asmsrc - create nasm source for ELF executable


asmsrc <file>

<file> is optional ELF target. If no <file>
is provided then this is continuation and
asmsrc looks for existing database of ELF
decoding information in current directory.


asmsrc generates nasm formatted assembler source
files. It can use preproccessed data from
asmdis or asmbug. If a filename is provided,
asmsrc ignores any existing database and recreates
a database for the target file.
All files are expected to be in the current


The current directory is a work directory and asmsrc
writes its output file here as xxxx.src.
There are two expected modes of operation.

mode 1

If source is available and debug information included,
this provides asmsrc more information and allows it
to create better source files. This is useful to
convert from one assembler or HLL to the nasm format.

mode 2

When source is not available it is necessary to
identify all code areas and try to generate a
source that will compile. This requires use to
asmdis and asmbug to identify areas of the ELF
file and help build descriptive tables.

Typically mode 2 starts with asmdis and after
the displayed data looks correct, asmsrc is
started without any parameters. asmsrc writes
a file xxxxx.src using the ELF file name as
a base.


asmbug - debugger
asmdis - disassembler that works with asmbug
asmsrc - source code generator that works with asmbug

asmdis_history.dat - status of last executable disassembled
asmdis_image.dat - load image of last executable
asmdis_fimage.dat - flags image describing executable
asmdis_sym.dat - symbol table for last executable
asmdis_externs.txt - list of extern's if file used dynamic lib
asmdis_lib.txt - list of dynamic libraries used

asmmgr(1) asmref(1) asmedit(1) asmsrc(1) asmdis(1)

Jeff Owens <>

Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Owens
This program comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY

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