Tracex - trace xserver packets for program


tracex <-r> <-t> <-h> file

-r = optinal parameter to only show raw io

-t = truncate all server calls. Only show
two lines of infromation.

-h = help message

file = name of file to trace

Tracex logs xserver packets to a file. The
file name is constructed from name of program
being traced.


Tracex is primarialy for assembly language programmers
and shows xserver communication. In raw mode, a hex
dump of each read/write block is shown. In non-raw
mode the xserver communication packets are identified
and labeled.

All recieved packets are preceeded with a "-" in the
output. The xserver protocall always sends 32 bytes
for the start of a function. If more data is to be
send, it uses a continuation block.

All output to the xserver is shown without the
preceeding "-". Output data can be collected
in a buffer and many packets sent at the same time.
The length of send packets is included with each packet.


tracex only requires one file (the executable tracex). All
output goes to current directory. The output file will
be called xxxxx.tra


Jeff Owens

Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Owens
This program comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY

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