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constants-arm.h File Reference
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Data Structures

class  Instruction
class  Registers
struct  Registers::RegisterAlias
class  VFPRegisters




#define USE_BLX   1
#define DECLARE_STATIC_TYPED_ACCESSOR(return_type, Name)


typedef int32_t Instr
typedef uint32_t SRegisterFieldMask


enum  Condition {
  kNoCondition = -1, eq = 0 << 28, ne = 1 << 28, cs = 2 << 28,
  cc = 3 << 28, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28, vs = 6 << 28,
  vc = 7 << 28, hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28,
  lt = 11 << 28, gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, al = 14 << 28,
  kSpecialCondition = 15 << 28, kNumberOfConditions = 16, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  no_condition = -1, overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, below = 2,
  above_equal = 3, equal = 4, not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6,
  above = 7, negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10,
  parity_odd = 11, less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14,
  greater = 15, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, kNoCondition = -1,
  overflow = 0, no_overflow = 1, Uless = 2, Ugreater_equal = 3,
  equal = 4, not_equal = 5, Uless_equal = 6, Ugreater = 7,
  negative = 8, positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11,
  less = 12, greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15,
  cc_always = 16, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  eq = 0 << 28, not_zero = not_equal, ne = 1 << 28, nz = not_equal,
  sign = negative, not_sign = positive, mi = 4 << 28, pl = 5 << 28,
  hi = 8 << 28, ls = 9 << 28, ge = 10 << 28, lt = 11 << 28,
  gt = 12 << 28, le = 13 << 28, hs = cs, lo = cc,
  al = 14 << 28, cc_default = kNoCondition, no_condition = -1, overflow = 0,
  no_overflow = 1, below = 2, above_equal = 3, equal = 4,
  not_equal = 5, below_equal = 6, above = 7, negative = 8,
  positive = 9, parity_even = 10, parity_odd = 11, less = 12,
  greater_equal = 13, less_equal = 14, greater = 15, always = 16,
  never = 17, carry = below, not_carry = above_equal, zero = equal,
  not_zero = not_equal, sign = negative, not_sign = positive, last_condition = greater
enum  Opcode {
  AND = 0 << 21, EOR = 1 << 21, SUB = 2 << 21, RSB = 3 << 21,
  ADD = 4 << 21, ADC = 5 << 21, SBC = 6 << 21, RSC = 7 << 21,
  TST = 8 << 21, TEQ = 9 << 21, CMP = 10 << 21, CMN = 11 << 21,
  ORR = 12 << 21, MOV = 13 << 21, BIC = 14 << 21, MVN = 15 << 21,
  SPECIAL = 0 << kOpcodeShift, REGIMM = 1 << kOpcodeShift, J = ((0 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, JAL = ((0 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift,
  BEQ = ((0 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, BNE = ((0 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, BLEZ = ((0 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, BGTZ = ((0 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift,
  ADDI = ((1 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift, ADDIU = ((1 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, SLTI = ((1 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, SLTIU = ((1 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift,
  ANDI = ((1 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, ORI = ((1 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, XORI = ((1 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, LUI = ((1 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift,
  COP1 = ((2 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, BEQL = ((2 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, BNEL = ((2 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, BLEZL = ((2 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift,
  BGTZL = ((2 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift, SPECIAL2 = ((3 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift, SPECIAL3 = ((3 << 3) + 7) << kOpcodeShift, LB = ((4 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift,
  LH = ((4 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, LWL = ((4 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, LW = ((4 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, LBU = ((4 << 3) + 4) << kOpcodeShift,
  LHU = ((4 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, LWR = ((4 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, SB = ((5 << 3) + 0) << kOpcodeShift, SH = ((5 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift,
  SWL = ((5 << 3) + 2) << kOpcodeShift, SW = ((5 << 3) + 3) << kOpcodeShift, SWR = ((5 << 3) + 6) << kOpcodeShift, LWC1 = ((6 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift,
  LDC1 = ((6 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift, SWC1 = ((7 << 3) + 1) << kOpcodeShift, SDC1 = ((7 << 3) + 5) << kOpcodeShift
enum  MiscInstructionsBits74 {
  BX = 1 << 4, BXJ = 2 << 4, BLX = 3 << 4, BKPT = 7 << 4,
  CLZ = 1 << 4
enum  {
  H = 1 << 5, S6 = 1 << 6, L = 1 << 20, S = 1 << 20,
  W = 1 << 21, A = 1 << 21, B = 1 << 22, N = 1 << 22,
  U = 1 << 23, P = 1 << 24, I = 1 << 25, B4 = 1 << 4,
  B5 = 1 << 5, B6 = 1 << 6, B7 = 1 << 7, B8 = 1 << 8,
  B9 = 1 << 9, B12 = 1 << 12, B16 = 1 << 16, B18 = 1 << 18,
  B19 = 1 << 19, B20 = 1 << 20, B21 = 1 << 21, B22 = 1 << 22,
  B23 = 1 << 23, B24 = 1 << 24, B25 = 1 << 25, B26 = 1 << 26,
  B27 = 1 << 27, B28 = 1 << 28, kCondMask = 15 << 28, kALUMask = 0x6f << 21,
  kRdMask = 15 << 12, kCoprocessorMask = 15 << 8, kOpCodeMask = 15 << 21, kImm24Mask = (1 << 24) - 1,
  kOff12Mask = (1 << 12) - 1
enum  SBit { SetCC = 1 << 20, LeaveCC = 0 << 20 }
enum  SRegister { CPSR = 0 << 22, SPSR = 1 << 22 }
enum  ShiftOp {
  LSL = 0 << 5, LSR = 1 << 5, ASR = 2 << 5, ROR = 3 << 5,
  RRX = -1, kNumberOfShifts = 4
enum  SRegisterField {
  CPSR_c = CPSR | 1 << 16, CPSR_x = CPSR | 1 << 17, CPSR_s = CPSR | 1 << 18, CPSR_f = CPSR | 1 << 19,
  SPSR_c = SPSR | 1 << 16, SPSR_x = SPSR | 1 << 17, SPSR_s = SPSR | 1 << 18, SPSR_f = SPSR | 1 << 19
enum  AddrMode {
  Offset = (8|4|0) << 21, PreIndex = (8|4|1) << 21, PostIndex = (0|4|0) << 21, NegOffset = (8|0|0) << 21,
  NegPreIndex = (8|0|1) << 21, NegPostIndex = (0|0|0) << 21
enum  BlockAddrMode {
  da = (0|0|0) << 21, ia = (0|4|0) << 21, db = (8|0|0) << 21, ib = (8|4|0) << 21,
  da_w = (0|0|1) << 21, ia_w = (0|4|1) << 21, db_w = (8|0|1) << 21, ib_w = (8|4|1) << 21,
  da_x = (0|0|0) << 21, ia_x = (0|4|0) << 21, db_x = (8|0|0) << 21, ib_x = (8|4|0) << 21,
  kBlockAddrModeMask = (8|4|1) << 21
enum  LFlag { Long = 1 << 22, Short = 0 << 22 }
enum  SoftwareInterruptCodes { kCallRtRedirected = 0x10, kBreakpoint = 0x20, kStopCode = 1 << 23, call_rt_redirected = 0xfffff }
enum  VFPRegPrecision { kSinglePrecision = 0, kDoublePrecision = 1 }
enum  VFPConversionMode { kFPSCRRounding = 0, kDefaultRoundToZero = 1 }
enum  VFPRoundingMode {
  RN = 0 << 22, RP = 1 << 22, RM = 2 << 22, RZ = 3 << 22,
  kRoundToNearest = RN, kRoundToPlusInf = RP, kRoundToMinusInf = RM, kRoundToZero = RZ
enum  CheckForInexactConversion { kCheckForInexactConversion, kDontCheckForInexactConversion, kCheckForInexactConversion, kDontCheckForInexactConversion }
enum  Hint { no_hint = 0, no_hint = 0 }


Condition NegateCondition (Condition cond)
Condition ReverseCondition (Condition cond)
Hint NegateHint (Hint ignored)


const int kConstantPoolMarkerMask = 0xffe00000
const int kConstantPoolMarker = 0x0c000000
const int kConstantPoolLengthMask = 0x001ffff
const int kNumRegisters = 16
const int kNumVFPSingleRegisters = 32
const int kNumVFPDoubleRegisters = 16
const int kNumVFPRegisters = kNumVFPSingleRegisters + kNumVFPDoubleRegisters
const int kPCRegister = 15
const int kNoRegister = -1
const uint32_t kStopCodeMask = kStopCode - 1
const uint32_t kMaxStopCode = kStopCode - 1
const int32_t kDefaultStopCode = -1
const uint32_t kVFPExceptionMask = 0xf
const uint32_t kVFPInvalidOpExceptionBit = 1 << 0
const uint32_t kVFPOverflowExceptionBit = 1 << 2
const uint32_t kVFPUnderflowExceptionBit = 1 << 3
const uint32_t kVFPInexactExceptionBit = 1 << 4
const uint32_t kVFPFlushToZeroMask = 1 << 24
const uint32_t kVFPNConditionFlagBit = 1 << 31
const uint32_t kVFPZConditionFlagBit = 1 << 30
const uint32_t kVFPCConditionFlagBit = 1 << 29
const uint32_t kVFPVConditionFlagBit = 1 << 28
const uint32_t kVFPRoundingModeMask = 3 << 22
const Instr kPopInstruction
const Instr kPushRegPattern
const Instr kPopRegPattern
const Instr kLdrRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kStrRegFpOffsetPattern
const Instr kLdrRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kStrRegFpNegOffsetPattern
const Instr kLdrStrInstrTypeMask
const Instr kLdrStrInstrArgumentMask
const Instr kLdrStrOffsetMask

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 69 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 70 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 73 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 523 of file constants-arm.h.

#define DECLARE_STATIC_TYPED_ACCESSOR (   return_type,
static inline return_type Name(Instr instr) { \
char* temp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&instr); \
return reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(temp)->Name(); \

Definition at line 517 of file constants-arm.h.

#define USE_BLX   1

Definition at line 80 of file constants-arm.h.


Definition at line 40 of file constants-arm.h.