AsmTools - Downloadsdownload

Notes: "tar" files contain source, "deb" and "rpm" files are binary only.
   The "deb" and "rpm" installs may fail if they encounter files already
   present.  This occurs if a package such as AsmTools or AsmIDE is
   installed, followed by a install of one of the programs included in
   AsmTools.  The tar.gz installs are free of this problem.

Collections of AsmTool programs
Program Title Source    Description
 AsmTools github tar deb rpm
complete package of all programs
 AsmIDE github tar deb rpm
Easy to use development enviornment

Development Tools
Program Title    Description
 AsmBug github tar deb rpm
X termnal debugger
 MiniBug github tar deb rpm
console debugger
 AsmTrace github tar deb rpm
Execution Tracer
 Tracex github tar deb rpm
Trace X server calls
 AsmDis github tar deb rpm
 AsmSrc github tar deb rpm
source generator
 AsmProj github tar deb rpm
new project setup

Help and Information Tools
Program Title    Description
 Asmref github tar deb rpm
asm reference
 ElfDecode github tar deb rpm
ELF decoder
 fileset github tar deb rpm
set attributes/owner

Program Title    Description
 AsmLib github tar deb rpm
general library
 AsmLib_tutor github tar --- --- tutor for AsmLib
 AsmLibx github tar deb rpm
X server library
 Alib -- zip --- ---
DOS Library

Program Title    Description
 AsmFile github tar deb rpm
asm filemanager
 AsmMgr github tar deb rpm
asm filelmanager (old)
 AsmTimer github tar deb rpm
program timer
 AsmFind github tar deb rpm
file/text search
 AsmView github tar deb rpm
file viewer
 AsmLinks github tar deb rpm
viwer with links

Text Processing Tools
Program Title    Description
 AsmEdit github tar deb rpm
Editor for asm
 AsmPlan github tar deb rpm
 AsmPub github tar deb rpm
make doc from comments
 Domac github tar deb rpm
text macro processor
 Copy github tar deb rpm
copy files

Desktop utilities
Program Title    Description
 Xhelper github tar deb rpm
window controls

Example Programs/small tools
Program Title    Description
 AsmColor github tar deb rpm
color chooser
 key_echo github tar deb rpm
keycode display
 AsmMenu github tar deb rpm
menu for scripts
 crt_test github tar deb rpm
show crt state
 Ainfo github tar deb rpm
pty wrap demo
 file_browse github tar deb rpm
file chooser
 sort github tar deb rpm
sort demo
 steptest github tar deb rpm
demo and test
 walktest github tar deb rpm
health calculation
 format_doc github tar deb rpm
search/replace demo

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