ALIB40 - DOS library


Compare Functions
COMPARE1 - compare asciiz strings, use case, update registers
COMPARE2 - compare asciiz strings, use case, registers unchanged.
COMPARE3 - compare strings -cx- long, use case, update registers
COMPARE4 - compare strings -cx- long, use case, registers unchanged
COMPARE5 - compare asciiz strings, either case, update registers
COMPARE6 - compare asciiz strings, either case, registers unchanged
COMPARE7 - compare strings -cx- long, either case, registers updated
COMPARE8 - compare strings -cx- long, either case, registers unchanged
COMPARE9 - compares two characters, either case matches
COMPARE_FILES - compares two files
Config Functions
GET_SETUP - read setup file from disk
CHANGE_SETUP - modify setup data in memory
WRITE_SETUP - write setup to disk
SET_LIB_COLORS - set colors to be used by the library
Convert Functions
DWORD_TO_DEC_STR - convert a long integer value to an ASCIIZ string
WORD_TO_DEC_STR - convert an integer value to an ASCIIZ string
WORD_TO_DEC_STRL - convert an integer value to a left justified string
WORD_TO_DEC_CRT - convert word to decimal ascii and display
HEX_STR_TO_BYTE - convert 2 hex ascii characters to 1 hex byte
HEX_STR_TO_WORD - convert 4 hex ascii characters to 2 hex bytes
BYTE_TO_HEX_STR - convert hex byte to two ascii characters
BYTE_TO_HEX_CRT - convert hex byte to ascii and display
WORD_TO_HEX_STR - convert hex word to four ascii characters
WORD_TO_HEX_CRT - hex word to ascii and display it
DWORD_TO_HEX_STR - hex double word to ascii
DWORD_TO_HEX_CRT - hex double word to ascii and display
DWORD_TO_DEC_STRX - convert dword to decimal ascii with formating
DWORD_TO_DEC_CRTX - convert dword to decimal ascii and display
DEC_STR1_TO_WORD - convert unsigned ascii string to binary word
DEC_STR2_TO_WORD - convert unsigned ascii string to binary word
DEC_STR3_TO_WORD - convert signed asciiz string to binary word
DEC_STR4_TO_WORD - convert signed ascii string to binary word
DEC_STR1_TO_DWORD - convert unsigned ascii string to binary DWORD
DEC_STR2_TO_DWORD - convert unsigned ascii string to binary DWORD
DEC_STR3_TO_DWORD - convert signed asciiz string to binary DWORD
DEC_STR4_TO_DWORD - convert signed ascii string to DWORD
SBYTE_TO_DEC_STDOUT - display short byte as decimal to stdout
SBYTE_TO_DEC_STR - store short byte as decimal to memory
BYTE_TO_DEC_STDOUT - display short byte as decimal to stdout
BYTE_TO_DEC_STR - store short byte as decimal to memory
WORD_TO_DEC_STDOUT - display byte as decimal to stdout
DWORD_TO_DEC_STDOUT - display dword as decimal to stdout
DWORD_TO_HEX_STDOUT - display byte as decimal to stdout
WORD_TO_HEX_STDOUT - display word as decimal to stdout
BYTE_TO_HEX_STDOUT - display byte as decimal to stdout
DEC_STRZ_TO_DWORD - convert numeric asciiz string to double word value
DEC_STR_TO_DWORD - convert string to double word
DEC_STR_TO_WORD - convert unsigned ascii string to binary word
CRT (display) Functions
PUT_CRT_CHR - display single character
GET_CRT_CHR - read character and attribute from text screen
REPEAT_PUT_CRT - displays a single char CX times.
PUT_CRT_BLK - copies a string to video memory buffer, with selected
VERTICAL_REPEAT_CHR - repeat one or more columns of a character vertically
TABULAR_DRAW - Subroutine to draw using a table tabular_draw
CLEAR_SCREEN - fill screen with specified character and color
DISPLAY_STRING - print string directly to video buffer.
DISPLAY_TEXT - print string directly to video buffer.
DISPLAY_STRING_FILL - display string to screen at specified position.
DISPLAY_STRING_LIST - display a list of strings
CLEAR_WINDOW - fill area of screen
DRAW_BOX - draw a box on screen
WINDOW_STRING - display string in window.
BOX_RIGHT - move box parameters right
BOX_LEFT - move box parameters left
BOX_DOWN - move box parameters down one position
BOX_EXPAND - expand box one position in all directions
BOX_SHRINK - shrink box parameters one position in all directions
GET_ANSI_COLOR - get color attribute used by ANSI driver.
CURSOR_ - Move cursor and set size to standard underscore.
SHOW_CURSOR - move cursor to (row, col) and update cursor shape
HIDE_CURSOR - make hardware cursor invisible at present location
BLINK_ON: enable blinking attriutes
BLINK_OFF: disable blinking attriutes
save_window - save area of display in memory buffer
restore_window - restore a previously saved area of display
DISK_TO_CRT - loads a screen image file saved by CRT_TO_DISK
CRT_TO_DISK - saves a screen image as a file
Database Functions
DBASE_INIT - open and initialize an existing or new database
DBASE_READ - read specific record from the database.
dbase_read_next - read next sequential record.
dbase_read_prev - read previous record. (write operations do not affect)
dbase_append - append this record to end of databse
dbase_insert - insert this record before specific record
dbase_replace - replace data for a specific record
DBASE_REMOVE - delete specific record
dbase_close - close & write any pending data to file
DBASE_KILL - delete dbase file
FD_INIT - open and initialize an existing or new database
FD_READ - read specific record from the database.
FD_READ_NEXT - read next sequential record.
FD_READ_PREV - read previous record. (write operations do not affect)
FD_APPEND - append this record to end of databse
FD_REPLACE - replace data for a specific record
FD_REMOVE - delete specific record
FD_CLOSE - close & write any pending data to file
FD_KILL - delete dbase file
Disk and File Functions
FILE_COPY - copy a file
FILE_SIZE1 - find an open file's size
FILE_SIZE2 - find a closed file's size
FILE_COUNT - counts the number of files matching an ASCIIZ filespec string.
FILE_FLUSH - flushes the DOS output buffer for specified handle
DiskRead_open - open disk file for buffer Read
DiskRead_block - open disk file for buffer Read
DiskRead_close - close disk file used for Read
FileChar_open - open disk file for buffer Read
FileChar_read - read next char
FileChar_close - close disk file used for Read
FILE_EXIST - determines if a file exists and can be opened
EXPAND_FILENAME - Expand a file string to the full path including drive.
DECODE_FILENAME - return pointers to major portions of file name
FIND_HOME_PATH - find the full path and filename of the executing program
GET_PATH - search enviornment for start of path information string
CHANGE_PATH - switch to new directory, but save current path first
RESTORE_PATH - switch to directory saved by CHANGE_PATH
walk_path - compress data block
DiskWrite_open - open disk file for buffer write
DiskWrite_buffer - open disk file for buffer write
DiskWrite_close - close disk file used for buffer write
INSERT_HOME_PATH - find the full path and filename of the executing program
Error Handlers
LIB_ERROR_HANDLER1 - handle pre defined library errors
ERROR_HANDLER1 - handle fatal errors
error_prime - setup error handler with additional error information
ERROR_TABLE_HANDLER1 - handle errors described in table provided by programmer
ERROR_FILE_HANDLER1 - handle errors described in file provided by programmer
LIB_ERROR_HANDLER2 - handle pre defined library errors
ERROR_HANDLER2 - handle fatal errors
ERROR_PRIME2 - setup error handler with additional error information
ERROR_TABLE_HANDLER2 - handle errors described in table provided by programmer
Floating Point Emulation
FLOAT_OPEN - open the floating point module & hardware for use
FLOAT_CLOSE - release the memory allocated by FLOAT_OPEN
BINARY_IN - input a value to the floating point module
BINARY_OUT - get a binary value from the floating point module
FMOVE - move a floating value from one token to another
F_SUBTRACT - subtract two floating numbers
F_ADDITION - add two floating numbers
F_COMP - compare two floating point numbers
F_MULTIPLY - multiply two tokens
F_DIVIDE - divide one floating number by another
ROUND - round floating number to nearest 1/100
TEXT_OUT - convert floating value to text string
TEXT_IN - convert a text string to floating point and assign token
FLOAT_SET - signal the presense of floating point hardware
Math (fixed point) Functions
dmul_10_plus - multiply times ten and add update value
dword_negate - negate dword in dx,ax
dword_divide - divide dword values
dword_add - add dword values
dword_sub - subtract dword values
dword_mul - multiply dword values
dword_crc - compute 32 bit crc
word_sqroot -
DWORD_COMPARE - unsigned 32 bit number compare
QUAD_DIVIDE - divide quad value by dword
QUAD_MULTIPLY1 - multiply two dwords
QUAD_MULTIPLY2 - multiply two 32 bit unsigned numbers
BLOCK_ADD Add two values in memory
BLOCK_NEGATE - negate block in memory
BLOCK_SUBTRACT - subtract two data blocks in memory
BLOCK_DIVIDE - divide two variable blocks in memory
BLOCK_MULTIPLY - multiply of two block in memory
WORD_CRC1 - undate CRC word sum for next byte
WORD_CRC2 - fast 16bit CRC for a buffer of data
Memory Functions
MEM_OPEN - interrogate memory and setup database.
MEM_ALLOCATE - allocate a block of memory.
MEM_PUT - write to allocated memory area.
MEM_GET - read from allocated memory area.
MEM_RELEASE - release allocated memory block.
MEM_CLOSE - close memory handler.
DOS_MEM_ALLOCATE - allocate dos memory for direct writes
DOS_MEM_RELEASE - release memory allocated with DOS_MEM_ALLOCATE
CHECK_FOR_EMS: detects EMS driver
CMOS_TYPE - check cmos type
CMOS_CHECKSUM - checksum a block of cmos memory
CMOS_READ_BYTE - read one char from cmos memory
CMOS_READ_WORD - read one word from cmos memory
CMOS_READ_BLOCK - read block of data from cmos memory
CMOS_WRITE_BYTE - write one char to cmos memory
CMOS_WRITE_WORD - write one word to cmos memory
CMOS_WRITE_BLOCK - write block of data to cmos memory
MCB_FIND_FIRST - scan for start of MCB chain
MCB_FIND_NEXT - scan for next MCB entry
MCB_CHECK_NAME - compare current MCB name against list of names
MCB_FIND_NAME - scan current mcb to see if name is present
MCB_DISPLAY_NAME - display program name if associated with current mcb
CHECK_DOS_MEMORY - check DOS memory size and amount available
XMS_CHECK - check XMS memory size and amount available
XMS_UMB_CHECK - check if UMB area allocated by XMS driver
XMS_ALLOCATE - allocate xms memory
XMS_READ - read XMS memory block
XMS_WRITE - write block of data to XMS memory
XMS_RELEASE - release current XMS memory block
EMS_CHECK - check if EMS memory is present
EMS_ALLOCATE - allocate EMS memory
EMS_PAGE - request page of ems memory
EMS_RELEASE - release allocated ems memory
EXT_CHECK - check if EXT memory is present
EXT_READ - read block of ext memory
EXT_WRITE - write to EXT memory
Misc Functions
bit_count - count the number of bits in -al-
REGISTER_DUMP - unsigned 32 bit number compare
STACK_DUMP - unsigned 32 bit number compare
A20_CHECK - check if A20 line is active
A20_WRAP_OFF - check if A20 line is active
A20_WRAP_ON - check if A20 line is active
SEG_TO_ABS - convert segment:offset to absolute address
Mouse/Keyboard Functions
IS_ALPHA - check if key returned by KEY_READ is a letter from A-Z or a-z.
IS_DIGIT - check if key returned by KEY_READ is the ASCII from 0-9
IS_LOWER - check if key returned by KEY_READ is lower case
IS_UPPER - check if key returned by KEY_READ is upper case
TO_UPPER - converts ascii character to upper case
TO_LOWER - converts ascii character lower case
CAPS_ON - Turn the keyboard CAPS LOCK key on
NUMLOCK_ON - Turn the keyboard NUM LOCK key on
SCROLL_ON - Turn the keyboard SCROLL LOCK key on
INSERT_OFF - Turn the keyboard INS key off
CAPS_OFF - Turn the keyboard CAPS LOCK key off
NUMLOCK_OFF - Turn the keyboard NUM LOCK key off
SCROLL_OFF - Turn the keyboard SCROLL LOCK key off
YES_OR_NO - wait for yes or no user response
FLUSH_KEYBOARD - clears the keyboard's 'type-ahead' buffer
KEY_CHECK - check if a key is waiting in the keyboard buffer.
KEY_READ - returns next key pressed
KEY_PUT - put key back into BIOS buffer
KEY_IF_READY - get next key waiting from keyboard
SETUP_MOUSE - initializes mouse driver if mouse present
MOUSE_PARMS - determine mouse position & buttons pressed
KEY_OR_MOUSE - waits for first keypress or mouse button click
MOVE_MOUSE - sets the mouse's position
BOX_THE_MOUSE - limits mouse's range of motion
MOUSE_CURSOR_ON - Enable the mouse cursor display
MOUSE_CURSOR_OFF - Disable the mouse cursor display
GET_STRING - read string from the keyboard.
KEY_DECODE - scan for special keys, determine key type and process flags.
QGET_STRING - Quick call to get string & return when done
WINDOW_EDIT - edit text within window
WINDOW_CSTRING - display text with hyper formating
IS_TEXT - check if key returned by KEY_READ is 20H-7EH or tab
is_stdout_console - check if stdout redirected to file.
Message Window
message - boxed message display
QMESSAGE - Quick message display in box & wait for keypress (msg in file)
QWARN - Quick message display in box & wait for keypress (msg in mem)
Parse Functions
PARSE_FIRST - parse first arguement from command line
PARSE_NEXT - parse next command line parameter
Menu Functions
MENU_SYSTEM - Menu bar display and decode of user selection
key_mouse_wait - wait for key or mouse input
get_menu_cursor - return current cursor position
set_menu_cursor - return current cursor position
QMENU_SYSTEM - Quick pulldown menu bar
Random Number Functions
random_word1 - generate random word value, using method 1
RANDOM_WORD2 - generate random word value, using method 2
random_byte1 - generate random number
RANDOM_DWORD1 - generate random dword value
RANDOM_WORD3 - generate random word value, using method 3
RANDOM_WORD4 - generate random word value, method 4
RANDOM_WORD4_SCALED - Generates a random number within a specific range
RANDOM_WORD5 - generate random word value, method 5
RANDOM_SEED - get low clock value for us as random number
SCALE_WORD - scale a word value to be within specified range
Search Functions
SCAN_BLOCK_TINY1 - scan sequential buffers for string, case match
SCAN_BLOCK_TINY2 - scan sequential buffers for string, matching either case
SCAN_BLOCK1 - scan sequential buffers for string, match case
SCAN_BLOCK2 - scan sequential buffers for string, match either case
SCAN_BLOCK_FOPEN - initialize fast scan of sequential buffers
SCAN_BLOCK_FCLOSE - terminate fast scan sequential buffers
SCAN_BLOCK_FAST - fast scan of sequential buffers for string
SCAN_CHAR1 - scan asciiz buffer for character, case match
SCAN_CHAR2 - scan asciiz buffer for character, match either case
SCAN_CHAR3 - scan buffer for character, case match
SCAN_CHAR4 - scan buffer for character, match either case
SCAN_LAST_CHAR1 - scan asciiz string for last match, case match
SCAN_LAST_CHAR2 - scan asciiz buffer for last occurance of character
SCAN_LAST_CHAR3 - scan buffer for last char match, case match
SCAN_LAST_CHAR4 - scan buffer for last char match, match either case
SCAN_LAST_STR1 - find last match of string in buffer, case match
LAST_CHAR - find the last byte in a string matching register AL
LAST_CHARC - find the last byte in n bytes matching AL
BUFFER_SEARCH - search string1 for the first occurance of string2
BUFFER_SEACHC - search a buffer for the first occurance of a string
Compress Functions
shrink - compress data block
expand - expand compressed data back to origional state
compress - compress data block using limpel-ziev algorithm
decompress - decompress data block using limpel-ziev algorithm
Sort functions
buffer sort, allocate memory for index.
file sort, read file into buffers and sort them.
make_index - make index for sort routines
SELECTION_SORT_BUFFER - selection sort of buffer in memory
SELECTION_SORT_FILE - selection sort of file
selection_sort - sort indexed buffer.
selection_sort_arrayw - sort word array (integers)
MERGE_SORT_BUFFER - merge sort of buffer in memory
MERGE_SORT_FILE - merge sort of file
merge_sort - sort indexed buffer.
merge_sort_arrayw - sort array of words.
merge_sort_arrayd - sort array of dwords.
BUBBLE_SORT_BUFFER - bubble sort of buffer in memory
BUBBLE_SORT_FILE - bubble sort of file
bubble_sort - sort indexed buffer.
bubble_sort_arrayw - bubble sort array of words
bubble_sort_arrayd - bubble sort array of dwords
Sound Functions
SOUND_ON - Enable sounds from BEEP and ONE_BEEP
SOUND_OFF - Disable sounds from BEEP and ONE_BEEP
ONE_BEEP - beep once at 200hz for fraction of a second
make_sound - make sound for number of milliseconds.
Stdout Functions
stdout_char - display character to stdout
stdout_string - put string to stdout
stdout_crlf - sends cr/lf to stdout one time
stdout_spaces - put one or more spaces to stdout
stdout_puts - display string to stdout
String Functions
STRLEN1 - finds length of a ASCII string at DS:SI
STRLEN2 - finds length of a ASCII string at DS:DI
STRLEN3 - finds length of a ASCII string at DS:BX
LEGAL_CHAR_CHECK - scan target string for legal characters
ILLEGAL_CHAR_CHECK - scan string for illegal characters
STR_UPPER - changes string to upper case
STR_UPPERC: changes n-length string to upper case
STR_LOWER - changes bytes of a string to lower case
STR_LOWERC - changes n bytes of a string to lower case
STR_CENTER - centers string1 in a string2
STR_LEFT - left-justifies string1 in string2
STR_RIGHT - right-justifies a string1 in string2
STR_CLEANL - remove leading blanks from an ASCIIZ string
STR_CLEANR - removes trailing blanks from string
STR_REMOVE - remove all occurances of a character from string.
STR_CHAR_DEL - deletes a character from a string
STR_CHAR_DELC - deletes a character from a string of n-length
STR_REVERSE - reverses all characters in a string
STR_REVERSEC - reverses n characters in a string
STR_SWAP - swaps portions of two strings
STR_SET - sets all bytes of string to a specified character
STR_SETC - sets n bytes of string to a specified character
STR_JOIN - appends string2 at end of string1
STR_INSERT - inserts string1 in string2 at specified offset.
STR_INSERTC - inserts string1 in string2 at specified offset.
STR_COPY - copy a string to existing buffer
STR_COPYC - copy CX bytes to an existing buffer
System Functions
LIBRARY_SETUP - setup library for use
LIBRARY_TERMINATE - close out library for program exit
FIND_CPU_TYPE - detects cpu type
MATH_HARDWARE - determines if 80x87 math coprocessor is installed
keyboard_setup - determine type of keyboard attached
FIND_MOUSE - determines if a mouse is installed
CHECK_ANSI - check if ANSI active
DISPLAY_INFO - determine display information
DETECTVID - determine display type
FIND_DISPLAY_SEGMENT - scan for current display buffer segment
SPAWN_DOS - execute a second copy DOS
COUNT_FLOP_DRIVES - count the number of floppy disk drives intalled
GET_DRV_TYPE - determine drive type
BREAK_KEY_INTERCEPT - grab keyboard abort keys
BREAK_KEY_RESTORE - release keyboard abort keys
BREAK_CHECK - check if break key pressed
BREAK_CLEAR - clear the break flag
Time and Date Functions
DAYS_TO_DATE - build date for the number of days since Jan 1, 1980.
MONTH_DAYS - return number of days in a month
IS_LEAP - check if leap year
MONTH_TO_ASCII - get ASCII string for specified month
DAY_TO_ASCII - get string for specified day of the week
GET_TIME - Returns the current SYSTEM time.
ASC_TIME - Creates a time string of the form HH:MM Xm.
GET_DATE - Returns the current SYSTEM date and day of the week.
GET_DAY - Returns the day of the week for a given date.
ASC_DATE - Creates a date string of the form MM/DD/YY.
DATE_TO_DAYS - get number of days between Jan 1, 1980 and a date.
START_TIMER - start high resolution timer
read_timer - read high resolution timer
CONVERT_TIMER - convert timer ticks to seconds and microseconds
DISPLAY_TIMER - display timer values to stdout
CALIBRATE_TIMER - calibrate timer
ASC2_TO_DATE - get number of days between Jan 1, 1980 and a date.
ASC2_TO_BIN - get number of days between Jan 1, 1980 and a date.
ASC2_TO_BYTE - convert two ascii digets to binary byte
DATE_TO_ASC2 - DATE (DX,AH,AL) to ascii string
BIN_DATE_TO_ASC2 - binary date to ascii

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