format_doc - process text file

usage format_doc <in-file> <out-file>

a format_doc.ini file must also exist in
the local directory, see file format_doc.ini

the out-file will written with all match-strings
replaced with replace-strings

file: format_doc.asm

format_doc first finds the match string and then
begins executing the actions at end of each entry
in format_doc.ini
If repeat code is placed at end of actions, they
are repeated till the match string is not found.
It is important to keep the match string beyond
its last match to avoid infinite loops when using
the repeat action.

format_doc.ini - control table for format_doc

* table entries are repetitiions of the following
* three fields:
* "match-string" "replacement-string" "actions"

* the code \n in strings can be used for new-line (0ah)

* The actions available are:
* 1 replace the match string with replace-string
* 2 move up one line
* 3 move down one line
* 4 replace whole llne rather than just the match-string
* (line needs 0ah at end)
* 5 insert line above current line
* (line needs 0ah at end)
* 6 insert line below current line
* (line needs 0ah at end)
* 7 insert replace-string at front of current line
* 8 delete right to end of line
* (place at start of actions to remove match ->)
* 9 do actions till end of file reached

* if program hangs or aborts this is almost always due
* to infinite loops caused by impossible actions. Most
* problems can be avoided by keeping the match string
* pointer beyond last action. This avoids finding the
* same string over and over when repeating actions.
* Use the code 3 to move match pointer down.

* file: format_doc.ini
* The format_doc.ini file needs to be in current directory

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