asmpub - create document from comments in source


asmpub <switches> -o <name> target

where: <switches> can be:
-c(n) - comment character used in source files
example: -c; for ";" character
-c# for "#" character
Note: no spaces can separate a -x flag and
associated value. thus, -r 2 is illegal.
Shells assume some characters have special
meaning and need to be told to ignore them.
Thus, the -c; parameter must be quoted as '-c;'
-f1 = format 1 (normal)
-f2 = format 2 (library) (see below)
-i = write index file, uses -o switch to get path
and appends extension of .index
-k = show sort key in index
-n = number sections in index and title lines
-r(n) = recurse to depth (n)
where: default=current dir (-r1)
-r = recurse all directories
-r2 = recurse to a depth of 2
-s = sort sections
-o(name) = base name for index and output files:
Note: output file is stored in current directory
if full path is not provided. No space
between -o and (name).
where: target can be:
path to start search with optional file mask.
example: /home/sam/project/ <- scan all files
at /project
/home/sam/project/*.asm <- scan all
files ending with
".asm" at /project
/home/sam/mak* <- scan all files starting
with "mak"
note: A full target path must be provided. Examples:
Shells treat "*" as a special character and
must be told to ignore it. Thus, it must be
quoted. Example -o*.asm --> '-o*.asm'


asmpub has two modes. In mode 1 comments are extracted
from source files if they are identified with special markers.
The comments are moved to a output file with minimal processing.
This mode can be modified somewhat by using command line

asmpub's second mode is designed for libraries. It can separate
each comment block, identity a title, sort by type and title,
number each section, build a index file, and do other processing.

asmpub extracts each block of text and removes the
leading comment character. If the sort flag flag
is enabled the blocks are sorted. Next, numbering
is applied if enabled. The index is then written
if enabled. Finally, the comment blocks are written
and formatting applied.

format of comment block in source file

the following assumes the comment character is ";"

each comment block begins with line: ";>1" followed by optional
sort keys: The end of the block is specified by ";<1"
Continuation block can start with ";>2" and end with ";<1".
The continuation block are appended to preceding block and
sorted with it. All comment block lines must begin at left
edge as follows:
summary: ;>1 <-- begins comment block & has sort strings
;>2 <-- begins continuation block, sorted with parent
;<1 <-- ends comment or continuation block
; <-- normal text within comment block

the block beginning can have a sort key following the ";>1" string.
the sort string can be any string and can be preceded by a space.
example: ;>1 key1-key2
the sort string can appear as headers in index file if switch -k
is used.

f1 format - The comment blocks are written as found. (the
leading comment character removed) If numbering
is enabled it will be insert at front of first line
after the ";>" header line. The ";>" header line
and other control lines will be removed.

f2 format - The f2 format is for libraries and works like f1
format with the following additions: A blank line
is added at start of each block. this is followed
by a line of dashes, then the first comment line.
Next, another line of dashes is inserted. This
is followed by the remaining data from comment section.


the documentation for asmlib is created by asmpub.

Jeff Owens <>

Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Owens
This program comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY

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