asmview - text file viewer


usage: asmview file
asmview < file
cat file | asmview

if no file name is provided or if a bad filename is
provided the program displays a file selection window.


AsmView reads a file into memory and converts all non-text
(binary) data to "." (period) characters. The data is then
displayed in a window. The data can be scrolled in any direction.
Long lines will extend beyond the right edge of the screen and
can be viewed with the right-arrow key.


keyboard ACTIONS

up key - scroll up
down key - scroll down
pgup key - page up
pgdn key - page down
right,left - scroll
esc - exit
f10 = exit
f3 = exit
enter key - begin/repeat search
f1 - help
home - goto top of file
end = goto end of file


search strings can be entered by typing a normal text character.
the search string will appear on the status line (bottom of the
display). The search string keys are:

text key - appended to current search string
rubout - removes the last text character entered
Enter - begins search

searching always begins from the second line of currently displayed
page and all matches are positioned on the top line of the display.
to continue searching, just keep pressing <Enter>. To start a search
from the top of file, type <home> and then either <Enter> or a new
search string followed by <Enter>

all non-control keys are assumed to be part of a search string and
will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

asmmgr(1) asmref(1) asmedit(1)

Jeff Owens

copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Owens
this program comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY

the author can be found on the DesktopLinuxAsm
discussion group at yahoogroups. To join send
a blank email to:

additional information may be available on the
home page at:

Fork me on GitHub