  exponent 

Definition at line 417 of file strtod.cc.

References Vector< T >::length(), and V8_INFINITY.

Referenced by InternalStringToDouble(), InternalStringToInt(), and TEST().

bool v8::internal::SubStringEquals ( Iterator *  current,
EndMark  end,
const char *  substring 

Definition at line 111 of file conversions-inl.h.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by InternalStringToDouble().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony symbols ( a.k.a.private  names)

Referenced by DumpBacktrace(), and TEST().

int v8::internal::TenToThe ( int  exponent)

Definition at line 880 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by StringHasher::MakeArrayIndexHash().

int v8::internal::ToNumber ( Register  reg)
double v8::internal::ToQuietNaN ( double  num)

Definition at line 111 of file utils-arm64.h.

References ASSERT, std::isnan(), and kDQuietNanMask.

float v8::internal::ToQuietNaN ( float  num)

Definition at line 117 of file utils-arm64.h.

References ASSERT, std::isnan(), and kSQuietNanMask.

Register v8::internal::ToRegister ( int  num)
void v8::internal::TraceGVN ( const char *  msg,

Definition at line 121 of file hydrogen-gvn.cc.

References OS::VPrint().

MaybeObject* v8::internal::TransitionElements ( Handle< Object >  object,
ElementsKind  to_kind,
Isolate *  isolate 
T v8::internal::truncate_to_intn ( T  x,
unsigned  n 

Definition at line 1114 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT, and kBitsPerByte.

bool v8::internal::TryNumberToSize ( Isolate *  isolate,
Object *  number,
size_t *  result 

Definition at line 76 of file v8conversions.h.

References ASSERT, Smi::cast(), HeapNumber::cast(), Smi::kMaxValue, Smi::value(), and HeapNumber::value().

Referenced by NumberToSize().

double v8::internal::uint64_to_double ( uint64_t  d64)

Definition at line 38 of file double.h.

Referenced by RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), SignedZero(), TEST(), and Double::value().

Handle< FixedArray > UnionOfKeys ( Handle< FixedArray >  first,
Handle< FixedArray >  second 

Definition at line 134 of file handles.cc.


Referenced by GetKeysInFixedArrayFor(), and RUNTIME_FUNCTION().

uint32_t v8::internal::unsigned_bitextract_32 ( int  msb,
int  lsb,
uint32_t  x 

Definition at line 1084 of file utils.h.

Referenced by Instruction::Bits().

uint64_t v8::internal::unsigned_bitextract_64 ( int  msb,
int  lsb,
uint64_t  x 

Definition at line 1088 of file utils.h.

MemOperand UntagSmiFieldMemOperand ( Register  object,
int  offset 

Definition at line 51 of file macro-assembler-arm64-inl.h.

References kHeapObjectTag, and UntagSmiMemOperand().

MemOperand UntagSmiMemOperand ( Register  object,
int  offset 

Definition at line 56 of file macro-assembler-arm64-inl.h.

References kBitsPerByte, kSmiShift, and STATIC_ASSERT().

Referenced by UntagSmiFieldMemOperand().

v8::internal::V8_DECLARE_ONCE ( init_once  )
v8::internal::V8_DECLARE_ONCE ( initialize_gc_once  )
int v8::internal::WhichPowerOf2 ( uint32_t  x)

Definition at line 57 of file utils.h.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_EQ, IsPowerOf2(), and UNREACHABLE.

Referenced by WhichPowerOf2Abs().

int32_t v8::internal::WhichPowerOf2Abs ( int32_t  x)

Definition at line 261 of file utils.h.

References Abs(), kMinInt, and WhichPowerOf2().

int v8::internal::WriteAsCFile ( const char *  filename,
const char *  varname,
const char *  str,
int  size,
bool  verbose = true 
int WriteBytes ( const char *  filename,
const byte *  bytes,
int  size,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 248 of file v8utils.cc.

References WriteChars().

int WriteChars ( const char *  filename,
const char *  str,
int  size,
bool  verbose 
int v8::internal::WriteCharsToFile ( const char *  str,
int  size,
FILE *  f 

Definition at line 200 of file v8utils.cc.

Referenced by AppendChars(), and WriteChars().

Variable Documentation

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp __v8_gc__

Definition at line 813 of file flags.cc.

kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit allows_lazy_compilation
const Register arg_reg_1 = { kRegister_rdi_Code }

Definition at line 190 of file assembler-x64.h.

const Register arg_reg_2 = { kRegister_rsi_Code }

Definition at line 191 of file assembler-x64.h.

const Register arg_reg_3 = { kRegister_rdx_Code }

Definition at line 192 of file assembler-x64.h.

const Register arg_reg_4 = { kRegister_rcx_Code }

Definition at line 193 of file assembler-x64.h.

struct AtomicOps_x86CPUFeatureStruct AtomicOps_Internalx86CPUFeatures

Definition at line 45 of file atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.h.

Definition at line 4980 of file objects-inl.h.

const int BYTECODE_MASK = 0xff

Definition at line 36 of file bytecodes-irregexp.h.

const int BYTECODE_SHIFT = 8

Definition at line 41 of file bytecodes-irregexp.h.

JSCallerSavedCodeData caller_saved_code_data

Definition at line 1598 of file frames.cc.

kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments kFormalParameterCountOffset kStartPositionAndTypeOffset compiler_hints

Definition at line 5129 of file objects-inl.h.

Referenced by BOOL_GETTER().

const CRegister cr0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 510 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr1 = { 1 }

Definition at line 511 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr10 = { 10 }

Definition at line 520 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr11 = { 11 }

Definition at line 521 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr12 = { 12 }

Definition at line 522 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr13 = { 13 }

Definition at line 523 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr14 = { 14 }

Definition at line 524 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr15 = { 15 }

Definition at line 525 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr2 = { 2 }

Definition at line 512 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 513 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 514 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 515 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 516 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 517 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr8 = { 8 }

Definition at line 518 of file assembler-arm.h.

const CRegister cr9 = { 9 }

Definition at line 519 of file assembler-arm.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 Specify the name of the log file Enable low level linux profiler Enable perf linux tmp Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof Time events including external callbacks prof arm64_inst csv

Definition at line 821 of file flags.cc.

const LowDwVfpRegister d0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 430 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d1 = { 1 }

Definition at line 431 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d10 = { 10 }

Definition at line 440 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d11 = { 11 }

Definition at line 441 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d12 = { 12 }

Definition at line 442 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d13 = { 13 }

Definition at line 443 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d14 = { 14 }

Definition at line 444 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d15 = { 15 }

Definition at line 445 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d16 = { 16 }

Definition at line 446 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d17 = { 17 }

Definition at line 447 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d18 = { 18 }

Definition at line 448 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d19 = { 19 }

Definition at line 449 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d2 = { 2 }

Definition at line 432 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d20 = { 20 }

Definition at line 450 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d21 = { 21 }

Definition at line 451 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d22 = { 22 }

Definition at line 452 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d23 = { 23 }

Definition at line 453 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d24 = { 24 }

Definition at line 454 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d25 = { 25 }

Definition at line 455 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d26 = { 26 }

Definition at line 456 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d27 = { 27 }

Definition at line 457 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d28 = { 28 }

Definition at line 458 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d29 = { 29 }

Definition at line 459 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 433 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d30 = { 30 }

Definition at line 460 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const DwVfpRegister d31 = { 31 }

Definition at line 461 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 434 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 435 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 436 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 437 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d8 = { 8 }

Definition at line 438 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const LowDwVfpRegister d9 = { 9 }

Definition at line 439 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceCallHandlerOffset kInternalFieldCountOffset dependent_code
kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceCallHandlerOffset kInternalFieldCountOffset DependentCode

Definition at line 5047 of file objects-inl.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 178 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_1 = { 1 }

Definition at line 179 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_2 = { 2 }

Definition at line 180 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 181 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 182 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 183 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 184 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister double_register_7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 185 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const Register eax = { kRegister_eax_Code }

Definition at line 113 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by generate(), MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register ebp = { kRegister_ebp_Code }

Definition at line 118 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register ebx = { kRegister_ebx_Code }

Definition at line 116 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by generate(), MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register ecx = { kRegister_ecx_Code }

Definition at line 114 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by generate(), MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register edi = { kRegister_edi_Code }

Definition at line 120 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register edx = { kRegister_edx_Code }

Definition at line 115 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for ENABLE_32DREGS_DEFAULT

Definition at line 396 of file flags.cc.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available ENABLE_VFP3_DEFAULT

Definition at line 383 of file flags.cc.

const Register esi = { kRegister_esi_Code }

Definition at line 119 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register esp = { kRegister_esp_Code }

Definition at line 117 of file assembler-ia32.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const FPURegister f0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 277 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f1 = { 1 }

Definition at line 278 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and THREADED_TEST().

const FPURegister f10 = { 10 }

Definition at line 287 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f11 = { 11 }

Definition at line 288 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f12 = { 12 }

Definition at line 289 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const FPURegister f13 = { 13 }

Definition at line 290 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f14 = { 14 }

Definition at line 291 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f15 = { 15 }

Definition at line 292 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f16 = { 16 }

Definition at line 293 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f17 = { 17 }

Definition at line 294 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f18 = { 18 }

Definition at line 295 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f19 = { 19 }

Definition at line 296 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f2 = { 2 }

Definition at line 279 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and THREADED_TEST().

const FPURegister f20 = { 20 }

Definition at line 297 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f21 = { 21 }

Definition at line 298 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f22 = { 22 }

Definition at line 299 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f23 = { 23 }

Definition at line 300 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f24 = { 24 }

Definition at line 301 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f25 = { 25 }

Definition at line 302 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f26 = { 26 }

Definition at line 303 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f27 = { 27 }

Definition at line 304 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f28 = { 28 }

Definition at line 305 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f29 = { 29 }

Definition at line 306 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 280 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f30 = { 30 }

Definition at line 307 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f31 = { 31 }

Definition at line 308 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister f4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 281 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 282 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 283 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 284 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f8 = { 8 }

Definition at line 285 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const FPURegister f9 = { 9 }

Definition at line 286 of file assembler-mips.h.

trace the creation of allocation sites test secondary stub cache by disabling the primary one print generated code print unoptimized code before printing optimized code based on it false

Definition at line 171 of file flags.cc.

Definition at line 344 of file assembler-mips.h.

Referenced by TEST().


Definition at line 2233 of file objects-inl.h.

Referenced by ConstantPoolArray::OffsetOfElementAt().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including flags
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments formal_parameter_count

Definition at line 5190 of file objects-inl.h.

const int GB = KB * KB * KB

Definition at line 247 of file globals.h.

Referenced by ResourceConstraints::ConfigureDefaults().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag Hello

Definition at line 636 of file flags.cc.

const int ImmPCRel_mask = ImmPCRelLo_mask | ImmPCRelHi_mask

Definition at line 259 of file constants-arm64.h.

kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset indexed_property_handler

Definition at line 5021 of file objects-inl.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function info

Definition at line 317 of file flags.cc.

Referenced by BasicHeapEntriesAllocator::AllocateEntry(), Heap::AllocateTypeFeedbackInfo(), AllocationTracker::AllocationTracker(), HGraphBuilder::BuildBinaryOperation(), CodeStubGraphBuilder< Stub >::BuildCodeStub(), Compiler::BuildFunctionInfo(), FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CallNewIsMonomorphic(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CompareType(), LoadIC::CompileHandler(), StoreIC::CompileHandler(), Compiler::CompileScript(), ModuleInfo::Create(), Factory::CreateApiFunction(), SeqRegExpNode::FilterASCII(), TextNode::FilterASCII(), ChoiceNode::FilterASCII(), NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode::FilterASCII(), LoopChoiceNode::FilterASCII(), LCodeGen::FinishCode(), TypeFeedbackOracle::GetCallNewAllocationSite(), TypeFeedbackOracle::GetCallNewTarget(), TypeFeedbackOracle::GetCallTarget(), Compiler::GetCodeForDebugging(), Compiler::GetConcurrentlyOptimizedCode(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::GetEntry(), Compiler::GetFunctionFromEval(), Compiler::GetOptimizedCode(), LoopChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(), Compiler::GetUnoptimizedCode(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::isolate(), NativeObjectsExplorer::IterateAndExtractReferences(), Accessors::MakeModuleExport(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::MarkDependsOnEmptyArrayProtoElements(), LCodeGen::NeedsDeferredFrame(), LCodeGen::NeedsEagerFrame(), Factory::NewDeclaredAccessorInfo(), Factory::NewExecutableAccessorInfo(), IC::PostPatching(), AllocationTraceNode::Print(), GlobalHandles::RemoveObjectGroups(), BoyerMooreLookahead::Set(), BoyerMooreLookahead::SetInterval(), TEST(), LCodeGen::WriteTranslation(), and NativeObjectsExplorer::~NativeObjectsExplorer().

kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset instance_call_handler

Definition at line 5027 of file objects-inl.h.


Definition at line 5102 of file objects-inl.h.

kSerializedDataOffset kPrototypeTemplateOffset kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset kInstanceCallHandlerOffset internal_field_count
kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit is_expression

Definition at line 5123 of file objects-inl.h.

const Instr kAddSubFlip

Definition at line 472 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kAlignmentPaddingPushed = 2

Definition at line 57 of file frames-ia32.h.

const int kAlignmentZapValue = 0x12345678

Definition at line 58 of file frames-ia32.h.

const Instr kAndBicFlip

Definition at line 473 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kApiIntSize = sizeof(int)

Definition at line 5470 of file v8.h.

const int kBArgsSlotsSize = 0 * Instruction::kInstrSize

Definition at line 814 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kBase10MaximalLength = 17

Definition at line 50 of file dtoa.h.

Referenced by DoubleToCString(), and DoubleToExponentialCString().

const int kBinary32ExponentBias = 127

Definition at line 296 of file globals.h.

const uint32_t kBinary32ExponentMask = 0x7f800000u

Definition at line 294 of file globals.h.

const int kBinary32ExponentShift = 23

Definition at line 300 of file globals.h.

const int kBinary32MantissaBits = 23

Definition at line 299 of file globals.h.

const uint32_t kBinary32MantissaMask = 0x007fffffu

Definition at line 295 of file globals.h.

const int kBinary32MaxExponent = 0xFE

Definition at line 297 of file globals.h.

const int kBinary32MinExponent = 0x01

Definition at line 298 of file globals.h.

const uint32_t kBinary32SignMask = 0x80000000u

Definition at line 293 of file globals.h.

const int kBitfieldNOffset = 22

Definition at line 592 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kBitsPerByteLog2 = 3

Definition at line 288 of file globals.h.

Referenced by StandardFrame::IterateCompiledFrame().

const int kBitsPerInt = kIntSize * kBitsPerByte

Definition at line 290 of file globals.h.

Referenced by BUILTIN().

const int kBitsPerPointer = kPointerSize * kBitsPerByte

Definition at line 289 of file globals.h.

const Instr kBlxIp
const Instr kBlxRegMask

Definition at line 457 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kBlxRegPattern

Definition at line 459 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kBranchReturnOffset = 2 * Instruction::kInstrSize

Definition at line 816 of file constants-mips.h.

const int64_t kByteMask = 0xffL

Definition at line 100 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kByteSize = 8

Definition at line 116 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kByteSizeInBytes = kByteSize >> 3

Definition at line 117 of file constants-arm64.h.

const RegList kCalleeSaved
Initial value:
1 << 4 |
1 << 5 |
1 << 6 |
1 << 7 |
1 << 8 |
kR9Available << 9 |
1 << 10 |
1 << 11
const int kR9Available
Definition: frames-arm.h:38

Definition at line 63 of file frames-arm.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline().

const RegList kCalleeSavedFPU
Initial value:
1 << 20 |
1 << 22 |
1 << 24 |
1 << 26 |
1 << 28 |
1 << 30

Definition at line 79 of file frames-mips.h.

const RegList kCallerSaved
Initial value:
1 << 0 |
1 << 1 |
1 << 2 |
1 << 3 |
1 << 9

Definition at line 75 of file frames-arm.h.

const RegList kCallerSavedFPU
Initial value:
1 << 0 |
1 << 2 |
1 << 4 |
1 << 6 |
1 << 8 |
1 << 10 |
1 << 12 |
1 << 14 |
1 << 16 |
1 << 18

Definition at line 89 of file frames-mips.h.

const int kCArgSlotCount = 4

Definition at line 809 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by CFunctionArgumentOperand().

const int kCArgsSlotsSize = kCArgSlotCount * Instruction::kInstrSize

Definition at line 810 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by CFunctionArgumentOperand().

const int kChunkBits = 7

Definition at line 337 of file assembler.cc.

const int kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1

Definition at line 338 of file assembler.cc.

const Instr kCmpCmnFlip

Definition at line 471 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kCmpCmnMask

Definition at line 469 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kCmpCmnPattern

Definition at line 470 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kCodeAgeJumpInstruction = 0xe51ff004

Definition at line 54 of file constants-arm.h.

const intptr_t kCodeAlignment = 1 << kCodeAlignmentBits
const int kCodeAlignmentBits = 5

Definition at line 57 of file v8globals.h.

const intptr_t kCodeAlignmentMask = kCodeAlignment - 1

Definition at line 59 of file v8globals.h.

const int kCodeTargetTag = 1

Definition at line 326 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kCodeWithIdTag = 0

Definition at line 346 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kCodeZapValue = 0xbadc0de

Definition at line 91 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by FreeList::Allocate().

const int kCommentTag = 3

Definition at line 349 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kConstantPoolLengthMaxMask = 0xffff

Definition at line 43 of file constants-arm.h.

Referenced by EncodeConstantPoolLength().

const int kConstantPoolMarker = 0xe7f000f0

Definition at line 42 of file constants-arm.h.

Referenced by DecodeConstantPoolLength().

const int kConstantPoolMarkerMask = 0xfff000f0

Definition at line 41 of file constants-arm.h.

Referenced by DecodeConstantPoolLength().

const int kConstPoolTag = 0

Definition at line 352 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kCounterNameMaxLength = 256

Definition at line 39 of file instrument-arm64.h.

Referenced by Counter::Counter().

const int kDataJumpExtraTag = kPCJumpExtraTag - 1

Definition at line 344 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const unsigned kDebugCodeOffset = 1 * kInstructionSize

Definition at line 453 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const unsigned kDebuggerTracingDirectivesMask = 3 << 6

Definition at line 478 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const int kDebugIdShift = kDebugRegisterBits

Definition at line 61 of file serialize.h.

const unsigned kDebugMessageOffset = 3 * kInstructionSize

Definition at line 455 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const unsigned kDebugParamsOffset = 2 * kInstructionSize

Definition at line 454 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const int kDebugRegisterBits = 4

Definition at line 60 of file serialize.h.

const uint32_t kDebugZapValue = 0xbadbaddb

Definition at line 87 of file v8globals.h.

const uint64_t kDefaultInstrumentationSamplingPeriod = 1 << 22

Definition at line 40 of file instrument-arm64.h.

const int32_t kDefaultStopCode = -1

Definition at line 366 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kDefaultTag = 3

Definition at line 328 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kDeoptTableSerializeEntryCount = 12

Definition at line 63 of file serialize.h.

Referenced by Isolate::Init().

const intptr_t kDoubleAlignment = 8

Definition at line 52 of file v8globals.h.

const intptr_t kDoubleAlignmentMask = kDoubleAlignment - 1

Definition at line 53 of file v8globals.h.

const unsigned kDoubleExponentBits = 11

Definition at line 132 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kDoubleMantissaBits = 52

Definition at line 131 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kDoubleSizeLog2 = 3

Definition at line 273 of file globals.h.

Referenced by BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::INLINE().

const int kDoubleToCStringMinBufferSize = 100

Definition at line 138 of file conversions.h.

const unsigned kDoubleWordSize = 64

Definition at line 126 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kDoubleWordSizeInBytes = kDoubleWordSize >> 3

Definition at line 127 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kDQuietNanBit = 51

Definition at line 96 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kDQuietNanMask = 0x1L << kDQuietNanBit

Definition at line 97 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by IsSignallingNaN(), and ToQuietNaN().

const int64_t kDRegMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL

Definition at line 85 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kDRegSize = kDRegSizeInBits >> 3

Definition at line 80 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by RegisterDump::Dump().

const unsigned kDRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 6

Definition at line 79 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kDRegSizeLog2 = kDRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3

Definition at line 81 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kDSignBit = 63

Definition at line 88 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kDSignMask = 0x1L << kDSignBit

Definition at line 89 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const int kEmbeddedObjectTag = 0

Definition at line 325 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kExternalArrayTypeCount
const int kExtraTagBits = 4

Definition at line 321 of file assembler.cc.

const int kFailureTag = 3
const intptr_t kFailureTagMask = (1 << kFailureTagSize) - 1

Definition at line 64 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by MemoryChunk::owner(), and MemoryChunk::set_owner().

const int kFailureTagSize = 2

Definition at line 63 of file v8globals.h.

const int kFailureTypeTagMask = (1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1

Definition at line 1713 of file objects.h.

Referenced by Failure::type().

const int kFailureTypeTagSize = 2

Definition at line 1712 of file objects.h.

Referenced by Failure::allocation_space().

const int kFastDtoaMaximalLength = 17

Definition at line 46 of file fast-dtoa.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const int kFBccBits = 3

Definition at line 241 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FBccValue().

const int kFBccShift = 18

Definition at line 240 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FBccValue().

const int kFBtrueBits = 1

Definition at line 243 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FBtrueValue().

const int kFBtrueShift = 16

Definition at line 242 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FBtrueValue().

const int kFCccBits = 3

Definition at line 239 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FCccValue().

const int kFCccShift = 8

Definition at line 238 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FCccValue().

const uint32_t kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagBit = 5

Definition at line 109 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagBit

Definition at line 115 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRExceptionFlagMask = kFCSRFlagMask ^ kFCSRInexactFlagMask

Definition at line 125 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRFlagMask
Initial value:
const uint32_t kFCSRUnderflowFlagMask
const uint32_t kFCSROverflowFlagMask
const uint32_t kFCSRInvalidOpFlagMask
const uint32_t kFCSRDivideByZeroFlagMask
const uint32_t kFCSRInexactFlagMask

Definition at line 118 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRInexactFlagBit = 2

Definition at line 106 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRInexactFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRInexactFlagBit

Definition at line 112 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRInvalidOpFlagBit = 6

Definition at line 110 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRInvalidOpFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRInvalidOpFlagBit

Definition at line 116 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSROverflowFlagBit = 4

Definition at line 108 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSROverflowFlagMask = 1 << kFCSROverflowFlagBit

Definition at line 114 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kFCSRRegister = 31

Definition at line 101 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by FPUControlRegister::is_valid().

const uint32_t kFCSRUnderflowFlagBit = 3

Definition at line 107 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFCSRUnderflowFlagMask = 1 << kFCSRUnderflowFlagBit

Definition at line 113 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kFdBits = 5

Definition at line 237 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FdValue().

const int kFdShift = 6

Definition at line 236 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FdValue().

const int kFirstCalleeSavedFPRegisterIndex = 8

Definition at line 62 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kFirstCalleeSavedRegisterIndex = 19

Definition at line 59 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kFloatExponentBits = 8

Definition at line 134 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kFloatMantissaBits = 23

Definition at line 133 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kFPOnStackSize = kRegisterSize

Definition at line 271 of file globals.h.

Referenced by StackSlotOffset().

const uint32_t kFPUInvalidResult = static_cast<uint32_t>(1 << 31) - 1

Definition at line 103 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kFPURoundingModeMask = 3 << 0

Definition at line 562 of file constants-mips.h.

const unsigned kFramePointerRegCode = 29

Definition at line 109 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const int kFrBits = 5

Definition at line 230 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FrValue().

const uint32_t kFreeListZapValue = 0xfeed1eaf

Definition at line 88 of file v8globals.h.

const Address kFromSpaceZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbeefdaf)

Definition at line 85 of file v8globals.h.

const int kFrShift = 21

Definition at line 231 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FrValue().

const int kFsBits = 5

Definition at line 233 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FsValue().

const int kFsShift = 11

Definition at line 232 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FsValue().

const int kFtBits = 5

Definition at line 235 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FtValue().

const int kFtShift = 16

Definition at line 234 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FtValue().

const int kFunctionBits = 6

Definition at line 216 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FunctionValue().

const int kFunctionFieldMask = ((1 << kFunctionBits) - 1) << kFunctionShift

Definition at line 255 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FunctionFieldRaw().

const int kFunctionShift = 0

Definition at line 215 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::FunctionValue().

const Address kGlobalHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaffedf)

Definition at line 84 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by GlobalHandles::Node::Release().

const int64_t kHalfWordMask = 0xffffL

Definition at line 101 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kHalfWordSize = 16

Definition at line 118 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kHalfWordSizeInBytes = kHalfWordSize >> 3

Definition at line 120 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kHalfWordSizeInBytesLog2 = kHalfWordSizeLog2 - 3

Definition at line 121 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kHalfWordSizeLog2 = 4

Definition at line 119 of file constants-arm64.h.

const Address kHandleZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xbaddeaf)
const intptr_t kHeapObjectTagMask = (1 << kHeapObjectTagSize) - 1
const int kHeapObjectTagSize = 2

Definition at line 5474 of file v8.h.

const int kHiMask = 0xffff << 16

Definition at line 257 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kHltBadCode = 0xbad

Definition at line 708 of file constants-arm64.h.

const uint64_t kHoleNanInt64
Initial value:
(static_cast<uint64_t>(kHoleNanUpper32) << 32) | kHoleNanLower32
const uint32_t kHoleNanUpper32
Definition: v8globals.h:454
const uint32_t kHoleNanLower32
Definition: v8globals.h:455

Definition at line 458 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by FixedDoubleArray::canonical_not_the_hole_nan_as_double(), FixedDoubleArray::hole_nan_as_double(), FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole_nan(), and TEST().

const uint32_t kHoleNanLower32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

Definition at line 455 of file v8globals.h.

const uint32_t kHoleNanUpper32 = 0x7FFFFFFF

Definition at line 454 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by FixedDoubleArray::canonical_not_the_hole_nan_as_double().

const int kImm16Bits = 16

Definition at line 220 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::Imm16Value().

const int kImm16Shift = 0

Definition at line 219 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::Imm16Value().

const int kImm26Bits = 26

Definition at line 222 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::Imm26Value().

const int kImm26Mask = ((1 << kImm26Bits) - 1) << kImm26Shift

Definition at line 249 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kImm26Shift = 0

Definition at line 221 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::Imm26Value().

const int kImm28Bits = 28

Definition at line 224 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kImm28Mask = ((1 << kImm28Bits) - 1) << kImm28Shift

Definition at line 250 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kImm28Shift = 0

Definition at line 223 of file constants-mips.h.

const Instr kImmExceptionIsDebug = 0xdeb0

Definition at line 445 of file instructions-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST_().

const Instr kImmExceptionIsPrintf = 0xdeb1

Definition at line 424 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const Instr kImmExceptionIsRedirectedCall = 0xca11

Definition at line 416 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const Instr kImmExceptionIsUnreachable = 0xdebf

Definition at line 420 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const int kImmFieldShift = 2

Definition at line 228 of file constants-mips.h.

const unsigned kInstructionSizeLog2 = 2

Definition at line 50 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by Instruction::ImmBranchRange(), and RecordWriteStub::Patch().

const int kInt32Size = sizeof(int32_t)

Definition at line 264 of file globals.h.

Referenced by Assembler::RelocInfoNone(), and Assembler::repmovsl().

const int kInt64Size = sizeof(int64_t)
const uint32_t kInternalizedTag = 0x0

Definition at line 605 of file objects.h.

const intptr_t kIntptrSignBit = 0x80000000

Definition at line 282 of file globals.h.

const int kIntptrSize = sizeof(intptr_t)

Definition at line 267 of file globals.h.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kInvalidFPUControlRegister = -1

Definition at line 102 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kInvalidFPURegister = -1

Definition at line 98 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kInvalidRegister = -1

Definition at line 88 of file constants-mips.h.

const bool kIs64BitArch = false

Definition at line 284 of file globals.h.

const uint32_t kIsIndirectStringMask = 0x1
const uint32_t kIsIndirectStringTag = 0x1
const uint32_t kIsNotInternalizedMask = 0x40

Definition at line 603 of file objects.h.

const uint32_t kIsNotStringMask = 0x80
const int kJSArgsSlotsSize = 0 * Instruction::kInstrSize

Definition at line 812 of file constants-mips.h.

const unsigned kJSCalleeSavedRegList = 0x03f80000

Definition at line 64 of file constants-arm64.h.

const RegList kJSCallerSaved
Initial value:
1 << 0 |
1 << 1 |
1 << 2 |
1 << 3

Definition at line 47 of file frames-arm.h.

Referenced by SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData().

const unsigned kJSSPCode = 28

Definition at line 112 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const int kJumpAddrMask = (1 << (kImm26Bits + kImmFieldShift)) - 1

Definition at line 260 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kLastChunkTag = 1

Definition at line 341 of file assembler.cc.

const int kLastChunkTagBits = 1

Definition at line 339 of file assembler.cc.

const int kLastChunkTagMask = 1

Definition at line 340 of file assembler.cc.

const uint64_t kLastNonNaNInt64
Initial value:
(static_cast<uint64_t>(kNaNOrInfinityLowerBoundUpper32) << 32)
const uint32_t kNaNOrInfinityLowerBoundUpper32
Definition: v8globals.h:456

Definition at line 460 of file v8globals.h.

const Instr kLdrPCMask

Definition at line 451 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kLdrPCPattern

Definition at line 452 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kLdrPpMask
const Instr kLdrPpPattern
const Instr kLdrRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kLdrRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kLdrStrInstrArgumentMask
const Instr kLdrStrInstrTypeMask
const Instr kLdrStrOffsetMask
const unsigned kLinkRegCode = 30

Definition at line 110 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const unsigned kLiteralEntrySize = 4

Definition at line 51 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kLiteralEntrySizeLog2 = 2

Definition at line 52 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by Instruction::LiteralAddress().

const int kLocatableTag = 2

Definition at line 327 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kLocatableTypeTagBits = 2

Definition at line 322 of file assembler.cc.

const int kLoMask = 0xffff

Definition at line 258 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kLuiShift = 16

Definition at line 217 of file constants-mips.h.

const Instr kLwRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kLwRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kLwSwInstrArgumentMask
const Instr kLwSwInstrTypeMask
const Instr kLwSwOffsetMask
const int kMaxInt16 = (1 << 15) - 1

Definition at line 254 of file globals.h.

const int kMaxInt8 = (1 << 7) - 1

Definition at line 250 of file globals.h.

const int kMaxKeyedPolymorphism = 4

Definition at line 37 of file ic.h.

Referenced by KeyedLoadIC::LoadElementStub(), and KeyedStoreIC::StoreElementStub().

const unsigned kMaxLoadLiteralRange = 1 * MB

Definition at line 53 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kMaxLookaheadForBoyerMoore = 8

Definition at line 139 of file jsregexp.cc.

Referenced by ChoiceNode::Emit().

const int kMaxSignificantDigits = 772

Definition at line 45 of file conversions.h.

Referenced by InternalStringToDouble(), and InternalStringToInt().

const uint32_t kMaxStopCode = kStopCode - 1

Definition at line 365 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kMaxUInt16 = (1 << 16) - 1

Definition at line 256 of file globals.h.

const uint32_t kMaxUInt32 = 0xFFFFFFFFu

Definition at line 259 of file globals.h.

Referenced by FastFixedDtoa(), Value::IsUint32(), and JSObject::PrepareSlowElementsForSort().

const int kMaxUInt8 = (1 << 8) - 1

Definition at line 252 of file globals.h.

const uint32_t kMaxWatchpointCode = 31

Definition at line 199 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kMinInt16 = -(1 << 15)

Definition at line 255 of file globals.h.

const int kMinInt8 = -(1 << 7)

Definition at line 251 of file globals.h.

const int kMinUInt16 = 0

Definition at line 257 of file globals.h.

const int kMinUInt8 = 0

Definition at line 253 of file globals.h.

const Instr kMovLeaveCCMask

Definition at line 464 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovLeaveCCPattern

Definition at line 465 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovLrPc

Definition at line 449 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovMvnFlip

Definition at line 463 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovMvnMask

Definition at line 461 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovMvnPattern

Definition at line 462 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovwLeaveCCFlip

Definition at line 468 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovwMask

Definition at line 466 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kMovwPattern

Definition at line 467 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kNaNOrInfinityLowerBoundUpper32 = 0x7FF00000

Definition at line 456 of file v8globals.h.

const int kNoAlignmentPadding = 0

Definition at line 56 of file frames-ia32.h.

const int kNonstatementPositionTag = 1

Definition at line 347 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kNoRegister = -1

Definition at line 66 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kNotInternalizedTag = 0x40

Definition at line 604 of file objects.h.

const uint32_t kNotStringTag = 0x80

Definition at line 599 of file objects.h.

Referenced by KeyedLoadStubCompiler::CompileElementHandlers().

const int kNumberOfCalleeSavedFPRegisters = 8

Definition at line 61 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kNumberOfCalleeSavedRegisters = 11

Definition at line 58 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int kNumCalleeSaved = 7 + kR9Available

Definition at line 83 of file frames-arm.h.

const int kNumCalleeSavedFPU = 6

Definition at line 87 of file frames-mips.h.

const int kNumDoubleCalleeSaved = 8

Definition at line 86 of file frames-arm.h.

const int kNumFPURegisters = 32

Definition at line 97 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kNumJSCallerSaved = 4

Definition at line 53 of file frames-arm.h.

Referenced by JSCallerSavedCode(), and SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData().

const int kNumRegisters = 16

Definition at line 57 of file constants-arm.h.

Referenced by RegExpImpl::AtomExec().

const int kNumRegs = 16

Definition at line 43 of file frames-arm.h.

Referenced by SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData().

const int kNumSafepointRegisters = 16

Definition at line 92 of file frames-arm.h.

Referenced by StandardFrame::IterateCompiledFrame().

const int kNumSafepointSavedRegisters = kNumJSCallerSaved + kNumCalleeSaved

Definition at line 98 of file frames-arm.h.

const int kNumSimuRegisters = 35

Definition at line 91 of file constants-mips.h.

const int kNumVFPDoubleRegisters = 32

Definition at line 61 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kNumVFPRegisters = kNumVFPSingleRegisters + kNumVFPDoubleRegisters

Definition at line 62 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kNumVFPSingleRegisters = 32

Definition at line 60 of file constants-arm.h.

const intptr_t kObjectAlignment = 1 << kObjectAlignmentBits

Definition at line 44 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by Code::body_size(), Heap::CopyCode(), and Heap::CreateCode().

const int kObjectAlignmentBits = kPointerSizeLog2
const intptr_t kObjectAlignmentMask = kObjectAlignment - 1
const uint32_t kOneByteDataHintMask = 0x08

Definition at line 638 of file objects.h.

Referenced by HGraphBuilder::BuildCreateConsString(), and String::HasOnlyOneByteChars().

const uint32_t kOneByteDataHintTag = 0x08

Definition at line 639 of file objects.h.

Referenced by HGraphBuilder::BuildCreateConsString(), and String::HasOnlyOneByteChars().

const int kOneByteSize = kCharSize

Definition at line 311 of file globals.h.

Referenced by LiteralBuffer::INLINE().

const int kOpcodeBits = 6

Definition at line 206 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::OpcodeValue().

const int kOpcodeMask = ((1 << kOpcodeBits) - 1) << kOpcodeShift

Definition at line 247 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::GetCodeMarker(), and Instruction::OpcodeFieldRaw().

const int kOpcodeShift = 26

Definition at line 205 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::OpcodeValue().

const int kPageSizeBits = 20

Definition at line 95 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by MarkCompactCollector::CollectEvacuationCandidates().

const int kPatternTooShortForBoyerMoore = 2

Definition at line 142 of file jsregexp.cc.

const int kPCJumpExtraTag = (1 << kExtraTagBits) - 1

Definition at line 330 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kPCOnStackSize = kRegisterSize

Definition at line 270 of file globals.h.

Referenced by ExitFrame::FillState(), and StackSlotOffset().

const int kPCRegister = 15

Definition at line 65 of file constants-arm.h.

const intptr_t kPointerAlignment = (1 << kPointerSizeLog2)
const intptr_t kPointerAlignmentMask = kPointerAlignment - 1

Definition at line 49 of file v8globals.h.

const int kPointerSize = sizeof(void*)

Definition at line 268 of file globals.h.

Referenced by SkipList::AddObject(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Advance(), zone_allocator< T >::allocate(), FreeList::Allocate(), Heap::AllocateConstantPoolArray(), Heap::AllocateFixedTypedArray(), IncrementalMarking::BlackToGreyAndUnshift(), HGraphBuilder::BuildAllocateElements(), HGraphBuilder::BuildArrayBufferViewInitialization(), HGraphBuilder::BuildCloneShallowArray(), CodeStubGraphBuilder< Stub >::BuildCodeStub(), HGraphBuilder::BuildNewSpaceArrayCheck(), SharedFunctionInfo::CalculateInObjectProperties(), SharedFunctionInfo::CalculateInstanceSize(), CFunctionArgumentOperand(), LoadIC::CompileHandler(), StandardFrame::ComputeExpressionsCount(), JavaScriptFrame::ComputeOperandsCount(), ResourceConstraints::ConfigureDefaults(), Heap::CopyBlock(), Heap::CopyFixedArrayWithMap(), Factory::CopyMap(), Map::CopyNormalized(), CopyWords(), Factory::CreateApiFunction(), LCodeGen::DoDeferredInstanceOfKnownGlobal(), Assembler::EndBlockConstPool(), RegExpStack::EnsureCapacity(), StoreBuffer::EnsureSpace(), JSObject::FastPropertyAtPut(), FixedArrayElementOperand(), FrameDescription::FrameDescription(), FixedArray::get(), NormalizedMapCache::Get(), StandardFrame::GetExpressionAddress(), FrameDescription::GetExpressionCount(), Map::GetInObjectPropertyOffset(), JSObject::GetInternalField(), JSObject::GetInternalFieldCount(), JSObject::GetInternalFieldOffset(), JavaScriptFrame::GetOperandSlot(), JavaScriptFrame::GetParameterSlot(), StaticVisitorBase::GetVisitorIdForSize(), PromotionQueue::Initialize(), JSObject::InitializeBody(), Struct::InitializeBody(), JSProxy::InitializeBody(), Page::INLINE(), NewSpace::INLINE(), Heap::IterateAndMarkPointersToFromSpace(), StandardFrame::IterateCompiledFrame(), MacroAssembler::LoadFromSafepointRegisterSlot(), MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), MarkCompactCollector::MigrateObject(), Heap::MoveBlock(), Heap::MoveElements(), MoveWords(), Zone::New(), FreeListNode::next(), FreeListNode::next_address(), FixedArray::NoIncrementalWriteBarrierSet(), FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(), LoadFieldStub::offset(), JSBuiltinsObject::OffsetOfCodeWithId(), JSBuiltinsObject::OffsetOfFunctionWithId(), FrameDescription::operator new(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::operator[](), LChunk::ParameterAt(), MacroAssembler::pop(), MacroAssembler::Pop(), Assembler::pop(), MacroAssembler::PrepareCEntryArgs(), MacroAssembler::push(), MacroAssembler::Push(), JSObject::RawFastPropertyAt(), VisitorDispatchTable< ScavengingCallback >::RegisterSpecialization(), Assembler::RelocInfoNone(), Assembler::repmovsp(), Space::RoundSizeDownToObjectAlignment(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), Serializer::ObjectSerializer::Serialize(), FixedArray::set(), LChunk::set_allocated_double_registers(), Map::set_instance_size(), AllocationSite::set_memento_found_count(), FreeListNode::set_next(), FixedArray::set_null(), ExternalAsciiString::set_resource(), FreeListNode::set_size(), FixedArray::set_the_hole(), FixedArray::set_undefined(), JSObject::SetInternalField(), StoreBuffer::SetUp(), Representation::size(), FixedArray::SizeFor(), ConstantPoolArray::SizeFor(), PagedSpace::SizeOfFirstPage(), Context::SlotOffset(), StackSlotOffset(), StackSpaceOperand(), MacroAssembler::StoreToSafepointRegisterSlot(), TEST(), LCodeGen::ToHighMemOperand(), PropertyIndex::translate(), Heap::UpdateAllocationSiteFeedback(), Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitCodeEntry(), Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitExternalReference(), StaticMarkingVisitor< StaticVisitor >::VisitJSFunctionStrongCode(), StaticMarkingVisitor< StaticVisitor >::VisitJSFunctionWeakCode(), Serializer::VisitPointers(), Serializer::ObjectSerializer::VisitPointers(), StaticMarkingVisitor< StaticVisitor >::VisitSharedFunctionInfoWeakCode(), MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::VisitWeakCollection(), and MemoryAllocator::ZapBlock().

const int kPoolExtraTag = kPCJumpExtraTag - 2

Definition at line 351 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const Instr kPopInstruction

Definition at line 593 of file constants-mips.h.

const Instr kPopRegPattern

Definition at line 599 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintLoad = 0

Definition at line 128 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintLoadRetained = 6

Definition at line 132 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintLoadStreamed = 4

Definition at line 130 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintPrepareForStore = 30

Definition at line 135 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintStore = 1

Definition at line 129 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintStoreRetained = 7

Definition at line 133 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintStoreStreamed = 5

Definition at line 131 of file constants-mips.h.

const int32_t kPrefHintWritebackInvalidate = 25

Definition at line 134 of file constants-mips.h.

const unsigned kPrintfLength = 2 * kInstructionSize

Definition at line 442 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const unsigned kPrintfTypeOffset = 1 * kInstructionSize

Definition at line 441 of file instructions-arm64.h.

const Instr kPushInstruction
const Instr kPushRegPattern

Definition at line 597 of file constants-mips.h.

const unsigned kQuadWordSize = 128

Definition at line 128 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kQuadWordSizeInBytes = kQuadWordSize >> 3

Definition at line 129 of file constants-arm64.h.

const uint32_t kQuietNaNHighBitsMask = 0xfff << (51 - 32)

Definition at line 104 of file v8globals.h.

const uint64_t kQuietNaNMask = static_cast<uint64_t>(0xfff) << 51

Definition at line 304 of file globals.h.

Referenced by JunkStringValue().

const int kR9Available = 1

Definition at line 38 of file frames-arm.h.

const int kRdBits = 5

Definition at line 212 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::RdValue().

const int kRdFieldMask = ((1 << kRdBits) - 1) << kRdShift

Definition at line 253 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::RdFieldRaw().

const int kRdShift = 11

Definition at line 211 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::RdValue().

const int kReferenceIdBits = 16

Definition at line 57 of file serialize.h.

const int kReferenceIdMask = (1 << kReferenceIdBits) - 1

Definition at line 58 of file serialize.h.

const int kReferenceTypeShift = kReferenceIdBits

Definition at line 59 of file serialize.h.

const unsigned kRegCodeMask = 0x1f

Definition at line 114 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by Assembler::RdSP(), and Assembler::RnSP().

const int kRegister_eax_Code = 0

Definition at line 103 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_ebp_Code = 5

Definition at line 108 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_ebx_Code = 3

Definition at line 106 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_ecx_Code = 1

Definition at line 104 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_edi_Code = 7

Definition at line 110 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_edx_Code = 2

Definition at line 105 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_esi_Code = 6

Definition at line 109 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_esp_Code = 4

Definition at line 107 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const int kRegister_fp_Code = 11

Definition at line 154 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_ip_Code = 12

Definition at line 155 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_lr_Code = 14

Definition at line 157 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_no_reg_Code = -1

Definition at line 142 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_pc_Code = 15

Definition at line 158 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r0_Code = 0

Definition at line 143 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r10_Code = 10

Definition at line 153 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r11_Code = 11

Definition at line 157 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_r12_Code = 12

Definition at line 158 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_r13_Code = 13

Definition at line 159 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_r14_Code = 14

Definition at line 160 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_r15_Code = 15

Definition at line 161 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_r1_Code = 1

Definition at line 144 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r2_Code = 2

Definition at line 145 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r3_Code = 3

Definition at line 146 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r4_Code = 4

Definition at line 147 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r5_Code = 5

Definition at line 148 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r6_Code = 6

Definition at line 149 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r7_Code = 7

Definition at line 150 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r8_Code = 8

Definition at line 151 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_r9_Code = 9

Definition at line 152 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegister_rax_Code = 0

Definition at line 146 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rbp_Code = 5

Definition at line 151 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rbx_Code = 3

Definition at line 149 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rcx_Code = 1

Definition at line 147 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rdi_Code = 7

Definition at line 153 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rdx_Code = 2

Definition at line 148 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rsi_Code = 6

Definition at line 152 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_rsp_Code = 4

Definition at line 150 of file assembler-x64.h.

const int kRegister_sp_Code = 13

Definition at line 156 of file assembler-arm.h.

const int kRegisterSize = kPointerSize

Definition at line 269 of file globals.h.

const Register kRootRegister = { kRegister_r10_Code }

Definition at line 50 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by generate(), and MacroAssembler::InitializeRootRegister().

const int kRootRegisterBias = 128

Definition at line 48 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::InitializeRootRegister().

const int kRsBits = 5

Definition at line 208 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::RsValue().

const int kRsFieldMask = ((1 << kRsBits) - 1) << kRsShift
const int kRtBits = 5

Definition at line 210 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::RtValue().

const int kRtFieldMask = ((1 << kRtBits) - 1) << kRtShift

Definition at line 252 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::GetCodeMarker(), and Instruction::RtFieldRaw().

const Instr kRtMask
const int kSaBits = 5

Definition at line 214 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by Instruction::SaValue().

const int kSafepointRegisterStackIndexMap[kNumRegs]

Definition at line 117 of file frames-mips.h.

const RegList kSafepointSavedRegisters = kJSCallerSaved | kCalleeSaved

Definition at line 97 of file frames-arm.h.

const int kSaFieldMask = ((1 << kSaBits) - 1) << kSaShift

Definition at line 254 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::GetCodeMarker(), and Instruction::SaFieldRaw().

const int kSaShift = 6

Definition at line 213 of file constants-mips.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::GetCodeMarker(), and Instruction::SaValue().

const Register kScratchRegister = { 10 }

Definition at line 41 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

const int kSFOffset = 31

Definition at line 448 of file constants-arm64.h.

const uint32_t kShortcutTypeMask
Initial value:
const uint32_t kIsNotInternalizedMask
Definition: objects.h:603
const uint32_t kStringRepresentationMask
Definition: objects.h:615
const uint32_t kIsNotStringMask
Definition: objects.h:597

Definition at line 652 of file objects.h.

const uint32_t kShortcutTypeTag = kConsStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag

Definition at line 656 of file objects.h.

const uint32_t kShortExternalStringMask = 0x10

Definition at line 643 of file objects.h.

Referenced by ExternalString::is_short().

const uint32_t kShortExternalStringTag = 0x10

Definition at line 644 of file objects.h.

Referenced by ExternalString::is_short().

const int kShortSize = sizeof(short)
const int kSignMask = 0x80000000

Definition at line 259 of file constants-mips.h.

const uint32_t kSlicedNotConsMask = kSlicedStringTag & ~kConsStringTag

Definition at line 633 of file objects.h.

const uint32_t kSlotsZapValue = 0xbeefdeef

Definition at line 86 of file v8globals.h.

const int kSmallDataBits = kBitsPerByte - kLocatableTypeTagBits

Definition at line 323 of file assembler.cc.

const int kSmallPCDeltaBits = kBitsPerByte - kTagBits

Definition at line 332 of file assembler.cc.

const int kSmallPCDeltaMask = (1 << kSmallPCDeltaBits) - 1

Definition at line 333 of file assembler.cc.

const Register kSmiConstantRegister = { 12 }

Definition at line 42 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::InitializeSmiConstantRegister().

const int kSmiConstantRegisterValue = 1

Definition at line 45 of file macro-assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::InitializeSmiConstantRegister().

const int kSmiShift = kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize
const uint64_t kSmiShiftMask = (1UL << kSmiShift) - 1

Definition at line 621 of file assembler-arm64.h.

const int kSmiShiftSize = PlatformSmiTagging::kSmiShiftSize
const intptr_t kSmiSignMask = kIntptrSignBit

Definition at line 41 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::NonNegativeSmiTst().

const int kSmiValueSize = PlatformSmiTagging::kSmiValueSize
const int kSpaceTagMask = (1 << kSpaceTagSize) - 1

Definition at line 194 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by Failure::allocation_space(), and Failure::RetryAfterGC().

const int kSpaceTagSize = 3

Definition at line 193 of file v8globals.h.

const int64_t kSQuietNanBit = 22

Definition at line 98 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kSQuietNanMask = 0x1L << kSQuietNanBit

Definition at line 99 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by IsSignallingNaN(), and ToQuietNaN().

const int64_t kSRegMask = 0x00000000ffffffffL

Definition at line 84 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kSRegSize = kSRegSizeInBits >> 3

Definition at line 76 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by RegisterDump::Dump().

const unsigned kSRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 5

Definition at line 75 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kSRegSizeLog2 = kSRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3

Definition at line 77 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kSSignBit = 31

Definition at line 90 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kSSignMask = 0x1L << kSSignBit

Definition at line 91 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

char kStartTable[kStartTableLines *kStartTableEntriesPerLine]

Definition at line 3692 of file mark-compact.cc.

const int kStatementPositionTag = 2

Definition at line 348 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const uint32_t kStopCodeMask = kStopCode - 1

Definition at line 364 of file constants-arm.h.

const int kStringBuilderConcatHelperLengthBits = 11

Definition at line 3400 of file runtime.cc.

const int kStringBuilderConcatHelperPositionBits = 19

Definition at line 3401 of file runtime.cc.

const uint32_t kStringRepresentationMask = 0x03
const uint32_t kStringTag = 0x0
const Instr kStrRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kStrRegFpOffsetPattern
const int kStubMajorKeyBits = 7

Definition at line 316 of file objects.h.

const int kStubMinorKeyBits = kBitsPerInt - kSmiTagSize - kStubMajorKeyBits

Definition at line 317 of file objects.h.

const Instr kSwRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kSwRegFpOffsetPattern
const int kTagBits = 2

Definition at line 319 of file assembler.cc.

const int kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1

Definition at line 320 of file assembler.cc.

const int kUC16Size = sizeof(uc16)

Definition at line 312 of file globals.h.

Referenced by Heap::AllocateTwoByteInternalizedString(), and LiteralBuffer::INLINE().

const uintptr_t kUintptrAllBitsSet = 0xFFFFFFFFu

Definition at line 283 of file globals.h.

Referenced by String::NonAsciiStart().

const int kUndefIndex = -1

Definition at line 115 of file frames-mips.h.

int kUninitializedRegExpNodePlaceHolder
const int kVariableLengthPCJumpTopTag = 1

Definition at line 336 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const int kVariableSizeSentinel = 0

Definition at line 314 of file objects.h.

Referenced by HeapObject::SizeFromMap(), and TEST().

const int kVeneerPoolTag = 1

Definition at line 353 of file assembler.cc.

Referenced by RelocIterator::next().

const uint32_t kVFPCConditionFlagBit = 1 << 29

Definition at line 394 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPDefaultNaNModeControlBit = 1 << 25

Definition at line 390 of file constants-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const uint32_t kVFPExceptionMask = 0xf

Definition at line 384 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPFlushToZeroMask = 1 << 24

Definition at line 389 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPInexactExceptionBit = 1 << 4

Definition at line 388 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPInvalidOpExceptionBit = 1 << 0

Definition at line 385 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPNConditionFlagBit = 1 << 31

Definition at line 392 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPOverflowExceptionBit = 1 << 2

Definition at line 386 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPRoundingModeMask = 3 << 22

Definition at line 412 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPUnderflowExceptionBit = 1 << 3

Definition at line 387 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPVConditionFlagBit = 1 << 28

Definition at line 395 of file constants-arm.h.

const uint32_t kVFPZConditionFlagBit = 1 << 30

Definition at line 393 of file constants-arm.h.

const Instr kVldrDPCMask
const Instr kVldrDPCPattern
const int32_t kWMaxInt = 0x7fffffff

Definition at line 107 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const uint64_t kWMaxUInt = 0xffffffffUL

Definition at line 104 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int32_t kWMinInt = 0x80000000

Definition at line 108 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const int64_t kWordMask = 0xffffffffL

Definition at line 102 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kWordSize = 32

Definition at line 122 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kWordSizeInBytes = kWordSize >> 3

Definition at line 124 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kWordSizeInBytesLog2 = kWordSizeLog2 - 3

Definition at line 125 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kWordSizeLog2 = 5

Definition at line 123 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kWRegMask = 0x00000000ffffffffL

Definition at line 82 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kWRegSize = kWRegSizeInBits >> 3

Definition at line 68 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by RegisterDump::Dump(), and TEST().

const unsigned kWRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 5

Definition at line 67 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kWRegSizeLog2 = kWRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3

Definition at line 69 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kWSignBit = 31

Definition at line 94 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kWSignMask = 0x1L << kWSignBit

Definition at line 95 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kXMaxInt = 0x7fffffffffffffffL

Definition at line 105 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const uint64_t kXMaxUInt = 0xffffffffffffffffUL

Definition at line 103 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kXMinInt = 0x8000000000000000L

Definition at line 106 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const int64_t kXRegMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL

Definition at line 83 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kXRegSize = kXRegSizeInBits >> 3

Definition at line 72 of file constants-arm64.h.

Referenced by RegisterDump::Dump().

const unsigned kXRegSizeInBitsLog2 = 6

Definition at line 71 of file constants-arm64.h.

const unsigned kXRegSizeLog2 = kXRegSizeInBitsLog2 - 3

Definition at line 73 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kXSignBit = 63

Definition at line 92 of file constants-arm64.h.

const int64_t kXSignMask = 0x1L << kXSignBit

Definition at line 93 of file constants-arm64.h.

const Address kZapValue = reinterpret_cast<Address>(0xdeadbeef)

Definition at line 82 of file v8globals.h.

Referenced by MemoryAllocator::ZapBlock().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with turns on browser compatible mode for profiling v8 log

Definition at line 806 of file flags.cc.

Referenced by PreParser::PreParseLazyFunction().

const Register lr = { kRegister_lr_Code }

Definition at line 243 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by generate(), MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), TEST(), and TEST_().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf map

Definition at line 350 of file flags.cc.

Referenced by HGraphBuilder::AddStoreMapConstant(), HGraphBuilder::AddStoreMapNoWriteBarrier(), Heap::AllocateInternalizedStringImpl(), Heap::AllocateJSFunctionProxy(), Heap::AllocateJSModule(), Heap::AllocateJSProxy(), Heap::AllocateMap(), Heap::AllocateOneByteInternalizedString(), Heap::AllocateStruct(), Heap::AllocateTwoByteInternalizedString(), CodeStubGraphBuilder< Stub >::BuildCodeStub(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CanRetainOtherContext(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CollectReceiverTypes(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CompareType(), Heap::DoScavengeObject(), IC::GetCodeCacheHolder(), StoreGlobalStub::GetCodeCopyFromTemplate(), GetEnumPropertyKeys(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::GetFieldIndex(), Internals::GetInstanceType(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::GetValue(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HasMap(), StaticNewSpaceVisitor< NewSpaceScavenger >::INLINE(), StaticMarkingVisitor< MarkCompactMarkingVisitor >::INLINE(), Accessors::IsJSObjectFieldAccessor(), Object::IsStruct(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::LCheckMapValue(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::LForInCacheArray(), Interface::Lookup(), Object::Lookup(), StubCache::map_reference(), Factory::NewGlobalObject(), Factory::NewJSGeneratorObject(), Factory::NewRawConsString(), Factory::NewRawSlicedString(), Factory::ObjectLiteralMapFromCache(), MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::ObjectStatsVisitBase(), StringStream::PrintFunction(), StringStream::PrintSecurityTokenIfChanged(), StringStream::PrintUsingMap(), Heap::ReinitializeJSReceiver(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), ICCompareStub::set_known_map(), JSObjectWalkVisitor< ContextObject >::StructureWalk(), TEST(), ArrayConcatVisitor::ToArray(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::ToType(), IC::TryRemoveInvalidPrototypeDependentStub(), IC::TypeToMap(), KeyedLookupCache::Update(), CompareIC::UpdateCaches(), IC::UpdateMegamorphicCache(), IC::UpdateState(), and FastElementsAccessor< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS >, kPointerSize >::ValidateContents().

const unsigned int MAX_FIRST_ARG = 0x7fffffu

Definition at line 40 of file bytecodes-irregexp.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage message
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in name

Definition at line 505 of file flags.cc.

Referenced by HGraphBuilder::Add(), HGraphBuilder::AddUncasted(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildGraph(), Scope::CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(), FixedArrayAppender::Contains(), IC::CopyICToMegamorphicCache(), ScopeInfo::Create(), OptimizedCompileJob::CreateGraph(), SharedFunctionInfo::DebugName(), Runtime::DeleteObjectProperty(), Scope::DeserializeScopeChain(), JSObject::EnqueueChangeRecord(), JSObject::ExpectedTransitionKey(), JSProxy::GetElementWithHandler(), JSObject::GetPropertyWithCallback(), JSProxy::GetPropertyWithHandler(), Scope::HasArgumentsParameter(), Object::HasSpecificClassOf(), Instrument::Instrument(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsVariable(), LowLevelLogger::LowLevelLogger(), Factory::NewGlobalObject(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseIdentifier(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseLeftHandSideExpression(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseMemberExpression(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseMemberExpressionContinuation(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseObjectLiteral(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParsePrimaryExpression(), StringStream::PrintPrototype(), Heap::ReinitializeJSReceiver(), NewSpace::ReportStatistics(), ParserBase< Traits >::ReportUnexpectedToken(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), TransitionArray::Search(), Search(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::set_name(), JSObject::SetAccessor(), JSObject::SetPropertyForResult(), JSProxy::SetPropertyViaPrototypesWithHandler(), JSObject::SetPropertyWithCallback(), SharedFunctionInfo::SourceCodePrint(), TEST(), KeyedLookupCache::Update(), DescriptorLookupCache::Update(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::WithRepresentation(), HPhase::~HPhase(), LAllocatorPhase::~LAllocatorPhase(), and LPhase::~LPhase().


Definition at line 5283 of file objects-inl.h.

kInstanceClassNameOffset needs_access_check

Definition at line 5115 of file objects-inl.h.

const CRegister no_creg = { -1 }

Definition at line 508 of file assembler-arm.h.

const IntelDoubleRegister no_double_reg = { -1 }

Definition at line 186 of file assembler-ia32.h.

const DwVfpRegister no_dreg = { -1 }

Definition at line 429 of file assembler-arm.h.

Definition at line 343 of file assembler-mips.h.

const FPURegister no_freg = { -1 }

Definition at line 275 of file assembler-mips.h.

const Instr nopInstr = 0

Definition at line 613 of file constants-mips.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension NULL

Definition at line 269 of file flags.cc.

Referenced by IncrementalMarking::Abort(), AccumulateStatsWithOperator(), GlobalHandles::Node::Acquire(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::Add(), HGraphBuilder::Add(), Trace::add_action(), DeferredFeedbackSlotProcessor::add_slot_node(), SamplerThread::AddActiveSampler(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::AddArgument(), V8::AddCallCompletedCallback(), CodeFlusher::AddCandidate(), RegExpBuilder::AddCharacter(), LoopChoiceNode::AddContinueAlternative(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::AddElementsToFixedArray(), Heap::AddGCEpilogueCallback(), Heap::AddGCPrologueCallback(), GuardedAlternative::AddGuard(), HGraphBuilder::AddLoadJSBuiltin(), HGraphBuilder::AddLoadStringInstanceType(), HGraphBuilder::AddLoadStringLength(), LoopChoiceNode::AddLoopAlternative(), MemoryAllocator::AddMemoryAllocationCallback(), GlobalHandles::AddObjectGroup(), ProfileTree::AddPathFromEnd(), ProfileTree::AddPathFromStart(), RegExpBuilder::AddQuantifierToAtom(), SlotsBuffer::AddTo(), LiveRange::AddUseInterval(), LiveRange::AddUsePosition(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Advance(), StackFrameIterator::Advance(), SafeStackFrameIterator::Advance(), PagedSpace::AdvanceSweeper(), OptimizingCompilerThread::AgeBufferedOsrJobs(), AlignedAlloc(), OS::Allocate(), Heap::Allocate(), FreeList::Allocate(), MemoryAllocator::AllocateAlignedMemory(), Bootstrapper::AllocateAutoDeletedArray(), MemoryAllocator::AllocateChunk(), Heap::AllocateJSArrayAndStorage(), Heap::AllocateJSArrayStorage(), MemoryAllocator::AllocateLargePage(), PagedSpace::AllocateLinearly(), Scope::AllocateModulesRecursively(), Scope::AllocateNonParameterLocals(), MemoryAllocator::AllocatePage(), Scope::AllocateParameterLocals(), PagedSpace::AllocateRaw(), LargeObjectSpace::AllocateRaw(), CodeRange::AllocateRawMemory(), Scope::AllocateVariables(), AllocationSpaceName(), Scope::Analyze(), HFlowEngine< State, Effects >::AnalyzeDominatedBlocks(), AppendChars(), CodeEventLogger::NameBuffer::AppendString(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Apply(), MarkCompactCollector::AreSweeperThreadsActivated(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::arguments_pushed(), AstNode::AsBreakableStatement(), AstNode::AsIterationStatement(), AstNode::AsMaterializedLiteral(), CodeCacheHashTableKey::AsObject(), RegExpKey::AsObject(), InternalizedStringKey::AsObject(), TwoCharHashTableKey::AsObject(), RegExpCompiler::Assemble(), AssemblerBase::AssemblerBase(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::AsSimpleAssignment(), AstNode::AsTargetCollector(), TypeFeedbackOracle::BinaryType(), BreakableStatement::BreakableStatement(), HGraphBuilder::BuildArrayBufferViewInitialization(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildArrayConstructor(), HGraphBuilder::BuildBinaryOperation(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildCheckAndInstallOptimizedCode(), CodeStubGraphBuilder< Stub >::BuildCodeInitializedStub(), CodeStubGraphBuilder< Stub >::BuildCodeStub(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildGraph(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildGraph(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildInstallCode(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildInstallFromOptimizedCodeMap(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildInternalArrayConstructor(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildLoadNamedField(), ScriptDataImpl::BuildMessage(), HOsrBuilder::BuildOsrLoopEntry(), ParserTraits::BuildUnaryExpression(), BUILTIN(), CharacterRangeSplitter::Call(), StoreBufferRebuilder::Callback(), CpuProfiler::CallbackEvent(), CallOnce(), LiveRange::CanBeSpilled(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::Canonicalize(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CanRetainOtherContext(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::captures_started(), SlotsBuffer::ChainLengthThresholdReached(), CharacterRange::CharacterRange(), CheckArrayAbuse(), ParserTraits::CheckAssigningFunctionLiteralToProperty(), Scope::CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(), ParserTraits::CheckFunctionLiteralInsideTopLevelObjectLiteral(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::CheckHoistability(), ParserTraits::CheckPossibleEvalCall(), ParserTraits::CheckStrictModeLValue(), TraversableMap::ChildIteratorNext(), ContextSlotCache::Clear(), TemplateHashMapImpl< AllocationPolicy >::Clear(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::Clear(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Clear(), CompareNilIC::Clear(), KeyedLookupCache::Clear(), DescriptorLookupCache::Clear(), HValue::clear_block(), Segment::clear_next(), Heap::ClearAllICsByKind(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::ClearEnvironment(), MemoryChunk::ClearEvacuationCandidate(), Code::ClearInlineCaches(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::ClearInlinedTestContext(), MarkCompactCollector::ClearMarkbits(), StringStream::ClearMentionedObjectCache(), Ticker::ClearProfiler(), OS::ClearTimezoneCache(), GlobalHandles::Node::ClearWeakness(), Log::Close(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::CloseFile(), CpuProfiler::CodeCreateEvent(), CodeEventLogger::CodeCreateEvent(), LChunk::Codegen(), CodeGenerationFromStringsAllowed(), Logger::CodeNameEvent(), Logger::CodeStartLinePosInfoRecordEvent(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::CodeTracer(), Heap::CollectAllAvailableGarbage(), MarkCompactCollector::CollectEvacuationCandidates(), MarkCompactCollector::CollectGarbage(), Heap::CollectGarbage(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::CollectInductionVariableData(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CollectReceiverTypes(), Scope::CollectStackAndContextLocals(), NewSpace::CollectStatistics(), CompilationInfo::CommitDependencies(), VirtualMemory::CommitRegion(), LargeObjectSpace::CommittedPhysicalMemory(), TypeFeedbackOracle::CompareType(), RegExpEngine::Compile(), Compiler::CompileScript(), FreeListCategory::Concatenate(), Isolate::concurrent_osr_enabled(), Isolate::concurrent_recompilation_enabled(), NestedEffectsBase< int, kNoVar >::Contains(), HeapObjectsSet::Contains(), CodeRange::contains(), FreeListCategory::ContainsPageFreeListItemsInList(), Scope::ContextChainLength(), Scope::ContextLocalCount(), ScopeInfo::ContextSlotIndex(), ConsStringIteratorOp::ContinueOperation(), HFieldApproximation::Copy(), GlobalHandles::CopyGlobal(), Heap::CopyJSObject(), Counter::Counter(), Isolate::counters(), LiveRange::Covers(), BoundsCheckKey::Create(), GlobalHandles::Create(), OS::MemoryMappedFile::create(), EternalHandles::Create(), ScopeInfo::Create(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::CreateAllocationMementos(), LiveRange::CreateAssignedOperand(), PostorderProcessor::CreateEntryProcessor(), OptimizedCompileJob::CreateGraph(), StatsTable::CreateHistogram(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::CreateJoin(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::CreateLoop(), Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(), OS::CreateTimezoneCache(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::CreateUninitialized(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Current(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::current_loop(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Element::CurrentDominatedBlock(), Map::CurrentMapForDeprecatedInternal(), DummyResource::data(), DummyOneByteResource::data(), OS::DaylightSavingsOffset(), SlotsBufferAllocator::DeallocateChain(), VariableMap::Declare(), ExternalReferenceDecoder::Decode(), GlobalHandles::NodeBlock::DecreaseUses(), MessageHandler::DefaultMessageReport(), JSObject::DefineAccessor(), HeapProfiler::DefineWrapperClass(), Zone::DeleteAll(), HValue::DeleteAndReplaceWith(), DictionaryElementsAccessor::DeleteCommon(), HandleScopeImplementer::DeleteExtensions(), Zone::DeleteKeptSegment(), CompilationInfo::dependencies(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::DescriptorResult(), Deserializer::Deserialize(), Deserializer::DeserializePartial(), Scope::DeserializeScopeChain(), GlobalHandles::Destroy(), PromotionQueue::Destroy(), SmartPointerBase< ObjectDeallocator< v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >, v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >::Detach(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::DetachJITHandlerData(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::DetectCompoundIndex(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::DetectInductionVariable(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::DictionaryResult(), Serializer::Disable(), Heap::DisableInlineAllocation(), Vector< const uint8_t >::Dispose(), SourceResource::Dispose(), OS::DisposeTimezoneCache(), LCodeGen::DoDeferredMathAbsTaggedHeapNumber(), LCodeGen::DoGap(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::done(), Interface::Iterator::done(), GlobalHandles::NodeIterator::done(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Done(), Isolate::DoThrow(), DoubleToPrecisionCString(), DumpBacktrace(), ChoiceNode::EatsAtLeast(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Eliminate(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::Eliminate(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::EliminateRedundantBoundsChecks(), ActionNode::Emit(), ChoiceNode::Emit(), LoopChoiceNode::Emit(), Vector< const uint8_t >::empty(), PagedSpace::EmptyAllocationInfo(), ParserTraits::EmptyExpression(), ParserTraits::EmptyLiteral(), MarkCompactCollector::EnableCodeFlushing(), StatsCounter::Enabled(), Histogram::Enabled(), ExternalReferenceEncoder::Encode(), TemplateHashMap< Literal, ObjectLiteral::Accessors, ZoneAllocationPolicy >::end(), RegExpStack::EnsureCapacity(), Deoptimizer::EnsureCodeForDeoptimizationEntry(), Isolate::EnsureDefaultIsolate(), LiveRange::EnsureInterval(), StoreBuffer::EnsureSpace(), Isolate::EnterDefaultIsolate(), StoreBuffer::EnterDirectlyIntoStoreBuffer(), Analysis::error_message(), V8HeapExplorer::EstimateObjectsCount(), CodeFlusher::EvictCandidate(), PagedSpace::EvictEvacuationCandidatesFromFreeLists(), FreeListCategory::EvictFreeListItemsInList(), CodeFlusher::EvictOptimizedCodeMap(), HeapProfiler::ExecuteWrapperClassCallback(), CodeRange::exists(), LDeferredCode::exit(), PagedSpace::Expand(), ParserTraits::ExpressionFromIdentifier(), ParserTraits::ExpressionFromLiteral(), ParserTraits::ExpressionFromString(), OutSet::Extend(), LControlInstruction< 0, 1 >::FalseLabel(), FileByteSink::FileByteSink(), ChoiceNode::FillInBMInfo(), StoreBuffer::Filter(), TextNode::FilterASCII(), ChoiceNode::FilterASCII(), NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode::FilterASCII(), LoopChoiceNode::FilterASCII(), SeqRegExpNode::FilterSuccessor(), Scope::FinalizeBlockScope(), Heap::FinalizeExternalString(), NestedEffectsBase< int, kNoVar >::Find(), FrameFunctionIterator::Find(), Map::FindAccessor(), FindAsciiStringIndices(), AllocationTraceNode::FindChild(), ProfileNode::FindChild(), HeapObjectsMap::FindEntry(), CodeMap::FindEntry(), SnapshotFiller::FindEntry(), Code::FindFirstAllocationSite(), Code::FindFirstHandler(), Code::FindFirstMap(), Code::FindFirstName(), SplayTree< Config, AllocationPolicy >::FindGreatest(), HeapProfiler::FindHeapObjectById(), SplayTree< Config, AllocationPolicy >::FindLeast(), StatsTable::FindLocation(), Code::FindNthObject(), PagedSpace::FindObject(), LargeObjectSpace::FindObject(), AllocationTraceNode::FindOrAddChild(), ProfileNode::FindOrAddChild(), HeapObjectsMap::FindOrAddEntry(), SnapshotFiller::FindOrAddEntry(), LargeObjectSpace::FindPage(), Isolate::FindPerThreadDataForThread(), OptimizingCompilerThread::FindReadyOSRCandidate(), HeapObjectsMap::FindUntrackedObjects(), Map::FindUpdatedMap(), HCheckTable::Finish(), HLoadEliminationTable::Finish(), V8::FireCallCompletedCallback(), StubCache::first_entry(), LiveRange::FirstHint(), LiveRange::FirstIntersection(), HControlInstruction::FirstSuccessor(), Trace::Flush(), OS::FOpen(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Free(), MemoryAllocator::Free(), FreeListCategory::Free(), Runtime::FreeArrayBuffer(), Heap::FreeQueuedChunks(), LargeObjectSpace::FreeUnmarkedObjects(), MemoryChunk::FromAnyPointerAddress(), ScopeInfo::FunctionContextSlotIndex(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::FunctionDeclaration(), Runtime::FunctionForName(), Accessors::FunctionGetArguments(), Accessors::FunctionGetPrototype(), Accessors::FunctionSetPrototype(), InnerPointerToCodeCache::GcSafeCastToCode(), InnerPointerToCodeCache::GcSafeFindCodeForInnerPointer(), Map::GeneralizeRepresentation(), ICCompareStub::Generate(), PlatformCodeStub::GenerateCode(), OptimizedCompileJob::GenerateCode(), HydrogenCodeStub::GenerateLightweightMissCode(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::Get(), OutSet::Get(), SetOncePointer< HConstant >::get(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::Get(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::GetAccessorPair(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::GetAccessorPairImpl(), DictionaryElementsAccessor::GetAccessorPairImpl(), SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor::GetAccessorPairImpl(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::GetArgumentsLength(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::GetAttributes(), MaterializedLiteral::GetBoilerplateValue(), SharedFunctionInfo::GetCodeFromOptimizedCodeMap(), V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(), StringsStorage::GetCopy(), DateCacheMock::GetDaylightSavingsOffsetFromOS(), OptimizedFrame::GetDeoptimizationData(), Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizationEntry(), Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizationId(), HeapSnapshot::GetEntryById(), HeapObject::GetHeap(), StatsCounter::GetInternalPointer(), TraceExtension::GetJsEntrySp(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::GetLazyValue(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::GetList(), SharedFunctionInfo::GetLiteralsFromOptimizedCodeMap(), JSObject::GetLocalElementAccessorPair(), JSObject::GetLocalElementKeys(), JSObject::GetLocalPropertyAccessorPair(), TaskQueue::GetNext(), StringCharacterStream::GetNext(), LGap::GetOrCreateParallelMove(), Object::GetProperty(), JSObject::GetPropertyWithCallback(), Object::GetPropertyWithDefinedGetter(), OS::GetRandomMmapAddr(), Code::GetRawAge(), Expression::GetReceiverTypes(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::GetReceiverTypes(), GetScriptNameOrSourceURL(), GetScriptWrapper(), Version::GetSONAME(), HandleScopeImplementer::GetSpareOrNewBlock(), ExitFrame::GetStateForFramePointer(), CompareIC::GetStateName(), Trace::GetStoredPosition(), RegExpNode::GetSuccessorOfOmnivorousTextNode(), TextNode::GetSuccessorOfOmnivorousTextNode(), ChoiceNode::GetTable(), HeapObjectsSet::GetTag(), CpuProfiler::GetterCallbackEvent(), String::GetTwoByteData(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::GetType(), StringsStorage::GetUsedMemorySize(), CompileTimeValue::GetValue(), CompilationInfo::global_object(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::GotoNoSimulate(), HGraphBuilder::GotoNoSimulate(), Deoptimizer::Grab(), HeapStringAllocator::grow(), NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowStack(), VirtualMemory::Guard(), Handle< v8::internal::JSFunction >::Handle(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::HandlerResult(), Context::has_extension(), Analysis::has_failed(), CompilationInfo::has_global_object(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::has_osr(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::has_uint32_instructions(), LiveRange::HasAllocatedSpillOperand(), Heap::HasBeenSetUp(), SemiSpace::HasBeenSetUp(), StatsTable::HasCounterFunction(), ElementsAccessorBase< FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits< FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS > >::HasElement(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HasEnvironment(), LInstruction::HasEnvironment(), JSObject::HasExternalArrayElements(), JSObject::HasFixedTypedArrayElements(), IteratingStringHasher::Hash(), UsePosition::HasHint(), Scope::HasIllegalRedeclaration(), Scope::HasLazyCompilableOuterContext(), StringCharacterStream::HasMore(), HValue::HasMultipleUses(), HValue::HasNoUses(), UsePosition::HasOperand(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HasParentLoopHeader(), HValue::HasRange(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HasReplacement(), LTemplateResultInstruction< 1 >::HasResult(), InlineSmiCheckInfo::HasSmiCheck(), Thread::HasThreadLocal(), Scope::HasTrivialContext(), Scope::HasTrivialOuterContext(), Script::HasValidSource(), HBinaryOperation::HBinaryOperation(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HCapturedObject(), HeapObjectIterator::HeapObjectIterator(), HeapObjectsMap::HeapObjectsMap(), HEnvironmentLivenessAnalysisPhase::HEnvironmentLivenessAnalysisPhase(), HFlowEngine< State, Effects >::HFlowEngine(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::HInstructionIterator(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HTracer(), IC::IC(), GlobalHandles::NodeBlock::IncreaseUses(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Initialize(), V8::Initialize(), Scope::Initialize(), HandleScopeData::Initialize(), PromotionQueue::Initialize(), MemoryChunk::Initialize(), BreakIterator::InitializeBreakIterator(), Collator::InitializeCollator(), DateFormat::InitializeDateTimeFormat(), InitializeICU(), TimezoneCache::InitializeIfNeeded(), Runtime::InitializeIntrinsicFunctionNames(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Element::InitializeLoop(), NumberFormat::InitializeNumberFormat(), SlotsBuffer::INLINE(), Isolate::INLINE(), Assembler::INLINE(), AllocationInfo::INLINE(), IntSet::Insert(), NestedEffectsBase< Var, kNoVar >::Insert(), PromotionQueue::insert(), HInstruction::InsertAfter(), HInstruction::InsertBefore(), ExternalReferenceTable::instance(), Execution::InstantiateObject(), Instrument::Instrument(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::InterceptorResult(), Heap::InternalizedStringMapForString(), Heap::InternalizeString(), Heap::InternalizeStringWithKey(), StackGuard::InvokeInterruptCallback(), RegExpImpl::IrregexpExec(), MarkCompactCollector::is_code_flushing_enabled(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::is_default(), SmartPointerBase< ObjectDeallocator< v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >, v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >::is_empty(), SplayTree< v8::internal::DispatchTable::Config, ZoneAllocationPolicy >::is_empty(), NestedEffectsBase< int, kNoVar >::is_empty(), PromotionQueue::is_empty(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::is_fast_smi_loop(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::is_jsruntime(), Logger::is_logging_code_events(), Handle< v8::internal::JSFunction >::is_null(), SetOncePointer< HConstant >::is_set(), Trace::is_trivial(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::is_valid(), MemoryChunk::is_valid(), PerThreadAssertScope< type, allow >::IsAllowed(), ThreadManager::IsArchived(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsArguments(), LiveRange::IsChild(), CompileTimeValue::IsCompileTimeValue(), Scope::IsDeclared(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsDeoptimizing(), SourceResource::IsDisposed(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::IsEliminated(), Statement::IsEmpty(), NestedEffectsBase< int, kNoVar >::IsEmpty(), LiveRange::IsEmpty(), LargeObjectSpace::IsEmpty(), Log::IsEnabled(), Isolate::IsExternallyCaught(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsFalseReachable(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsFinished(), Variable::IsGlobalObjectProperty(), ParserTraits::IsIdentifier(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::IsIgnored(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsInductionVariable(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsInitialized(), MacroAssembler::IsInstanceJSObjectType(), Isolate::IsInUse(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsJump(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsLimitedInductionVariable(), HInstruction::IsLinked(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsLoopHeader(), SerializationAddressMapper::IsMapped(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsNestedInThisLoop(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsNull(), Expression::IsNullLiteral(), MacroAssembler::IsObjectJSStringType(), HValue::isolate(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::IsPending(), OptimizingCompilerThread::IsQueuedForOSR(), LGap::IsRedundant(), VirtualMemory::IsReserved(), Expression::IsSmiLiteral(), Expression::IsStringLiteral(), ParserTraits::IsThisProperty(), IC::IsTransitionOfMonomorphicTarget(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsTrueReachable(), Expression::IsUndefinedLiteral(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::IsValidLeftHandSide(), ThreadManager::Iterate(), Isolate::Iterate(), V8HeapExplorer::IterateAndExtractReferences(), NativeObjectsExplorer::IterateAndExtractReferences(), ThreadManager::IterateArchivedThreads(), Isolate::IterateDeferredHandles(), GlobalHandles::IterateObjectGroups(), CodeFlusher::IteratePointersToFromSpace(), Heap::IterateStrongRoots(), Thread::Join(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::JoinContinue(), MacroAssembler::JumpIfBothNotSmi(), MacroAssembler::JumpIfEitherNotSmi(), HValue::Kill(), Code::Kind2String(), HControlInstruction::KnownSuccessorBlock(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::KnownSuccessorBlock(), HCompareObjectEqAndBranch::KnownSuccessorBlock(), LargeObjectIterator::LargeObjectIterator(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::last(), lazily_initialize_fast_exp(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::length(), LGap::LGap(), RegExpNode::LimitVersions(), KeyedLoadIC::Load(), CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(), Variable::local_if_not_shadowed(), Scope::LocalLookup(), OS::LocalTimeOffset(), OS::LocalTimezone(), Logger::LogAccessorCallbacks(), Logger::LogCodeObjects(), Logger::LogCompiledFunctions(), Logger::LogExistingFunction(), Isolate::logger(), CompleteParserRecorder::LogMessage(), OS::LogSharedLibraryAddresses(), ContextSlotCache::Lookup(), VariableMap::Lookup(), TemplateHashMapImpl< AllocationPolicy >::Lookup(), CompilationCacheScript::Lookup(), Scope::Lookup(), CompilationCacheEval::Lookup(), Interface::Lookup(), CompilationCacheRegExp::Lookup(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::Lookup(), AccessorTable::lookup(), Object::Lookup(), LChunk::LookupDestination(), Map::LookupElementsTransitionMap(), Scope::LookupFunctionVar(), Scope::LookupRecursive(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::LookupValue(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::LowerLimitIsNonNegativeConstant(), LowLevelLogger::LowLevelLogger(), FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(), Code::MakeOlder(), GlobalHandles::Node::MakeWeak(), HeapEntriesMap::Map(), MemoryChunk::MarkEvacuationCandidate(), ParserTraits::MarkExpressionAsLValue(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::materialization_marker(), Deoptimizer::MaterializeHeapObjects(), MemsetPointer(), Trace::mentions_reg(), HCheckTable::Merge(), HLoadEliminationTable::Merge(), Deoptimizer::MessageFor(), Representation::Mnemonic(), Variable::Mode2String(), HeapObjectsMap::MoveObject(), ExternalReferenceEncoder::NameOfAddress(), NativesExternalStringResource::NativesExternalStringResource(), JSArrayBuffer::Neuter(), ZeroingAllocationPolicy::New(), Malloced::New(), Deoptimizer::New(), NewArray(), LChunk::NewChunk(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::NewForEachStatement(), Factory::NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(), Factory::NewJSObjectFromMap(), ThreadState::Next(), TemplateHashMapImpl< AllocationPolicy >::Next(), RelocIterator::next(), FrameFunctionIterator::next(), HeapObjectIterator::Next(), FreeListNode::next(), SemiSpaceIterator::Next(), SpaceIterator::next(), LargeObjectIterator::Next(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::next(), IntrusiveMapTransitionIterator::Next(), IntrusivePrototypeTransitionIterator::Next(), LiveRange::NextRegisterPosition(), LiveRange::NextUsePosition(), LiveRange::NextUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(), Scope::NonLocal(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::NotFound(), ParserTraits::NullExpressionList(), JSObject::NumberOfLocalElements(), IntSet::occupancy(), OS::MemoryMappedFile::open(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::OpenFile(), ConsStringCaptureOp::Operate(), ConsStringNullOp::Operate(), SmartPointerBase< ObjectDeallocator< v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >, v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >::operator=(), OptimizedCompileJob::OptimizeGraph(), OptimizingCompilerThread::OptimizingCompilerThread(), Isolate::OptionalRescheduleException(), LInstruction::Output(), MemoryChunk::owner(), Heap::paged_space(), PagedSpace::PagedSpace(), HeapEntriesMap::Pair(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::parent_loop(), Parser::Parse(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseAssignmentExpression(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseLeftHandSideExpression(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseMemberExpressionContinuation(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParseObjectLiteral(), ParserBase< Traits >::ParsePrimaryExpression(), RecordWriteStub::Patch(), SamplingCircularQueue< T, Length >::Peek(), PerfBasicLogger::PerfBasicLogger(), PerfJitLogger::PerfJitLogger(), PostorderProcessor::PerformStep(), PerThreadAssertScopeBase::PerThreadAssertScopeBase(), FreeListCategory::PickNodeFromList(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::PositionsRecorder(), FlatStringReader::PostGarbageCollection(), GlobalHandles::Node::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(), OS::PostSetUp(), MarkCompactCollector::Prepare(), CompilationInfo::PrepareForCompilation(), StoreBuffer::PrepareForIteration(), PagedSpace::PrepareForMarkCompact(), JSObject::PrepareSlowElementsForSort(), PreParserApi::PreParse(), PreParser::PreParseProgram(), IntSet::Present(), LiveRange::PreviousUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(), PrintExtension::Print(), AllocationTraceNode::Print(), ProfileNode::Print(), JavaScriptFrame::Print(), LInstruction::PrintDataTo(), LGap::PrintDataTo(), LStoreKeyed< 1 >::PrintDataTo(), Code::PrintDeoptLocation(), HValue::PrintRangeTo(), Isolate::PrintStack(), LOperand::PrintTo(), HLoadEliminationTable::Process(), DeferredFeedbackSlotProcessor::ProcessFeedbackSlots(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::ProcessRelatedChecks(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::Push(), BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::PushBack(), FileByteSink::Put(), Isolate::random_number_generator(), BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::ReadBlock(), ReadCharsFromFile(), ReadLine(), MarkCompactCollector::RecordRelocSlot(), Heap::RecordStats(), ProfileGenerator::RecordTickSample(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::RecordUint32Instruction(), IncrementalMarking::RecordWriteOfCodeEntrySlow(), IncrementalMarking::RecordWriteSlow(), HValue::RedefinedOperand(), CodeEventLogger::RegExpCodeCreateEvent(), RegExpNode::RegExpNode(), HValue::RegisterUse(), Heap::ReinitializeJSReceiver(), GlobalHandles::Node::Release(), CompilationInfo::ReleaseNoFrameRanges(), PagedSpace::ReleasePage(), RelocIterator::RelocIterator(), TemplateHashMapImpl< AllocationPolicy >::Remove(), SamplerThread::RemoveActiveSampler(), V8::RemoveCallCompletedCallback(), HeapObjectsMap::RemoveDeadEntries(), Heap::RemoveGCEpilogueCallback(), Heap::RemoveGCPrologueCallback(), BufferedZoneList< v8::internal::RegExpTree, 2 >::RemoveLast(), HValue::RemoveLastAddedRange(), MemoryAllocator::RemoveMemoryAllocationCallback(), Context::RemoveOptimizedFunction(), HValue::RemoveUse(), FreeListCategory::RepairFreeList(), Heap::RepairFreeListsAfterBoot(), HValue::ReplaceAllUsesWith(), SharedFunctionInfo::ReplaceCode(), PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(), Isolate::ReportPendingMessages(), ParserBase< Traits >::ReportUnexpectedToken(), SmallPointerList< v8::internal::Map * >::Reserve(), MemoryAllocator::ReserveAlignedMemory(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::Reset(), SmartPointerBase< ObjectDeallocator< v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >, v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >::Reset(), VirtualMemory::Reset(), FreeListCategory::Reset(), StringCharacterStream::Reset(), SplayTree< v8::internal::DispatchTable::Config, ZoneAllocationPolicy >::ResetRoot(), Scope::ResolveVariable(), ThreadManager::RestoreThread(), Isolate::RestoreThread(), ScavengeWeakObjectRetainer::RetainAs(), MarkCompactWeakObjectRetainer::RetainAs(), Isolate::ReThrow(), HandleScopeImplementer::ReturnBlock(), Rewriter::Rewrite(), CompilationInfo::RollbackDependencies(), HRepresentationChangesPhase::Run(), HMergeRemovableSimulatesPhase::Run(), HRedundantPhiEliminationPhase::Run(), HRangeAnalysisPhase::Run(), SweeperThread::Run(), HEnvironmentLivenessAnalysisPhase::Run(), ReadQueueTask::Run(), HComputeChangeUndefinedToNaN::Run(), OptimizingCompilerThread::Run(), Execution::RunMicrotasks(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), SafeStackFrameIterator::SafeStackFrameIterator(), Sampler::SampleStack(), Scope::Scope(), HControlInstruction::SecondSuccessor(), SemiSpaceIterator::SemiSpaceIterator(), HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::Serialize(), StartupSerializer::SerializeStrongReferences(), SetOncePointer< HConstant >::set(), Isolate::set_context(), CompilationInfo::set_deferred_handles(), ParserBase< Traits >::BASE_EMBEDDED::set_generator_object_variable(), HeapObject::set_map(), JSObject::set_map_and_elements(), FreeListNode::set_next(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::set_parent_loop_header(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::set_redirector(), ExternalAsciiString::set_resource(), ExternalTwoByteString::set_resource(), Assembler::set_target_address_at(), V8::SetArrayBufferAllocator(), HValue::SetBlock(), CompilationInfo::SetCachedData(), Logger::SetCodeEventHandler(), JSObject::SetElement(), CompilationInfo::SetFunction(), CompilationInfo::SetGlobalScope(), RegExpImpl::SetLastMatchInfo(), PagedSpace::SetPagesToSweep(), Ticker::SetProfiler(), JSObject::SetPropertyWithCallback(), JSObject::SetPrototype(), LiveRange::SetSpillOperand(), Heap::SetStackLimits(), CpuProfiler::SetterCallbackEvent(), Heap::SetUp(), CodeRange::SetUp(), NewSpace::SetUp(), LargeObjectSpace::SetUp(), Runtime::SetupArrayBufferAllocatingData(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::SetUpScope(), LiveRange::ShortenTo(), LiveRange::ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(), JSObject::ShouldConvertToFastElements(), Isolate::ShouldReportException(), V8::ShutdownPlatform(), SlotsBuffer::SizeOfChain(), Heap::SizeOfObjects(), SlotsBuffer::SlotsBuffer(), PagedSpace::SlowAllocateRaw(), BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::SlowPushBack(), BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::SlowSeekForward(), SmartPointerBase< ObjectDeallocator< v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >, v8::internal::HeapObjectsMap >::SmartPointerBase(), SplayTree< Config, AllocationPolicy >::Splay(), CharacterRange::Split(), LiveRange::SplitAt(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::StackFrame(), Scope::StackLocalCount(), Isolate::StackOverflow(), Isolate::StackTraceString(), CodeRange::start(), SamplingCircularQueue< T, Length >::StartEnqueue(), ProfilerExtension::StartProfiling(), Thread::StartSynchronously(), ProfilerEventsProcessor::StartTickSample(), CpuProfiler::StartTickSample(), FullCodeGenerator::State2String(), StateToString(), CompareIC::StateToType(), HeapProfiler::StopHeapObjectsTracking(), Logger::StopProfiler(), CpuProfiler::StopProfiling(), CpuProfilesCollection::StopProfiling(), KeyedStoreIC::Store(), StoreBufferRebuildScope::StoreBufferRebuildScope(), JSObjectWalkVisitor< ContextObject >::StructureWalk(), OptimizedFrame::Summarize(), MarkCompactCollector::SweepConservatively(), V8HeapExplorer::TagGlobalObjects(), HUseListNode::tail(), HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(), Assembler::target_address_at(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::TargetScope(), StoreBuffer::TearDown(), V8::TearDown(), Bootstrapper::TearDown(), ElementsAccessor::TearDown(), Logger::TearDown(), SamplerThread::TearDown(), Heap::TearDown(), CodeRange::TearDown(), SemiSpace::TearDown(), NewSpace::TearDown(), LargeObjectSpace::TearDown(), ParserTraits::TearDownFunctionState(), ThreadManager::TerminateExecution(), Isolate::TerminateExecution(), TEST(), TEST(), Isolate::ThrowInvalidStringLength(), String::ToCString(), LiveRange::TopLevel(), LCodeGen::ToRegister32(), OS::TotalPhysicalMemory(), Map::TraverseTransitionTree(), LControlInstruction< 0, 1 >::TrueLabel(), HValue::TryDecompose(), IC::TryRemoveInvalidPrototypeDependentStub(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::uint32_instructions(), InternalFrame::unchecked_code(), StubFailureTrampolineFrame::unchecked_code(), Interface::Unify(), FixedArray::UnionOfKeys(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::Unique(), MemoryChunk::Unlink(), HInstruction::Unlink(), BreakIterator::UnpackBreakIterator(), Collator::UnpackCollator(), DateFormat::UnpackDateFormat(), NumberFormat::UnpackNumberFormat(), Isolate::UnregisterTryCatchHandler(), SkipList::Update(), KeyedLookupCache::Update(), HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap(), MemoryChunk::UpdateHighWaterMark(), BoundsCheckBbData::UpdateLowerOffsets(), Heap::UpdateNewSpaceReferencesInExternalStringTable(), SlotsBuffer::UpdateSlotsRecordedIn(), BoundsCheckBbData::UpdateUpperOffsets(), UsePosition::UsePosition(), Vector< const uint8_t >::Vector(), VirtualMemory::VirtualMemory(), String::Visit(), PointersUpdatingVisitor::VisitCodeAgeSequence(), EnumerateOptimizedFunctionsVisitor::VisitFunction(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitLogicalExpression(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitNot(), Code::WipeOutHeader(), WriteChars(), LCodeGen::WriteTranslation(), Access< T >::~Access(), AlternativeGenerationList::~AlternativeGenerationList(), AssemblerBase::~AssemblerBase(), CompilationInfo::~CompilationInfo(), DateCache::~DateCache(), Deoptimizer::~Deoptimizer(), DeoptimizerData::~DeoptimizerData(), Deserializer::~Deserializer(), FileByteSink::~FileByteSink(), GlobalHandles::~GlobalHandles(), LAllocatorPhase::~LAllocatorPhase(), LowLevelLogger::~LowLevelLogger(), NativeObjectsExplorer::~NativeObjectsExplorer(), ObjectGroup::~ObjectGroup(), OptimizingCompilerThread::~OptimizingCompilerThread(), Parser::~Parser(), PerfBasicLogger::~PerfBasicLogger(), PerfJitLogger::~PerfJitLogger(), PerThreadAssertScopeBase::~PerThreadAssertScopeBase(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::~SaveContext(), StringsStorage::~StringsStorage(), and Win32MemoryMappedFile::~Win32MemoryMappedFile().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to optimize

Definition at line 317 of file flags.cc.

const Register pp = { kRegister_r8_Code }

Definition at line 49 of file macro-assembler-arm.h.

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations Used with prof

Definition at line 803 of file flags.cc.

kSerializedDataOffset prototype_template

Definition at line 5016 of file objects-inl.h.

Referenced by FunctionTemplate::PrototypeTemplate().

const QwNeonRegister q0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 463 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const QwNeonRegister q1 = { 1 }

Definition at line 464 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by MultiplierAndShift::MultiplierAndShift(), and TEST().

const QwNeonRegister q10 = { 10 }

Definition at line 473 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q11 = { 11 }

Definition at line 474 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q12 = { 12 }

Definition at line 475 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q13 = { 13 }

Definition at line 476 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q14 = { 14 }

Definition at line 477 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q15 = { 15 }

Definition at line 478 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q2 = { 2 }

Definition at line 465 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by MultiplierAndShift::MultiplierAndShift(), and TEST().

const QwNeonRegister q3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 466 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const QwNeonRegister q4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 467 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const QwNeonRegister q5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 468 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 469 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 470 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q8 = { 8 }

Definition at line 471 of file assembler-arm.h.

const QwNeonRegister q9 = { 9 }

Definition at line 472 of file assembler-arm.h.

const Register r10 = { kRegister_r10_Code }

Definition at line 239 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and THREADED_TEST().

const Register r12 = { kRegister_r12_Code }

Definition at line 176 of file assembler-x64.h.

const Register r13 = { kRegister_r13_Code }

Definition at line 177 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const Register r14 = { kRegister_r14_Code }

Definition at line 178 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by TEST(), TestSmiDiv(), and TestSmiMod().

const Register r15 = { kRegister_r15_Code }

Definition at line 179 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by TEST(), TestSmiDiv(), and TestSmiMod().

const Register r6 = { kRegister_r6_Code }

Definition at line 231 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), TEST(), and THREADED_TEST().

const Register r7 = { kRegister_r7_Code }

Definition at line 233 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), TEST(), and THREADED_TEST().

const Register rbp = { kRegister_rbp_Code }

Definition at line 169 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register rbx = { kRegister_rbx_Code }

Definition at line 167 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by generate(), MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Register rdi = { kRegister_rdi_Code }

Definition at line 171 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit remove_prototype

Definition at line 5119 of file objects-inl.h.

const Register rsi = { kRegister_rsi_Code }

Definition at line 170 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const Instr rtCallRedirInstr = SPECIAL | BREAK | call_rt_redirected << 6

Definition at line 611 of file constants-mips.h.

const SwVfpRegister s0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 396 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by MacroAssembler::PrepareCEntryArgs(), TEST(), TEST_(), and THREADED_TEST().

const SwVfpRegister s10 = { 10 }

Definition at line 406 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s11 = { 11 }

Definition at line 407 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s12 = { 12 }

Definition at line 408 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s13 = { 13 }

Definition at line 409 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s14 = { 14 }

Definition at line 410 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s15 = { 15 }

Definition at line 411 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s16 = { 16 }

Definition at line 412 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s17 = { 17 }

Definition at line 413 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s18 = { 18 }

Definition at line 414 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s19 = { 19 }

Definition at line 415 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s20 = { 20 }

Definition at line 416 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s21 = { 21 }

Definition at line 417 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s22 = { 22 }

Definition at line 418 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s23 = { 23 }

Definition at line 419 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s24 = { 24 }

Definition at line 420 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s25 = { 25 }

Definition at line 421 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s26 = { 26 }

Definition at line 422 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s27 = { 27 }

Definition at line 423 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s28 = { 28 }

Definition at line 424 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s29 = { 29 }

Definition at line 425 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 399 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), TEST_(), TestViewFromApi(), and THREADED_TEST().

const SwVfpRegister s30 = { 30 }

Definition at line 426 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s31 = { 31 }

Definition at line 427 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 400 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), TEST_(), and THREADED_TEST().

const SwVfpRegister s5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 401 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 402 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 403 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s8 = { 8 }

Definition at line 404 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

const SwVfpRegister s9 = { 9 }

Definition at line 405 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST(), and TEST_().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp serdes

Definition at line 642 of file flags.cc.


Definition at line 4980 of file objects-inl.h.

Referenced by TEST().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array shift
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object size

Definition at line 211 of file flags.cc.

Referenced by AllocationTraceNode::AddAllocation(), AddressToTraceMap::AddRange(), zone_allocator< T >::allocate(), Serializer::Allocate(), DescriptorArray::Allocate(), BasicHeapEntriesAllocator::AllocateEntry(), Heap::AllocateInternalizedStringImpl(), Heap::AllocateOneByteInternalizedString(), CodeRange::AllocateRawMemory(), Heap::AllocateTwoByteInternalizedString(), RegExpStack::ArchiveStack(), CodeStubGraphBuilder< Stub >::BuildCodeStub(), MacroAssembler::Claim(), MacroAssembler::ClaimBySMI(), PagedSpace::CommittedPhysicalMemory(), SemiSpace::CommittedPhysicalMemory(), NewSpace::CommittedPhysicalMemory(), LargeObjectSpace::CommittedPhysicalMemory(), DescriptorArray::CopyUpToAddAttributes(), CPURegister::Create(), Zone::DeleteAll(), Zone::DeleteKeptSegment(), MacroAssembler::Drop(), MacroAssembler::DropBySMI(), DumpBacktrace(), RegExpStack::EnsureCapacity(), PagedSpace::Expand(), HeapObjectsMap::FindOrAddEntry(), MemoryAllocator::FreeMemory(), HeapProfiler::GetMemorySizeUsedByProfiler(), StringsStorage::GetUsedMemorySize(), NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowStack(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::HasOutOfBoundsAccess(), Assembler::ImmLSPair(), Heap::IncreaseTotalRegexpCodeGenerated(), BASE_EMBEDDED< Visitor >::increment_bytes(), Heap::IncrementCodeGeneratedBytes(), JSObject::InitializeBody(), InitializeICU(), TypeImpl< class >::Intersect(), V8_FINAL< kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands >::LAllocate(), String::MakeExternal(), Zone::New(), NewArray(), SemiSpaceIterator::Next(), NoAllocationStringAllocator::NoAllocationStringAllocator(), Malloced::operator new(), AstTyper::operator new(), ProfilerEventsProcessor::operator new(), FrameDescription::operator new(), HOptimizedGraphBuilder::operator new(), PerfBasicLogger::PerfBasicLogger(), PerfJitLogger::PerfJitLogger(), ReadFile(), Heap::RecordCodeSubTypeStats(), Heap::RecordFixedArraySubTypeStats(), Heap::RecordObjectStats(), VisitorDispatchTable< ScavengingCallback >::RegisterSpecialization(), PagedSpace::ReleasePage(), PromotionQueue::remove(), CompilationCacheTable::Remove(), RegExpStack::RestoreStack(), RUNTIME_FUNCTION(), Serializer::ObjectSerializer::Serialize(), JSObject::SetPrototype(), CodeRange::SetUp(), NewSpace::SetUp(), FreeSpace::Size(), HeapObject::SizeFromMap(), PagedSpace::SizeOfFirstPage(), MarkCompactCollector::SweepConservatively(), TEST(), TestSet(), OS::TotalPhysicalMemory(), TypeImpl< class >::Union(), MemoryAllocator::ZapBlock(), and LAllocatorPhase::~LAllocatorPhase().

kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation kUsesArguments kFormalParameterCountOffset start_position_and_type

Definition at line 5123 of file objects-inl.h.

struct v8::internal::StaticInitializer static_initializer
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects dump only objects containing this substring stress the GC compactor to flush out pretty print source code print source AST function name where to insert a breakpoint print scopes for builtins trace contexts operations print stuff during garbage collection report code statistics after GC report handles after GC trace cache state transitions print interface inference details prints when objects are turned into dictionaries report heap spill statistics along with trace isolate state changes trace regexp bytecode execution Minimal Log all events to the log file Log API events to the log file Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool log positions Log suspect operations true

Definition at line 208 of file flags.cc.

kInstanceClassNameOffset kNeedsAccessCheckBit kRemovePrototypeBit kIsExpressionBit kAllowLazyCompilation uses_arguments

Definition at line 5137 of file objects-inl.h.

const VmovIndex VmovIndexHi = { 1 }

Definition at line 769 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const VmovIndex VmovIndexLo = { 0 }

Definition at line 768 of file assembler-arm.h.

Referenced by TEST().

enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag world

Definition at line 636 of file flags.cc.

const XMMRegister xmm0 = { 0 }

Definition at line 263 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by MakeConvertDToIFuncTrampoline(), and TEST().

const XMMRegister xmm1 = { 1 }

Definition at line 264 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const XMMRegister xmm10 = { 10 }

Definition at line 273 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm11 = { 11 }

Definition at line 274 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm12 = { 12 }

Definition at line 275 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm13 = { 13 }

Definition at line 276 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm14 = { 14 }

Definition at line 277 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm15 = { 15 }

Definition at line 278 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm2 = { 2 }

Definition at line 265 of file assembler-x64.h.

Referenced by TEST().

const XMMRegister xmm3 = { 3 }

Definition at line 266 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm4 = { 4 }

Definition at line 267 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm5 = { 5 }

Definition at line 268 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm6 = { 6 }

Definition at line 269 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm7 = { 7 }

Definition at line 270 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm8 = { 8 }

Definition at line 271 of file assembler-x64.h.

const XMMRegister xmm9 = { 9 }

Definition at line 272 of file assembler-x64.h.