Ainfo - view .info files by wrapping "info" program
Ainfo provides a simple interface to view
.info format files.

usage: ainfo <in-file>
The input file must be in .info format as
recognized by the "info" executable.


source file: ainfo.asm

Ainfo calls the library function sys_wrap to
execute "info" and feed it keystrokes. This
allows the user interface to be modified and
the keyboard redefined.

The arrow keys now move to topics as follows:
UP - move up to topic within page
DOWN - move down to topic within page
RIGHT - enter topic
LEFT - return to previous topic

PGDN - move down within page
PGUP - move up with page
ESC - exit (also "q" exits)

Ainfo is called by AsmMgr to view .info files.

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