Asmlib is a library of Linux functions for X86
processors. All code was written in assembler.
In general, functions do not preserve registers
or check for errors. The CLD flag is assumed
to be set. Also, some functions assume other
functions are called first. For example, the
functions mouse_enable, read_window_size are
setup functions usually called at beginning of

Copyrighted by the GNU public liscense.


-- blk --
1 bit_set - set bit in array
2 bit_set_list - set bits in array
3 bit_test - test array of bits
4 blk_bmove - move large block bytes
5 blk_clear - clear array of bytes
6 blk_del_bytes - delete area from block of data
7 blk_dmove - move large block of dwords
8 blk_fdel_bytes - delete area from block of data
9 blk_find - search block of text for string
10 blk_finsert_bytes - insert data into block
11 blk_fmake_hole - make hole and fill with zeros
12 blk_freplace - replace first match in buffer
13 blk_freplace_all - replace all matches in buffer
14 blk_insert_bytes - insert data into block
15 blk_make_hole - make hole in data block for insert
16 blk_move - move block of data
17 blk_replace - replace first match in buffer
18 blk_replace_all - replace all matches in buffer
19 blk_replace_table - replace strings using table
20 margins - sets margins for paragraph function
21 paragraph - formats one paragraph

-- char --
22 is_alpha - check if alpha 20h -> 7eh
23 is_number - check if ascii number

-- compress --
24 decrypt - move ascii data and decrypt
25 encrypt - simple string encryption
26 lz_compress - Lempel-Ziv data compressor
27 lz_decompress - Lempel-Ziv data uncompressor
28 pak - move ascii data and compress
29 upak - move ascii data and uncompress

-- crt --
30 color_cursor - place a colored cursor on the screen
31 crt_char_at - display one colored char at location.
32 crt_clear - clear the screen
33 crt_close
34 crt_color_at - move cursor and display colored line
35 crt_horizontal - repeat display character
36 crt_line - display line with embedded color codes
37 crt_open - get crt parameters and setup termios
38 crt_set_color - set color mode for display
39 crt_str - display asciiz string at curent cursor position
40 crt_table - display screen of data using table
41 crt_table_loc - use table ptr to find crt row/col
42 crt_vbar - display vertical bar lenght of window
43 crt_vertical - repeat char vertically
44 crt_win_from_ptrs - display window using ptrs to lines
45 crt_window - display one window/page of data
46 crt_window2 - display window with embedded color
47 crt_write - display block of data
48 cursor_hide - hide the cursor
49 cursor_to_table - find table location from cursor row/col
50 cursor_unhide - unhide the cursor
51 mov_color - copy vt100 string to buffer
52 move_cursor - move cursor
53 reset_soft - terminal soft reset
54 reset_terminal - output vt-100 setup strings
55 restore_cursor - restore cursor position
56 save_cursor - save current cursor position

-- database --
57 database_close - close currently active database
58 database_copy_record - copy record to buffer
59 database_extract - extract record (cut) and save copy
60 database_insert - insert record into open database
61 database_open - open or create a database file
62 database_record_size - compute size of record in database
63 database_search - scan the database for string

-- date --
64 ascii2days - convert ascii year,month,day to days since 1970
65 ascii2regs - convert ascii year,month,day to bin year,month,day
66 bins2ascii - format date
67 day_name - lookup name for day
68 days2ascii - convert days to week,day,month, etc.
69 days2dateregs - convert days to week,day,month, etc.
70 days_in_month - returns number of days in month
71 get_raw_time - get raw time from kernel
72 leap_check - check for leap year
73 leap_count - count leap years from 1970 till target
74 month_name - lookup name for month
75 raw2ascii - apply zone adjustment to raw system time
76 raw2seconds - apply zone adjustment to raw system time
77 regs2ascii - format date
78 regs2days - convert day,month,year to days since 1970
79 seconds2bins - convert seconds to year,month,day,hr, etc.
80 seconds2dateregs - convert seconds to week,day,month, etc.
81 seconds2timeregs - seconds to hour,min,sec registers

-- dir --
82 dir_access - check if file can be accessed
83 dir_change - change current working directory
84 dir_close - close a open directory and release memory
85 dir_close_file - close a open directory, retain memory
86 dir_close_memory - release memory allocated by dir_open
87 dir_create - create a new directory
88 dir_current - get current working directory
89 dir_delete - delete an empty directory
90 dir_index - index an open directory
91 dir_open - allocate memory and read directory
92 dir_open_indexed - open a directory and index
93 dir_open_sorted - open a directory, index, and sort
94 dir_read - open, read, close a directory structure
95 dir_read_grow - allocate memory and read directory
96 dir_sort - sort a opened and indexed directory
97 dir_sort_by_name - sort a opened and indexed directory
98 dir_sort_by_type - sort a opened and indexed directory
99 dir_status - check if directory exists
100 dir_type - Add type information to indexed directory
101 dir_walk - traverse directory and return selected paths

-- draw --
102 draw_box - use line drawing characters to draw a box
103 draw_off - disable line drawing characters
104 draw_on - enable line drawing characters
105 draw_table - draw using table of actions

-- env --
106 env_exec - search executable path for program
107 env_home - search the enviornment for $HOME
108 env_home2 - search /proc for $HOME
109 env_shell - search enviornment for SHELL=
110 env_stack - find stack ptrs to enviornment
111 find_env_variable - search enviornment for variable name
112 lib_data - common data used by crt functions

-- file --
113 build_current_path - build path using current dir
114 build_file_open - build path and open file
115 build_homepath - build path using $HOME
116 build_write_open - build path and open write file
117 file_access - check if file can be accessed
118 file_close - close opened file
119 file_copy - copy one file
120 file_delete - delete file
121 file_exec_path - build full path to executable
122 file_length_handle - get length of file using descriptor
123 file_length_name - get length of named file
124 file_list_copy - copy files on list
125 file_open - open named file
126 file_open_rd - open named file
127 file_read - read n bytes from open file
128 file_read_all - open,read entire file,close
129 file_read_grow - open and read entire file, expand buffer if necessary
130 file_rename - rename a file
131 file_simple_read - open & read file to buffer, then close
132 file_status_handle - check filename exists and get status
133 file_status_name - check filename exists and get status
134 file_write - write n bytes to open file
135 file_write_close - open,write, and close file
136 filename_extract - extract filename from full path
137 filepath_extract - extract path from path + name
138 get_current_path - get default (current) dir
139 mmap_close - close memory mapped file and release memory
140 mmap_open_ro - returns a read only pointer to file data
141 mmap_open_rw - map file into memory for read/write

-- file2 --
142 block_close - close file
143 block_open_append - open file for appended writes
144 block_open_home_append - open file at $HOME for appended writes
145 block_open_home_read - open existing file as read-only
146 block_open_home_update - open file at $HOME for reading/writing records
147 block_open_home_write - open truncated file in $HOME dir for read/write
148 block_open_read - open existing file as read-only
149 block_open_update - open file for reading/writing records
150 block_open_write - open truncated file for read/write
151 block_read - read file
152 block_read_all - read file and close it
153 block_read_home_all - read file and close it
154 block_seek - seek to location in file
155 block_write - write file
156 block_write_all - write file and close it
157 block_write_home_all - write file to $HOME and close it

-- hash --
158 hash_add - add entries to hash table
159 hash_lookup - search data entries for match
160 hash_lookup_next - search for another match
161 hash_remove - remove one entry from data set
162 hash_setup - prepare hash table for use
163 hashfile_archive - write current hash data to open file
164 hashfile_restore - read open hash file into buffer
165 record_add - add entries to record table
166 record_archive - write current hash data to open file
167 record_lookup - search records for key
168 record_restore - read open hash file into buffer
169 record_setup - prepare record table for use
170 string_add - add entries to string table
171 string_archive - write current hash data to open file
172 string_lookup - search strings for key
173 string_restore - read open hash file into buffer
174 string_setup - prepare string table for use

-- list --
175 list_check_end - check list end, do not remove
176 list_check_front - check list top, do not remove entry
177 list_get_from_end - return last list entry
178 list_get_from_front - return entry from top of list
179 list_put_at_end - add entry to end of list
180 list_put_at_front - add entry to front of list
181 pop_dword - remove dwort from top of list
182 pop_string - return string at top of list
183 put_dword - add dword to top of list
184 put_pop_dword_setup - setup dword list
185 put_pop_string_setup - setup string list
186 put_string - add string to top of list

-- log-error --
187 buffer_hex - build hex line plus ascii in buffer
188 buffer_hex_line - dump hex line to buffer
189 err_msg - display error messages
190 err_number - display error number
191 hex_dump_file - dump hex to file
192 hex_dump_stdout - dump hex to stdout
193 install_signals - install signals
194 log_eol - write eol (end of line) to "log"
195 log_fd - log status of file descriptor
196 log_hex - write hex to file called "log"
197 log_num - write number to file called "log"
198 log_process_info - log process pid,ppid,gid,pgid
199 log_regtxt - write string in -eax- to file called "log"
200 log_signals - install signal logging
201 log_str - write string to file called "log"
202 log_terminal_0 - log termios and win size for stdin
203 log_terminal_x - log termios and win size for stdin
204 show_hex - display assorted hex numbers using control table
205 write_char_to_file - write byte to open fd
206 write_char_to_stdout - display ascii char
207 write_hex_byte_stdout - display hex char
208 write_hex_byte_to_file - write hex for byte to file
209 write_hex_line_stdout - dump hex line to stdout
210 write_hex_line_to_file - dump hex line to file

-- math --
211 dword_divide - divide 32 bit values
212 quad_add - add 64 bit values
213 quad_compare - unsigned 64 bit compare
214 quad_divide - divide 64 bit values
215 quad_multiply - multiply 64 bit values
216 quad_negate - negate 64 bit values
217 quad_subtract - subtract 64 bit values

-- memory --
218 chain_double - chain (add) to doubly linked list
219 chain_single - chain (add) link to singly linked list
220 m_allocate - provide memory to caller
221 m_close - release memory and disable memory manager
222 m_release - release previously allocated memory
223 m_setup - setup for memory manager use
224 memory_init - get top of allocated memory
225 set_memory - adjust memory end point
226 shared_attach - attach to a shared memory segment
227 shared_close - close a shared memory segment
228 shared_open - open a shared memory segment
229 unchain_double - unchain (remove) link from doubly link list
230 unchain_single - unchain (remove) link from singly linked list

-- menu --
231 crt_mouse_line - display line in mouse_decode format
232 key_decode1 - decode non-aplha key strings and get process
233 key_decode2 - decode aplha key strings and get process
234 key_decode3 - decode non-aplha key strings and get process
235 menu_decode - decode menu key/mouse event
236 menu_display - display menu specified by structure
237 mouse_line_decode - find mouse process from display line text

-- process --
238 change_tty_group - assign tty to new group
239 check_process - get process status from /proc
240 create_group - make our process a new group leader
241 get_group - get group id for process (x)
242 get_our_group - get group id for our process
243 get_our_process_id - get our process id
244 get_parent_process_id - get our process id
245 get_proc_info - extract info from kernel /proc/./stat
246 get_tty_group - get group controling the tty
247 join_group - join a process to (existing) group
248 kill_process - send kill signal to process
249 process_info_pid - get information for process (x)
250 process_info_pidn - get information for process (x)
251 process_info_us - get our process information
252 process_search - search names of active process's
253 process_walk - walk through active process's
254 process_walk_cleanup - close all walk files

-- random --
255 random_dword - generate random dword
256 random_seed - get low clock bits to use as random number
257 scale_dword - adjust random number to fit in range

-- signal --
258 signal_handler_default - set default handler for signal
259 signal_handler_none - set no handler for signal
260 signal_handler_status - check if our signal handler installed
261 signal_install - install signal
262 signal_install_list - install signals
263 signal_mask_block - block signal handler (OR) into mask
264 signal_mask_get - get current signal mask
265 signal_mask_set - set signal mask (store) bits
266 signal_mask_unblock - unblock signal handler (AND) with mask
267 signal_send - send signal
268 signal_wait - wait for signals
269 signal_wait_blind - wait for any signal that is handled.
270 signal_wait_child - wait for child termination signal
271 signal_wait_setup - optional setup for signal_wait function
272 signals_ending - get mask for pending signals

-- sort --
273 sort_bubble - bubble sort a list of ptr to text blocks
274 sort_dword_array - use bubble sort on array of dwords
275 sort_dword_array2 - use selection sort on array of dwords
276 sort_dword_array3 - use selection sort with ptr list
277 sort_merge - merge sort buffer using index
278 sort_merge_lines - merge sort buffer using index
279 sort_selection - use selection sort with ptr list

-- sound --
280 close_sound_device - close /dev/dsp
281 compute_samples_per_wave - compute samples per wave
282 compute_wave_count - compute number of waves
283 flush_sound_device - write remaining bytes
284 make_sound - play square wave
285 metronome - repeat tone until done or key press
286 open_sound_device - open /dev/dsp
287 set_sound_device - mono mode, byte data, samp rate 22050
288 write_sound_device - write to /dev/dsp

-- str --
289 str_end - scan to end of string
290 str_index - index into list of asciiz string
291 str_insert - inserts string into string
292 str_join - join two strings
293 str_len - find length of asciiz string
294 str_move - move asciiz string
295 strlen1 - get lenght of esi string
296 strlen2 - get lenght of edi string

-- str_cmp --
297 compare_mask - compare string to masked template
298 scan_buf - fast scan of sequential buffers for string
299 scan_buf_open - setup for scan buffer for string
300 str_compare - compare two strings, use case
301 str_match - compare asciiz string to buffer data, use case
302 str_replace - replace first occurance of str1 in str2
303 str_replace_all - replace all occurances of str1 in str2
304 str_search - search string for match

-- str_conv --
305 ascii_to_dword - convert decimal ascii string to binary
306 byte2ascii - convert binary 1-255 to 3 ascii chars
307 byte2hexascii - convert one byte to hex ascii and store
308 byte2hexstr - convert one byte to hex ascii and store
309 byte2octalascii - convert one byte to octal ascii and store
310 byte_to_ascii - convert binary byte to left justified ascii string
311 byte_to_hexascii - binary byte to hex ascii
312 byteto_hexascii - convert one byte to hex ascii and store
313 dword2hexascii - convert dword to hex ascii and store
314 dword2hexstr - convert one dword to hex ascii and store
315 dword2octalascii - convert one dword to octal ascii and store
316 dword_to_ascii - convert binary dword to left justified ascii string
317 dword_to_hexascii - binary byte to hex ascii
318 dword_to_l_ascii - convert binary dword to left justified ascii string
319 dword_to_lpadded_ascii - binary dword to left justified ascii string
320 dword_to_r_ascii - convert bin dword to right just ascii str
321 dwordto_hexascii - convert one dword to hex ascii and store
322 fdword_to_ascii - convert dword float to ascii string
323 fqword_to_ascii - convert qword float to ascii string
324 fst0_to_ascii - convert fst0 to ascii string
325 ftword_to_ascii - convert tword float to ascii string
326 hexascii2byte - convert two hex ascii char to byte
327 hexascii2dword - convert eight hex ascii char to dword
328 hexascii2nibble - convert one hex ascii char to nibble
329 hexascii2word - convert four hex ascii char to word
330 hexascii_to_byte - convert up to 2 hexascii to bin
331 hexascii_to_dword - convert up to 8 hexascii to bin
332 hexascii_to_nibble - convert hexascii char to bin
333 nibble2ascii - convert binary 1-99 to 2 ascii chars
334 nibble2hexascii - convert one nibble to hex ascii and store
335 nibble2hexstr - convert 4-bits to hex ascii and store
336 nibble2octalascii - convert 3-bits to octal ascii and store
337 nibbleto_hexascii - convert 4-bits to hex ascii and store
338 octalascii2dword - convert asciiz octal string to dword
339 word2hexascii - convert one word to hex ascii and store
340 word2hexstr - convert one word to hex ascii and store
341 word2octalascii - convert one word to octal ascii and store
342 word_to_ascii - convert binary word to left justified ascii string
343 wordto_hexascii - convert one word to hex ascii and store

-- str_parse --
344 lookup_token - check if token on list
345 parse_token - scan buffer for next token
346 read_setup - read config file and move data
347 write_setup - write config file

-- sys --
348 delay - delay microseconds or seconds
349 is_executable_on_path - check if executable available
350 launch_app - wrap app and setup for feed with launch_feed
351 launch_feed - feed data to process started by launch_app
352 launch_kill - kill a process started by launch_app
353 poll_fd - check if data avail.
354 sys_fork_run - fork and execute program
355 sys_pipe_capture - launch program and capture its stdout
356 sys_pipe_feed - launch program and pipe to it's STDIN
357 sys_run_die - launches executable then dies
358 sys_run_wait - execute program and wait for completiion
359 sys_shell - launches local shell
360 sys_shell_alt - launches local shell in alternate window
361 sys_shell_cmd - launches local shell
362 sys_shell_plus - execute shell and restore terminal state
363 sys_win_alt - switches to Vt100 alt windows
364 sys_win_normal - selects normal Vt100 windows
365 sys_wrap - wrap around an executable and capture in/out
366 sys_wrap_plus - wrap around an executable and capture in/out
367 sys_wrap_shell - launches command in wrapped shell
368 wait_event - poll fd input/output status
369 wait_pid - wait for a process to change state

-- syscall --
370 sys__llseek - kernel function
371 sys__newselect - kernel function
372 sys__sysctl - kernel function
373 sys_access - kernel function
374 sys_acct - kernel function
375 sys_add_key - kernel function
376 sys_adjtimex - kernel function
377 sys_afs_syscall - kernel function
378 sys_alarm - kernel function
379 sys_bdflush - kernel function
380 sys_break - kernel function
381 sys_brk - kernel function
382 sys_capget - kernel function
383 sys_capset - kernel function
384 sys_chdir - kernel function
385 sys_chmod - kernel function
386 sys_chown - kernel function
387 sys_chown32 - kernel function
388 sys_chroot - kernel function
389 sys_clone - kernel function
390 sys_close - kernel function
391 sys_creat - kernel function
392 sys_create_module - kernel function
393 sys_delete_module - kernel function
394 sys_dup - kernel function
395 sys_dup2 - kernel function
396 sys_epoll_create - kernel function
397 sys_epoll_ctl - kernel function
398 sys_epoll_wait - kernel function
399 sys_execve - kernel function
400 sys_exit - kernel function
401 sys_exit_group - kernel function
402 sys_faccessat - kernel function
403 sys_fadvise64 - kernel function
404 sys_fadvise64_64 - kernel function
405 sys_fchdir - kernel function
406 sys_fchmod - kernel function
407 sys_fchmodat - kernel function
408 sys_fchown - kernel function
409 sys_fchown32 - kernel function
410 sys_fchownat - kernel function
411 sys_fcntl - kernel function
412 sys_fcntl64 - kernel function
413 sys_fdatasync - kernel function
414 sys_fgetxattr - kernel function
415 sys_flistxattr - kernel function
416 sys_flock - kernel function
417 sys_fork - kernel function
418 sys_fremovexattr - kernel function
419 sys_fsetxattr - kernel function
420 sys_fstat - kernel function
421 sys_fstat64 - kernel function
422 sys_fstatat64 - kernel function
423 sys_fstatfs - kernel function
424 sys_fstatfs64 - kernel function
425 sys_fsync - kernel function
426 sys_ftime - kernel function
427 sys_ftruncate - kernel function
428 sys_ftruncate64 - kernel function
429 sys_futex - kernel function
430 sys_futimesat - kernel function
431 sys_get_kernel_syms - kernel function
432 sys_get_mempolicy - kernel function
433 sys_get_robust_list - kernel function
434 sys_get_thread_area - kernel function
435 sys_getcwd - kernel function
436 sys_getdents - kernel function
437 sys_getdents64 - kernel function
438 sys_getegid - kernel function
439 sys_getegid32 - kernel function
440 sys_geteuid - kernel function
441 sys_geteuid32 - kernel function
442 sys_getgid - kernel function
443 sys_getgid32 - kernel function
444 sys_getgroups - kernel function
445 sys_getgroups32 - kernel function
446 sys_getitimer - kernel function
447 sys_getpgid - kernel function
448 sys_getpgrp - kernel function
449 sys_getpid - kernel function
450 sys_getpmsg - kernel function
451 sys_getppid - kernel function
452 sys_getpriority - kernel function
453 sys_getresgid - kernel function
454 sys_getresgid32 - kernel function
455 sys_getresuid - kernel function
456 sys_getresuid32 - kernel function
457 sys_getrlimit - kernel function
458 sys_getrusage - kernel function
459 sys_getsid - kernel function
460 sys_gettid - kernel function
461 sys_gettimeofday - kernel function
462 sys_getuid - kernel function
463 sys_getuid32 - kernel function
464 sys_getxattr - kernel function
465 sys_gtty - kernel function
466 sys_idle - kernel function
467 sys_init_module - kernel function
468 sys_inotify_add_watch - kernel function
469 sys_inotify_init - kernel function
470 sys_inotify_rm_watch - kernel function
471 sys_io_cancel - kernel function
472 sys_io_destroy - kernel function
473 sys_io_getevents - kernel function
474 sys_io_setup - kernel function
475 sys_io_submit - kernel function
476 sys_ioctl - kernel function
477 sys_ioperm - kernel function
478 sys_iopl - kernel function
479 sys_ioprio_get - kernel function
480 sys_ioprio_set - kernel function
481 sys_ipc - kernel function
482 sys_kexec_load - kernel function
483 sys_keyctl - kernel function
484 sys_kill - kernel function
485 sys_lchown - kernel function
486 sys_lchown32 - kernel function
487 sys_lgetxattr - kernel function
488 sys_link - kernel function
489 sys_linkat - kernel function
490 sys_listxattr - kernel function
491 sys_llistxattr - kernel function
492 sys_lock - kernel function
493 sys_lookup_dcookie - kernel function
494 sys_lremovexattr - kernel function
495 sys_lseek - kernel function
496 sys_lsetxattr - kernel function
497 sys_lstat - kernel function
498 sys_lstat64 - kernel function
499 sys_madvise - kernel function
500 sys_madvise1 - kernel function
501 sys_mbind - kernel function
502 sys_migrate_pages - kernel function
503 sys_mincore - kernel function
504 sys_mkdir - kernel function
505 sys_mkdirat - kernel function
506 sys_mknod - kernel function
507 sys_mknodat - kernel function
508 sys_mlock - kernel function
509 sys_mlockall - kernel function
510 sys_mmap - kernel function
511 sys_mmap2 - kernel function
512 sys_modify_ldt - kernel function
513 sys_mount - kernel function
514 sys_move_pages - kernel function
515 sys_mprotect - kernel function
516 sys_mpx - kernel function
517 sys_mq_open - kernel function
518 sys_mremap - kernel function
519 sys_msync - kernel function
520 sys_munlock - kernel function
521 sys_munlockall - kernel function
522 sys_munmap - kernel function
523 sys_nanosleep - kernel function
524 sys_nfsservctl - kernel function
525 sys_nice - kernel function
526 sys_oldfstat - kernel function
527 sys_oldlstat - kernel function
528 sys_oldolduname - kernel function
529 sys_oldstat - kernel function
530 sys_olduname - kernel function
531 sys_open - kernel function
532 sys_openat - kernel function
533 sys_pause - kernel function
534 sys_personality - kernel function
535 sys_pipe - kernel function
536 sys_pivot_root - kernel function
537 sys_poll - kernel function
538 sys_ppoll - kernel function
539 sys_prctl - kernel function
540 sys_pread64 - kernel function
541 sys_prof - kernel function
542 sys_profil - kernel function
543 sys_pselect6 - kernel function
544 sys_ptrace - kernel function
545 sys_putpmsg - kernel function
546 sys_pwrite64 - kernel function
547 sys_query_module - kernel function
548 sys_quotactl - kernel function
549 sys_read - kernel function
550 sys_readahead - kernel function
551 sys_readdir - kernel function
552 sys_readlink - kernel function
553 sys_readlinkat - kernel function
554 sys_readv - kernel function
555 sys_reboot - kernel function
556 sys_remap_file_pages - kernel function
557 sys_removexattr - kernel function
558 sys_rename - kernel function
559 sys_renameat - kernel function
560 sys_request_key - kernel function
561 sys_restart_syscall - kernel function
562 sys_rmdir - kernel function
563 sys_rt_sigaction - kernel function
564 sys_rt_sigpending - kernel function
565 sys_rt_sigprocmask - kernel function
566 sys_rt_sigqueueinfo - kernel function
567 sys_rt_sigreturn - kernel function
568 sys_rt_sigsuspend - kernel function
569 sys_rt_sigtimedwait - kernel function
570 sys_sched_get_priority_min - kernel function
571 sys_sched_get_priority_max - kernel function
572 sys_sched_getaffinity - kernel function
573 sys_sched_getparam - kernel function
574 sys_sched_getscheduler - kernel function
575 sys_sched_rr_get_interval - kernel function
576 sys_sched_setaffinity - kernel function
577 sys_sched_setparam - kernel function
578 sys_sched_setscheduler - kernel function
579 sys_sched_yield - kernel function
580 sys_select - kernel function
581 sys_sendfile - kernel function
582 sys_sendfile64 - kernel function
583 sys_set_mempolicy - kernel function
584 sys_set_robust_list - kernel function
585 sys_set_thread_area - kernel function
586 sys_set_tid_address - kernel function
587 sys_setdomainname - kernel function
588 sys_setfsgid - kernel function
589 sys_setfsgid32 - kernel function
590 sys_setfsuid - kernel function
591 sys_setfsuid32 - kernel function
592 sys_setgid - kernel function
593 sys_setgid32 - kernel function
594 sys_setgroups - kernel function
595 sys_setgroups32 - kernel function
596 sys_sethostname - kernel function
597 sys_setitimer - kernel function
598 sys_setpgid - kernel function
599 sys_setpriority - kernel function
600 sys_setregid - kernel function
601 sys_setregid32 - kernel function
602 sys_setresgid - kernel function
603 sys_setresgid32 - kernel function
604 sys_setresuid - kernel function
605 sys_setresuid32 - kernel function
606 sys_setreuid - kernel function
607 sys_setreuid32 - kernel function
608 sys_setrlimit - kernel function
609 sys_setsid - kernel function
610 sys_settimeofday - kernel function
611 sys_setuid - kernel function
612 sys_setuid32 - kernel function
613 sys_setxattr - kernel function
614 sys_sgetmask - kernel function
615 sys_sigaction - kernel function
616 sys_sigaltstack - kernel function
617 sys_signal - kernel function
618 sys_sigpending - kernel function
619 sys_sigprocmask - kernel function
620 sys_sigreturn - kernel function
621 sys_sigsuspend - kernel function
622 sys_socketcall - kernel function
623 sys_splice - kernel function
624 sys_ssetmask - kernel function
625 sys_stat - kernel function
626 sys_stat64 - kernel function
627 sys_statfs - kernel function
628 sys_statfs64 - kernel function
629 sys_stime - kernel function
630 sys_stty - kernel function
631 sys_swapoff - kernel function
632 sys_swapon - kernel function
633 sys_symlink - kernel function
634 sys_symlinkat - kernel function
635 sys_sync - kernel function
636 sys_sync_file_range - kernel function
637 sys_sysfs - kernel function
638 sys_sysinfo - kernel function
639 sys_syslog - kernel function
640 sys_tee - kernel function
641 sys_tgkill - kernel function
642 sys_time - kernel function
643 sys_timer_create - kernel function
644 sys_times - kernel function
645 sys_tkill - kernel function
646 sys_truncate - kernel function
647 sys_truncate64 - kernel function
648 sys_ugetrlimit - kernel function
649 sys_ulimit - kernel function
650 sys_umask - kernel function
651 sys_umount - kernel function
652 sys_umount2 - kernel function
653 sys_uname - kernel function
654 sys_unlink - kernel function
655 sys_unlinkat - kernel function
656 sys_unshare - kernel function
657 sys_uselib - kernel function
658 sys_ustat - kernel function
659 sys_utime - kernel function
660 sys_utimes - kernel function
661 sys_vfork - kernel function
662 sys_vhangup - kernel function
663 sys_vm86 - kernel function
664 sys_vm86old - kernel function
665 sys_vmsplice - kernel function
666 sys_vserver - kernel function
667 sys_wait4 - kernel function
668 sys_waitid - kernel function
669 sys_waitpid - kernel function
670 sys_write - kernel function
671 sys_writev - kernel function

-- terminal --
672 alt_screen - switch to alt terminal screen
673 get_string - get string in scrolled window line
674 get_text - get string in scrolled window line
675 is_raw_term - check if stdin is in raw mode
676 key_flush - remove keys from stdin
677 key_mouse1 - flush and read one key string or mouse click
678 key_poll - check if key avail.
679 key_string1 - get string (preloaded string in buffer)
680 key_string2 - get string (no preloaded string displayed)
681 mouse_check - reformat keyboard data if mouse click info
682 mouse_enable - enable mouse on x terminals
683 normal_screen - switch to normal terminal screen
684 output_term_info_0 - output stdin window size and settings
685 output_term_info_x - output terminal structure "termios"
686 output_termios_0 - output stdin terminal structure "termios"
687 output_termios_x - output terminal structure "termios"
688 output_winsize_0 - output stdin window size
689 output_winsize_x - output terminal structure "termios"
690 raw_set1 - switch stdin to raw mode
691 raw_set2 - switch stdin to raw mode
692 raw_unset1 - restore termios saved with raw_set1
693 raw_unset2 - restore termios saved with raw_set2
694 read_one_byte - read one byte from stdin
695 read_stdin - read one key string or mouse click
696 read_term_info_0 - save stdin window size and settings
697 read_term_info__x - save terminal structure "termios"
698 read_termios_0 - save stdin terminal structure "termios"
699 read_termios_x - save terminal structure "termios"
700 read_window_size - set global window size info
701 read_winsize_0 - save stdin window size
702 read_winsize_x - read (fd) window size
703 restore_alt_cursor - restore cursor for alt window
704 restore_cursor_from - restore cursor position
705 restore_norm_cursor - restore cursor for normal window
706 save_alt_cursor - save cursor and assume alt window active
707 save_cursor_at - save cursor position
708 save_norm_cursor - save cursor and assume normal window active
709 scroll_region - set scroll limits for terminal
710 set_screen_size - set scroll limits for terminal
711 stdout_str - display asciiz string at cursor position
712 terminal_report - get report using screen codes
713 terminal_type - check if console or xterm
714 terminfo_decode_setup - setup to decode keyboard keys

-- terminfo --
715 terminfo_extract_flag - get boolean from terminfo
716 terminfo_extract_key - get value from terminfo
717 terminfo_extract_number - get value from terminfo
718 terminfo_key_decode1 - decode non-aplha key strings and get process
719 terminfo_key_decode2 - decode key strings and get process
720 terminfo_read - search for terminfo and read into memory

-- timer --
721 timer_create - create posix timer
722 timer_delete - delete posix timer
723 timer_getoverrun - get timer overrun count
724 timer_gettime - get timer state
725 timer_settime - arm a dynamic timer

-- trace --
726 dis_one - disassemble one instruction
727 trace_attach - attach to a running process
728 trace_continue - restart a stopped process or send signal
729 trace_detach - detach from a process
730 trace_fregsget - get registers of traced process
731 trace_fregsset - set registers of traced process
732 trace_fxregsget - get registers of traced process
733 trace_fxregsset - set registers of traced process
734 trace_kill - kill a process being traced
735 trace_peek - get data from traced process memory
736 trace_peek_bytes - get string from traced process memory
737 trace_poke - store data into traced process menory
738 trace_poke_bytes - store string into traced process
739 trace_regsget - get registers of traced process
740 trace_regsset - set registers of traced process
741 trace_step - continue execution for one instruction
742 trace_syscall - continue execution till system call
743 trace_upeek - get data from kernel(user) memory
744 trace_upeek_bytes - get string from kernel memory
745 trace_upoke - store data into kernel menory
746 trace_upoke_bytes - store string into kernel memory
747 trace_wait - wait for any child to stop
748 traceme - enable trace for this process

-- widget --
749 browse_dir - display and traverse directories
750 browse_dir_left - browse directories in left half of display
751 browse_dir_right - browse directories in right half of display
752 dir_browse - display and traverse directories
753 dir_browse_left - browse directories in left half of display
754 dir_browse_right - browse directories in right half of display
755 edit_file_in_box - edit small file inside box
756 edit_text_in_box - edit supplied string in a box
757 form - display and accept user inputs to fill form
758 form2_input - get string data for form
759 form2_show - show form for input of data
760 make_box - display box outline
761 message_box - display message and wait for key press
762 popup_menu - popup menu box and wait for key/click
763 select_1up_list_centered - display select window in center, fit to data size
764 select_1up_list_full - display selection list as full screen window
765 select_1up_list_left - display selection list on left half of screen
766 select_1up_list_right - display selection list on right half of screen
767 select_buffer_line - view a buffer and select line
768 select_file_line - view a buffer and select line
769 select_list_engine - display a list and wait for selection
770 select_list_setup - setup the select list database
771 show_box - display boxed message with optional boarder
772 string_form - get string data for form
773 view_buffer - display,search,scroll text
774 view_file - display,search,scroll text file

-- xterm --
775 screen_size - report screen size in pixels
776 win_deiconify - return window to prevous size
777 win_font - set window font 3,4,5,6 sizes
778 win_iconify - convert window to icon
779 win_lines - resize window to x lines
780 win_lower - lower window to bottom of stack (behind other windows)
781 win_maximize - fill screen with window
782 win_move - move window to pixel location
783 win_posn - report window position in pixels
784 win_raise - raise window to top of stack (make visible)
785 win_refresh - redisplay screen
786 win_resize - resize window to x,y pixels
787 win_restore - return window to prevous size
788 win_size - report window size excluding title
789 win_title - set window title
790 win_txt_resize - resize text area to rows/columns
791 win_txt_size - report window size excluding titlebar

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