v8  3.25.30(node0.11.13)
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1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
3 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
4 // met:
5 //
6 // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
8 // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
9 // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
10 // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
11 // with the distribution.
12 // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
13 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
14 // from this software without specific prior written permission.
15 //
28 #ifndef V8_PARSER_H_
29 #define V8_PARSER_H_
31 #include "allocation.h"
32 #include "ast.h"
33 #include "compiler.h" // For CachedDataMode
34 #include "preparse-data-format.h"
35 #include "preparse-data.h"
36 #include "scopes.h"
37 #include "preparser.h"
39 namespace v8 {
40 class ScriptCompiler;
42 namespace internal {
44 class CompilationInfo;
45 class ParserLog;
46 class PositionStack;
47 class Target;
49 template <typename T> class ZoneListWrapper;
52 class FunctionEntry BASE_EMBEDDED {
53  public:
54  enum {
60  kSize
61  };
63  explicit FunctionEntry(Vector<unsigned> backing)
64  : backing_(backing) { }
66  FunctionEntry() : backing_() { }
68  int start_pos() { return backing_[kStartPositionIndex]; }
69  int end_pos() { return backing_[kEndPositionIndex]; }
70  int literal_count() { return backing_[kLiteralCountIndex]; }
71  int property_count() { return backing_[kPropertyCountIndex]; }
73  ASSERT(backing_[kStrictModeIndex] == SLOPPY ||
74  backing_[kStrictModeIndex] == STRICT);
75  return static_cast<StrictMode>(backing_[kStrictModeIndex]);
76  }
78  bool is_valid() { return !backing_.is_empty(); }
80  private:
81  Vector<unsigned> backing_;
82 };
85 class ScriptDataImpl : public ScriptData {
86  public:
88  : store_(store),
89  owns_store_(true) { }
91  // Create an empty ScriptDataImpl that is guaranteed to not satisfy
92  // a SanityCheck.
93  ScriptDataImpl() : owns_store_(false) { }
95  virtual ~ScriptDataImpl();
96  virtual int Length();
97  virtual const char* Data();
98  virtual bool HasError();
100  void Initialize();
101  void ReadNextSymbolPosition();
103  FunctionEntry GetFunctionEntry(int start);
104  int GetSymbolIdentifier();
105  bool SanityCheck();
108  const char* BuildMessage();
111  int symbol_count() {
112  return (store_.length() > PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize)
114  : 0;
115  }
116  // The following functions should only be called if SanityCheck has
117  // returned true.
119  unsigned magic() { return store_[PreparseDataConstants::kMagicOffset]; }
120  unsigned version() { return store_[PreparseDataConstants::kVersionOffset]; }
122  private:
123  friend class v8::ScriptCompiler;
124  Vector<unsigned> store_;
125  unsigned char* symbol_data_;
126  unsigned char* symbol_data_end_;
127  int function_index_;
128  bool owns_store_;
130  unsigned Read(int position);
131  unsigned* ReadAddress(int position);
132  // Reads a number from the current symbols
133  int ReadNumber(byte** source);
135  ScriptDataImpl(const char* backing_store, int length)
136  : store_(reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(const_cast<char*>(backing_store)),
137  length / static_cast<int>(sizeof(unsigned))),
138  owns_store_(false) {
139  ASSERT_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(
140  reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(backing_store) % sizeof(unsigned)));
141  }
143  // Read strings written by ParserRecorder::WriteString.
144  static const char* ReadString(unsigned* start, int* chars);
146  friend class ScriptData;
147 };
151  public:
152  // Pre-parse a character stream and return full preparse data.
153  //
154  // This interface is here instead of in preparser.h because it instantiates a
155  // preparser recorder object that is suited to the parser's purposes. Also,
156  // the preparser doesn't know about ScriptDataImpl.
157  static ScriptDataImpl* PreParse(Isolate* isolate,
158  Utf16CharacterStream* source);
159 };
162 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 // A BufferedZoneList is an automatically growing list, just like (and backed
166 // by) a ZoneList, that is optimized for the case of adding and removing
167 // a single element. The last element added is stored outside the backing list,
168 // and if no more than one element is ever added, the ZoneList isn't even
169 // allocated.
170 // Elements must not be NULL pointers.
171 template <typename T, int initial_size>
173  public:
174  BufferedZoneList() : list_(NULL), last_(NULL) {}
176  // Adds element at end of list. This element is buffered and can
177  // be read using last() or removed using RemoveLast until a new Add or until
178  // RemoveLast or GetList has been called.
179  void Add(T* value, Zone* zone) {
180  if (last_ != NULL) {
181  if (list_ == NULL) {
182  list_ = new(zone) ZoneList<T*>(initial_size, zone);
183  }
184  list_->Add(last_, zone);
185  }
186  last_ = value;
187  }
189  T* last() {
190  ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
191  return last_;
192  }
195  ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
196  T* result = last_;
197  if ((list_ != NULL) && (list_->length() > 0))
198  last_ = list_->RemoveLast();
199  else
200  last_ = NULL;
201  return result;
202  }
204  T* Get(int i) {
205  ASSERT((0 <= i) && (i < length()));
206  if (list_ == NULL) {
207  ASSERT_EQ(0, i);
208  return last_;
209  } else {
210  if (i == list_->length()) {
211  ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
212  return last_;
213  } else {
214  return list_->at(i);
215  }
216  }
217  }
219  void Clear() {
220  list_ = NULL;
221  last_ = NULL;
222  }
224  int length() {
225  int length = (list_ == NULL) ? 0 : list_->length();
226  return length + ((last_ == NULL) ? 0 : 1);
227  }
230  if (list_ == NULL) {
231  list_ = new(zone) ZoneList<T*>(initial_size, zone);
232  }
233  if (last_ != NULL) {
234  list_->Add(last_, zone);
235  last_ = NULL;
236  }
237  return list_;
238  }
240  private:
241  ZoneList<T*>* list_;
242  T* last_;
243 };
246 // Accumulates RegExp atoms and assertions into lists of terms and alternatives.
247 class RegExpBuilder: public ZoneObject {
248  public:
249  explicit RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone);
250  void AddCharacter(uc16 character);
251  // "Adds" an empty expression. Does nothing except consume a
252  // following quantifier
253  void AddEmpty();
254  void AddAtom(RegExpTree* tree);
255  void AddAssertion(RegExpTree* tree);
256  void NewAlternative(); // '|'
257  void AddQuantifierToAtom(
258  int min, int max, RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType type);
259  RegExpTree* ToRegExp();
261  private:
262  void FlushCharacters();
263  void FlushText();
264  void FlushTerms();
265  Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
267  Zone* zone_;
268  bool pending_empty_;
269  ZoneList<uc16>* characters_;
272  BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> alternatives_;
273 #ifdef DEBUG
274  enum {ADD_NONE, ADD_CHAR, ADD_TERM, ADD_ASSERT, ADD_ATOM} last_added_;
275 #define LAST(x) last_added_ = x;
276 #else
277 #define LAST(x)
278 #endif
279 };
282 class RegExpParser BASE_EMBEDDED {
283  public:
284  RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in,
285  Handle<String>* error,
286  bool multiline_mode,
287  Zone* zone);
289  static bool ParseRegExp(FlatStringReader* input,
290  bool multiline,
291  RegExpCompileData* result,
292  Zone* zone);
294  RegExpTree* ParsePattern();
295  RegExpTree* ParseDisjunction();
296  RegExpTree* ParseGroup();
297  RegExpTree* ParseCharacterClass();
299  // Parses a {...,...} quantifier and stores the range in the given
300  // out parameters.
301  bool ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out);
303  // Parses and returns a single escaped character. The character
304  // must not be 'b' or 'B' since they are usually handle specially.
305  uc32 ParseClassCharacterEscape();
307  // Checks whether the following is a length-digit hexadecimal number,
308  // and sets the value if it is.
309  bool ParseHexEscape(int length, uc32* value);
311  uc32 ParseOctalLiteral();
313  // Tries to parse the input as a back reference. If successful it
314  // stores the result in the output parameter and returns true. If
315  // it fails it will push back the characters read so the same characters
316  // can be reparsed.
317  bool ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out);
319  CharacterRange ParseClassAtom(uc16* char_class);
320  RegExpTree* ReportError(Vector<const char> message);
321  void Advance();
322  void Advance(int dist);
323  void Reset(int pos);
325  // Reports whether the pattern might be used as a literal search string.
326  // Only use if the result of the parse is a single atom node.
327  bool simple();
328  bool contains_anchor() { return contains_anchor_; }
329  void set_contains_anchor() { contains_anchor_ = true; }
330  int captures_started() { return captures_ == NULL ? 0 : captures_->length(); }
331  int position() { return next_pos_ - 1; }
332  bool failed() { return failed_; }
334  static const int kMaxCaptures = 1 << 16;
335  static const uc32 kEndMarker = (1 << 21);
337  private:
338  enum SubexpressionType {
340  CAPTURE, // All positive values represent captures.
344  };
346  class RegExpParserState : public ZoneObject {
347  public:
348  RegExpParserState(RegExpParserState* previous_state,
349  SubexpressionType group_type,
350  int disjunction_capture_index,
351  Zone* zone)
352  : previous_state_(previous_state),
353  builder_(new(zone) RegExpBuilder(zone)),
354  group_type_(group_type),
355  disjunction_capture_index_(disjunction_capture_index) {}
356  // Parser state of containing expression, if any.
357  RegExpParserState* previous_state() { return previous_state_; }
358  bool IsSubexpression() { return previous_state_ != NULL; }
359  // RegExpBuilder building this regexp's AST.
360  RegExpBuilder* builder() { return builder_; }
361  // Type of regexp being parsed (parenthesized group or entire regexp).
362  SubexpressionType group_type() { return group_type_; }
363  // Index in captures array of first capture in this sub-expression, if any.
364  // Also the capture index of this sub-expression itself, if group_type
365  // is CAPTURE.
366  int capture_index() { return disjunction_capture_index_; }
368  private:
369  // Linked list implementation of stack of states.
370  RegExpParserState* previous_state_;
371  // Builder for the stored disjunction.
372  RegExpBuilder* builder_;
373  // Stored disjunction type (capture, look-ahead or grouping), if any.
374  SubexpressionType group_type_;
375  // Stored disjunction's capture index (if any).
376  int disjunction_capture_index_;
377  };
379  Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
380  Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
382  uc32 current() { return current_; }
383  bool has_more() { return has_more_; }
384  bool has_next() { return next_pos_ < in()->length(); }
385  uc32 Next();
386  FlatStringReader* in() { return in_; }
387  void ScanForCaptures();
389  Isolate* isolate_;
390  Zone* zone_;
391  Handle<String>* error_;
392  ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>* captures_;
393  FlatStringReader* in_;
394  uc32 current_;
395  int next_pos_;
396  // The capture count is only valid after we have scanned for captures.
397  int capture_count_;
398  bool has_more_;
399  bool multiline_;
400  bool simple_;
401  bool contains_anchor_;
402  bool is_scanned_for_captures_;
403  bool failed_;
404 };
406 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
409 class Parser;
410 class SingletonLogger;
413  public:
414  struct Type {
415  // TODO(marja): To be removed. The Traits object should contain all the data
416  // it needs.
419  // Used by FunctionState and BlockState.
424  // Return types for traversing functions.
427  typedef Yield* YieldExpression;
428  typedef v8::internal::FunctionLiteral* FunctionLiteral;
429  typedef v8::internal::Literal* Literal;
430  typedef ObjectLiteral::Property* ObjectLiteralProperty;
434  // For constructing objects returned by the traversing functions.
436  };
438  explicit ParserTraits(Parser* parser) : parser_(parser) {}
440  // Custom operations executed when FunctionStates are created and destructed.
441  template<typename FunctionState>
442  static void SetUpFunctionState(FunctionState* function_state, Zone* zone) {
443  Isolate* isolate = zone->isolate();
444  function_state->isolate_ = isolate;
445  function_state->saved_ast_node_id_ = isolate->ast_node_id();
446  isolate->set_ast_node_id(BailoutId::FirstUsable().ToInt());
447  }
449  template<typename FunctionState>
450  static void TearDownFunctionState(FunctionState* function_state) {
451  if (function_state->outer_function_state_ != NULL) {
452  function_state->isolate_->set_ast_node_id(
453  function_state->saved_ast_node_id_);
454  }
455  }
457  // Helper functions for recursive descent.
458  bool IsEvalOrArguments(Handle<String> identifier) const;
460  // Returns true if the expression is of type "this.foo".
461  static bool IsThisProperty(Expression* expression);
463  static bool IsIdentifier(Expression* expression);
465  static bool IsBoilerplateProperty(ObjectLiteral::Property* property) {
466  return ObjectLiteral::IsBoilerplateProperty(property);
467  }
469  static bool IsArrayIndex(Handle<String> string, uint32_t* index) {
470  return !string.is_null() && string->AsArrayIndex(index);
471  }
473  // Functions for encapsulating the differences between parsing and preparsing;
474  // operations interleaved with the recursive descent.
476  fni->PushLiteralName(id);
477  }
478  void PushPropertyName(FuncNameInferrer* fni, Expression* expression);
481  Scope* scope, Expression* value, bool* has_function) {
482  if (scope->DeclarationScope()->is_global_scope() &&
483  value->AsFunctionLiteral() != NULL) {
484  *has_function = true;
485  value->AsFunctionLiteral()->set_pretenure();
486  }
487  }
489  // If we assign a function literal to a property we pretenure the
490  // literal so it can be added as a constant function property.
492  Expression* right);
494  // Keep track of eval() calls since they disable all local variable
495  // optimizations. This checks if expression is an eval call, and if yes,
496  // forwards the information to scope.
497  void CheckPossibleEvalCall(Expression* expression, Scope* scope);
499  // Determine if the expression is a variable proxy and mark it as being used
500  // in an assignment or with a increment/decrement operator. This is currently
501  // used on for the statically checking assignments to harmony const bindings.
502  static Expression* MarkExpressionAsLValue(Expression* expression);
504  // Checks LHS expression for assignment and prefix/postfix increment/decrement
505  // in strict mode.
506  void CheckStrictModeLValue(Expression* expression, bool* ok);
508  // Returns true if we have a binary expression between two numeric
509  // literals. In that case, *x will be changed to an expression which is the
510  // computed value.
512  Expression** x, Expression* y, Token::Value op, int pos,
515  // Rewrites the following types of unary expressions:
516  // not <literal> -> true / false
517  // + <numeric literal> -> <numeric literal>
518  // - <numeric literal> -> <numeric literal with value negated>
519  // ! <literal> -> true / false
520  // The following rewriting rules enable the collection of type feedback
521  // without any special stub and the multiplication is removed later in
522  // Crankshaft's canonicalization pass.
523  // + foo -> foo * 1
524  // - foo -> foo * (-1)
525  // ~ foo -> foo ^(~0)
527  Expression* expression, Token::Value op, int pos,
530  // Reporting errors.
531  void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
532  const char* message,
533  Vector<const char*> args,
534  bool is_reference_error = false);
535  void ReportMessage(const char* message,
536  Vector<Handle<String> > args,
537  bool is_reference_error = false);
538  void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
539  const char* message,
540  Vector<Handle<String> > args,
541  bool is_reference_error = false);
543  // "null" return type creators.
545  return Handle<String>();
546  }
548  return NULL;
549  }
550  static Literal* EmptyLiteral() {
551  return NULL;
552  }
553  // Used in error return values.
555  return NULL;
556  }
558  // Odd-ball literal creators.
559  Literal* GetLiteralTheHole(int position,
562  // Producing data during the recursive descent.
563  Handle<String> GetSymbol(Scanner* scanner = NULL);
565  PretenureFlag tenured);
568  Literal* ExpressionFromLiteral(
569  Token::Value token, int pos, Scanner* scanner,
572  Handle<String> name, int pos, Scope* scope,
575  int pos, Scanner* scanner,
578  return new(zone) ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>(size, zone);
579  }
581  return new(zone) ZoneList<ObjectLiteral::Property*>(size, zone);
582  }
584  // Temporary glue; these functions will move to ParserBase.
585  Expression* ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok);
586  FunctionLiteral* ParseFunctionLiteral(
588  Scanner::Location function_name_location,
589  bool name_is_strict_reserved,
590  bool is_generator,
591  int function_token_position,
592  FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type,
593  bool* ok);
595  private:
596  Parser* parser_;
597 };
600 class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
601  public:
602  explicit Parser(CompilationInfo* info);
604  delete reusable_preparser_;
605  reusable_preparser_ = NULL;
606  }
608  // Parses the source code represented by the compilation info and sets its
609  // function literal. Returns false (and deallocates any allocated AST
610  // nodes) if parsing failed.
611  static bool Parse(CompilationInfo* info,
612  bool allow_lazy = false) {
613  Parser parser(info);
614  parser.set_allow_lazy(allow_lazy);
615  return parser.Parse();
616  }
617  bool Parse();
619  private:
620  friend class ParserTraits;
622  // Limit the allowed number of local variables in a function. The hard limit
623  // is that offsets computed by FullCodeGenerator::StackOperand and similar
624  // functions are ints, and they should not overflow. In addition, accessing
625  // local variables creates user-controlled constants in the generated code,
626  // and we don't want too much user-controlled memory inside the code (this was
627  // the reason why this limit was introduced in the first place; see
628  // https://codereview.chromium.org/7003030/ ).
629  static const int kMaxNumFunctionLocals = 4194303; // 2^22-1
631  enum VariableDeclarationContext {
632  kModuleElement,
633  kBlockElement,
634  kStatement,
635  kForStatement
636  };
638  // If a list of variable declarations includes any initializers.
639  enum VariableDeclarationProperties {
640  kHasInitializers,
641  kHasNoInitializers
642  };
644  // Returns NULL if parsing failed.
645  FunctionLiteral* ParseProgram();
647  FunctionLiteral* ParseLazy();
648  FunctionLiteral* ParseLazy(Utf16CharacterStream* source);
650  Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
651  CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
653  // Called by ParseProgram after setting up the scanner.
654  FunctionLiteral* DoParseProgram(CompilationInfo* info,
655  Handle<String> source);
657  // Report syntax error
658  void ReportInvalidPreparseData(Handle<String> name, bool* ok);
660  void SetCachedData(ScriptDataImpl** data,
661  CachedDataMode cached_data_mode) {
662  cached_data_mode_ = cached_data_mode;
663  if (cached_data_mode == NO_CACHED_DATA) {
664  cached_data_ = NULL;
665  } else {
666  ASSERT(data != NULL);
667  cached_data_ = data;
668  symbol_cache_.Initialize(*data ? (*data)->symbol_count() : 0, zone());
669  }
670  }
672  bool inside_with() const { return scope_->inside_with(); }
673  ScriptDataImpl** cached_data() const { return cached_data_; }
674  CachedDataMode cached_data_mode() const { return cached_data_mode_; }
675  Scope* DeclarationScope(VariableMode mode) {
676  return IsLexicalVariableMode(mode)
677  ? scope_ : scope_->DeclarationScope();
678  }
680  // All ParseXXX functions take as the last argument an *ok parameter
681  // which is set to false if parsing failed; it is unchanged otherwise.
682  // By making the 'exception handling' explicit, we are forced to check
683  // for failure at the call sites.
684  void* ParseSourceElements(ZoneList<Statement*>* processor, int end_token,
685  bool is_eval, bool is_global, bool* ok);
686  Statement* ParseModuleElement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
687  Statement* ParseModuleDeclaration(ZoneStringList* names, bool* ok);
688  Module* ParseModule(bool* ok);
689  Module* ParseModuleLiteral(bool* ok);
690  Module* ParseModulePath(bool* ok);
691  Module* ParseModuleVariable(bool* ok);
692  Module* ParseModuleUrl(bool* ok);
693  Module* ParseModuleSpecifier(bool* ok);
694  Block* ParseImportDeclaration(bool* ok);
695  Statement* ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok);
696  Statement* ParseBlockElement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
697  Statement* ParseStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
698  Statement* ParseFunctionDeclaration(ZoneStringList* names, bool* ok);
699  Statement* ParseNativeDeclaration(bool* ok);
700  Block* ParseBlock(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
701  Block* ParseVariableStatement(VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
702  ZoneStringList* names,
703  bool* ok);
704  Block* ParseVariableDeclarations(VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
705  VariableDeclarationProperties* decl_props,
706  ZoneStringList* names,
707  Handle<String>* out,
708  bool* ok);
709  Statement* ParseExpressionOrLabelledStatement(ZoneStringList* labels,
710  bool* ok);
711  IfStatement* ParseIfStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
712  Statement* ParseContinueStatement(bool* ok);
713  Statement* ParseBreakStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
714  Statement* ParseReturnStatement(bool* ok);
715  Statement* ParseWithStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
716  CaseClause* ParseCaseClause(bool* default_seen_ptr, bool* ok);
717  SwitchStatement* ParseSwitchStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
718  DoWhileStatement* ParseDoWhileStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
719  WhileStatement* ParseWhileStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
720  Statement* ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
721  Statement* ParseThrowStatement(bool* ok);
722  Expression* MakeCatchContext(Handle<String> id, VariableProxy* value);
723  TryStatement* ParseTryStatement(bool* ok);
724  DebuggerStatement* ParseDebuggerStatement(bool* ok);
726  // Support for hamony block scoped bindings.
727  Block* ParseScopedBlock(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok);
729  // Initialize the components of a for-in / for-of statement.
730  void InitializeForEachStatement(ForEachStatement* stmt,
731  Expression* each,
732  Expression* subject,
733  Statement* body);
735  FunctionLiteral* ParseFunctionLiteral(
736  Handle<String> name,
737  Scanner::Location function_name_location,
738  bool name_is_strict_reserved,
739  bool is_generator,
740  int function_token_position,
741  FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type,
742  bool* ok);
744  // Magical syntax support.
745  Expression* ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok);
747  bool CheckInOrOf(bool accept_OF, ForEachStatement::VisitMode* visit_mode);
749  // Get odd-ball literals.
750  Literal* GetLiteralUndefined(int position);
752  // For harmony block scoping mode: Check if the scope has conflicting var/let
753  // declarations from different scopes. It covers for example
754  //
755  // function f() { { { var x; } let x; } }
756  // function g() { { var x; let x; } }
757  //
758  // The var declarations are hoisted to the function scope, but originate from
759  // a scope where the name has also been let bound or the var declaration is
760  // hoisted over such a scope.
761  void CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(Scope* scope, bool* ok);
763  // Parser support
764  VariableProxy* NewUnresolved(Handle<String> name,
765  VariableMode mode,
766  Interface* interface);
767  void Declare(Declaration* declaration, bool resolve, bool* ok);
769  bool TargetStackContainsLabel(Handle<String> label);
770  BreakableStatement* LookupBreakTarget(Handle<String> label, bool* ok);
771  IterationStatement* LookupContinueTarget(Handle<String> label, bool* ok);
773  void RegisterTargetUse(Label* target, Target* stop);
775  // Factory methods.
777  Scope* NewScope(Scope* parent, ScopeType type);
779  Handle<String> LookupCachedSymbol(int symbol_id);
781  // Generate AST node that throw a ReferenceError with the given type.
782  Expression* NewThrowReferenceError(Handle<String> type);
784  // Generate AST node that throw a SyntaxError with the given
785  // type. The first argument may be null (in the handle sense) in
786  // which case no arguments are passed to the constructor.
787  Expression* NewThrowSyntaxError(Handle<String> type, Handle<Object> first);
789  // Generate AST node that throw a TypeError with the given
790  // type. Both arguments must be non-null (in the handle sense).
791  Expression* NewThrowTypeError(Handle<String> type,
792  Handle<Object> first,
793  Handle<Object> second);
795  // Generic AST generator for throwing errors from compiled code.
796  Expression* NewThrowError(Handle<String> constructor,
797  Handle<String> type,
798  Vector< Handle<Object> > arguments);
800  PreParser::PreParseResult LazyParseFunctionLiteral(
801  SingletonLogger* logger);
803  Isolate* isolate_;
804  ZoneList<Handle<String> > symbol_cache_;
806  Handle<Script> script_;
807  Scanner scanner_;
808  PreParser* reusable_preparser_;
809  Scope* original_scope_; // for ES5 function declarations in sloppy eval
810  Target* target_stack_; // for break, continue statements
811  ScriptDataImpl** cached_data_;
812  CachedDataMode cached_data_mode_;
814  CompilationInfo* info_;
815 };
818 // Support for handling complex values (array and object literals) that
819 // can be fully handled at compile time.
821  public:
822  enum LiteralType {
826  };
828  static bool IsCompileTimeValue(Expression* expression);
830  // Get the value as a compile time value.
831  static Handle<FixedArray> GetValue(Isolate* isolate, Expression* expression);
833  // Get the type of a compile time value returned by GetValue().
836  // Get the elements array of a compile time value returned by GetValue().
839  private:
840  static const int kLiteralTypeSlot = 0;
841  static const int kElementsSlot = 1;
844 };
846 } } // namespace v8::internal
848 #endif // V8_PARSER_H_
bool is_global_scope() const
Definition: scopes.h:286
v8::internal::Scope Scope
Definition: parser.h:420
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter NULL
Definition: flags.cc:269
RegExpTree * ToRegExp()
Definition: parser.cc:148
Scope * DeclarationScope()
Definition: scopes.cc:743
Handle< String > Identifier
Definition: parser.h:425
Vector< const char * > BuildArgs()
Definition: parser.cc:320
uint16_t current_
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths true
Definition: flags.cc:208
Expression * BuildUnaryExpression(Expression *expression, Token::Value op, int pos, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:556
static Expression * MarkExpressionAsLValue(Expression *expression)
Definition: parser.cc:474
ParserTraits::Type::Zone * zone() const
Definition: preparser.h:260
void AddQuantifierToAtom(int min, int max, RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType type)
Definition: parser.cc:161
void CheckStrictModeLValue(Expression *expression, bool *ok)
Definition: parser.cc:483
static Handle< FixedArray > GetElements(Handle< FixedArray > value)
Definition: parser.cc:3128
int32_t uc32
Definition: globals.h:310
Handle< String > NextLiteralString(Scanner *scanner, PretenureFlag tenured)
Definition: parser.cc:684
static void CheckAssigningFunctionLiteralToProperty(Expression *left, Expression *right)
Definition: parser.cc:454
Expression * ExpressionFromString(int pos, Scanner *scanner, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:734
static void CheckFunctionLiteralInsideTopLevelObjectLiteral(Scope *scope, Expression *value, bool *has_function)
Definition: parser.h:480
T & at(int i) const
Definition: list.h:90
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage message
Definition: flags.cc:665
void AddAtom(RegExpTree *tree)
Definition: parser.cc:103
ZoneList< v8::internal::Expression * > * NewExpressionList(int size, Zone *zone)
Definition: parser.h:577
#define ASSERT(condition)
Definition: checks.h:329
v8::internal::Expression * Expression
Definition: parser.h:426
static bool IsCompileTimeValue(Expression *expression)
Definition: parser.cc:3090
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in only print modified registers Don t break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash Fixed seed to use to hash property Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot testing_bool_flag testing_int_flag string flag tmp file in which to serialize heap Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs concurrent_recompilation concurrent_sweeping Print usage including on console Map counters to a file Enable debugger compile events enable GDBJIT interface(disables compacting GC)") DEFINE_bool(gdbjit_full
ParserTraits::Type::Scope * scope_
Definition: preparser.h:488
void Read(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo< v8::Value > &args)
Definition: shell.cc:146
ParserTraits(Parser *parser)
Definition: parser.h:438
StrictMode strict_mode()
Definition: parser.h:72
static bool IsBoilerplateProperty(ObjectLiteral::Property *property)
Definition: parser.h:465
Isolate * isolate()
Definition: zone.h:90
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location, const char *message, Vector< const char * > args, bool is_reference_error=false)
Definition: parser.cc:602
Literal * GetLiteralTheHole(int position, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:743
FunctionEntry GetFunctionEntry(int start)
Definition: parser.cc:227
v8::internal::Zone Zone
Definition: parser.h:422
v8::internal::Literal * Literal
Definition: parser.h:429
uint8_t byte
Definition: globals.h:185
Literal * ExpressionFromLiteral(Token::Value token, int pos, Scanner *scanner, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:697
void AddAssertion(RegExpTree *tree)
Definition: parser.cc:119
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object size
Definition: flags.cc:211
void Add(T *value, Zone *zone)
Definition: parser.h:179
static LiteralType GetLiteralType(Handle< FixedArray > value)
Definition: parser.cc:3121
v8::internal::Parser * Parser
Definition: parser.h:417
AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > Factory
Definition: parser.h:435
ZoneList< T * > * GetList(Zone *zone)
Definition: parser.h:229
static bool IsIdentifier(Expression *expression)
Definition: parser.cc:437
ObjectLiteral::Property * ObjectLiteralProperty
Definition: parser.h:430
void set_allow_lazy(bool allow)
Definition: preparser.h:124
bool IsLexicalVariableMode(VariableMode mode)
Definition: v8globals.h:508
bool IsEvalOrArguments(Handle< String > identifier) const
Definition: parser.cc:420
static Handle< FixedArray > GetValue(Isolate *isolate, Expression *expression)
Definition: parser.cc:3097
Handle< String > GetSymbol(Scanner *scanner=NULL)
Definition: parser.cc:664
int length() const
Definition: utils.h:420
static ZoneList< Expression * > * NullExpressionList()
Definition: parser.h:554
static void PushLiteralName(FuncNameInferrer *fni, Handle< String > id)
Definition: parser.h:475
Definition: allocation.h:68
static ScriptDataImpl * PreParse(Isolate *isolate, Utf16CharacterStream *source)
Definition: parser.cc:4624
bool ShortcutNumericLiteralBinaryExpression(Expression **x, Expression *y, Token::Value op, int pos, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:496
void ReportMessage(const char *message, Vector< Handle< String > > args, bool is_reference_error=false)
Definition: parser.cc:630
#define T(name, string, precedence)
Definition: token.cc:48
const char * BuildMessage()
Definition: parser.cc:314
v8::internal::FunctionLiteral * FunctionLiteral
Definition: parser.h:428
static void SetUpFunctionState(FunctionState *function_state, Zone *zone)
Definition: parser.h:442
void PushLiteralName(Handle< String > name)
Expression * ThisExpression(Scope *scope, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:690
static Expression * EmptyExpression()
Definition: parser.h:547
static BailoutId FirstUsable()
Definition: utils.h:1167
static Literal * EmptyLiteral()
Definition: parser.h:550
virtual const char * Data()
Definition: parser.cc:4569
static bool IsThisProperty(Expression *expression)
Definition: parser.cc:428
static bool IsArrayIndex(Handle< String > string, uint32_t *index)
Definition: parser.h:469
void AddCharacter(uc16 character)
Definition: parser.cc:88
uint16_t uc16
Definition: globals.h:309
Scanner::Location MessageLocation()
Definition: parser.cc:307
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function info
ZoneList< v8::internal::Expression * > * ExpressionList
Definition: parser.h:431
void PushPropertyName(FuncNameInferrer *fni, Expression *expression)
Definition: parser.cc:443
#define ASSERT_EQ(v1, v2)
Definition: checks.h:330
ZoneList< ObjectLiteral::Property * > * PropertyList
Definition: parser.h:432
static void TearDownFunctionState(FunctionState *function_state)
Definition: parser.h:450
ZoneList< ObjectLiteral::Property * > * NewPropertyList(int size, Zone *zone)
Definition: parser.h:580
void Add(const T &element, AllocationPolicy allocator=AllocationPolicy())
Definition: list-inl.h:39
ZoneList< Handle< String > > ZoneStringList
Definition: ast.h:161
FunctionEntry(Vector< unsigned > backing)
Definition: parser.h:63
FunctionLiteral * ParseFunctionLiteral(Handle< String > name, Scanner::Location function_name_location, bool name_is_strict_reserved, bool is_generator, int function_token_position, FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type, bool *ok)
Definition: parser.cc:755
static bool Parse(CompilationInfo *info, bool allow_lazy=false)
Definition: parser.h:611
ScriptDataImpl(Vector< unsigned > store)
Definition: parser.h:87
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in name
Definition: flags.cc:505
RegExpBuilder(Zone *zone)
Definition: parser.cc:48
Parser(CompilationInfo *info)
Definition: parser.cc:769
virtual bool HasError()
Definition: parser.cc:4574
Expression * ParseV8Intrinsic(bool *ok)
Definition: parser.cc:750
void CheckPossibleEvalCall(Expression *expression, Scope *scope)
Definition: parser.cc:464
Expression * ExpressionFromIdentifier(Handle< String > name, int pos, Scope *scope, AstNodeFactory< AstConstructionVisitor > *factory)
Definition: parser.cc:720
static Handle< String > EmptyIdentifier()
Definition: parser.h:544