Asmlinks - text file viewer with imbedded link handling


usage: asmlinks file


asmlinks reads a file into memory and converts all non-text
(binary) data to "." (period) characters. The data is then
displayed in a window. The data can contain links to other files


up key - move to prev (up) link, if not found move up one line
down key - move to next link (donw) if not found move down one line
pgup key - page up
pgdn key - page down
right - enter link
Enter - enter link
left - previous file or exit if at root
Esc - previous file or exit if at root
f10 - previous file or exit if at root
f1 - help
f2 - find, places match on top line
f3 - find again
home - goto top of file
end - goto end of file


Search strings can be entered by typing a normal text character.
The search string will appear on the status line (bottom of the

Searching always begins from the second line of currently displayed
page and all matches are positioned on the top line of the display.
To continue searching, just keep pressing <f3>. To start a search
from the top of file, type <home> and then either <Enter> or a new
search string followed by <Enter>

All non-control keys are assumed to be part of a search string and
will be shown at the bottom of the screen.


AsmLinks will view normal text files and special link files.
Link files are recognized by finding link table at end. Each
link table has entries consisting of:


Within the text a link entry is created by entering <keyword>
Keywords entered without a couresponding table entry are


Compile with: nasm -felf xxxx.asm -o xxxx.o
ld xxxx.o -o xxxx


see file INSTALL for more information.
The AsmTools consists of many programs which
can be installed separatly. All programs are
selfcontained but many also interact with other

The easiest way to get started is to install the
complete package


AsmIDE programs only run on X86 processors using
the Linux kernel version 2.4 or later. It isn't
portable to other UNIX flavors but over 90 percent
of all UNIX installations are for Linux X86.

Also, AsmLinks runs in a console or terminal. If
the X window GUI is being used then, AsmLinks needs
to be placed in a terminal. In the console mode
it does not set up a mouse interface and relies
on the keyboard.


The author can be found on the DesktopLinuxAsm
discussion group at yahoogroups. To join send
a blank email to:

Additional information may be available on the
home page at:

This package is part of AsmTools (a collection of
programs for assembler developent on Linux X86 cpu's.)

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