minibug - debugger for ELF executables


minibug [-a] file

where -a attach to running file
file is name of file to debug


minibug is a simple console or terminal debugger.
It provides a main window with rgister display, breakpoint
display, a code display, and memory display.

Two keys cycle through window:
w - select next window
W - selects mini window when in debug window

Initially the debug (main window) is displayed with
a small mini window on the right side. The mini window
can be toggled between several modes by pressing shift
w (upper case w).

The debug window can be replaced with several other windows
by pressing the w key. Each press will show a different window.
Also windows can be selected by pressing alt key and first
letter of their name.

MiniBug starts in debug window, recognizing the following keys:
?-window help f-find label, or register name
w-toggle to next win <enter>-find next
W-toggle mini win on right alt-letter -select window by letter
s-step up-scroll up
o-step over down-scroll down
g-go pgup-page up
q-quit pgdn-page down

Register window recognizes the following keys:
?-window help alt-letter -select window by letter
w-toggle to next win q-quit to debug window
e-edit register value

Memory window recognizes the following keys:
?-window help alt-letter -select window by letter
w-toggle to next win q-quit to debug window
e-edit memory value f-find label or register
b-show bytes 2-show words d-show dwords
up/down-scroll up/down pgup/pgdn-page up/down

Break window recognizes the following keys:
?-window help alt-letter -select window by letter
w-toggle to next win q-quit to debug window
a-add breakpoint
c-clear breakpoints

Note: breaks may be easier to set from the debug window.
using f(find) and b(break-here)

Stack window recognizes the following keys:
?-window help alt-letter -select window by letter
w-toggle to next win q-quit to debug window
up-scroll up
down-scroll down
pgup-page up
pgdn-page down


MiniBug sometimes fails to disassemble correctly. This
often occurs if data is included within the .text section.
Stepping into the code may fix the disassembly.


MiniBug is contained within one file and does not
use any support files


asmbug asmdis


Jeff Owens <>


GNU Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Owens
This program comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY

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