AsmIDE - easy to use development enviornment


This package contains a collection of programs which
work together to help with coding in assembler.  The
package provides the following:

 * reference to the world of Linux assembler
 * simple editor
 * debugger
 * compile assistant for assemblers (as,nasm,yasm,fasm)
 * library of over 800 compiled functions


AsmIDE is a collection of packages that are installed
from the main directory called "AsmIDE"  After entering
the directory AsmIDE,  type "make install" as root.  On
some distributons this is done by:

   sudo make install

If sudo is not  active, then enter root by typing "su" first,
then "make install"


AsmIDE can be started with a file name or by just typing:


Once started it will ask for source file name or optionally
browse for existing source file.  The easiest way to proceed
is to enter a new file name, and let AsmIDE generate a
example source file.

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