LinuxAsmTools - What's New


AsmFile shell handling was redesigned and now uses
a VT-100 library function.

AsmLib was extended to support numerous functions for
developing fast programs.

Minor bug fixes for about half the programs included in AsmTools


Two new packages were added, a tutorial for AsmLib and
easy to use development tool for assembler.

AsmLib_tutor - collection of programs and comments to
              help with using AsmLib

AsmIDE - complete easy to use development tool.  Includes
              a editor, debugger, reference system, and compile


The asmfile (file manager) has been rewritten again.  It still
needs some  testing, but is currently being used.

FileSet bugs were fixed, it now runs correctly in console.

MiniBug bugs were fixed.  It did not run correctly in console.


The asmnano editor was deleted and is not longer supported or

A new desktop scriptor (batch file processor) was added called
Xhelper.  Xhelper can move window, resize them, send keys, start
programs, and control the desktop.

The libraries were extended and many bug fixes added.

Tracex was enhanced with better support for extended functions
and now shows ascii along with hex.

Other programs had minor bug fixes.

A new program -tracex- was added to trace xserver communication.
Bugs were fixed in AsmFind and AsmTrace.

A new text processing program "domac" was added.  Domac
was used to create this web page.  It is intended as a
replacement for the unix utilities (sed,awk,m4,etc.)  For
some reason I have trouble using the unix utilities.

This web page has a new name LinuxAsmTools.  Previously
it was known as DesktopLinuxAsm.

The library "AsmLib" was updated, and this changed most
programs.  Also, some bugs were fixed in MiniBug (the
console debugger).

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