steptest - Aerobic Step Test


This test is designed to measure your cardiovascular endurance. Using
a 12 inch high bench (or a similar sized stair in your house), step on
and off for 3 minutes.
* Step up with one foot and then the other.
* Step down with one foot followed by the other foot.
* Try to maintain a steady four beat cycle. It's easy to maintain if
you say "up, up, down, down". Go at a steady and consistent pace.
* At the end of 3 minutes, remain standing, wait 5 seconds, then
take your pulse for 15 seconds. Multiply by 4 to give your heart
rate for one minute.[218] For more information about taking your
heart rate.
* Compare your result to the chart below.

3 Minute Step Test (Men)

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Excellent <79 <81 <83 <87 <86 <88
Good 79-89 81-89 83-96 87-97 86-97 88-96
Above Average 90-99 90-99 97-103 98-105 98-103 97-103
Average 100-105 100-107 104-112 106-116 104-112 104-113
Below Average 106-116 108-117 113-119 117-122 113-120 114-120
Poor 117-128 118-128 120-130 123-132 121-129 121-130
Very Poor >128 >128 >130 >132 >129 >130

3 Minute Step Test (Women)

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Excellent <85 <88 <90 <94 <95 <90
Good 85-98 88-99 90-102 95-104 86-97 90-102
Above Average 99-108 100-111 103-110 105-115 105-112 103-115
Average 109-117 112-119 111-118 116-120 113-118 116-122
Below Average 118-126 120-126 119-128 121-129 119-128 123-128
Poor 127-140 127-138 129-140 130-135 129-139 129-134
Very Poor >140 >138 >140 >135 >139 >134

Source: Canadian Public Health Association Project.

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