
This document describes an executable "elfdecode" and
a general usage include file called "". is described last and is the prime focus
of this document. the executable "elfdecode" exists
to test and as a general interrogation
of elf files. The executable is menu driven and needs
a file name as parameter. It then displays information

The rest of this document describes

------- is a generic decoder of elf files. It is
intended as a pre processor for AsmDis,AsmSrc, and AsmBug.

Input is any elf file name. If debug information is present
in the elf, it will look in the current directory for source

mov eax,file_name_ptr
call elfdecode

elfdecode writes its output as files in the current directory.
The files created depend upon elf contents. Not all elf's
have comment information and non-dynamic files will not have
the library and externs files.
.abug_header.dat ;image of header1
.abug_image.dat ;load image
.abug_fimage.dat ;flag image
.abug_sym.dat ;symbol table
.abug_externs.txt ;externals used in elf
.abug_lib.txt ;libraries referenced in elf
.abug_comment.dat ;comments extracted from source file
The results will be in -al- register
al = 0 success
al = -1 'Cant write to current directory',0ah,0
al = -2 'File not found',0ah,0
al = -3 'ELF format error',0ah,0
al = -4 'Insufficient Memory',0ah,0
al = -5 'Cant access file',0ah,0
al = -6 'File format wrong',0ah,0
al = -7 'Source newer than executable',0
note: since elfdecode is a include file the header will be
in memory already.


Summary of abug_header
1. Preamble - general info
2. Program load headers (sorted by adr)
3. section headers (sorted by adr)

+ ---------+
| Preamble | preamble: times (pre_struc_size) db 0
+ ---------+

At the top of .abug_header is general information

struc pre
.elf_type_flag resd 1 ;00000001h - dynamic section found
;00000002h - lib wrapper for HLL found
;00000004h - symbol table found
;00000008h - debug section found
;00000010h - source file found
;00000020h - debug comments found
;00000040h - no sections found (bit set)
.elf_phys_top resd 1 ;start of elf header
.elf_phys_code_start resd 1 ;start of code,data may proceed, may be in elf header
.elf_phys_exec_entry resd 1 ;entry point
.elf_phys_code_end resd 1 ;end of code
.elf_phys_load_end resd 1 ;end of file data
.elf_phys_bss_end resd 1 ;end of bss data
.app_main resd 1 ;set if lib setup at run_physical_entry
(if loaded from file, the following ptrs need adjustment)
.pheader_ptrs: resd 8 ;last ptr is zero to signal end of list
.sheader_ptrs: resd 12 ;last ptr is zero
.target_time: resd 2
.target_file: resb 128-16

After the Preamble are program headers.

The .abug_header file is a map to elf contents. Everything
is tied to program headers which are listed first. The following
structure is replicated for each loadable program header found.
Only loadable blocks have entries here.
Entries are sorted by assending phys_start address.

program header extract | phead: times (head_struc_size * 8) db 0

struc head
.phys_start dd 0 ;load address for block
.phys_end dd 0 ;end address for block (beyond last byte)
.size dd 0 ;size of block
.offset dd 0 ;offset into elf file, not fimage.dat or image.dat
.p_flags db 0 ;flag from pheader 1=exec 2=write 4=read 8=bss

.offset is initially a index into elf file, and is converted into
a index into both the flag and load image files

note: the .p_flag 08h (.bss) is created when the load size exceedes
the file size of a header entry.
if the .phys_start is zero then this is end of "head" structures.
A better way to find end of extracts is using pointers in preamble.

+ ------------------------+
| section header extracts | shead: times (shead_struc_size * 20) db 0
+ ------------------------+

The section headers are stored as offsets from "head" in file and must
be converted to pointers. Only sections that are loaded are stored.

struc sect
.sh_addr dd 0 ;phys load address
.sh_size dd 0 ;size of this section
.sh_flags db 0 ;bits 01h=writeable 02h=allocate 04h=execute
.sh_name db x ;ascii name string

|.abug_image and .abug_fimage

The abug_image conatins the loadable contents from the elf file.
If the blocks have gaps, fill data will be added. It will not
contain any .bss sections found.

The abug_fimage will be a bit map of abug_image and also include
a map for .bss sections found. Fill data will have a map value
of 7fh

flag image (fimage) bit definitions

0xxx xxxx - data
1xxx xxxx - code

x0xx xxxx - start of data/instruction
x1xx xxxx - data/instruction body

xx00 xxxx - no label here
xx01 xxxx - symbol table has label for this location
xx10 xxxx - label hit, type in low 4 bits
xx11 xxxx - symbol table has label & hits, type in low 4 bits

data start states data body states
----------------- ----------------
00xx 0000 - db 0100 0000 - db,dw,dd,ptr body
00xx 0001 - dw
00xx 0010 - dd
00xx 0011 -
00xx 0100 - string start 0100 0100 - string body
00xx 1000 - repeat start 0100 1000 - repeat db body

code start states code body state
----------------- ---------------
10xx 0000 - normal code 1100 0000 - non-start body
10xx 0001 - jmp target
10xx 0010 - call target

| .abug_sym.dat files (symbol table)

;-- structure used by abug_sym.dat file
struc sym
.sym_adr resd 1 ;address, if not in then dymamic
.sym_typ resb 1 ;type, 50=data 60=code 00=external
.sym_ascii resb 1 ;asciiz symbol name

The AsmLib function hash_add is used to build database.
To accesss the database use hash_lookup

| .abug_comment.dat files (table)

A comment consists of
.comment_adr dd 0 ;physical address
.comment_str db x ;comment string

The AsmLib function string_add is used to add
comments to a database which can be accessed by string_lookup

| .abug_externs.dat and .abug_libs.dat

These files are simple text lists

| preamble |
| ptrs to pheaders |--> ptrs (file values need conversion)
| ptrs to sheaders |--> ptrs (file values need conversion)

program headers .abug_image .abug_fimage
+------------------+ +--> +-----------------+ +---------------+
| | | | load image | | flags |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| offset |--+ | | | |
| | | | | |
+------------------+ +-----------------+ +---------------+
| optional filler | |optional filler|
+------------------+ +--> +-----------------+ +---------------+
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| offset to image2 |--+ | | | |
| | | | | |
+------------------+ +-----------------+ +---------------+
| |
+------------------+ +-> +---------------+
| | | | .bss section |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| offset .bss |-----------------------------+ | |
| | | |
+------------------+ +---------------+

| |
| section index3 |

| (section 1) |
| section index1 |

| (section 2) |
| section index2 |

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