LinuxAsmTools - HowTo read CMOS memory

Reading CMOS memory with assembler mini-HOWTO
jeff owens,
v1.01, 06 April 2009

How to read CMOS memory with example program.

Table of Contents

1. Disclaimer

2. Introduction

3. Using Ports

4. Talking to the Hardware

5. Running the Example program

6. Compiling the example program

7. Where can I find more information?


1. Disclaimer

The following document is offered in good faith as comprising only
safe programming and procedures. No responsibility is accepted by the
author for any loss or damage caused in any way to any person or
equipment, as a direct or indirect consequence of following these

2. Introduction

The most recent version of this document can always be found at

Most kernels are not configured to access CMOS memory, this
make reading CMOS a little work. This howto will discuss
the process of reading CMOS and introduce a sample program
to show CMOS time. The sample program can be downloaded
in two files cmos.asm and

3. Using Ports

To get at CMOS we need to read IO ports 70h and 71h. We
can't do this from user space, so programs must run with
root status.

Before starting it is a good idea to check our status
as follows:

call sys_getuid ;asmlib call to get our UID
or eax,eax ;check if root
jz we_root ;jmp if root

Next, we ask the kernel for access to the CMOS ports:

mov ebx,70h ;starting port
mov ecx,2 ;number of ports
mov edx,1 ;enable
call sys_ioperm ;asmlib call to ioperm
js cmos_exit ;jmp if no access

4. Talking to the hardware

To access a byte in CMOS memory we output its address
to port 70h and read the data on port 71h. The
following subroutine will read one byte from CMOS.

;input: al=address
;output: al=data
mov dx,70h ;adr select port
out dx,al ;select adr
call waitx ;add delay
mov dx,71h ;data port
in al,dx ;read data

5. A complete program to show CMOS date

[section .text]
extern sys_exit
global _start,main

extern sys_getuid
extern stdout_str
extern crt_write

extern byte_to_ascii
extern sys_ioperm

call sys_getuid
or eax,eax ;check if root
jz we_root
;; mov ecx,warning
call stdout_str
jmp cmos_exit

mov ecx,cmos_msg
mov edx,cmos_msg_size
call crt_write

mov ebx,70h ;starting port
mov ecx,2 ;number of ports
mov edx,1 ;enable
call sys_ioperm
js cmos_exit

mov esi,[cmos_table_ptr]
mov al,[esi] ;get address
cmp al,-1
je cmos_exit ;exit if end of table
call read_cmos ;read byte
mov edi,cmos_value
call byte_to_ascii
mov [edi],byte 0ah ;terminate value string
inc edi
mov [edi],byte 0

inc esi ;move past address
mov ecx,esi ;get ptr to text
call stdout_str
mov ecx,cmos_value
call stdout_str

or al,al
jnz cmos_next_table
jmp short cmos_read_loop

call sys_exit ;library call example
;input: al=address
;output: al=data
mov dx,70h ;adr select port
out dx,al ;select adr
call waitx
mov dx,71h ;data port
in al,dx ;read data
movzx ecx,dl
wx: loop wx

[section .data]

db 06h ;Day of the Week
db 'address 06 (day of week) = ',0

db 07h ;Day of the Month
db 'address 07 (day of month) = ',0

db 08h ;Month
db 'address 08 (month) = ',0

db 09h ;Year
db 'address 9 (year) = ',0

db -1 ;end of table

cmos_table_ptr dd cmos_table
cmos_value times 5 db 0

incbin ""
cmos_msg_size equ $ - cmos_msg

--- end of cmos.asm --------------------------------
incude file follows
---- start of -----------------------------

CMOS or NVRAM memory used to hold computer settings
and provide a clock. Since we want the clock and CMOS
to stay active when the computer is off, a battery is
needed. CMOS memory is separate from other address
spaces and requires two ports for access. If we have
root access these ports (70h & 71h) can be read and
show the following:

5. Running the example program.

If we currently have root status, the example program
can be started with:


It will show date values read from cmos. Normally
we will not be root, so we might us sudo as follows:

sudo ./cmos

6. Compiling the example program.

The example program can be compiled with the
following tools:

nasm - assembler
asmlib - library of assembler functions

The easy way to do this is to install, asmide
and start it as follows:

asmide cmos.asm

asmide will provide a menu, with compile and
debug options.

To manually compile the source use the following:

nasm -g -f elf cmos.asm
ld cmos.o -static -o cmos /usr/lib/asmlib.a

7. Where can I find more information?

google for "Phil Storrs PC Hardware book"

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