v8  3.25.30(node0.11.13)
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1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
3 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
4 // met:
5 //
6 // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
8 // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
9 // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
10 // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
11 // with the distribution.
12 // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
13 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
14 // from this software without specific prior written permission.
15 //
28 #include "v8.h"
30 #include "factory.h"
31 #include "string-stream.h"
33 namespace v8 {
34 namespace internal {
36 static const int kMentionedObjectCacheMaxSize = 256;
38 char* HeapStringAllocator::allocate(unsigned bytes) {
39  space_ = NewArray<char>(bytes);
40  return space_;
41 }
45  unsigned size) {
46  size_ = size;
47  space_ = memory;
48 }
51 bool StringStream::Put(char c) {
52  if (full()) return false;
53  ASSERT(length_ < capacity_);
54  // Since the trailing '\0' is not accounted for in length_ fullness is
55  // indicated by a difference of 1 between length_ and capacity_. Thus when
56  // reaching a difference of 2 we need to grow the buffer.
57  if (length_ == capacity_ - 2) {
58  unsigned new_capacity = capacity_;
59  char* new_buffer = allocator_->grow(&new_capacity);
60  if (new_capacity > capacity_) {
61  capacity_ = new_capacity;
62  buffer_ = new_buffer;
63  } else {
64  // Reached the end of the available buffer.
65  ASSERT(capacity_ >= 5);
66  length_ = capacity_ - 1; // Indicate fullness of the stream.
67  buffer_[length_ - 4] = '.';
68  buffer_[length_ - 3] = '.';
69  buffer_[length_ - 2] = '.';
70  buffer_[length_ - 1] = '\n';
71  buffer_[length_] = '\0';
72  return false;
73  }
74  }
75  buffer_[length_] = c;
76  buffer_[length_ + 1] = '\0';
77  length_++;
78  return true;
79 }
82 // A control character is one that configures a format element. For
83 // instance, in %.5s, .5 are control characters.
84 static bool IsControlChar(char c) {
85  switch (c) {
86  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
87  case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '.': case '-':
88  return true;
89  default:
90  return false;
91  }
92 }
96  // If we already ran out of space then return immediately.
97  if (full()) return;
98  int offset = 0;
99  int elm = 0;
100  while (offset < format.length()) {
101  if (format[offset] != '%' || elm == elms.length()) {
102  Put(format[offset]);
103  offset++;
104  continue;
105  }
106  // Read this formatting directive into a temporary buffer
108  int format_length = 0;
109  // Skip over the whole control character sequence until the
110  // format element type
111  temp[format_length++] = format[offset++];
112  while (offset < format.length() && IsControlChar(format[offset]))
113  temp[format_length++] = format[offset++];
114  if (offset >= format.length())
115  return;
116  char type = format[offset];
117  temp[format_length++] = type;
118  temp[format_length] = '\0';
119  offset++;
120  FmtElm current = elms[elm++];
121  switch (type) {
122  case 's': {
123  ASSERT_EQ(FmtElm::C_STR, current.type_);
124  const char* value = current.data_.u_c_str_;
125  Add(value);
126  break;
127  }
128  case 'w': {
129  ASSERT_EQ(FmtElm::LC_STR, current.type_);
130  Vector<const uc16> value = *current.data_.u_lc_str_;
131  for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++)
132  Put(static_cast<char>(value[i]));
133  break;
134  }
135  case 'o': {
136  ASSERT_EQ(FmtElm::OBJ, current.type_);
137  Object* obj = current.data_.u_obj_;
138  PrintObject(obj);
139  break;
140  }
141  case 'k': {
142  ASSERT_EQ(FmtElm::INT, current.type_);
143  int value = current.data_.u_int_;
144  if (0x20 <= value && value <= 0x7F) {
145  Put(value);
146  } else if (value <= 0xff) {
147  Add("\\x%02x", value);
148  } else {
149  Add("\\u%04x", value);
150  }
151  break;
152  }
153  case 'i': case 'd': case 'u': case 'x': case 'c': case 'X': {
154  int value = current.data_.u_int_;
155  EmbeddedVector<char, 24> formatted;
156  int length = OS::SNPrintF(formatted, temp.start(), value);
157  Add(Vector<const char>(formatted.start(), length));
158  break;
159  }
160  case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': case 'e': case 'E': {
161  double value = current.data_.u_double_;
162  EmbeddedVector<char, 28> formatted;
163  OS::SNPrintF(formatted, temp.start(), value);
164  Add(formatted.start());
165  break;
166  }
167  case 'p': {
168  void* value = current.data_.u_pointer_;
169  EmbeddedVector<char, 20> formatted;
170  OS::SNPrintF(formatted, temp.start(), value);
171  Add(formatted.start());
172  break;
173  }
174  default:
176  break;
177  }
178  }
180  // Verify that the buffer is 0-terminated
181  ASSERT(buffer_[length_] == '\0');
182 }
185 void StringStream::PrintObject(Object* o) {
186  o->ShortPrint(this);
187  if (o->IsString()) {
189  return;
190  }
191  } else if (o->IsNumber() || o->IsOddball()) {
192  return;
193  }
194  if (o->IsHeapObject()) {
195  HeapObject* ho = HeapObject::cast(o);
196  DebugObjectCache* debug_object_cache = ho->GetIsolate()->
197  string_stream_debug_object_cache();
198  for (int i = 0; i < debug_object_cache->length(); i++) {
199  if ((*debug_object_cache)[i] == o) {
200  Add("#%d#", i);
201  return;
202  }
203  }
204  if (debug_object_cache->length() < kMentionedObjectCacheMaxSize) {
205  Add("#%d#", debug_object_cache->length());
206  debug_object_cache->Add(HeapObject::cast(o));
207  } else {
208  Add("@%p", o);
209  }
210  }
211 }
214 void StringStream::Add(const char* format) {
215  Add(CStrVector(format));
216 }
220  Add(format, Vector<FmtElm>::empty());
221 }
224 void StringStream::Add(const char* format, FmtElm arg0) {
225  const char argc = 1;
226  FmtElm argv[argc] = { arg0 };
227  Add(CStrVector(format), Vector<FmtElm>(argv, argc));
228 }
231 void StringStream::Add(const char* format, FmtElm arg0, FmtElm arg1) {
232  const char argc = 2;
233  FmtElm argv[argc] = { arg0, arg1 };
234  Add(CStrVector(format), Vector<FmtElm>(argv, argc));
235 }
238 void StringStream::Add(const char* format, FmtElm arg0, FmtElm arg1,
239  FmtElm arg2) {
240  const char argc = 3;
241  FmtElm argv[argc] = { arg0, arg1, arg2 };
242  Add(CStrVector(format), Vector<FmtElm>(argv, argc));
243 }
246 void StringStream::Add(const char* format, FmtElm arg0, FmtElm arg1,
247  FmtElm arg2, FmtElm arg3) {
248  const char argc = 4;
249  FmtElm argv[argc] = { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 };
250  Add(CStrVector(format), Vector<FmtElm>(argv, argc));
251 }
254 void StringStream::Add(const char* format, FmtElm arg0, FmtElm arg1,
255  FmtElm arg2, FmtElm arg3, FmtElm arg4) {
256  const char argc = 5;
257  FmtElm argv[argc] = { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 };
258  Add(CStrVector(format), Vector<FmtElm>(argv, argc));
259 }
263  char* str = NewArray<char>(length_ + 1);
264  OS::MemCopy(str, buffer_, length_);
265  str[length_] = '\0';
266  return SmartArrayPointer<const char>(str);
267 }
270 void StringStream::Log(Isolate* isolate) {
271  LOG(isolate, StringEvent("StackDump", buffer_));
272 }
275 void StringStream::OutputToFile(FILE* out) {
276  // Dump the output to stdout, but make sure to break it up into
277  // manageable chunks to avoid losing parts of the output in the OS
278  // printing code. This is a problem on Windows in particular; see
279  // the VPrint() function implementations in platform-win32.cc.
280  unsigned position = 0;
281  for (unsigned next; (next = position + 2048) < length_; position = next) {
282  char save = buffer_[next];
283  buffer_[next] = '\0';
284  internal::PrintF(out, "%s", &buffer_[position]);
285  buffer_[next] = save;
286  }
287  internal::PrintF(out, "%s", &buffer_[position]);
288 }
292  return isolate->factory()->NewStringFromUtf8(
293  Vector<const char>(buffer_, length_));
294 }
298  isolate->set_string_stream_current_security_token(NULL);
299  if (isolate->string_stream_debug_object_cache() == NULL) {
300  isolate->set_string_stream_debug_object_cache(new DebugObjectCache(0));
301  }
302  isolate->string_stream_debug_object_cache()->Clear();
303 }
306 #ifdef DEBUG
307 bool StringStream::IsMentionedObjectCacheClear(Isolate* isolate) {
308  return isolate->string_stream_debug_object_cache()->length() == 0;
309 }
310 #endif
314  return Put(str, 0, str->length());
315 }
318 bool StringStream::Put(String* str, int start, int end) {
320  StringCharacterStream stream(str, &op, start);
321  for (int i = start; i < end && stream.HasMore(); i++) {
322  uint16_t c = stream.GetNext();
323  if (c >= 127 || c < 32) {
324  c = '?';
325  }
326  if (!Put(static_cast<char>(c))) {
327  return false; // Output was truncated.
328  }
329  }
330  return true;
331 }
335  if (name->IsString()) {
336  String* str = String::cast(name);
337  if (str->length() > 0) {
338  Put(str);
339  } else {
340  Add("/* anonymous */");
341  }
342  } else {
343  Add("%o", name);
344  }
345 }
349  Map* map = js_object->map();
350  if (!js_object->GetHeap()->Contains(map) ||
351  !map->IsHeapObject() ||
352  !map->IsMap()) {
353  Add("<Invalid map>\n");
354  return;
355  }
356  int real_size = map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors();
357  DescriptorArray* descs = map->instance_descriptors();
358  for (int i = 0; i < real_size; i++) {
359  PropertyDetails details = descs->GetDetails(i);
360  if (details.type() == FIELD) {
361  Object* key = descs->GetKey(i);
362  if (key->IsString() || key->IsNumber()) {
363  int len = 3;
364  if (key->IsString()) {
365  len = String::cast(key)->length();
366  }
367  for (; len < 18; len++)
368  Put(' ');
369  if (key->IsString()) {
370  Put(String::cast(key));
371  } else {
372  key->ShortPrint();
373  }
374  Add(": ");
375  Object* value = js_object->RawFastPropertyAt(descs->GetFieldIndex(i));
376  Add("%o\n", value);
377  }
378  }
379  }
380 }
383 void StringStream::PrintFixedArray(FixedArray* array, unsigned int limit) {
384  Heap* heap = array->GetHeap();
385  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10 && i < limit; i++) {
386  Object* element = array->get(i);
387  if (element != heap->the_hole_value()) {
388  for (int len = 1; len < 18; len++)
389  Put(' ');
390  Add("%d: %o\n", i, array->get(i));
391  }
392  }
393  if (limit >= 10) {
394  Add(" ...\n");
395  }
396 }
400  unsigned int limit = byte_array->length();
401  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10 && i < limit; i++) {
402  byte b = byte_array->get(i);
403  Add(" %d: %3d 0x%02x", i, b, b);
404  if (b >= ' ' && b <= '~') {
405  Add(" '%c'", b);
406  } else if (b == '\n') {
407  Add(" '\n'");
408  } else if (b == '\r') {
409  Add(" '\r'");
410  } else if (b >= 1 && b <= 26) {
411  Add(" ^%c", b + 'A' - 1);
412  }
413  Add("\n");
414  }
415  if (limit >= 10) {
416  Add(" ...\n");
417  }
418 }
422  DebugObjectCache* debug_object_cache =
423  isolate->string_stream_debug_object_cache();
424  Add("==== Key ============================================\n\n");
425  for (int i = 0; i < debug_object_cache->length(); i++) {
426  HeapObject* printee = (*debug_object_cache)[i];
427  Add(" #%d# %p: ", i, printee);
428  printee->ShortPrint(this);
429  Add("\n");
430  if (printee->IsJSObject()) {
431  if (printee->IsJSValue()) {
432  Add(" value(): %o\n", JSValue::cast(printee)->value());
433  }
434  PrintUsingMap(JSObject::cast(printee));
435  if (printee->IsJSArray()) {
436  JSArray* array = JSArray::cast(printee);
437  if (array->HasFastObjectElements()) {
438  unsigned int limit = FixedArray::cast(array->elements())->length();
439  unsigned int length =
440  static_cast<uint32_t>(JSArray::cast(array)->length()->Number());
441  if (length < limit) limit = length;
442  PrintFixedArray(FixedArray::cast(array->elements()), limit);
443  }
444  }
445  } else if (printee->IsByteArray()) {
447  } else if (printee->IsFixedArray()) {
448  unsigned int limit = FixedArray::cast(printee)->length();
449  PrintFixedArray(FixedArray::cast(printee), limit);
450  }
451  }
452 }
456  if (!f->IsHeapObject()) return;
458  Isolate* isolate = obj->GetIsolate();
459  Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
460  if (!heap->Contains(obj)) return;
461  Map* map = obj->map();
462  if (!map->IsHeapObject() ||
463  !heap->Contains(map) ||
464  !map->IsMap() ||
465  !f->IsJSFunction()) {
466  return;
467  }
469  JSFunction* fun = JSFunction::cast(f);
470  Object* perhaps_context = fun->context();
471  if (perhaps_context->IsHeapObject() &&
472  heap->Contains(HeapObject::cast(perhaps_context)) &&
473  perhaps_context->IsContext()) {
474  Context* context = fun->context();
475  if (!heap->Contains(context)) {
476  Add("(Function context is outside heap)\n");
477  return;
478  }
479  Object* token = context->native_context()->security_token();
480  if (token != isolate->string_stream_current_security_token()) {
481  Add("Security context: %o\n", token);
482  isolate->set_string_stream_current_security_token(token);
483  }
484  } else {
485  Add("(Function context is corrupt)\n");
486  }
487 }
491  if (!f->IsHeapObject()) {
492  Add("/* warning: 'function' was not a heap object */ ");
493  return;
494  }
495  Heap* heap = HeapObject::cast(f)->GetHeap();
496  if (!heap->Contains(HeapObject::cast(f))) {
497  Add("/* warning: 'function' was not on the heap */ ");
498  return;
499  }
500  if (!heap->Contains(HeapObject::cast(f)->map())) {
501  Add("/* warning: function's map was not on the heap */ ");
502  return;
503  }
504  if (!HeapObject::cast(f)->map()->IsMap()) {
505  Add("/* warning: function's map was not a valid map */ ");
506  return;
507  }
508  if (f->IsJSFunction()) {
509  JSFunction* fun = JSFunction::cast(f);
510  // Common case: on-stack function present and resolved.
511  PrintPrototype(fun, receiver);
512  *code = fun->code();
513  } else if (f->IsInternalizedString()) {
514  // Unresolved and megamorphic calls: Instead of the function
515  // we have the function name on the stack.
516  PrintName(f);
517  Add("/* unresolved */ ");
518  } else {
519  // Unless this is the frame of a built-in function, we should always have
520  // the callee function or name on the stack. If we don't, we have a
521  // problem or a change of the stack frame layout.
522  Add("%o", f);
523  Add("/* warning: no JSFunction object or function name found */ ");
524  }
525 }
529  Object* name = fun->shared()->name();
530  bool print_name = false;
531  Isolate* isolate = fun->GetIsolate();
532  for (Object* p = receiver;
533  p != isolate->heap()->null_value();
534  p = p->GetPrototype(isolate)) {
535  if (p->IsJSObject()) {
536  Object* key = JSObject::cast(p)->SlowReverseLookup(fun);
537  if (key != isolate->heap()->undefined_value()) {
538  if (!name->IsString() ||
539  !key->IsString() ||
540  !String::cast(name)->Equals(String::cast(key))) {
541  print_name = true;
542  }
543  if (name->IsString() && String::cast(name)->length() == 0) {
544  print_name = false;
545  }
546  name = key;
547  }
548  } else {
549  print_name = true;
550  }
551  }
552  PrintName(name);
553  // Also known as - if the name in the function doesn't match the name under
554  // which it was looked up.
555  if (print_name) {
556  Add("(aka ");
557  PrintName(fun->shared()->name());
558  Put(')');
559  }
560 }
563 char* HeapStringAllocator::grow(unsigned* bytes) {
564  unsigned new_bytes = *bytes * 2;
565  // Check for overflow.
566  if (new_bytes <= *bytes) {
567  return space_;
568  }
569  char* new_space = NewArray<char>(new_bytes);
570  if (new_space == NULL) {
571  return space_;
572  }
573  OS::MemCopy(new_space, space_, *bytes);
574  *bytes = new_bytes;
575  DeleteArray(space_);
576  space_ = new_space;
577  return new_space;
578 }
581 // Only grow once to the maximum allowable size.
582 char* NoAllocationStringAllocator::grow(unsigned* bytes) {
583  ASSERT(size_ >= *bytes);
584  *bytes = size_;
585  return space_;
586 }
589 } } // namespace v8::internal
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter NULL
Definition: flags.cc:269
char * allocate(unsigned bytes)
void PrintF(const char *format,...)
Definition: v8utils.cc:40
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf map
Definition: flags.cc:350
static String * cast(Object *obj)
#define LOG(isolate, Call)
Definition: log.h:86
int NumberOfOwnDescriptors()
Definition: objects.h:6174
static HeapObject * cast(Object *obj)
void Log(Isolate *isolate)
void PrintSecurityTokenIfChanged(Object *function)
static ByteArray * cast(Object *obj)
#define ASSERT(condition)
Definition: checks.h:329
unsigned short uint16_t
Definition: unicode.cc:46
Object * SlowReverseLookup(Object *value)
Definition: objects.cc:6624
void PrintPrototype(JSFunction *fun, Object *receiver)
void PrintUsingMap(JSObject *js_object)
Factory * factory()
Definition: isolate.h:995
bool Equals(String *other)
Definition: objects-inl.h:2969
void Add(Vector< const char > format, Vector< FmtElm > elms)
uint8_t byte
Definition: globals.h:185
Handle< String > NewStringFromUtf8(Vector< const char > str, PretenureFlag pretenure=NOT_TENURED)
Definition: factory.cc:273
void PrintFixedArray(FixedArray *array, unsigned int limit)
char * grow(unsigned *bytes)
Definition: checks.h:52
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object size
Definition: flags.cc:211
T * start() const
Definition: utils.h:426
NoAllocationStringAllocator(char *memory, unsigned size)
const char * u_c_str_
static void MemCopy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size)
Definition: platform.h:399
Context * native_context()
Definition: contexts.cc:67
int GetFieldIndex(int descriptor_number)
Definition: objects-inl.h:2664
Object * RawFastPropertyAt(int index)
Definition: objects-inl.h:1964
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra code(assertions) for debugging") DEFINE_bool(code_comments
int length() const
Definition: utils.h:420
PropertyDetails GetDetails(int descriptor_number)
Definition: objects-inl.h:2652
void PrintByteArray(ByteArray *ba)
Vector< const char > CStrVector(const char *data)
Definition: utils.h:574
static JSArray * cast(Object *obj)
static const int kMaxShortPrintLength
Definition: objects.h:8929
static int SNPrintF(Vector< char > str, const char *format,...)
void PrintMentionedObjectCache(Isolate *isolate)
byte get(int index)
Definition: objects-inl.h:3481
bool Contains(Address addr)
Definition: heap.cc:5929
const Vector< const uc16 > * u_lc_str_
Handle< String > ToString(Isolate *isolate)
static JSValue * cast(Object *obj)
Definition: objects-inl.h:5758
void ShortPrint(FILE *out=stdout)
Definition: objects.cc:1123
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable memory(in Mbytes)") DEFINE_bool(gc_global
static void ClearMentionedObjectCache(Isolate *isolate)
#define ASSERT_EQ(v1, v2)
Definition: checks.h:330
void PrintFunction(Object *function, Object *receiver, Code **code)
static FixedArray * cast(Object *obj)
Object * get(int index)
Definition: objects-inl.h:2127
virtual char * grow(unsigned *bytes)=0
void OutputToFile(FILE *out)
HeapObject * obj
SmartArrayPointer< const char > ToCString() const
void DeleteArray(T *array)
Definition: allocation.h:91
enable upcoming ES6 features enable harmony block scoping enable harmony enable harmony proxies enable harmony generators enable harmony numeric enable harmony string enable harmony math functions harmony_scoping harmony_symbols harmony_collections harmony_iteration harmony_strings harmony_scoping harmony_maths tracks arrays with only smi values Optimize object Array DOM strings and string pretenure call new trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions track fields with only smi values track fields with heap values track_fields track_fields Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed use string slices optimization filter maximum number of GVN fix point iterations use function inlining use allocation folding eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache trace check elimination phase hydrogen tracing filter trace hydrogen to given file name trace inlining decisions trace store elimination trace all use positions trace global value numbering trace hydrogen escape analysis trace the tracking of allocation sites trace map generalization environment for every instruction deoptimize every n garbage collections put a break point before deoptimizing deoptimize uncommon cases use on stack replacement trace array bounds check elimination perform array index dehoisting use load elimination use store elimination use constant folding eliminate unreachable code number of stress runs when picking a function to watch for shared function not JSFunction itself flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC functions with arguments object maximum number of escape analysis fix point iterations allow uint32 values on optimize frames if they are used only in safe operations track concurrent recompilation artificial compilation delay in ms concurrent on stack replacement do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes number of stack frames inspected by the profiler percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization extra verbose compilation tracing generate extra emit comments in code disassembly enable use of SSE3 instructions if available enable use of CMOV instruction if available enable use of VFP3 instructions if available enable use of NEON instructions if enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if enable loading bit constant by means of movw movt instruction enable unaligned accesses for enable use of d16 d31 registers on ARM this requires VFP3 force all emitted branches to be in long expose natives in global object expose freeBuffer extension expose gc extension under the specified name expose externalize string extension number of stack frames to capture disable builtin natives files print name of functions for which code is generated use random jit cookie to mask large constants trace lazy optimization use adaptive optimizations always try to OSR functions trace optimize function deoptimization minimum length for automatic enable preparsing maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up cache prototype transitions trace debugging JSON request response trace out of bounds accesses to external arrays trace_js_array_abuse automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are in the queue abort by crashing maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace max size of the new max size of the old max size of executable always perform global GCs print one trace line following each garbage collection do not print trace line after scavenger collection print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in name
Definition: flags.cc:505
List< HeapObject * > DebugObjectCache
Definition: isolate.h:345
static JSObject * cast(Object *obj)
Name * GetKey(int descriptor_number)
Definition: objects-inl.h:2601
static JSFunction * cast(Object *obj)