-- keyboard --
1 ascii_to_xkey - ascii code to x key code
2 x_change_keyboard_control - change keyboard state
3 x_edit_key_decode - associate process with key
4 x_get_keyboard_control - get keyboard state
5 x_get_keyboard_mapping - get map file for keyboard
6 x_get_text - get string in scrolled window line
7 x_key_decode - associate process with key
8 x_key_translate - convert event packet to key codes

-- mgr_ctrl --
9 activate_window - focus and show window
10 select_desktop - send desktop select to window manager
11 window_move_resize - window move/resize
12 x_wm_hints - send window size to manager

-- mgr_info --
17 atom_NET_WM_DESKTOP - get atom NET_WM_DESKTOP
18 atom_NET_WM_PID - get atom NET_WM_PID
19 current_desktop - get current desktop from window mgr
20 get_client_list - get list of window manager window id's
21 get_windows_desktop - get desktop# for window
22 number_of_desktops - get number of desktops from window mgr
23 win_associated_pid - get pid (program) for window
24 wm_class - get property wm_class
25 wm_name - get property wm_name

-- mouse --
26 x_mouse_decode - associate process with screen area
27 x_query_pointer - query pointer position

-- server --
28 poll_socket - check if key avail.
29 window_event_decode - wait for events and decode actions
30 window_event_enable - enable window events
31 x_check_event - check if events ready or pending
32 x_connect - connect to x server
33 x_disconnect - disconnect from x server
34 x_flush - send queued events to x server
35 x_interatom - lookup atom code
36 x_list_extension - get list of extensions
37 x_query_extension - check for x server extension
38 x_read_socket - read x server socket
39 x_send_request - send request to x server
40 x_wait_big_reply - wait xx millsecods for big reply
41 x_wait_event - wait forever and read event packet
42 x_wait_reply - wait for xx milliseconds for reply

-- win_color --
43 color_id_lookup - color number to color id
44 color_num_lookup - convert color id to color number
45 window_color - set color number active
46 window_id_color - set color id's active
47 x_allocate_named_color - ask for color id
48 x_change_gc_colors - set active colors for window

-- win_ctrl --
49 window_clear - clear window
50 window_clear_area - clear with window color
51 window_create - create x window
52 window_kill - destroy window
53 window_lower - move window to bottom of stack
54 window_name - set window name and title
55 window_pre - setup for window_create
56 window_raise - raise window to top
57 x_change_attributes - change a window attribute
58 x_configure_window - get list of windows
59 x_create_gc - create graphic context
60 x_create_window - create window within server
61 x_destroy_window - destroy window
62 x_freegc - discard window information in server
63 x_map_win - show window
64 x_reparent_window - get list of windows
65 x_replace_string_property - change a window property
66 x_set_input_focus - set input focus

-- win_info --
67 window_find - search for window
68 x_get_geometry - get window geometry
69 x_get_input_focus - get focus
70 x_get_property - get property status
71 x_get_selection_owner - get selection owner
72 x_get_window_attributes - get window attributes
73 x_list_properties - get list of atoms (properties)
74 x_query_tree - get list of windows
75 x_translate_coordinates - get abs win location

-- win_text --
76 window_font - set a new window font
77 window_rel_table - display list of items
78 window_rel_table_setup - setup for window_rel_table
79 window_write_line - write line at char address
80 window_write_lines - write lines to area
81 window_write_pline - write line at pixel address
82 window_write_table - display items for text window
83 window_write_table_setup - setup for window_write_table
84 x_change_gc_font - change active font
85 x_get_font_path - get paths used for font search
86 x_list_fonts - list fonts that match pattern
87 x_open_font - look for a named font
88 x_query_font - check current font state
89 x_query_text - get lenght of text string
90 x_write_block - write ascii block to window
91 x_write_string - write a string to window

-- xtest --
92 query_XKEYBOARD - get XKEYBOARD op code
93 query_xtest - get xtest op code
94 send_keys_to_window - send keystrokes to window
95 xtest_click - send input to window
96 xtest_fake_input - send input to window
97 xtest_grab_control - set server "grab" status
98 xtest_move_mouse - move mouse pointer
99 xtest_version - get xtest extension version

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