asmref - assembler reference for developers


no parameters are used with asmref

AsmRef is this assembler help system. The AsmRef
program displays a menu of topics for selection by
mouse clicks.


AsmRef includes a viewer and menu system to
access a large collection of information files.
Topics include: kernel calls, structures, errors,
and structures. X86 assembly information. Info
on Linux terminals and information for the
AsmTools program collection.


Topics can be displayed by clicking on a series
of pop up menu items.

Most display can be exited by the ESC key.

Finding Kernel Calls

Kernel calls are grouped by topic. If a call
is related to signals it will be in the
topic "signal". To find the call or topic
use one of the index files:

- call numbers - calls indexed by number
- call names - calls indexed by name
- call topic - calls indexed by topic


Yes, there are errors. If you find this reference useful
then help others by reporting errors or revising
the data and sending the results to:

jeff at

Please use this information and extend it. The only
restriction is to keep the GNU protection.

asmmgr(1) asmedit(1)

Jeff Owens

Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Owens
This program comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY


The author can be found on the DesktopLinuxAsm
discussion group at yahoogroups. To join send
a blank email to:

Additional information may be available on the
home page at:

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