LinuxAsmtools - Installation

AsmTools come with a common INSTALL file and a common
README. Each program uses the same process to do a
install. This process utilizes the "make" program and
is handled the same on most UNIX systems. The process
is simple:

1. decompress the source tar.gz
2. (optional step)
type "make" from the decompressed
source file to compile
3. as root type "make install"

The compressed tar.gz file can be decompressed

tar zxvf <program-name>

After extracting, there should be one or more
directories created. Enter the directory that mataches
the name of tar.gz file. Inside this directory you
will find the "Makefile".

AsmTool programs only run on x86 Linux systems
and do not need to be compiled first.
If a compile is desired, simply type make. All
this should work without problems if the following
programs are available:

bash - or possibly sh needed by makefile
sed - stream editor (almost always available)
make - GNU make needed for install,compile
install - needed to copy programs
nasm - (optional), needed by compile
asmpub - (optional) used by AsmLib "make doc" option

The Makefile also has options for uninstall,
documentation, and cleanup.


AsmTools each have a separate makefile and can be
installed individually. It is also possilbe to obtain
the complete source tree and compile everything.

The easiest way to work with AsmMgr and AsmEdit is to
obtain the complete package because this includes the
library that is needed for compiles, and all the
documentation that is made available by AsmRef.

The common makefile options are:

make clean - clean up the source tree
make - make executables
make doc - make documentation
make release - create a tar.gz file
make install - run as "root" to install
make uninstall - run as "root" to uninstall


The bookmarks in AsmFile and AsmMgr are lost with a
new install.

The file and directory structure is assumed to use
short file names without spaces inside the name. For
example a directory name could b:

"This is a very long directory name"

The above name would work with some programs but not
others. Also, long names would soon overflow the
internal buffers. Internal buffers expect directory
paths and names to be less than 200 bytes.

file from AsmTools programs

This package is part of AsmTools (a collection of
programs for assembler developent on Linux X86 cpu's.)

The AsmTool family consists of:
AsmEdit - editor and IDE
AsmFunc - Utility programs for developers
AsmRef - reference for assembly programming
AsmLib - library of assembler functions
AsmMgr - Front end for AsmIDE
AsmPub - Document builder (uses comments in programs)
AsmPlan - planner for AsmMgr and AsmEdit
AsmSrc - Disassembler to generate nasm source files
AsmBug - Debugger

The author can be found on the DesktopLinuxAsm
discussion group at yahoogroups. To join send
a blank email to:

Additional information may be available on the
home page at:


see file INSTALL for more information. The AsmIDE
package consists of many programs which can be
installed separatly. All programs are selfcontained
but many also interact with other programs.

The easiest way to get started is to install the
complete package (AsmIDE).


AsmTools only run on X86 processors using
the Linux kernel version 2.4 or later. It isn't
portable to other UNIX flavors but over 90 percent
of all UNIX installations are for Linux X86.

Also, AsmTools run in a console or terminal. If
the X window GUI is being used then, AsmTools need
to be placed in a terminal. In the console mode
it does not set up a mouse interface and relies
on the keyboard.


Many of the AsmIDE programs are described within
AsmRef and that may be a good place to begin. Each
program also has some additional documentation in
the source files.

* Includes two editors
* Includes a debugger
* Includes a library of over 400 functions
* Includes a filemanager
* Includes a source generation program.
* Includes a documentation aide.
* Includes a project setup and planner
* Includes many small utilities

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